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strukturna premija
1 Končna redakcija
darstva v regiji, opredeljeni v členih 3 in 6 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999 o splošnih določbah o strukturnih skladih, se prvih 24,15 EUR na žival te dodatne premije financira iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjeva lnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS).
In respect of holdings located in a region as defined in Articles 3 and 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds(16), the first EUR 24,15 per animal of this additional premium shall be financed by the Guarantee Section of the European Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0718
V okviru takih ukrepov strukturnih izboljšav lastniki plovil iz člena 2(1), ki razrežejo plovilo, to pomeni tisti, ki popolnoma razstavijo trup ladje ali pri remorkerju uničijo trup ladje in motor, lahko prejmejo od sklada, ki je do takrat pokrival plovilo, premijo za razrez v višini, ki jo določi Komisija pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 7, če so na voljo finančna sredstva.
Under such structural improvement measures owners of vessels referred to in Article 2(1) who scrap a vessel, i.e. who have the hull of the vessel broken up totally or, in the case of pusher craft, destroy the hull and the engine, may receive a scrapping premium at the rate set by the Commission under the conditions laid down in Article 7 from the Fund covering the vessel insofar as the financial resources are available.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0751
Zato je za leto 2004 ustrezno odstopanje od tistih določb Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2808/98 z dne 22. decembra 1998 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo kmetijsko-monetarnega sistema za evro v kmetijstvu [1], Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2342/1999 z dne 28. oktobra 1999 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1254/1999 o skupni tržni ureditvi za goveje in telečje meso glede programov premij [2] in Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2550/2001 z dne 21. decembra 2001 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2529/2001 o skupni ureditvi trga za ovčje in kozje meso v zvezi s shemami premij in o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2419/2001 [3], ki zadevajo devizni tečaj na področju govejega in telečjega mesa, ovčjega in kozjega mesa in energetskih rastlin ter strukturnih in okoljskih ukrepov.
It is therefore appropriate to derogate for 2004 from those provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2808/98 of 22 December 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture(1), Commission Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999 of 28 October 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal as regards premium schemes(2), and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2550/2001 of 21 December 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 on the common organisation of the market in sheepmeat and goat meat as regards premium schemes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2419/2001(3) which concern the exchange rate in the beef and veal, sheepmeat and goat meat and energy crop sectors and for structural and environmental measures.
4 Pravna redakcija
ker specifične strukturne omejitve na področju proizvodnje škroba zahtevajo določitev premije za proizvodnjo krompirjevega škroba do višine kvote nekega podjetja;
Whereas specific structural constraints on the starch production sector make it necessary to establish a premium for the production of potato starch up to the level of an undertaking's quota;
5 Pravna redakcija
Premije ali državna pomoč, ki je bila dodeljena v skladu s tem ukrepom, se ne sme združevati z drugo premijo ali državno pomočjo z enakim namenom, zlasti ne s tisto, ki se dodeli v okviru strukturnih skladov v zadevnih državah članicah.
Premiums or public aid granted under this action may not be cumulated with another premium or public aid having the same purpose, and in particular that granted, in the context of the Structural Funds, in the Member States concerned.
6 Pravna redakcija
Ta premija je v skladu s pomočjo iz naslova III Uredbe (EGS) št. 3763/91( fn ), naslova II Uredbe (EGS) št. 1600/92( fn ) in naslova III Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92( fn ) ter s strukturno pomočjo iz Uredb (EGS) št. 2152/88( fn ) in (EGS) št. 4253/88( fn ).
This premium shall be compatible with the granting of aid under Title III of Regulation (EEC) No 3763/91 (1), Title II of Regulation (EEC) No 1600/92 (2) and Title III of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 (3) and with the granting of structural assistance under Regulations (EEC) No 2052/88 (4) and (EEC) No 4253/88 (5).
7 Pravna redakcija
zneske strukturne in okoljske narave iz člena 5 Uredbe (ES) št. 2799/98,- maksimalni znesek na hektar pomoči za trženje v sektorju za oreške in rožiče, ki je določen v členu 2 Uredbe (EGS) št. 790/89,- premije in plačila na področju ovčjega mesa iz členov 4, 5 in 11 Uredbe (ES) št. 2529/2001,se določijo v Prilogi I.Ta razmerja veljajo tudi za premije na področju govejega in telečjega mesa iz Uredbe (ES) št. 1254/1999.
the amounts of a structural or environmental nature referred to in Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 2799/98,- the maximum amount per hectare of the marketing aid in the nut and locust bean sector fixed in Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 790/89,- the premiums and payments in the sheepmeat sector referred to in Articles 4, 5 and 11 of Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001,shall be as set out in Annex I.Those rates shall also apply to the premiums in the beef and veal sector referred to in Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999.
8 Pravna redakcija
Za gospodarstva v regiji, opredeljeni v členih 3 in 6 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999 o splošnih določbah o strukturnih skladih fn, se prvih 24,15 EUR na žival te dodatne premije financira iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS).
In respect of holdings located in a region as defined in Articles 3 and 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds (2), the first EUR 24,15 per animal of this additional premium shall be financed by the Guarantee Section of the European Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1782
Za kmetijska gospodarstva v regiji, kot je opredeljena v členih 3 in 6 Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1260/1999 z dne 21. junija 1999 o splošnih določbah o strukturnih skladih fn, se prvih 24,15 evrov na žival te dodatne premije financira iz Jamstvenega oddelka Evropskega kmetijskega usmerjevalnega in jamstvenega sklada (EKUJS).
In respect of holdings located in a region as defined in Articles 3 and 6 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 of 21 June 1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds(36), the first EUR 24,15 per animal of this additional premium shall be financed by the Guarantee Section of the European Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
10 Pravna redakcija
V praksi se stanje lahko pojasni z dodatnimi neposrednimi ali posrednimi stroški, nastalimi pri oblikovanju takih območij (kraje, višina zavarovalnih premij, vandalizem, itd.) ter s strukturnimi pomanjkljivostmi, ki so značilne za takšna območja (težave pri iskanju kvalificirane delovne sile, ki je pripravljena delati, vsesplošni upad gospodarskih dejavnosti, pomanjkanje in razpad javne infrastrukture, negotovost, finančne težave, s katerimi se srečuje lokalna oblast, problem "javne podobe" itd.).
This situation may be explained in practice by the additional direct or indirect costs involved in setting up in such areas (theft, level of insurance premiums, vandalism, etc.) and the structural handicaps that are a feature of such areas (difficulty in finding skilled labour that is prepared to work, overall reduction in economic activity, lack and decay of public infrastructure, insecurity, financial problems faced by local authorities, problem of 'public image`, etc.).
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0751
(2) Zato je za leto 2004 ustrezno odstopanje od tistih doloèb Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2808/98 z dne 22. decembra 1998 o doloèitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo kmetijsko-monetarnega sistema za evro v kmetijstvu fn, Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2342/1999 z dne 28. oktobra 1999 o doloèitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1254/1999 o skupni tržni ureditvi za goveje in teleèje meso glede programov premij fn in Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2550/2001 z dne 21. decembra 2001 o doloèitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2529/2001 o skupni ureditvi trga za ovèje in kozje meso v zvezi s shemami premij in o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2419/2001 fn, ki zadevajo devizni teèaj na podroèju govejega in teleèjega mesa, ovèjega in kozjega mesa in energetskih rastlin ter strukturnih in okoljskih ukrepov.
(2) It is therefore appropriate to derogate for 2004 from those provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2808/98 of 22 December 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture fn, Commission Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999 of 28 October 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal as regards premium schemes fn, and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2550/2001 of 21 December 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 on the common organisation of the market in sheepmeat and goat meat as regards premium schemes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2419/2001 fn which concern the exchange rate in the beef and veal, sheepmeat and goat meat and energy crop sectors and for structural and environmental measures.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R0404
Ta premija je v skladu s pomočjo iz naslova III Uredbe (EGS) št. 3763/91 [6], naslova II Uredbe (EGS) št. 1600/92 [7] in naslova III Uredbe (EGS) št. 1601/92 [8] ter s strukturno pomočjo iz uredb (EGS) št. 2052/88 [9] in (EGS) št. 4253/88 [10].
This premium shall be compatible with the granting of aid under Title III of Regulation (EEC) No 3763/91 (6), Title II of Regulation (EEC) No 1600/92 (7) and Title III of Regulation (EEC) No 1601/92 (8) and with the granting of structural assistance under Regulations (EEC) No 2052/88 (9) and (EEC) No 4253/88 (10).
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0751
Zato je za leto 2004 ustrezno odstopanje od tistih določb Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2808/98 z dne 22. decembra 1998 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo kmetijsko-monetarnega sistema za evro v kmetijstvu [1], Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2342/1999 z dne 28. oktobra 1999 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1254/1999 o skupni tržni ureditvi za goveje in telečje meso glede programov premij [2] in Uredbe Komisije (ES) št. 2550/2001 z dne 21. decembra 2001 o določitvi podrobnih pravil za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 2529/2001 o skupni ureditvi trga za ovčje in kozje meso v zvezi s shemami premij in o spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2419/2001 [3], ki zadevajo devizni tečaj na področju govejega in telečjega mesa, ovčjega in kozjega mesa in energetskih rastlin ter strukturnih in okoljskih ukrepov.
It is therefore appropriate to derogate for 2004 from those provisions of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2808/98 of 22 December 1998 laying down detailed rules for the application of the agrimonetary system for the euro in agriculture(1), Commission Regulation (EC) No 2342/1999 of 28 October 1999 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1254/1999 on the common organisation of the market in beef and veal as regards premium schemes(2), and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2550/2001 of 21 December 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001 on the common organisation of the market in sheepmeat and goat meat as regards premium schemes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2419/2001(3) which concern the exchange rate in the beef and veal, sheepmeat and goat meat and energy crop sectors and for structural and environmental measures.
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strukturna premija