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točnost ocene
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
(b) vrednotenje natančnosti in točnosti meritev ter ocena nezanesljivosti meritev;
(b) the evaluation of precision and accuracy of measurements and the estimation of measurement uncertainty;
2 Končna redakcija
Če se uporablja četrta različica, je lahko stopnja točnosti nižja od tiste, ki je izračunana z zgoraj navedeno metodo, do česar pride zaradi možnega delovanja prvega reagenta na ostanek, ki je sestavljen iz sestavin b in c, kar bi bilo težko oceniti.
If the fourth variant is used, the degree of precision may be found to be lower than that calculated by the method indicated above, owing to possible action of the first reagent on the residue consisting of components b and c, which would be difficult to evaluate.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ocenjena točnost
Estimated accuracy
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
- ocena točnosti.
- an estimate of the accuracy.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Ocenjena točnost ( 1 )
Estimated accuracy ( 1 )
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
ocena točnosti.
an estimate of the accuracy.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994D0515
Kadar se objavljajo rezultati vrednotenja, je treba navesti točnost ocene in datum vrednotenja.
When publishing the evaluation results, the reliability as well as the date of evaluation must be given.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0452
Točnost prenosa podatkov na Eurostat se oceni po uredbi, ki natančno opredeljuje periodičnost in odloge za posredovanje podatkov.
Punctuality of data transmission to Eurostat will be evaluated according to the Regulation specifying periodicity and delays for data transmission.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0075
Uredi se tehnična dokumentacija, ki zadostuje za oceno točnosti podatkov, ki jih vsebujeta nalepka in standardni podatki o izdelku.
Technical documentation shall be established which shall be sufficient to enable the accuracy of the information contained in the label and the fiche to be assessed.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1172
ker je sporočanje posameznih podatkov potrebno, da se lahko oceni celotna točnost podatkov, ko so omenjeni podatki prikazani kot anonimni;
Whereas communication of individual data, once rendered anonymous, is necessary in order to estimate the overall accuracy of the results;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0130
rezultati se morajo objaviti v obliki predvidenih razlik ali plemenskih vrednosti s pripadajočimi ocenami točnosti za glavne zabeležene proizvodne lastnosti.
results must be published in the form of predicted difference or breeding values with associated accuracy values for the main production traits recorded.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0130
rezultate je treba čim dlje objavljati v obliki predvidene razlike ali plemenskih vrednosti s pripadajočimi ocenami točnosti za glavne zabeležene lastnosti.
results must as far as possible be published in the form of predicted difference or breeding values with associated accuracy values for the main traits recorded.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1725
Prav tako so koristne pri kontroliranju točnosti preteklih ocen bodočih finančnih tokov pa tudi pri preiskovanju razmerij med dobičkonosnostjo in čistim finančnim tokom ter vplivom spremenjenih cen.
It is also useful in checking the accuracy of past assessments of future cash flows and in examining the relationship between profitability and net cash flow and the impact of changing prices.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1410
Več teh običajnih metod analiz je predmet tehničnih in znanstvenih ocen ter validacijskih študij za ugotavljanje njihove natančnosti in točnosti z namenom da bi jih lahko priznali kot referenčne metode.
Several of those usual methods of analysis are undergoing technical and scientific evaluation and a validation study of their precision and accuracy with a view to their recognition as reference methods.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0130
Metoda, ki se uporablja za oceno genetske vrednosti mora biti nepristranska in rezultati morajo biti izraženi kot predvidena razlika ali plemenska vrednost s pripadajočimi ocenami točnosti za vse zadevne lastnosti.
The method used for the estimation of genetic merit must be unbiased and the result expressed as a predicted difference or breeding value with associated accuracy values for all traits concerned.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0046
Čeprav se motnje drugih sestavin v oceni točnosti predlagane metode lahko opredeli kot sistematične napake, pa je treba predložiti obrazložitev za vse motnje, ki povzročajo več kot ± 3 % odstopanje od celotne določene količine.
While interferences due to other components may be identified as systematic errors in the assessment of the accuracy of methods proposed, an explanation must be provided for any interference occurring which contribute more than ± 3 % to the total quantity determined.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0046
Čeprav se motnje drugih sestavin v oceni točnosti predlagane metode za določitev čiste aktivne snovi v tehnični aktivni snovi lahko opredeli kot sistematične napake, pa je treba predložiti obrazložitev za vse motnje, ki povzročajo več kot ± 3 % odstopanje od celotne določene količine.
While interferences due to other components may be identified as systematic errors in the assessment of the accuracy of methods proposed for the determination of pure active substance in the active substance as manufactured, an explanation must be provided for any interference occurring which contributes more than ± 3 % to the total quantity determined.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0081
Pristojni organi oblasti preučijo skladnost prijav z zahtevami te direktive, točnost in popolnost danih informacij, pravilnost ocene iz člena 5(2) in razred uporabe v zaprtem sistemu in, kadar je primerno, ustreznost zadrževalnih in drugih varstvenih ukrepov, ravnanja z odpadki in ukrepov za primer nesreče.
The competent authorities shall examine the conformity of the notifications with the requirements of this Directive, the accuracy and completeness of the information given, the correctness of the assessment referred to in Article 5(2) and the class of contained uses and, where appropriate, the suitability of the containment and other protective measures, the waste management, and emergency response measures.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0003
Negotovost (pri intervalu zaupanja 95 %) merilnih metod se ocenjuje v skladu z načeli navodila ISO o izražanju negotovosti meritev "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" (1993) ali po metodologiji ISO 5725-1 "Točnost (pravilnosti in natančnost) merilnih metod in rezultatov" (1994) ali enakovredni metodologiji.
The uncertainty (on a 95 % confidence interval) of the measurement methods will be evaluated in accordance with the principles of the ISO "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" (1993), or the methodology of ISO 5725-1 "Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results" (1994) or equivalent.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0059
kadar obstaja očiten dokaz, da je ladja izplula na morje, ne da bi izpolnila določbe člena 7 in 10, se o tem obvesti pristojni organ v naslednjem pristanišču postanka in taka ladja, brez poseganja v uporabo sankcij iz člena 13, ne sme zapustiti pristanišča, dokler se ne opravi natančnejša ocena dejavnikov v zvezi z uskladitvijo ladje s to direktivo, kot je na primer točnost vseh informacij, danih v skladu s členom 6.
when there is clear evidence that a ship has proceeded to sea without having complied with Articles 7 or 10, the competent authority of the next port of call shall be informed thereof and such a ship shall, without prejudice to the application of the penalties referred to in Article 13, not be permitted to leave that port until a more detailed assessment of factors relating to the ship's compliance with this Directive, such as the accuracy of any information provided in accordance with Article 6, has taken place.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31976R3227
Opišite metode za statistično vrednotenje podatkov, zbranih v programih kontrole meritev za vrednotenje natančnosti in točnosti meritev, ter oceno negotovosti meritev (to je določitev naključnih in sistematičnih napak meritev ter s tem povezanih mejnih vrednosti napak; statistični postopki, ki se uporabljajo za kombiniranje ocen posameznih napak pri merjenju, da se dobijo skupne mejne vrednosti za razlike S/R, knjigovodski inventar, fizični inventar in neevidentirani material (MUF).
Describe methods of statistical evaluation of data accumulated in measurement control programmes for the evaluation of precision and accuracy of measurements and the estimation of measurement uncertainty (i.e. determination of the random and systematic errors of the measurements and the associated limits of error; statistical procedures used to combine individual measurement error estimates to obtain the overall limits of error for S/R differences, the book inventory, the physical inventory and MUF).
22 Prevod
vrednotenje natančnosti in točnosti meritev ter ocena nezanesljivosti meritev;
the evaluation of precision and accuracy of measurements and the estimation of measurement uncertainty;
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točnost ocene