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ugotoviti pravico
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Ugotovitev o izgubi pravic
Noting of loss of rights
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Ta postopek sprejema ne vpliva na pravice članic, da izrazijo svoje mnenje o poročilu ugotovitvenega sveta.
This adoption procedure is without prejudice to the right of Members to express their views on a panel report.
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Države pogodbenice, ki niso sodelovale pri certificiranju, nimajo pravice zavrniti sklepnih ugotovitev poročila o certificiranju.
States Parties that did not take part in the certification shall not have the right to reject the conclusions contained in the certification report.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Stranke v sporu imajo pravico, da polno sodelujejo pri proučitvi poročila ugotovitvenega sveta v DSB, njihova stališča pa se v celoti zabeležijo.
The parties to a dispute shall have the right to participate fully in the consideration of the panel report by the DSB, and their views shall be fully recorded.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Vsak ugotovitveni svet ima pravico zahtevati informacije in tehnične nasvete od kateregakoli posameznika ali organa, za katerega meni, da je ustrezen.
Each panel shall have the right to seek information and technical advice from any individual or body which it deems appropriate.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
Pogodbenica ima pravico pregledovati rezerve, ki so uskladiščene na njenem ozemlju, o izsledkih ter ugotovitvah takih pregledov pa poroča drugi pogodbenici.
Contracting Parties will be entitled to inspect the stocks involved into such storage and held in their respective territories, and will report the results and findings of such inspection to the other Contracting Party.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če se ugotovi, da ima stranka pravico do odškodnine, do denarnega zneska ali do nadomestnih stvari, pa se višina zneska oziroma količina stvari ne da ugotoviti ali bi se mogla ugotoviti samo z nesorazmernimi težavami, odloči sodišče o tem po prostem preudarku.
If a party has been awarded the right to indemnification in money in generic goods, and if the amount of money or quantity of goods cannot be determined or if the determination thereof would ensue unreasonable difficulties, the determination of such amount of money or quantity of goods shall be left to the judicial discretion.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
če se z nasprotno tožbo zahteva ugotovitev kakšne pravice ali pravnega razmerja, od katerih obstoja ali neobstoja je v celoti ali deloma odvisna odločba o tožbenem zahtevku.
if by filing of the counterclaim the defendant seeks to obtain a judicial resolution of the question of whether a right or a legal relation exist or not, upon which the determination of the plaintiff` s claim is wholly or partly dependent;
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Pisne vloge vsakega od tožnikov so na voljo drugim tožnikom, vsak tožnik pa ima pravico biti prisoten, kadar katerikoli drugi tožnik predstavlja svoje stališča ugotovitvenemu svetu.
The written submissions by each of the complainants shall be made available to the other complainants, and each complainant shall have the right to be present when any one of the other complainants presents its views to the panel.
10 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
Če se prisotnost opazovalca odobri, nima pravice do navzkrižnega zasliševanja ali kakršnega koli sodelovanja ter ni prisoten pri posvetovanju o ugotovitvah ali priporočilih preiskave.
If the request is approved, the observer will not be permitted to cross-examine, or to participate in any other way, and will not be present when the inquiry is deliberating on its findings and recommendations.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Stranki lahko v skladu s 64. členom predložita dokaze, ki so pomembni za zadevo. Sodišče ima pravico zahtevati predložitev vseh dokazov, za katere meni, da so potrebni za ugotovitev resnice.
The parties may submit evidence relevant to the case, in accordance with article 64. The Court shall have the authority to request the submission of all evidence that it considers necessary for the determination of the truth.
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če več kot ena članica zahteva ustanovitev ugotovitvenega sveta v isti zadevi, se lahko ob upoštevanju pravic vseh zainteresiranih članic ustanovi en sam ugotovitveni svet za obravnavo teh tožb.
Where more than one Member requests the establishment of a panel related to the same matter, a single panel may be established to examine these complaints taking into account the rights of all Members concerned.
13 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
V skladu z drugim odstavkom 3. člena ugotovitveni svet in Pritožbeni organ s svojimi ugotovitvami in priporočili ne moreta povečevati ali zmanjševati pravic in obveznosti, določenih v zajetih sporazumih.
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 3, in their findings and recommendations, the panel and Appellate Body cannot add to or diminish the rights and obligations provided in the covered agreements.
14 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Ta ugotovitveni svet organizira preučevanje in predloži svoje ugotovitve DSB tako, da pravice, ki bi jih imele stranke v sporu, če bi tožbe obravnavali ločeni ugotovitveni sveti, niso na noben način prizadete.
The single panel shall organize its examination and present its findings to the DSB in such a manner that the rights which the parties to the dispute would have enjoyed had separate panels examined the complaints are in no way impaired.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Če je za ugotovitev stvarne pristojnosti, pravice do revizije in v drugih primerih, ki so določeni v tem zakonu, odločilna vrednost spornega predmeta, se vzame kot vrednost spornega predmeta samo vrednost glavnega zahtevka.
If the subject-matter jurisdiction, or the right to revision, or the resolution of any other issue contained by the present Act depend on the amount in dispute, such amount shall be defined as the value of the principal claim.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
Če odbor prejme zanesljive informacije, ki nakazujejo, da država pogodbenica grobo ali sistematično krši pravice, navedene v konvenciji, jo odbor povabi, da sodeluje pri proučitvi informacij in v ta namen predloži svoje ugotovitve.
If the Committee receives reliable information indicating grave or systematic violations by a State Party of rights set forth in the Convention, the Committee shall invite that State Party to cooperate in the examination of the information and to this end to submit observations with regard to the information concerned.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
Spori iz razmerij med starši in otroki so spori o ugotovitvi ali izpodbijanju očetovstva ali materinstva ter spori o varstvu, vzgoji in preživljanju mladoletnih otrok in polnoletnih oseb, nad katerimi je podaljšana roditeljska pravica (v nadaljnjem besedilu:
Actions concerning the relations between parents and children shall include paternity and maternity suits and actions concerning the care, education and maintenance of minors and of adults subject to protracted paternal rights (hereinafter referred to as:
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(3) Če je sprejeta ugotovitev iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko Svet s kvalificirano večino sprejme evropski sklep o mirovanju določenih pravic, ki izhajajo iz uporabe Ustave za zadevno državo članico, vključno z glasovalnimi pravicami člana Sveta, ki predstavlja to državo.
Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may adopt a European decision suspending certain of the rights deriving from the application of the Constitution to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the member of the Council representing that State.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(3) Če se s tožbo zahteva ugotovitev, da je bilo izvršeno posamično dejanje oziroma zahteva prepoved izvrševanja posamičnega dejanja, s katerim se posega v ustavne pravice posameznika, je treba v tožbi navesti dejanje, kje in kdaj je bilo storjeno, organ ali uradno osebo, ki je to storila, dokaze o tem ter zahtevek, naj se poseg v ustavne pravice ugotovi, odpravi oziroma prepove.
(3) lf the lawsuit demands that it be established that an individual action has been committed or demands that the execution of an individual action be banned, the lawsuit must state where and when the action was committed, which body or official carried it out, the evidence, and the request to establish that a violation of a constitutional right has been committed, and to remove or ban it.
20 Objavljeno
Številni problemi pri operativnem delu, ugotovitve inšpektorjev, velika medijska pozornost in predvsem varovanje temeljnih človekovih pravic narekuje usklajeno akcijo pri oblikovanju politike varovanja informacijske zasebnosti v zdravstvu in pripravi operativnih ukrepov in navodil.
According to a present situation, numerous problems in every day work, their publicity in public and needs to protect information privacy, it is necessary to adopt an appropriate policy and operational guidelines.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(1) V upravnem sporu iz tretjega odstavka 1. člena tega zakona sme sodišče ugotoviti nezakonitost akta ali dejanja, prepovedati nadaljevanje posamičnega dejanja, odločiti o tožnikovem zahtevku za povrnitev škode in določiti, kar je treba, da se odpravi poseg v ustavne pravice in vzpostavi zakonito stanje.
(I) The court may, in an administrative dispute from the third paragraph of Article 1 of this Law, establish that the act or action is illegal, ban the continuation of individual actions, decide on the plaintiffs request to be reimbursed for damages, and order, when necessary, the removal of a violation of constitutional rights and the re-establishment of a legal state of affairs.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
6. gradbeno dovoljenje je odločba, s katero pristojni upravni organ po ugotovitvi, da je nameravana gradnja v skladu z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom, da bo zgrajeni ali rekonstruirani objekt izpolnjeval bistvene zahteve in da z nameravano gradnjo ne bodo prizadete pravice tretjih in javna korist, dovoli takšno gradnjo in s katero predpiše konkretne pogoje, ki jih je treba pri gradnji upoštevati;
The building permit is an administrative decision by which the relevant administrative body allows such execution of works and prescribes the specific conditions that must be observed during execution of works, after having found that the intended construction is in accordance with the spatial planning document, that the works will fulfil the essential requirements and that the intended execution of works will not prejudice the rights of third parties or the public good..
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(2) Prekrškovni organ pred izdajo odločbe o prekršku kršitelja, ki se ob ugotovitvi ali obravnavanju prekrška ni mogel izjaviti o prekršku in ni mogel biti poučen o pravicah iz tega odstavka, pisno obvesti o prekršku in pouči, da se lahko pisno izjavi o dejstvih oziroma okoliščinah prekrška v roku petih dni od prejema obvestila ter da mora navesti vsa dejstva in dokaze v svojo korist, ker jih sicer v postopku ne bo več mogel uveljavljati.
(2) Before issuing a decision on the misdemeanour committed by a violator who upon the establishment or trial of the misdemeanour could not give a statement and could not be advised of the rights referred to in this paragraph, the misdemeanour authority shall notify this violator in writing and advise him that he may give a written statement on the facts and circumstances connected with the misdemeanour within five days of receipt of the notification, and that he must state all facts and produce all evidence to his benefit, since otherwise he will not be able to refer to these facts and evidence during the proceedings.
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
obseg odgovornosti; pravice dostopa do vodje agencije SAPARD in do vseh evidenc, zaposlenih in prostorov (vključno z decentraliziranimi enotami in inštitucijami, na katere so bile prenesene naloge); izključenost članov enote za notranjo revizijo iz vsakodnevnih operativnih nalog; kadrovanje (znanje, usposabljanje in izkušnje); načrtovanje (ocena potreb, pristop glede na oceno tveganja, revizijski ciklus); dokumentacijo (ali so utemeljitve za preskuse in sklepne ugotovitve ustrezno zapisane ali se bo hranila spremljajoča dokumentacija); revizijske dokaze (ali ureditev zagotavlja zadostne, ustrezne in zanesljive dokaze); ali je ustrezno urejeno zagotavljanje kakovosti; poročila (ali ustrezajo po svoji zasnovi in ali postopki zagotavljajo, da bodo pravočasna) in sklepne ugotovitve glede načrta revizij.
the scope of responsibilities; rights of access to the Head of the SAPARD Agency and to all records, personnel and premises (including decentralised and delegated bodies); the exclusion of members of the internal audit unit from day to day operational actions; staffing (competence, training and experience); planning (needs assessments, risk based approach, cycle of audit coverage); documentation (will the rationale for tests and conclusions be adequately recorded, are supporting papers held); audit evidence (will arrangements ensure it is sufficient, relevant and reliable); are there adequate arrangements for quality assurance; reports (are they adequate in conception and will the procedures ensure they will be timely) and conclusions as to the audit plan.
25 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če neka stranka v postopku prostovoljno in brez pravega razloga zavrne dostop do potrebnih podatkov ali jih kako drugače ne priskrbi v razumnem obdobju, ali če resno ovira postopek v zvezi z uveljavitvijo pravic, lahko članica da sodnim oblastem pooblastilo, da pripravijo predhodne in končne, pozitivne ali negativne ugotovitve na podlagi informacij, ki so jim na voljo, vključno s pritožbo ali navedbo, ki jo da stranka, ki ji je bil onemogočen dostop do informacij, pod pogojem, da je strankam omogočeno zaslišanje v zvezi z danimi navedbami ali dokazi.
In cases in which a party to a proceeding voluntarily and without good reason refuses access to, or otherwise does not provide necessary information within a reasonable period, or significantly impedes a procedure relating to an enforcement action, a Member may accord judicial authorities the authority to make preliminary and final determinations, affirmative or negative, on the basis of the information presented to them, including the complaint or the allegation presented by the party adversely affected by the denial of access to information, subject to providing the parties an opportunity to be heard on the allegations or evidence.
26 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če je tožba vložena na temelju kateregakoli zajetega sporazuma s strani članice države v razvoju proti razviti državi članici, ima tožnik ne glede na enajsti odstavek pravico, da uporabi ustrezne določbe Odločitve z dne 15. aprila 1966 (BISD 14S/18) kot možnost izbire med enajstim odstavkom in določbami, vsebovanimi v 4.,5.,6. in 12. členu tega dogovora, razen da se lahko v primeru, ko ugotovitveni svet meni, da obdobje, določeno v sedmem odstavku te odločitve, ne zadošča za zagotovitev njegovega poročila, obdobje ob privolitvi tožnika podaljša.
Notwithstanding paragraph 11, if a complaint based on any of the covered agreements is brought by a developing country Member against a developed country Member, the complaining party shall have the right to invoke, as an alternative to the provisions contained in Articles 4, 5, 6 and 12 of this Understanding, the corresponding provisions of the Decision of 5 April 1966 (BISD 14S/18), except that where the Panel considers that the time-frame provided for in paragraph 7 of that Decision is insufficient to provide its report and with the agreement of the complaining party, that time-frame may be extended.
27 Končna redakcija
Če tega ni mogoče ugotoviti, volivec sam odloči, v kateri volilni enoti in volilnem okraju bo uresničeval volilno pravico.
If this cannot be ascertained, the voters themselves shall decide in which constituency and electoral district they shall exercise the voting right.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
Odločba urada o zahtevi za razveljavitev pravic ali zahtevi za ugotovitev ničnosti se vpiše v register, ko postane dokončna.";
A record of the Office's decision on the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity shall be entered in the Register once it has become final.";
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
Komisija na zahtevo dovoli dostop do dokumentacije osebam, na katere je naslovila ugotovitve o možnih kršitvah, da bi jim omogočila uveljavljanje njihovih pravic do obrambe.
If so requested, the Commission shall grant access to the file to the parties to whom it has addressed a statement of objections, for the purpose of enabling them to exercise their rights of defence.
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
če je bila zoper osnovno registracijo vložena zahteva za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti in izjava o delitvi povzroči delitev med vrstami blaga ali storitev, ki so predmet zahteve za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti, dokler odločba oddelka za izbris ni dokončna ali pa se postopek dokončno zaključi drugače;
if, where an application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity has been entered against the original registration, such a divisional declaration has the effect of introducing a division amongst the goods or services against which the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity is directed, until the decision of the Cancellation Division has become final or the proceedings are finally terminated otherwise;
31 Končna redakcija
Ob takšni ugotovitvi lahko Svet s kvalificirano večino sklene, da nekatere pravice, ki izhajajo iz uporabe te pogodbe za zadevno državo članico, mirujejo, vključno z glasovalnimi pravicami predstavnika vlade te države članice v Svetu.
Where such a determination has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide to suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of this Treaty to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the representative of the government of that Member State in the Council.
32 Končna redakcija
Ob sprejetju ugotovitve po odstavku 2 lahko Svet s kvalificirano večino sklene, da nekatere pravice, ki izhajajo iz uporabe te pogodbe za zadevno državo članico, mirujejo, vključno z glasovalnimi pravicami predstavnika vlade te države članice v Svetu.
Where a determination under paragraph 2 has been made, the Council, acting by a qualified majority, may decide to suspend certain of the rights deriving from the application of this Treaty to the Member State in question, including the voting rights of the representative of the government of that Member State in the Council.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0020
Kadar nacionalni regulativni organ meni, da podjetje ne izpolnjuje enega ali veè pogojev iz splošne odobritve ali pravic uporabe ali ne izpolnjuje posebnih obveznosti iz èlena 6(2), podjetje obvesti o teh ugotovitvah in mu da primerno priložnost, da izrazi svoja stališèa ali odpravi kršitve v:
Where a national regulatory authority finds that an undertaking does not comply with one or more of the conditions of the general authorisation, or of rights of use or with the specific obligations referred to in Article 6(2), it shall notify the undertaking of those findings and give the undertaking a reasonable opportunity to state its views or remedy any breaches within:
34 Končna redakcija
ker je zato, da bi odstranili to oviro glede pravice do ustanavljanja, treba ugotoviti, da dejavnost ni izvzeta iz področja uporabe Prve direktive le zato, ker vključuje bodisi povračilo, ki se zagotavlja le v naravi, ali povračilo, za katerega oseba, ki ga zagotavlja, uporablja le svoje lastne zaposlene ali opremo;
Whereas, in order to eliminate that barrier to the right of establishment, it should be specified that an activity is not excluded from the application of the First Directive for the simple reason that it constitutes a benefit solely in kind or one for which the person providing it uses his own staff or equipment only;
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Brez vpliva na znižanja ali izključitve, ki se uporabljajo po dejanski ugotovitvi površine v skladu s členoma 51 in 53, temelji izračun za plačilo v zvezi z zahtevkom za pomoč v skladu s shemo enotnega plačila, če obstaja neskladje med prijavljenimi pravicami do plačila in prijavljeno površino, na manjši velikosti.
2.Without prejudice to any reductions or exclusions to be applied following the actual determination of area in accordance with Articles 51 and 53, with regard to an application for aid under the single payment scheme, if there is a discrepancy between the payment entitlements declared and the area declared, the calculation of the payment shall be based on the lower size.
36 Končna redakcija
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je cilj sporazumov o postopni odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah, ki so jih podpisale nekatere države članice Evropske unije dne 14. junija 1985 in 19. junija 1990 v Schengnu, pa tudi z njimi povezanih sporazumov in predpisov, sprejetih na njihovi podlagi, okrepiti evropsko povezovanje in zlasti omogočiti Evropski uniji, da se hitreje razvije v območje svobode, varnosti in pravice,
NOTING that the Agreements on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders signed by some Member States of the European Union in Schengen on 14 June 1985 and on 19 June 1990, as well as related agreements and the rules adopted on the basis of these agreements, are aimed at enhancing European integration and, in particular, at enabling the European Union to develop more rapidly into an area of freedom, security and justice,
37 Končna redakcija
V tej odločbi je ustavno sodišče tudi pojasnilo, da je pri ustavni 'pravici do odgovora na objavljeno informacijo ' ob upoštevanju načina in okoliščin nastanka te ustavne določbe možno z interpretacijo priti do ugotovitve, da ta ustavna pravica nujno že sama vsebuje - poleg običajne vsebine, ki jo je možno pripisati pojmu 'odgovor na objavljeno informacijo' - tudi pojmovno razmejitev nasproti pravici do popravka.
The same ruling of the Constitutional Court includes the explanation that 'in connection with the constitutional right to reply to published information, and taking into account the circumstances and manner in which this constitutional right was established, it is possible to interpret this provision in such a way as to arrive at the conclusion that this constitutional right by itself incorporates - in addition to the usual content that could be ascribed to the concept of 'reply to published information' - a meaningful distinction that sets it apart from the right of correction.
38 Končna redakcija
UGOTOVITEV: Obrambno ministrstvo, ki se je v kratki zgodovini Slovenske vojske spopadalo s številnimi aferami na ključnih področjih (obrambna usposobljenost, kadrovska in materialna neracionalnost, orožarske afere, strankarska politizacija itd.) je zaradi naglega sporazuma s Cerkvijo sprožilo kritične pomisleke v javnosti ravno na področju, ki doslej v javnosti ni bilo problematizirano, kar pomeni, da ni znan noben primer, da bi se kak vojak ali oficir pritoževal, da mu je onemogočena pravica do verskega izražanja, ni bilo strokovnih raziskav na to temo niti javne ali politične razprave o tem vprašanju.
CONCLUSION: By signing this hastened agreement with the Church, the Ministry of Defense, which during the short history of the Slovenian army has so far been involved in a number of scandalous affairs pertaining to some essential areas of operation (defense capabilities, irrational cadre and material policies, scandals related to arms, the politization of political parties etc.), gave rise to critical doubts among the public precisely within the field that had not been called into question publicly before the elections. In other words: there are no known examples of objections by either soldiers or officers that their right of religious expression was ever violated; furthermore, no expert studies on this subject have been published nor has there been any public or political discussion staged.
39 Pravna redakcija
ker je za zagotavljanje žlahtniteljskih pravic v Skupnosti treba ugotoviti pomembne značilnosti sorte;
Whereas for the grant of Community plant variety rights an assessment of important characteristics relating to the variety is necessary;
40 Pravna redakcija
katerokoli odločbo o kršitvi pravic, ki je dokončna in je bila izvršena pred razveljavitvijo ali ugotovitvijo ničnosti;
any decision on infringement which has acquired the authority of a final decision and been enforced prior to the revocation or invalidity decision;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
Odločba urada o zahtevi za razveljavitev pravic ali zahtevi za ugotovitev ničnosti se vpiše v register, ko postane dokončna.";
A record of the Office's decision on the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity shall be entered in the Register once it has become final.";
42 Pravna redakcija
Tožba ZZaZahteva za razveljavitev pravic imetnika znamke Skupnosti ali za ugotovitev, da je znamka nična, se lahko vloži pri Uradu v naslednjih primerih:
An application for revocation of the rights of the proprietor of a Community trade mark or for a declaration that the trade mark is invalid may be submitted to the Office:
43 Pravna redakcija
Če urad meni, da so ugotovitve preskušanja zadostne za odločitev o prijavi in da ni zadržkov iz členov 59 in 61, podeli žlahtniteljsko pravico v Skupnosti.
If the Office is of the opinion that the findings of the examination are sufficient to decide on the application and there are no impediments pursuant to Articles 59 and 61, it shall grant the Community plant variety right.
44 Pravna redakcija
Popravek ugotovljenih pravic pomeni popravke navzgor (v "+") ali navzdol (v "-"), vključno s storni zaradi popravka začetne ugotovitve iz prejšnjih četrtletij.
Correction of establishments should be understood to mean corrections in ' + ' or in ' - ', including cancellations resulting from a revision of the initial establishment arising from previous quarters.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
Trdile so, da Komisija ni zadostno razkrila ugotovitve o uvozu, tako glede obsega kakor tudi glede vrednosti, in da so bile zato kršene njihove pravice do obrambe.
They claimed that there had been insufficient disclosure of the Commission's findings regarding imports, in both volume and value terms, and that consequently their rights of defence had been impeded.
46 Pravna redakcija
Enako velja za vsako tretjo stranko, ki dokaže, da je imetnik pravic iz modela Skupnosti zahteval, naj preneha z domnevno kršitvijo pravic iz modela, in da je začela postopek za ugotovitveno sodbo sodišča, da ne krši modela Skupnosti.
The same shall apply in respect of any third party who proves both that the right holder of the Community design has requested that he cease an alleged infringement of the design and that he has instituted proceedings for a court ruling that he is not infringing the Community design.
47 Pravna redakcija
Če je imetnik ene pravic iz odstavka 1 ali 2 vložil zahtevo za ugotovitev ničnosti znamke Skupnosti ali vložil nasprotno tožbo v postopku zaradi kršitve pravic, ne more vložiti nove zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti ali vložiti nasprotne tožbe na podlagi druge pravice, na katero bi se lahko skliceval v podporo svoji prvi zahtevi ali nasprotni tožbi.
Where the proprietor of one of the rights referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2 has previously applied for a declaration that a Community trade mark is invalid or made a counterclaim in infringement proceedings, he may not submit a new application for a declaration of invalidity or lodge a counterclaim on the basis of another of the said rights which he could have invoked in support of his first application or counterclaim.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0422
(a) če je bila zoper osnovno registracijo vložena zahteva za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteva za ugotovitev ničnosti in izjava o delitvi povzroči delitev med vrstami blaga ali storitev, ki so predmet zahteve za razveljavitev pravic ali zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti, dokler odločba oddelka za izbris ni dokončna ali pa se postopek dokončno zaključi drugače;
(a) if, where an application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity has been entered against the original registration, such a divisional declaration has the effect of introducing a division amongst the goods or services against which the application for revocation of rights or for a declaration of invalidity is directed, until the decision of the Cancellation Division has become final or the proceedings are finally terminated otherwise;
49 Pravna redakcija
(8) Pomembno je, da se vse ustrezne ugotovitve črpa iz te sodbe, ki je odločilna za državljane Skupnosti, ki so izvrševali svojo pravico do svobodnega gibanja v drugo državo članico.
(8) It is important that all appropriate conclusions be drawn from this judgment, which is crucial for Community nationals who have exercised their right to move freely to another Member State.
50 Pravna redakcija
Znamke Skupnosti se ne sme razglasiti za nično, če imetnik pravice iz odstavka 1 in 2 izrecno soglaša z registracijo znamke Skupnosti pred vložitvijo zahteve za ugotovitev ničnosti ali nasprotne tožbe.
A Community trade mark may not be declared invalid where the proprietor of a right referred to in paragraphs 1 or 2 consents expressly to the registration of the Community trade mark before submission of the application for a declaration of invalidity or the counterclaim.
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