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točka za nadzor prometa
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
Načini uporabe in postopki za upravljanje točk in nadzor nad njimi so enaki tistim, ki so določeni v Sporazumu v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Slovenijo o sistemu ekotočk, ki se uporablja za slovenski tranzitni promet čez Avstrijo od 1. januarja 1997.
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the agreement in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Community and the Republic of Slovenia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to Slovenian transit traffic through Austria as from 1 January 1997.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
predlog nadzora po odobritvi prometa za uporabo živil za prehrano ljudi ali krmo za prehrano živali, kakor je določeno v členu 5(3)(k) in členu 17(3)(k) Uredbe (ES) št. 1829/2003, in glede na značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali dokazljivo utemeljitev dejstva, da nadzor po odobritvi prometa ni potreben. 2. Točke (a), (b) in (c) odstavka 1 se ne uporabljajo za vloge, ki zadevajo samo živila in krmo, proizvedena iz GSO ali, ki vsebujejo sestavine, proizvedene iz GSO. Člen 4 1.
a proposal for post-market monitoring regarding the use of the food for human consumption or the feed for animal consumption, as provided for in Article 5(3)(k) and Article 17(3)(k) of Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003, and according to the characteristics of the products concerned, or a verifiable justification to the effect that a post-market monitoring is not necessary. 2. Points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall not apply to applications concerning only food and feed produced from GMOs or containing ingredients produced from GMOs. Article 4 1.
3 Pravna redakcija
Točka 6A008.l.4 ne ureja nadzornih sistemov, opreme in naprav, ki se uporabljajo za nadzor pomorskega prometa.
6A008.1.4. does not control systems, equipment and assemblies used for marine traffic control.
4 Pravna redakcija
Točka 6A008.l.1 ne ureja zmožnosti konfliktnega alarma sistemov za nadzor zračnega prometa ali pomorskih ali luških radarjev.
6A008.l.1. does not control conflict alert capability in ATC systems, or marine or harbour radar.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
To se uporablja tudi za pošiljke, ki se po prejetju veterinarskega dovoljenja kot sprejemljive za prosti promet, lahko shranijo pod carinskim nadzorom in so carinjene pozneje, bodisi na carinskem uradu, pod katerega zemljepisno sodi mejna kontrolna točka, ali kje drugje.
This also applies to those consignments that after receiving veterinary clearance as acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Vsi proizvodi, ki se bodo predložili za prosti promet na notranjem trgu, vključno s tistimi, ki so sprejemljivi, a bodo "usmerjeni", in tisti, ki se po prejemu veterinarskega dovoljenja kot sprejemljivi za prosti promet, lahko shranijo pod carinskim nadzorom in so carinjeni pozneje, bodisi na carinskem uradu, pod katerega zemljepisno sodi mejna kontrolna točka, ali kje drugje.
All products that will be presented for free circulation in the internal market including those that are acceptable but will be subjected to a 'channelling procedure' and those that after receiving veterinary clearance as acceptable for free circulation, may be stored under customs control, and receive customs clearance at a later stage, either at the customs office on which the border inspection post is geographically dependent, or at another location.
7 Pravna redakcija
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj normativ porabe, sprejete metode za zagotovitev istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 11 vzorca dovoljenja iz Priloge 68/E, po potrebi pa tudi carinski urad, pristojen za postopke (“nadzorni urad”), in uporabljene poenostavljene postopke za vnos v postopkeali za sprostitev v prosti promet po teh postopkih, pa tudi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati pri obveščanju nadzornega urada;
the said draft shall include, at least, the rate of yield, the approved methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 11 of the model authorization in Annex 68/E, if appropriate the customs office responsible for the arrangements ('supervising office`) and any simplified procedures used for entry for the arrangements or release for free circulation under the arrangements as well as the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0149
Točka 6A008.l.4 ne ureja nadzornih sistemov, opreme in naprav, ki se uporabljajo za nadzor pomorskega prometa.
6A008.l.4. does not control systems, equipment and assemblies used for marine traffic control.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Za promet skupnega podjetja, ki izhaja iz dejavnosti s tretjimi osebami, točka (b) člena 5(5) določa, da se ga enakomerno porazdeli med udeležence koncentracije, da tako odraža skupni nadzor [10].
With regard to the turnover of the joint venture generated from activities with third parties, point (b) of Article 5(5) provides that it should be apportioned equally amongst the undertakings concerned, to reflect the joint control (10).
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Postopki in načini uporabe za upravljanje in nadzor točk so enaki kot pri Konvenciji med vodjo Zveznega oddelka za okolje, promet, komunikacije in energijo Švicarske konfederacije in Zveznim ministrstvom za znanost in promet Republike Avstrije o uporabi sistema ekotočk za vozila, ki prečkajo Avstrijo, sklenjeni dne 9. septembra 1999.
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the Convention between the Head of the Federal Department for the environment, transport, energy and communication of the Swiss Confederation and the Federal Ministry for science and transport of the Republic of Austria concerning the application of a system of ecopoints for vehicles in transit through Austria, concluded on 9 September 1999.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Postopki in načini uporabe za upravljanje in nadzor točk so enaki kot pri Sporazumu v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Republiko Hrvaško o sistemu ekotočk, ki se uporablja za hrvaški tranzitni promet skozi Avstrijo od 1. januarja 2003 [4].
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the Republic of Croatia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to Croatian transit traffic through Austria as from 1 January 2003(4).
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0641
predlog nadzora po odobritvi prometa za uporabo živil za prehrano ljudi ali krmo za prehrano živali, kakor je določeno v členu 5(3)(k) in členu 17(3)(k) Uredbe (ES) št. 1829/2003, in glede na značilnosti zadevnih proizvodov ali dokazljivo utemeljitev dejstva, da nadzor po odobritvi prometa ni potreben. 2. Točke (a), (b) in (c) odstavka 1 se ne uporabljajo za vloge, ki zadevajo samo živila in krmo, proizvedena iz GSO ali, ki vsebujejo sestavine, proizvedene iz GSO. Člen 4 1.
a proposal for post-market monitoring regarding the use of the food for human consumption or the feed for animal consumption, as provided for in Article 5(3)(k) and Article 17(3)(k) of Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003, and according to the characteristics of the products concerned, or a verifiable justification to the effect that a post-market monitoring is not necessary. 2. Points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall not apply to applications concerning only food and feed produced from GMOs or containing ingredients produced from GMOs. Article 4 1.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
Modalitete uporabe ter postopki upravljanja in nadzora točk so enaki tistim, ki so določeni v Sporazumu v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo glede sistema ekotočk za tranzitni promet Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije čez Avstrijo od 1. januarja 1999 [2].
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to transit traffic of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through Austria as from 1 January 1999(2).
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Modalitete uporabe ter postopki upravljanja in nadzora točk so enaki tistim, ki so določeni v Sporazumu v obliki izmenjave pisem med Evropsko skupnostjo in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo glede sistema ekotočk za tranzitni promet Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije čez Avstrijo od 1. januarja 1999 [6].
The application modalities and procedures for the management and control of the points are identical to the ones laid down in the agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between the European Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia concerning the system of ecopoints to be applied to transit traffic of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia through Austria as from 1 January 1999(6).
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
navedeni osnutek mora vsebovati vsaj normativ porabe, sprejete metode za zagotovitev istovetnosti, carinske urade iz točke 11 vzorca dovoljenja iz Priloge 68/E, po potrebi pa tudi carinski urad, pristojen za postopke (` nadzorni urad` ), in uporabljene poenostavljene postopke za vnos v postopke ali za sprostitev v prosti promet po teh postopkih, pa tudi pravila, ki jih je med drugim treba upoštevati pri obveščanju nadzornega urada;
the said draft shall include, at least, the rate of yield, the approved methods of identification, the customs offices referred to at point 11 of the model authorization in Annex 68/E, if appropriate the customs office responsible for the arrangements ('supervising office') and any simplified procedures used for entry for the arrangements or release for free circulation under the arrangements as well as the rules to be observed inter alia as regards notification to the supervising office;
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točka za nadzor prometa