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ugotoviti identiteto
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(4) Sodnik mora vsakokrat ugotoviti identiteto zastopnika pravne osebe in njegovo upravičenost za zastopanje.
(4) The judge must in all cases establish the identity of a legal person's representative and his eligibility for representation.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-94
druge informacije, potrebne za ugotovitev identitete prosilca;
other information necessary for establishing the identity of the applicant,
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-100
(ii) navedbe, ki omogočajo ugotovitev identitete prijavitelja;
(ii) indications allowing the identity of the applicant to be established;
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
b) sprejme ustrezne ukrepe za ugotovitev njegove identitete in državljanstva;
b take the necessary steps to establish his/her identity and nationality;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-79
c) prepis ustreznih zakonskih določb ali, če to ni možno, navedbo ustreznega zakona in kolikor mogoče točen opis zahtevane osebe skupaj z vsemi drugimi podatki, ki bodo pomagali ugotoviti njeno identiteto in državljanstvo.
(c) a copy of the relevant enactments or, where this is not possible, a statement of the relevant law and as accurate a description as possible of the person claimed, together with any other information which will help to establish his identity and nationaly.
6 Končna redakcija
Pri pričujočem delu je naše izhodišče ugotovitev, da so medijske reprezentacije pomembne za oblikovanje in legitimacijo identitet.
The point of departure for this study was the belief that media representations are significant for the shaping and legitimization of identities.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0037
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo preprečevati tujcem, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko ozemlje in katerih identitete ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, da bi se skrili, ali do zanesljive ugotovitve njihove identitete ali dokler se ne izda in ne izvede ukrep policije za tujce.
In compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen territory illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens' police have been ordered and implemented.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0037
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo odvzem prstnih odtisov vsakemu tujcu, ki je nezakonito vstopil na schengensko ozemlje in pri katerem ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti njegove identiteto;
In compliance with the relevant national law, the fingerprinting of every alien illegal immigrant whose identity cannot be established with certainty;
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41999D0011
ker je bilo dokazano, da kljub neprekinjenim prizadevanjem za strožje obravnavanje prometnih prekrškov ni vedno mogoče ugotoviti identitete storilcev pred njihovo vrnitvijo na ozemlje države pogodbenice, kjer sicer prebivajo, in izterjati denarnih kazni za storjene prekrške,
Whereas it has been shown that it is not always possible, in spite of sustained efforts to clamp down on road traffic offences, to establish the identity of the perpetrators before they return to the territory of the Contracting Party where they habitually reside and to enforce financial penalties in respect of the offences committed;
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0002
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice preprečevati skrivanje tujih državljanov, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko območje in katerih identiteto ni mogoče z gotovostjo ugotoviti, dokler ni jasno ugotovljena ali dokler ukrepi policije niso bili izvršeni;
the principles of personal data protection law applicable in the European Union are to be observed, - in compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen area illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens police have been ordered and implemented,
11 Končna redakcija
V pričujočem prispevku bomo poskušali ugotoviti, kakšno kulturo ali model ženskosti vzpostavlja Cosmo (kot si rad reče), kako artikulira tematiko, kakšen »material« za konstrukcijo identitete ponuja (tu so seveda še drugi vidiki - pripadnost družbenemu sloju, rasi, spolna usmerjenost ., ki pa jih enotni ženski subjekt te revije pravzaprav izključuje).
In this study we will attempt to establish what kind of culture or model of femininity Cosmo (as Cosmopolitan prefers to call itself) creates; how this process influences the articulation of the topics dealt with; what kind of 'matrial' it offers for the construction of identity (of course, there are other aspects involved, e.g. social class, race, sexual orientation, but the uniform female subject of this magazine excludes them).
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0002
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice se odvzamejo prstni odtisi vsakemu tujemu državljanu, ki nezakonito vstopi na schengensko območje, če njegove identitete na podlagi veljavnih dokumentov ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, in hranjenje prstnih odtisov zaradi obveščanja organov v drugih državah pogodbenicah ob spoštovanju načel predpisov o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ki se uporablja v Evropski uniji;
in compliance with the relevant national law, the fingerprinting of every foreign national entering the Schengen area illegally whose identity cannot be established with certainty on the basis of valid documents; retention of fingerprints for the purpose of informing the authorities in other Schengen States;
13 Pravna redakcija
je mogoče ugotoviti identiteto predelanih proizvodov, in da se med prevozom hranijo ločeno ter da so ustrezno označeni.
processed products are identifiable and kept separate and identifiable during transportation.
14 Pravna redakcija
je mogoče ugotoviti identiteto snovi kategorije 1, kategorije 2 in kategorije 3, in da se med zbiranjem in prevozom hranijo ločeno ter da so ustrezno označene;
Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3 materials are identifiable and kept separate and identifiable during collection and transportation;
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
Predvsem se ne da ugotoviti korporacijske strukture teh podjetij, saj sta prejeli razkritje o identiteti le enega od delničarjev;
Notably, the corporate structure of these companies could not be ascertained as the companies accepted disclosure of the identity of one of their shareholders only;
16 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0048
Če plačilni zastopnik ne more ugotoviti identitete upravičenega lastnika, zadevnega posameznika obravnava kot upravičenega lastnika.
If the paying agent is unable to identify the beneficial owner, it shall treat the individual in question as the beneficial owner.
17 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo preprečevati tujcem, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko ozemlje in katerih identitete ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, da bi se skrili, ali do zanesljive ugotovitve njihove identitete ali dokler se ne izda in ne izvede ukrep policije za tujce.
In compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen territory illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens’ police have been ordered and implemented.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0037
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo preprečevati tujcem, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko ozemlje in katerih identitete ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, da bi se skrili, ali do zanesljive ugotovitve njihove identitete ali dokler se ne izda in ne izvede ukrep policije za tujce.
In compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen territory illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens` police have been ordered and implemented.
19 Pravna redakcija
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo odvzem prstnih odtisov vsakemu tujcu, ki je nezakonito vstopil na schengensko ozemlje in pri katerem ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti njegove identiteto;
In compliance with the relevant national law, the fingerprinting of every alien illegal immigrant whose identity cannot be established with certainty;
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2237
Za leto 2004 proizvajalec vloži zahtevek za pomoč, ki vsebuje vse informacije, potrebne za ugotovitev upravičenosti do pomoči, zlasti identiteto proizvajalca in izjavo proizvajalca, da se zaveda zahtev v zvezi z zadevno pomočjo.
For 2004, the producer shall submit an aid application containing all information necessary to establish eligibility for the aid, in particular the identity of the producer and a statement of the producer that he is aware of the requirements pertaining to aid in question.
21 Pravna redakcija
ugotoviti, ali ima preskuševalni laboratorij postopke, namenjene (i) zagotavljanju skladnosti identitete, delovanja, količine in sestave preskusnih in referenčnih snovi z njihovimi specifikacijami in (ii) pravilnemu prevzemanju in hranjenju preskusnih in referenčnih snovi.
to determine whether the test facility has procedures designed (i) to ensure that the identity, potency, quantity and composition of test and reference substances are in accordance with their specifications, and (ii) to properly receive and store test and reference substances.
22 Pravna redakcija
ker je bilo dokazano, da kljub neprekinjenim prizadevanjem za strožje obravnavanje prometnih prekrškov ni vedno mogoče ugotoviti identitete storilcev pred njihovo vrnitvijo na ozemlje države pogodbenice, kjer sicer prebivajo, in izterjati denarnih kazni za storjene prekrške,
Whereas it has been shown that it is not always possible, in spite of sustained efforts to clamp down on road traffic offences, to establish the identity of the perpetrators before they return to the territory of the Contracting Party where they habitually reside and to enforce financial penalties in respect of the offences committed;
23 Pravna redakcija
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice preprečevati skrivanje tujih državljanov, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko območje in katerih identiteto ni mogoče z gotovostjo ugotoviti, dokler ni jasno ugotovljena ali dokler ukrepi policije niso bili izvršeni;
in compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen area illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens police have been ordered and implemented,
24 Pravna redakcija
"serija" pomeni proizvodno enoto, proizvedeno v enem samem obratu, ob uporabi enotnih proizvodnih parametrov - ali več takih enot, če se skladiščijo skupaj - in je mogoče ugotoviti njihovo identiteto za namene odpoklica in ponovne obdelave ali odstranitve, če testi pokažejo, da je to potrebno;
'batch' means a unit of production produced in a single plant using uniform production parameters - or a number of such units, when stored together - and that can be identified for the purposes of recall and re-treatment or disposal should tests show that to be necessary;
25 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0048
Kadar ima plačilni zastopnik podatke, ki kažejo na to, da posameznik, ki prejme plačilo obresti ali za katerega se zagotovi plačilo obresti, ni nujno tudi upravičeni lastnik, in kadar se za navedenega posameznika ne uporablja nobeden od odstavkov 1(a) in 1(b), izvede vse razumne ukrepe za ugotovitev identitete upravičenega lastnika v skladu s členom 3(2).
Where a paying agent has information suggesting that the individual who receives an interest payment or for whom an interest payment is secured may not be the beneficial owner, and where neither paragraph 1(a) nor 1(b) applies to that individual, it shall take reasonable steps to establish the identity of the beneficial owner in accordance with Article 3(2).
26 Pravna redakcija
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice se odvzamejo prstni odtisi vsakemu tujemu državljanu, ki nezakonito vstopi na schengensko območje, če njegove identitete na podlagi veljavnih dokumentov ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, in hranjenje prstnih odtisov zaradi obveščanja organov v drugih državah pogodbenicah ob spoštovanju načel predpisov o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ki se uporablja v Evropski uniji;
in compliance with the relevant national law, the fingerprinting of every foreign national entering the Schengen area illegally whose identity cannot be established with certainty on the basis of valid documents; retention of fingerprints for the purpose of informing the authorities in other Schengen States; the principles of personal data protection law applicable in the European Union are to be observed,
27 Strokovna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0098
Države članice storijo vse potrebno, da zagotovijo, da so vsi podatki, vključno z genetskimi podatki, zajetimi v okviru te direktive, do katerih imajo dostop tretje strani, anonimni, tako da identitete dajalca ni več mogoče ugotoviti.
Member States shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all data, including genetic information, collated within the scope of this Directive to which third parties have access have been rendered anonymous so that the donor is no longer identifiable.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Pri vsaki interakciji z napravo za upravljanje mora biti VU zmožna ugotoviti identiteto te naprave.
For every interaction with a management device, the VU shall be able to establish the device identity.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
VU mora biti zmožno pri vsaki interakciji ugotoviti identiteto zaznavala gibanja, s katerim je povezano.
The VU shall be able to establish, for every interaction, the identity of the motion sensor it is connected to.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Zaznavalo gibanja mora biti zmožno pri vsaki interakciji ugotoviti identiteto osebka, s katerim je povezano.
The motion sensor shall be able to establish, for every interaction, the identity of any entity it is connected to.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1360
Pri vsaki interakciji s podjetjem, priključenim na daljavo, mora biti VU zmožna ugotoviti identiteto tega podjetja.
For every interaction with a remotely connected company, the VU shall be able to establish the company's identity.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0322
Da bi ugotovili, ali je mogoče ugotoviti identiteto neke statistične enote, je treba upoštevati vsa sredstva, ki bi jih neka tretja oseba lahko predvidoma uporabila, da bi ugotovila identiteto neke statistične enote.
To determine whether a statistical unit is identifiable, account shall be taken of all the means that might reasonably be used by a third party to identify the said statistical unit.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0042
"anonimizacija" pomeni postopek, pri katerem se iz predloženih poročil odstranijo vsi osebni podatki v zvezi s poročevalcem in tehnični podatki, na podlagi katerih bi bilo mogoče ugotoviti identiteto poročevalca ali tretjih oseb.
"disidentification" means removing from reports submitted all personal details pertaining to the reporter and technical details which might lead to the identity of the reporter, or of third parties, being inferred from the information.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0322
Podatki, ki jih uporabljajo nacionalni organi in organ Skupnosti za pripravo statističnih podatkov Skupnosti, veljajo za zaupne, kadar je mogoče ugotoviti identiteto neke statistične enote, bodisi posredno ali neposredno, s tem pa tudi razkriti posamezne informacije.
Data used by the national authorities and the Community authority for the production of Community statistics shall be considered confidential when they allow statistical units to be identified, either directly or indirectly, thereby disclosing individual information.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R3665
Brez poseganja v posebne določbe, sprejete po kmetijskih pravilih, je predfinancirano blago mogoče skladiščiti na istem skladiščnem prostoru kakor drugo skupnostno blago ali neskupnostno blago v skladu s členom 524(1), samo če je ob vsakem času mogoče ugotoviti identiteto in carinski status vsake postavke."
Without prejudice to the specific provisions adopted under the agriculture rules, prefinanced goods may be stored in the same storage area as other Community or non-Community goods pursuant to Article 524 (1) only if the identity and customs status of each item can be established at all times.'
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0343
druge informacije, potrebne za ugotovitev identitete prosilca, vključno s prstnimi odtisi, obdelanimi v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 2725/2000;
other information necessary for establishing the identity of the applicant, including fingerprints processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 2725/2000;
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0037
V skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo preprečevati tujcem, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko ozemlje in katerih identitete ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, da bi se skrili, ali do zanesljive ugotovitve njihove identitete ali dokler se ne izda in ne izvede ukrep policije za tujce.
In compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen territory illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens' police have been ordered and implemented.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0002
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice preprečevati skrivanje tujih državljanov, ki so nezakonito vstopili na schengensko območje in katerih identiteto ni mogoče z gotovostjo ugotoviti, dokler ni jasno ugotovljena ali dokler ukrepi policije niso bili izvršeni;
the principles of personal data protection law applicable in the European Union are to be observed, - in compliance with the relevant national law, preventing foreign nationals who have entered the Schengen area illegally and whose identity cannot be established with certainty from absconding, either until such time as their identity has been clearly established or until the measures required by the aliens police have been ordered and implemented,
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1774
"serija" pomeni proizvodno enoto, proizvedeno v enem samem obratu, ob uporabi enotnih proizvodnih parametrov - ali več takih enot, če se skladiščijo skupaj - in je mogoče ugotoviti njihovo identiteto za namene odpoklica in ponovne obdelave ali odstranitve, če testi pokažejo, da je to potrebno;
"batch" means a unit of production produced in a single plant using uniform production parameters - or a number of such units, when stored together - and that can be identified for the purposes of recall and re-treatment or disposal should tests show that to be necessary;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0002
v skladu z nacionalno zakonodajo posamezne države pogodbenice se odvzamejo prstni odtisi vsakemu tujemu državljanu, ki nezakonito vstopi na schengensko območje, če njegove identitete na podlagi veljavnih dokumentov ni mogoče zanesljivo ugotoviti, in hranjenje prstnih odtisov zaradi obveščanja organov v drugih državah pogodbenicah ob spoštovanju načel predpisov o varstvu osebnih podatkov, ki se uporablja v Evropski uniji;
in compliance with the relevant national law, the fingerprinting of every foreign national entering the Schengen area illegally whose identity cannot be established with certainty on the basis of valid documents; retention of fingerprints for the purpose of informing the authorities in other Schengen States;
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ugotoviti identiteto