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struktura bilanc stanja nacionalnih centralnih bank
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(3) Če Svet Evropske centralne banke po začetku tretje faze presodi, da struktura bilanc stanja nacionalnih centralnih bank ne dovoljuje uporabe prejšnjega odstavka, lahko Svet Evropske centralne banke ne glede na prejšnji odstavek s kvalificirano večino odloči, da se za obdobje največ petih let denarni prihodki izračunavajo po drugačni metodi.
If, after the start of the third stage, the balance sheet structures of the national central banks do not, in the judgment of the Governing Council, permit the application of paragraph 2, the Governing Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide that, by way of derogation from paragraph 2, monetary income shall be measured according to an alternative method for a period of not more than five years.
2 Končna redakcija
Če Svet ECB po začetku tretje faze presodi, da struktura bilanc stanja nacionalnih centralnih bank ne dovoljuje uporabe člena 32.2, lahko Svet ECB z odstopanjem od člena 32.2 s kvalificirano večino sklene, da se za obdobje največ petih let denarni prihodki izračunavajo po drugačni metodi.
If, after the start of the third stage, the balance sheet structures of the national central banks do not, in the judgment of the Governing Council, permit the application of Article 32.2, the Governing Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide that, by way of derogation from Article 32.2, monetary income shall be measured according to an alternative method for a period of not more than five years.
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struktura bilanc stanja nacionalnih centralnih bank