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tekoči račun
1 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči račun
Current Account
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta v prosto konvertibilni valuti dovoljevali vsa plačila na tekoči račun plačilne bilance med prebivalci Skupnosti in Republike Tadžikistan, ki so povezana s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
The Parties undertake to authorise in freely convertible currency any payments on the current account of the balance of payments between residents of the Community and of the Republic of Tajikistan connected with the movement of goods, services or persons made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Zaključni račun se predloži občinskemu svetu do konca marca tekočega leta za preteklo leto.
The final account of the budget is to be submitted to the municipal council by the end of March the following year.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-55
Korporacija dviguje z računa take vsote, ki so od časa do časa potrebne za kritje stroškov vzpostavitve in tekočega delovanja projekta.
The Corporation shall withdraw from the Account such amounts as from time to time shall be needed to meet the establishment and operating costs of the Facility.
5 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Občine, ki so prejemale akontacijo na račun sredstev za finančno izravnavo, pa jim sredstva po tem zakonu ne pripadajo, vrnejo preveč prejete akontacije državnemu proračunu do 25. decembra v tekočem letu.
The municipalities which have been receiving advances from funds for financial balance but were not supposed to in accordance with this Law, shall repay the surplus advances to the state budget by 25 December that year.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-33
Poravnavanje mednarodnih računov se šteje za tekoče transakcije in se izvaja v skladu z ustaljenimi mednarodnimi obveznostmi držav članic in zadevnih sektorskih članic, katerih vlade so sklenile sporazume o tem.
The settlement of international accounts shall be regarded as current transactions and shall be effected in accordance with the current international obligations of the Member States and Sector Members concerned in those cases where their governments have concluded arrangements on this subject.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Poročila Komisije in Evropske centralne banke upoštevajo tudi rezultate združevanja trgov, stanje in razvoj tekočega računa plačilne bilance ter preverjanje gibanja stroškov dela na enoto in drugih cenovnih kazalcev.
The reports from the Commission and the European Central Bank shall also take account of the results of the integration of markets, the situation and development of the balances of payments on current account and an examination of the development of unit labour costs and other price indices.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
g) na podlagi odobrenega zaključnega računa določi dokončne prispevke, ki jih morajo plačati države članice v skladu s 26. členom za dve predhodni koledarski leti, ter znesek predplačila, ki ga morajo države članice plačati v skladu s petim odstavkom 26. člena za tekoče in naslednje koledarsko leto;
g) fix, on the basis of the approved accounts, the definitive contributions due from the Member States in accordance with Article 26 for the two previous calendar years, as well as the amount of the treasury advance due from the Member States in accordance with Article 26 paragraph 5 for the current year and the next calendar year;
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-55
Omenjeni stroški za kritje vzpostavitve in tekočega delovanja projekta vključujejo notranje upravne stroške korporacije za računovodstvo, notranje revidiranje, upravljanje človeških virov, pravne stroške, računovodsko načrtovanje, nadzor in druge upravne stroške, izračunane v skladu z običajno prakso korporacije.
The aforementioned establishment and operating costs shall include the Corporation's internal administrative costs of accounting, internal auditing, human resource management, legal, budgeting, control and other administrative expenses calculated in accordance with normal Corporation practices.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Tekoči računi
Current accounts
11 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
1. pogodbe o vodenju tekočega ali žiro računa,
1. a contract of maintaining a current or giro account,
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
račun podjetniškega dohodka (eden od tekočih računov) in
the entrepreneurial income account (one of the current accounts) and
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V ESR 95 so v zaporedje vseh računov vključeni tekoči računi, računi akumulacije in bilance stanja.
In the ESA 95, the full sequence of accounts includes current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets.
14 Končna redakcija
zabavajte se s prijatelji, ne da bi obremenile tekoči račun), Cosmopolitanka (predstavitev osebe iz javnega življenja), nato članki o modi, lepoti in zdravju, nasveti za izboljšanje kariere, spolnega življenja ipd. in zgodbe z naslovnice oziroma članki, ki informirajo - o predmenstrualnem sindromu, prostituciji, samomoru, zdravju - in ki so tudi opremljeni s telefonskimi številkami ali naslovi spletnih strani.
having fun with friends without burdening your bank account), Cosmopolitanka (a presentation of a public figure), then articles on fashion, beauty and health, advice on how to enhance one's career, sex life and the like, and cover page stories and informative articles on topics such as pre-menstrual syndrome, prostitution, suicide and health, including phone numbers or web addresses.
15 Končna redakcija
Slika 3 prikazuje polje hitrosti kot rezultat izračuna z računalnisko dinamiko tekočin.
Figure 3 shows the air velocity field for such a model, calculated with CDF.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Ti davki se vključijo kot tekoči davki na dohodek, sredstva itd. v računu sekundarne razdelitve dohodka;
These should be included as current taxes on income, assets, etc. in the secondary distribution of income account;
17 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999D0622
v okviru druge izdaje ESR obravnavajo kot tekoči transferji (v računu razdelitve dohodka - C3) ali kot kapitalski transferji (v računu kapitala - C5) in ne kot odbitni DDV.
shall be treated under ESA second edition as current transfers (in the distribution of income account - C3) or capital transfers (in the capital account - C5), and not as if they were deductible VAT.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Tekoči računi obravnavajo ustvarjanje, razdelitev in prerazdelitev dohodka in njegovo porabo v obliki končne potrošnje;
The current accounts deal with the production, distribution and redistribution of income and its use in the form of final consumption;
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Podatki za račun proizvodnje in za bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva morajo biti posredovani v tekočih in stalnih cenah.
The data for production account and for GFCF have to be transmitted at both current and constant prices.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Ker ERK temelji na konceptu dejavnosti, mora biti v skladu z ESR 95 zaporedje računov omejeno na prva računa tekočih računov:
As the EAA are based on the industry concept, the sequence of accounts in accordance with the ESA 95 has to be limited to the first accounts of the current accounts:
21 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) Zaupni so tudi podatki o stanju hranilnih vlog in bančnih denarnih depozitov ter stanju in prometu na tekočih in žiro računih.
(2) Confidential also shall be the data on the position of savings deposits and other bank`s deposits, and on the position of and transactions in current and giro accounts.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Namen računa podjetniškega dohodka je določiti izravnalno postavko, ki ustreza konceptu tekočega dobička pred razdelitvijo in davkom na dohodek, kakor se normalno uporablja v poslovnem računovodstvu.
The entrepreneurial income account makes it possible to measure income which is similar to the concept of current profit before distribution and taxes on income, as customarily used in business accounting.
23 Končna redakcija
Poročila Komisije in EMI upoštevajo tudi razvoj ekuja, rezultate združevanja trgov, stanje in razvoj tekočega računa plačilne bilance ter preverjanje gibanja stroškov dela na enoto in drugih cenovnih kazalcev.
The reports of the Commission and the EMI shall also take account of the development of the ECU, the results of the integration of markets, the situation and development of the balances of payments on current account and an examination of the development of unit labour costs and other price indices.
24 Končna redakcija
Časovno odvisni poteki tlaka, masnega pretoka in temperature reaktorskega hladiva med izlivno nezgodo so bili ocenjeni z računalniskim programom MULTIFLEX [8], ki upošteva medsebojno delovanje tekočine in trdnine.
The MULTIFLEX computer code [8] is used to estimate the transient pressures, mass velocities, and thermal properties of the reactor coolant.
25 Končna redakcija
Polkovnik, ki je bil prisiljen nekaj let ohranjati zadostne zneske na tekočem računu pri svojih bankirjih, da je pokrival njune deficite, je ugotovil, da je postala njegova skrb nepotrebna; mladi par je lepo napredoval.
The Colonel, who had been compelled for some years to keep a sufficient sum on current account at his bankers to make up their deficits, found that the provision was unnecessary: the young people were prospering.
26 Končna redakcija
ker med trgom prevoznih sredstev za suhi tovor, tekoči tovor in trgom remorkerjev obstajajo temeljne razlike, je priporočljivo voditi ločene račune v vsakem skladu za prevozna sredstva za suhi tovor, tankerje in remorkerje;
Whereas, in view of the fundamental differences between the dry cargo, liquid cargo and pusher craft markets, it is advisable to keep separate accounts in each fund for dry cargo carriers, tanker vessels and pusher craft;
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Razlikovanje med tekočimi računi in računom kapitala v ESR 95 omogoča preučevanje najvišje potencialne potrošnje z merjenjem potrošnje in varčevanja v tekočih računih ter merjenjem sprememb vrednosti sredstev v računu kapitala.
The distinction made in the ESA 95 between current accounts and the capital account enables maximum potential consumption to be studied using the measure of consumption and saving in the current accounts and that of the change in the value of assets in the capital account.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Za kmetijstvo ni mogoče izdelati popolnega računa kapitala, ker nekaterih postavk (na primer neto varčevanje, bilanca zaporedja tekočih računov), čeprav lahko nekatere tokove jasno pripišemo tej dejavnosti, ni mogoče izračunati na podlagi dejavnosti.
It is not possible to compile a complete capital account for agriculture because, although certain flows may be clearly attributable to this industry, other items (e.g. net saving, the balance of the sequence of the current accounts) cannot be calculated on an industry basis.
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
Če podjetje, ki prvikrat uporablja MSRP, a v svojih najnovejših letnih računovodskih izkazih v skladu s prejšnjimi SSRN ni razkrilo informacij, ki so bistvene za razumevanje tekočega vmesnega obdobja, njegovo medletno računovodsko poročilo razkrije navedene informacije ali vključuje sklicevanje na drug objavljen dokument, v katerem je tako razkritje.
Therefore, if a first-time adopter did not, in its most recent annual financial statements under previous GAAP, disclose information material to an understanding of the current interim period, its interim financial report shall disclose that information or include a cross-reference to another published document that includes it.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
MSRP 1 naj bi omogočil doseči primerljivost v času tako znotraj računovodskih izkazov podjetij v skladu z MSRP, ki jih prvikrat uporabljajo, kot med računovodski izkazi različnih podjetij, ki prvikrat uporabijo MSRP na določen datum, ker tako tekoči kot primerjalni podatki temeljijo na istem kompletu standardov, ki obstajajo v času prve uporabe MRS.
IFRS 1 should make it possible to achieve comparability over time both within the IFRS financial statements of a first-time adopter and as between the financial statements of different enterprises adopting IFRSs for the first time on a given date, because both current and comparative figures are based on the same set of standards existing at the time of first time application of IAS.
31 Pravna redakcija
izvede se plačilo v ekujih na tekoči račun urada.
payment into a charge account held in ecus with the Office.
32 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi
33 Pravna redakcija
tekoči računi,
current accounts,
34 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi.
Current accounts.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
A Tekoči računi
A. Current accounts
36 Pravna redakcija
tj. tekoče račune, račune akumulacije in bilance stanja.
current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets.
37 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi, vezane vloge, vloge na odpoklic
Current accounts, fixed-term deposits, deposits repayable on demand
38 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta v prosti konvertibilni valuti dovoljevali vsa plačila na tekoči račun plačilne bilance med rezidenti Skupnosti in Ukrajine, ki so povezana s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb v skladu z določbami tega Sporazuma.
The Parties undertake to authorize in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments between residents of the Community and of Ukraine connected with the movement of goods, services or persons made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
39 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi kreditnih institucij niso vključeni
No current accounts of credit institutions
40 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi (ki pokrivajo sistem obveznih rezerv)
Current accounts (covering the minimum reserve system)
41 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta v prosto konvertibilni valuti dovolili vsa plačila na tekoči račun plačilne bilance med prebivalci Skupnosti in Kirgiške republike, ki so povezana s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
The Parties undertake to authorise in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments between residents of the Community and of the Kyrgyz Republic connected with the movement of goods, services or persons made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
42 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenici se obvezujeta, da bosta v prosto konvertibilni valuti dovoljevali vsa plačila na tekoči račun plačilne bilance med prebivalci Skupnosti in Republike Kazahstan, ki so povezana s pretokom blaga, storitev ali oseb v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma.
The Parties undertake to authorise in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments between residents of the Community and of the Republic of Kazakhstan connected with the movement of goods, services or persons made in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
43 Pravna redakcija
Računi gospodinjstev po regijah (NUTS II), tekoče cene
Table 13 - Households' accounts by regions (NUTS II), current prices
44 Pravna redakcija
Zunanji račun primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev
External account of primary incomes and current transfers
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
- račun podjetniškega dohodka (eden od tekočih računov) in
- the entrepreneurial income account (one of the current accounts) and
46 Pravna redakcija
Zunanji račun primarnih dohodkov in tekočih transferjev (V.II)
External account of primary incomes and current transfers (V. II)
47 Pravna redakcija
Tekoči računi, vezane vloge, vloge na odpoklic (vključno z računi za namene plačevanja ter računi za upravljanje rezerv):
Current accounts, fixed-term deposits, deposits repayable on demand (including accounts held for payment purposes and accounts held for reserve management purposes):
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V ESR 95 so v zaporedje vseh računov vključeni tekoči računi, računi akumulacije in bilance stanja.
In the ESA 95, the full sequence of accounts includes current accounts, accumulation accounts and balance sheets.
49 Pravna redakcija
Obresti za tekoča sredstva potrebna za vodenje kmetije na bančnem računu imetnika.
Interest on liquid assets necessary for running the holding in the bank account of the holder.
50 Pravna redakcija
(a) Računi pri bankah izven evro območja Tekoči računi, vezane vloge, sredstva na vpogled, transakcije začasnih prodaj
(a) Balances with banks outside the euro area Current accounts, fixed-term deposits, day-to-day money, reverse repo transactions
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tekoči račun