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trdi surovi cink
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Trditve je zato treba zavrniti in potrdi se uporaba metodologije za popravek cen cinkovih surovin na podlagi notacij cinka na LME.
The claims have, therefore, to be rejected and the methodology used for the adjustment of zinc raw material prices through LME zinc quotations is hereby confirmed.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
''Uporabniki'' in tudi nekateri kitajski proizvajalci so trdili, da cene cinkovih surovin na Kitajskem določa kitajski trg in bi jih bilo zato treba uporabiti brez popravkov v skladu z notacijami cinka na LME.
The 'users', as well as some of the Chinese producers, claimed that the Chinese zinc raw material prices were determined by the Chinese market and should, therefore, be considered without making adjustments in accordance with the LME zinc quotations.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
Nekatere zainteresirane stranke so trdile, da proizvajalci cinkovega oksida iz Skupnosti in iz Kitajske uporabljajo različne proizvodne postopke, ki dajejo cinkovemu oksidu, proizvedenemu na Kitajskem, bistvene prednosti glede stroškov surovin in drugih stroškov.
Certain interested parties claimed that producers of zinc oxide in the Community and the PRC used dissimilar production processes that gave zinc oxide produced in the PRC significant cost advantages in terms of raw material and other costs.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
"Uporabniki" in tudi nekateri kitajski proizvajalci so trdili, da cene cinkovih surovin na Kitajskem določa kitajski trg in bi jih bilo zato treba uporabiti brez popravkov v skladu z notacijami cinka na LME.
The "users", as well as some of the Chinese producers, claimed that the Chinese zinc raw material prices were determined by the Chinese market and should, therefore, be considered without making adjustments in accordance with the LME zinc quotations.
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trdi surovi cink