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tarifni dogovor
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0427
Enako velja za proizvode, ki morajo biti v skladu z referenčno ceno zaradi obveznega tarifnega znižanja v okviru STO ali zaradi katerega drugega preferencialnega dogovora.
The same holds for products which, by virtue of being either the subject of a binding tariff reduction under the WTO or some other preferential arrangements, must comply with a reference price.
2 Pravna redakcija
3 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz proizvodov iz Priloge B v Skupnost veljajo tarifni dogovori in pravila, ki so v isti prilogi navedeni zanje.
Imports into the Community of the products listed in Annex B shall be subject to the tariff arrangements and rules indicated for each of them in that Annex.
4 Pravna redakcija
Odbor zagotovi, da na pravilno uporabo dogovora ne vpliva izvoz proizvodov iz ovčjega, jagnječjega in kozjega mesa, ki sodijo pod carinske tarifne številke, ki niso del tega dogovora, v Skupnost.
It will ensure that the proper application of the arrangement is not affected by the export of mutton and lamb and goatmeat-based products to the Community under customs headings not referred to by the arrangement.
5 Pravna redakcija
Odbor zagotovi, da na pravilno uporabo dogovora ne vpliva izvoz proizvodov iz ovčjega, jagnječjega in kozjega mesa, ki sodijo pod carinske tarifne številke, ki niso del tega dogovora, v Skupnost.
It will ensure that the proper application of the arrangement is not affected by the export of mutton and lamb and goat meat-based products to the Community under customs headings not referred to by the arrangement.
6 Pravna redakcija
OB ODLOČITVI, da se uporabijo dogovorjeni tarifni preferenciali z namenom vzpostavitve popolnoma proste trgovine z ribami in ribiškimi proizvodi,
HAVING DECIDED to apply the agreed tariff concessions with a view to establishing fully liberalised trade of all fish and fishery products,
7 Pravna redakcija
Podpisnici soglašata, da mora Romunija zagotoviti, da pošiljke proizvodov iz ovčetine, jagnjetine in kozjega mesa, ki sodijo pod carinske tarifne številke, ki niso del tega dogovora, ne bodo vplivale na nemoteno delovanje tega dogovora.
Both Parties agree that steps should be taken by Romania to ensure that the smooth operation of the arrangement is not affected by deliveries of mutton-, lamb- and goatmeat-based products falling under customs headings not referred to by this arrangement.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
ker je za navedene izdelke treba opredeliti pogoje, s katerimi bodo dobili status blaga s poreklom za namene zgoraj navedenih preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov,
Whereas for the abovementioned products the conditions should be defined whereby they acquire originating status for the purposes of the tariff preference arrangements referred to above,
9 Pravna redakcija
ker morda ni treba uvesti dodatnih dajatev zlasti za proizvode, uvožene v okviru tarifnih kvot, dogovorjenih na urugvajskem krogu večstranskih trgovinskih pogajanj;
Whereas additional duties may not be imposed in particular on products imported within tariff quotas agreed upon in the framework of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations;
10 Pravna redakcija
KER sta se Skupnost in Republika Bolgarija tudi dogovorili, da bosta na upravno enostaven način in postopoma izvajali, čim prej je mogoče, dogovorjene tarifne preferenciale,
WHEREAS the Community and the Republic of Bulgaria also agreed on an administratively simple procedure for implementing the negotiated tariff concessions as soon as possible on a gradual basis,
11 Pravna redakcija
ker so se v okviru GATT Evropska skupnost in Združene države Amerike dogovorile, da bodo razjasnile tarifno določitev ostankov, pridobljenih pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze;
Whereas, within the framework of the GATT, the European Community and the USA have agreed to clarify the tariff definition of residues from the manufacture of starch from maize;
12 Pravna redakcija
ker so se o spremembah pravil o poreklu likerjev iz tarifne številke HS ex 2208, 'Mischmetall' iz tarifne številke HS ex 2805 in krzna iz tarifne številke HS 4303 dogovorile države pogodbenice v smislu Sporazumov o prosti trgovini med Skupnostjo in državami Efte in tudi med samimi državami Efte; ker je treba Dodatek II k Protokolu 4 ustrezno spremeniti,
Whereas, amendments to the rules of origin on liqueurs of HS heading No ex 2208, 'Mischmetall` of HS heading No ex 2805 and furskins of HS heading No 4303 have been agreed between the Contracting Parties in the context of the Free Trade Agreements between the Community and the EFTA States and also between the EFTA States themselves; whereas Appendix II to Protocol 4 should be amended accordingly,
13 Pravna redakcija
(5) Skupnost in Romunija sta se dogovorili tudi o čimprejšnjem postopnem izvajanju tarifnih koncesij, pridobljenih s pogajanji, ker sta se dogovorili, da bosta dogovorjene tarifne koncesije uporabili za uveljavitev neomejene proste trgovine z ribami in ribiškimi proizvodi,
(5) The Community and Romania also agreed on implementing the negotiated tariff concessions as soon as possible on a gradual basis, having decided to apply the agreed tariff concessions with a view to establishing fully liberalised trade in fish and fishery products,
14 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
ker za vse takšne izdelke, uvožene v okviru preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov, države članice Skupnosti pojem "izdelki s poreklom" opredelijo v skladu s svojimi nacionalnimi predpisi;
Whereas, for all such products imported within the framework of the preferential tariff arrangements, the Member States of the Community define the concept of 'originating products' in accordance with their own national rules;
15 Pravna redakcija
Za blago iz tarifnih oznak 1806 90 60 do 1806 90 90, 1901 in 2106 90 98, ki na 100 kilogramov izvoženega blaga vsebuje vsaj 67 kilogramov mlečnih proizvodov iz tarifnih oznak 0402 10 19, 0402 21 19, 0405 in 0406 in ki je bilo v skladu s posebnimi dogovori uvoženo iz tretjih držav po znižani carini:
For goods falling within CN codes 18069060 to 18069090, CN code 1901 and CN code 21069098 containing, per 100 kilograms of goods exported, at least 67 kilograms of milk products falling within CN codes 04021019, 040221 19, 0405 and 0406, imported from third countries under special arrangements at a reduced tariff:
16 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka pogodbenica priskrbi na predlog druge vse ustrezne informacije o sporazumih, ki jih sklene in ki vsebujejo tarifne ali trgovinske določbe, in o vseh spremembah svoje carinske tarife ali dogovorov o zunanji trgovini.
Either Contracting Party shall, if so requested by the other Contracting Party, provide all relevant information on any agreements it concludes involving tariff or trade provisions, and on any amendments to its customs tariff or external trade arrangements.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
o opredelitvi pojma "izdelki s poreklom", ki se uporablja za nekatere mineralne izdelke in nekatere izdelke kemične ali sorodne industrije v okviru preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov, ki jih Skupnost dodeljuje tretjim državam
on the definition of the concept of 'originating products' applicable to certain mineral products and to certain products of the chemical or allied industries, within the framework of preferential tariff arrangements granted by the Community to third countries
18 Pravna redakcija
Za sveže rezano cvetje in cvetne popke s tarifno podštevilko 06.03 A skupne carinske tarife pa se carine postopoma opustijo v mejah tarifne kvote Skupnosti 50 ton, ob upoštevanju nekaterih pogojev, dogovorjenih z izmenjavo not.
However, for fresh cut flowers and flowers buds falling within Common Customs Tariff subheading 06.03 A, customs duties shall be phased out progressively within the limit of a Community tariff quota of 50 tonnes, subject to the respect of certain conditions as agreed upon by Exchange of Letters.
19 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka pogodbenica priskrbi na zahtevo druge pogodbenice vse ustrezne informacije o sporazumih, ki jih sprejme in ki vsebujejo tarifne ali trgovinske določbe, ter vseh spremembah svoje carinske tarife ali dogovorih o zunanji trgovini.
Either Contracting Party shall provide, if so requested by the other Contracting Party, all relevant information on any agreements it concludes containing tariff or trade provisions, and on any amendments to its customs tariff or external trade arrangements.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(9) V okviru te tarifne kvote se posebna dajatev, predvidena na seznamu koncesij Skupnosti za STO, zmanjša na ničlo, če je vhodna cena najmanj 264 EUR/tono, pri čemer je to vhodna cena, dogovorjena med Evropsko skupnostjo in Marokom.
(9 )Within this tariff quota the specific duty provided in the Community's list of concessions to the WTO is reduced to zero if the entry price is not less than EUR 264/tonne, being the entry price agreed between the European Community and Morocco.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(6) V okviru te tarifne kvote se posebna dajatev, predvidena na seznamu koncesij Skupnosti za STO, zmanjša na ničlo, če je vstopna cena najmanj 449 EUR/tono, pri čemer je to vhodna cena, dogovorjena med Evropsko skupnostjo in Marokom.
(6 )Within this tariff quota the specific duty provided in the Community's list of concessions to the WTO is reduced to zero if the entry price is not less than EUR 449/tonne,being the entry price agreed between the European Community and Morocco.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0053
( 5 ) V okviru te tarifne kvote se posebna dajatev, določena v seznamu koncesij, ki jih je Skupnost podelila WTO, zniža na nič, če je vhodna cena manjša od 264/tono, pri čemer gre za ceno, dogovorjeno med Evropsko skupnostjo in Egiptom.
( 5 ) Within this tariff quota, the specific duty provided in the Community's list of concessions to the WTO is reduced to zero, if the entry price is not less than 264/tonne, being the entry price agreed between the European Community and Egypt.
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1809
Poleg količinskih omejitev, prikazanih v Prilogi V, so bile dogovorjene naslednje posebne količine za izvoz izdelkov (iz volne ali regeneriranih vlaken) iz tarifnih oznak KN ex 6107 12 00, ex 61071900, ex 61082200, ex 6108 29 00 in ex 62121010 (v tonah):
In addition to the quantitative limits shown in Annex V, the following specific quantities were agreed for exports of products (of wool or regenerated fibres) falling within CN codes ex 6107 12 00, ex 61071900, ex 61082200, ex 6108 29 00 and ex 62121010 (tonnes):
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1809
Poleg količinskih omejitev, prikazanih v Prilogi V, so bile dogovorjene naslednje posebne količine za izvoz hlač z oprsnikom in naramnicami, jahalnih hlač in kratkih hlač iz tarifnih oznak KN 6103 41 90, 6103 42 90, 6103 43 90, 61034991, 61046190, 61046290, 61046390 in 61046991:
In addition to the quantitative limits laid down in Annex V, specific quantities were agreed for exports of bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts falling within CN codes 6103 41 90, 6103 42 90, 6103 43 90, 61034991, 61046190, 61046290, 61046390 and 61046991 vereinbart:
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0975
(1) Novembra 2001 so se Skupnost, Tajska in Filipini dogovorili, da opravijo posvetovanja zaradi ugotovitve, koliko so tajski in filipinski legitimni interesi neupravičeno ogroženi z izvajanjem preferencialne tarifne obravnave v zvezi s tuno v pločevinkah po poreklu iz držav AKP.
(1) In November 2001 the Community, Thailand and the Philippines agreed to hold consultations to examine to what extent the Thai and the Philippine legitimate interests were being unduly impaired as a result of the implementation of the preferential tariff treatment for canned tuna originating in ACP States.
26 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2019/94 z dne 2. avgusta 1994 o uvozu ostankov, nastalih pri proizvodnji škroba iz koruze iz Združenih držav Amerike fn, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 396/96 fn, predpisuje posebne določbe za zagotovitev, da so uvoženi proizvodi v skladu z dogovorjeno opredelitvijo tarifne oznake.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 2019/94 of 2 August 1994 on imports of residues from the manufacture of starch from maize from the United States of America(3), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 396/96(4), lays down special provisions to ensure that the imported product conforms with the agreed tariff definition.
27 Pravna redakcija
Ta uredba se bo morala v primeru spremembe obstoječih sporazumov v okviru GATT, vključno v primeru znižanja carin in v zvezi s proizvodi iz jute in kokosovih vlaken, v primeru razširitve sistema splošnih tarifnih preferencialov prilagoditi; Komisija naj bo pristojna, da po posvetovanju z Odborom za carinski zakonik spremeni določbe te uredbe, vključno s Prilogami, vkolikor dogovorjene spremembe določajo izdelke, ki so upravičeni do tarifnih kvot, obseg kvot, stopnje dajatve in obdobja ter katere koli pogoje za upravičenost;
This Regulation should be adjusted in the event of amendment of existing agreements within the framework of the GATT, including reductions of customs duties, and, in respect of products manufactured from jute and coconut fibres, in the event of extension of the scheme of generalised tariff preferences; the Commission, after consulting the Customs Code Committee, should therefore have the power to make the relevant amendments to the provisions of this Regulation, including the Annexes thereto, in so far as the agreed changes specify the products eligible for tariff quotas, the quota volumes, rates of duty and periods, and any conditions of eligibility;
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0958
(6) Komisija sprejme ukrepe, potrebne za izvajanje dogovorov ki jih vsebuje ta sporazum, v obliki izmenjave pisem, v skladu s členom 5(1) Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 747/2001 z dne 9. aprila 2001 o upravljanju s tarifnimi kvotami Skupnosti in priporočljivimi količinami za izdelke, upravičene do posebnih ugodnosti s sporazumom med nekaterimi sredozemskimi državami fn.
(6) The measures necessary for implementing the arrangements contained in this Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters may be adopted by the Commission in accordance with Article 5(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 747/2001 of 9 April 2001 providing for the management of Community tariff quotas and of reference quantities for products eligible for preferences by virtue of agreements with certain Mediterranean countries fn.
29 Pravna redakcija
Če zadevna pogodbenica ne uspe odpraviti nezaželene prakse v roku, ki ga določi Skupni odbor, ali če se v Skupnem odboru ne doseže dogovor v treh mesecih od datuma prejetja zadeve, lahko zadevna pogodbenica sprejme vse zaščitne ukrepe, ki so po njenem mnenju potrebni za reševanje resnih težav, ki izhajajo iz zadevne prakse; zlasti lahko prekliče tarifne koncesije.
If the Contracting Party in question fails to put an end to the practice objected to within the period fixed by the Joint Committee, or in the absence of agreement in the Joint Committee within three months of the matter being referred to it, the Contracting Party concerned may adopt any safeguard measures it considers necessary to deal with the serious difficulties resulting from the practices in question; in particular it may withdraw tariff concessions.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0037
(7) V okviru te tarifne kvote se posebna dajatev, predvidena na seznamu koncesij Skupnosti za STO, zmanjša na ničlo, če je vhodna cena najmanj 571 EUR/tono, pri čemer je to vhodna cena, dogovorjena med Evropsko skupnostjo in Marokom. Če je vhodna cena pošiljke 2,4,6 ali 8% nižja od dogovorjene vhodne cene, je posebna carina za kvoto enaka 2,4,6 ali 8% te dogovorjene vhodne cene.
(7 )Within this tariff quota the specific duty provided in the Community's list of concessions to the WTO is reduced to zero if the entry price is not less than EUR 571/tonne, being the entry price agreed between the European Community and Morocco If the entry price of a consignment is 2,4,6 or 8 %lower than the agreed entry price, the specific customs quota duty shall be equal respectively to 2,4,6 or 8 %of this agreed entry price.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0427
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 104/2000 določa, da se lahko referenčne cene po skupinah proizvodov, ki so veljavne za Skupnost, določijo vsako leto za proizvode, za katere velja tarifna opustitev v skladu s členom 28(1). Enako velja za proizvode, ki morajo biti v skladu z referenčno ceno zaradi obveznega tarifnega znižanja v okviru STO ali zaradi katerega drugega preferencialnega dogovora.
Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 provides that reference prices valid for the Community may be fixed each year, by product category, for products that are the subject of a tariff suspension pursuant to Article 28(1). The same holds for products which, by virtue of being either the subject of a binding tariff reduction under the WTO or some other preferential arrangements, must comply with a reference price.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
ker protokoli in priloge 1 o opredelitvi pojma "izdelki s poreklom" in načinih upravnega sodelovanja za uporabo preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov, ki jih Skupnost dodeljuje v zvezi z uvozom iz tretjih držav, izključujejo nekatere mineralne izdelke in nekatere izdelke kemične ali sorodne industrije iz njihovega področja uporabe, zlasti v zvezi z opredelitvijo pojma "izdelki s poreklom";
Whereas the Protocols and Annexes (1) on the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation for the application of preferential tariff arrangements granted by the Community in respect of imports from third countries, exlude certain mineral products and certain products of the chemical or allied industries from their scope, in particular as regards the definition of the concept of 'originating products';
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
ker bo notranji trg zajemal območje brez notranjih meja, na katerem bo med drugim zagotovljeno prosto gibanje blaga; ker je zato treba zagotoviti enotno izvajanje določb v zvezi z opredelitvijo pojma "izdelki s poreklom", ki se uporablja za nekatere mineralne izdelke in nekatere izdelke kemične ali sorodne industrije v okviru preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov, ki jih Skupnost dodeljuje tretjim državam;
Whereas the internal market will comprise an area without internal frontiers in which, inter alia, the free movement of goods is assured; whereas it is therefore necessary to ensure uniform implementation of the provisions concerning the definition of the concept of 'originating products' applicable to certain mineral products and to certain products of the chemical or allied industries within the framework of preferential tariff arrangements granted by the Community to third countries;
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1809
Poleg količinskih omejitev, prikazanih v Prilogi V, so bile dogovorjene naslednje posebne količine za izvoz oblačil in dodatkov za oblačila za dojenčke, pletenih ali kvačkanih, razen rokavic, palčnikov in rokavic brez prstov; oblačil za dojenčke, razen pletenih ali kvačkanih, iz tarifnih oznak KN 61111090, 61112090, 61113090, ex 6111 90 00, ex 62091000, ex 62092000, ex 62093000 in ex 6209 90 00 (v tonah):
In addition to the quantitative limits shown in Annex V, the following specific quantities were agreed for exports of babies garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted, other than gloves, mittens and mitts; babies garments other than knitted or crocheted falling within CN codes 61111090, 61112090, 61113090, ex 6111 90 00, ex62091000, ex62092000, 6x62093000 and ex 6209 90 00 (tonnes):
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
Če se določbe protokolov in prilog o opredelitvi pojma "izdelki s poreklom" ter načinih upravnega sodelovanja za uporabo preferencialnih tarifnih dogovorov, ki jih Skupnost dodeljuje državi upravičenki ali ozemlju upravičencu, se ne uporabljajo za izdelke iz Priloge k tej uredbi, in ne da bi to vplivalo na člen 1 in odstavek 2 tega člena se uporabljajo te določbe s potrebnimi spremembami za takšne izdelke.
Insofar as the provisions of the Protocols and Annexes on the definition of the concept of 'originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation for the application of preferential tariff arrangements granted by the Community to a beneficiary country or territory are not yet applicable to the products referred to in the Annex hereto, and without prejudice to Article 1 and to paragraph 2 of this Article, these provisions shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to such products.
36 Pravna redakcija
Vendar se prelevman, odmerjen na dan vložitve zahtevka za uvozno dovoljenje, uporabi za uvoz, če vlagatelj tako zahteva, ko vloži tak zahtevek za proizvode s tarifno podštevilko 02.01 A II a) skupne carinske tarife, s poreklom v tretjih državah in uvoženih iz tretjih držav, ki zaradi dolžine vključenih morskih poti spoštujejo dogovor, sklenjen s Skupnostjo v tej zadevi, ki predvideva ustrezne zaščitne ukrepe.
However, the levy applicable on the day of application for the import licence shall apply on importation if the applicant so requests when making such application, for products falling within subheading 02.01 A II a) of the Common Customs Tariff originating in and coming from third countries which, by reason of the length of the sea journey involved, comply with an agreement concluded with the Community in this matter which provides for adequate safeguards.
37 Pravna redakcija
Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 1764/92 z dne 29. junija 1992 o spremembi dogovorov za uvoz nekaterih kmetijskih proizvodov po poreklu iz Alžirije, Cipra, Egipta, Izraela, Jordanije, Libanona, Malte, Maroka, Sirije in Tunizije fn je pospešila odpravo tarif in zagotovila povečanje obsega tarifnih kvot in referenčnih količin, določenih v protokolih pridružitvenih sporazumov ali sporazumov o sodelovanju z zadevnimi sredozemskimi državami.
Council Regulation (EEC) No 1764/92 of 29 June 1992 amending the arrangements for the import into the Community of certain agricultural products originating in Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia(8), accelerated the tariff dismantling and provided for an increase of the volumes of the tariff quotas and reference quantities laid down in the Protocols to the Association or Cooperation Agreements with the Mediterranean countries in question.
38 Pravna redakcija
Protokol, ki določa pogoje in postopke za izvajanje druge stopnje Sporazuma o pridružitvi med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in republiko Ciper ter sprejema nekatere določbe sporazuma fn, dopolnjen z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 3192/94 z dne 19. decembra 1994 o spremembi dogovorov, ki se uporabljajo pri uvozu nekaterih kmetijskih proizvodov po poreklu iz Cipra fn v Skupnost, prav tako zagotavlja tarifne koncesije, od katerih so nekatere zajete v tarifnih kvotah Skupnosti in referenčnih količinah.
The Protocol laying down the conditions and procedures for the implementation of the second stage of the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Cyprus and adapting certain provisions of the Agreement(6), supplemented by Council Regulation (EC) No 3192/94 of 19 December 1994 amending the arrangements applying to imports into the Community of certain agricultural products originating in Cyprus(7), also provide tariff concessions of which some fall within Community tariff quotas and reference quantities.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3576
Za namene izvajanja določb v zvezi s preferencialnimi tarifnimi dogovori, ki jih Skupnost dodeljuje za nekatere mineralne izdelke in nekatere izdelke kemične ali sorodne industrije, določene v Prilogi, s poreklom iz Alžirije, Avstrije, Cipra, Češkoslovaške, Egipta, Ferskih otokov, Finske, Madžarske, Islandije, Izraela, Jordanije, Libanona, Malte, Maroka, Norveške, Poljske, Švedske, Švice, Sirije, Tunizije in držav AKP (v nadaljevanju "države upravičenke ali ozemlja upravičenci"), se za izdelke s poreklom iz ene takšnih držav upravičenk ali ozemelj upravičencev štejejo naslednji izdelki:
For the purposes of implementing the provisions relating to the preferential tariff arrangements granted by the Community in respect of certain mineral products and certain products of the chemical or allied industries set out in the Annex originating in Algeria, Austria, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, the Faeroes, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, and the ACP States (hereinafter referred to as 'beneficiary countries or territories'), the following shall be considered as products originating in one of such beneficiary countries or territories:
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
v primeru tarifnih kvot, takoj ko je dosežena dogovorjena mejna količina uvoza;
in the case of tariff quotas, as soon as the stipulated limit on the volume of imports is reached;
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Protokol 2 o tarifni obravnavi in o dogovorih, ki veljajo za nekatere proizvode, pridobljene s predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov
PROTOCOL 2 concerning the tariff treatment and arrangements applicable to certain products obtained by processing agricultural products
42 Prevajalska redakcija
Protokol 2 določa tarifno obravnavo in dogovore, ki veljajo za nekatere proizvode, pridobljene s predelavo kmetijskih proizvodov.
Protocol 2 lays down the tariff treatment and arrangements applicable to certain products obtained by processing agricultural products.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
ker so se o spremembah pravil o poreklu likerjev iz tarifne številke HS ex 2208, "Mischmetall" iz tarifne številke HS ex 2805 in krzna iz tarifne številke HS 4303 dogovorile države pogodbenice v smislu Sporazumov o prosti trgovini med Skupnostjo in državami Efte in tudi med samimi državami Efte;
Whereas, amendments to the rules of origin on liqueurs of HS heading No ex 2208, 'Mischmetall` of HS heading No ex 2805 and furskins of HS heading No 4303 have been agreed between the Contracting Parties in the context of the Free Trade Agreements between the Community and the EFTA States and also between the EFTA States themselves;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Protokol 1 o tarifni obravnavi in dogovorih, ki veljajo za nekatere ribe in ribiške proizvode, sproščene v prosti promet v Skupnosti ali uvožene na Ferske otoke.
PROTOCOL 1 concerning the tariff treatment and arrangements applicable to certain fish and fishery products released for free circulation in the Community or imported into the Faeroes
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0427
Enako velja za proizvode, ki morajo biti v skladu z referenčno ceno zaradi obveznega tarifnega znižanja v okviru STO ali zaradi katerega drugega preferencialnega dogovora.
The same holds for products which, by virtue of being either the subject of a binding tariff reduction under the WTO or some other preferential arrangements, must comply with a reference price.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
napotilo na "prihodnjo preferencialno obravnavo" v odstavku (B) dogovora med Evropsko skupnostjo in Združenimi državami vključuje obravnavo s pomočjo carin ali tarifnih kvot.
The reference to 'future preferential treatment' in paragraph (B) of the European Community/United States arrangement includes treatment through tariffs or tariff quotas.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Skupnost in Romunija sta se dogovorili tudi o čimprejšnjem postopnem izvajanju tarifnih koncesij, pridobljenih s pogajanji, ker sta se dogovorili, da bosta dogovorjene tarifne koncesije uporabili za uveljavitev neomejene proste trgovine z ribami in ribiškimi proizvodi,
The Community and Romania also agreed on implementing the negotiated tariff concessions as soon as possible on a gradual basis, having decided to apply the agreed tariff concessions with a view to establishing fully liberalised trade in fish and fishery products,
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1432
Za blago iz tarifnih oznak KN 18069060 do 18069090, 1901 in 21069098, ki na 100 kilogramov izvoženega blaga vsebuje vsaj 67 kilogramov mlečnih izdelkov iz tarifnih oznak KN 04021019, 04022119, 0405 in 0406 in ki je bilo v skladu s posebnimi dogovori uvoženo iz tretjih držav po znižani carini:
For goods falling within CN codes 1806 90 60 to 1806 90 90, CN code 1901 and CN code 2106 90 98 containing, per 100 kilograms of goods exported, at least 67 kilograms of milk products falling within CN codes 0402 10 19, 0402 21 19, 0405 and 0406, imported from third countries under special arrangements at a reduced tariff:
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R1523
Iz tega zlasti sledi, da se pošiljke, ki jih urejajo sporazumi o inteliningu, prevažajo po tarifah, ki so dogovorjene med pošiljatelji in prevozniki ali njihovimi zastopniki ter nimajo prave zveze s tarifami, določenimi na tarifnih posvetovanjih.
The result is, in particular, that consignments covered by interlining agreements are carried at rates which are negotiated between the consignors and the carriers or their representatives and which have no real relationship with the rates resulting from the tariff consultations.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
Pogodbenici se dogovorita, da je treba storiti vse potrebno za zagotovitev Republike Islandije, da na nemoteno delovanje dogovora ne vplivajo dobave proizvodov iz ovčjega, jagnječjega in kozjega mesa, ki spadajo pod carinske tarifne številke, ki jih ta dogovor ne zadeva.
Both Parties agree that steps should be taken by the Republic of Iceland to ensure that the smooth operation of the arrangement is not affected by deliveries of mutton- and lamb- and goatmeat-based products falling under customs headings not referred to by the arrangement.
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tarifni dogovor