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ugotovitve kažejo
1 Objavljeno
Ugotovitve novejših študij kažejo na bistven pomen in povezanost teh dveh vrst lezij v patogenezi Alzheimerjeve bolezni.
The results of some recent studies suggest active participation and interaction of these lesions in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease.
2 Končna redakcija
Ugotovitve kažejo, da uporaba samo splošnih konkurenčnih zakonov ne upošteva posebne funkcije, ki jo imajo mediji v družbi - omogočati prostor javne razprave.
Experience shows that the application of general competition legislation alone is insufficient, as competition laws do not take into account the special role of media in society - the creation of space for public debate.
3 Končna redakcija
uradnem pregledu rastlin in ugotovitvi, da ne kažejo znakov ali simptomov borove ogorčice in,
the plants have been officially inspected and found free from signs or symptoms of PWN and
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Zgornji podatki kažejo enak trend, kakršen je bil začasno ugotovljen, zato se ugotovitve, razložene v uvodni izjavi 92, potrdijo.
The above shows the same trend as provisionally established and therefore the conclusions drawn in recital 92 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo na nadaljevanje dampinga pri uvozu 3,5-palčnih disket s poreklom iz Hongkonga, ki je ugotovljeno na podlagi večjega obsega izvoza.
The above findings show the existence of a continuation of dumping for imports of 3,5" microdisks originating in Hong Kong established on the basis of significant export volumes.
6 Pravna redakcija
Dosedanje ugotovitve kažejo, da pri ovcah obstaja podobna genetsko določena odpornost na BSE, če jih v eksperimentalnih pogojih izpostavimo alimentarni okužbi z BSE.
Evidence to date indicates that a similar genetically determined resistance to BSE exists in sheep when challenged orally with BSE infection under experimental conditions.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0311
Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo na nadaljevanje dampinga pri uvozu 3,5-palčnih disket s poreklom iz Koreje, čeprav je bil obseg uvoza, na podlagi katerega je bil sprejet ta zaključek, zelo majhen.
The above findings show the existence of a continuation of dumping for imports of 3,5" microdisks originating in Korea, although the import volumes on the basis of which this conclusion had been reached were very small.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo, da je v obdobju preiskave,ob upoštevanju razvoja dogodkov v obravnavanem obdobju, industrija Skupnosti utrpela padec svojih povprečnih cen (v vseh treh segmentih) in izgubo tržnega deleža.
The above findings show that in the investigation period, taking into account the developments over the period considered, the Community industry suffered a reduction in average prices (in all three ranges) and a loss in market share.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
(26) Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo obstoj nadaljevanja dampinga za uvoz 3,5-palčnih disket s poreklom iz Japonske in Ljudske republike Kitajske, čeprav je bil obseg uvoza, na podlagi katerega je prišlo do tega sklepa, majhen.
The above findings show the existence of a continuation of dumping for imports of 3,5` microdisks originating in Japan and the People` s Republic of China, although the import volume on the basis of which this conclusion had been reached were small.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2263
Navedene ugotovitve jasno kažejo na obstoj vzročne zveze med dampinškim uvozom in ugotovljeno materialno škodo.
The above findings clearly indicate the existence of a causal link between the dumped imports and the material injury found.
11 Pravna redakcija
ZAVEDAJOČ dejstva, da ugotovitve vrednotenja podatkovnih baz III. stebra kažejo na potrebo po medsebojnem dopolnjevanju teh sistemov,
MINDFUL of the fact that the findings of an evaluation of EU third pillar databases may identify the need for complementarity between these systems,
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2474
Glede na ugotovitve Komisije o izkoristku, ki kažejo, da izkoristek nikoli ni presegel 76 %, bi industrija Skupnosti z lahkoto dobavila več koles.
Given the Commission's findings on capacity utilization, which show that the utilization of capacity never reached more than 76 %, the Community industry could easily have supplied more bicycles.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1905
Kitajski proizvajalci izvozniki in eno združenje je trdilo, da začasni ukrepi učinkujejo na uporabnike v večji meri, kot kažejo ugotovitve Komisije.
The Chinese exporting producers and one association claimed that the provisional measures have a larger impact on users and the foundry industry than the Commission findings suggested.
14 Pravna redakcija
Morda bo treba tudi proučiti ustrezne odzive na morebitne predhodne ugotovitve, še zlasti če kažejo na negativne vplive na občutljiva okolja in skupine organizmov.
Appropriate responses to any preliminary findings may also need to be examined, in particular, where potential negative impacts on vulnerable habitats and organism groups are suggested.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
II.2.1. Vzorce za histološko preiskavo vzamemo le iz sveže usmrčenih rib, ki kažejo klinične znake bolezni ali za katere so ugotovitve patoanatomske preiskave v skladu s prisotnostjo bolezni.
II.2.1. Samples for histological examination shall only be taken from freshly killed fish exhibiting clinical signs or post-mortem findings consistent with the presence of disease.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
Ugotovitve glede obnašanja cen tega uvoza v Skupnost in, kjer je mogoče, v druge tretje države kažejo verjetnost, da bo povečanje obsega uvoza po nizkih cenah znižalo cene industrije Skupnosti.
Given the findings regarding the price behaviour of these imports into the Community and, where available, into other third countries, it is likely that an increase in volume of imports at low prices will depress the prices of the Community industry.
17 Pravna redakcija
uradnem pregledu rastlin in ugotovitvi, da ne kažejo znakov ali simptomov borove ogorčice in, pregledu mesta pridelave ali njegove neposredne bližine, v katerem ni bilo opaženih simptomov borove ogorčice, od začetka zadnjega zaključenega obdobja vegetacije;
the plants have been officially inspected and found free from signs or symptoms of PWN and no symptoms of PWN have been observed at the place of production or in its immediate vicinity since the beginning of the last complete cycle of vegetation;
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2605
Ugotovitve v zvezi z elektronskimi trgovskimi tehtnicami iz spodnjega segmenta (glede obsega prodaje, povprečnih cen, proizvodnje, tržnega deleža in donosnosti) kažejo za to področje še bistveno slabši položaj kot za elektronske trgovske tehtnice na splošno.
The findings concerning the low range REWS (in terms of sales volumes, average prices, production, market share and profitability) show a substantially worse situation to that of REWS as a whole.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Ugotovitve iz uvodnih izjav 64 in 65 dejansko kažejo na to, da bo beloruski proizvajalec izvoznik sicer najverjetneje dvignili izvozne cene in s tem znižal raven dampinga, vendar pa bodo zaračunane cene še naprej dampinške in bodo nelojalno nižje od cen industrije Skupnosti.
Indeed, as suggested in recitals 64 and 65 it appears that although the Belarusian exporting producer will in all likelihood raise the export prices and thus reduce the level of dumping, the prices charged will still be dumped and will undercut the prices of the Community industry.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0580
Ugotovitve misije, pisna jamstva egiptovskih organov oblasti in do oktobra 2002 ugodni rezultati vzorčenja in analiz pošiljk arašidov, ki so jih opravile države članice uvoznice, kažejo, da ni več potrebe po sistematičnem vzorčenju in analizi pošiljk arašidov s poreklom ali poslanih iz Egipta.
The findings of the mission, the written guarantees from the Egyptian authorities and the favourable results until October 2002 of the sampling and analysis of consignments of peanuts by the importing Member States demonstrate that there is no longer need for the systematic sampling and analysis of consignments of peanuts originating in or consigned from Egypt.
21 Pravna redakcija
ker je strokovnjak Komisije obiskal Mavretanijo, da bi preveril pogoje proizvodnje in predelave ribiških proizvodov, izvoženih v Skupnost; ker se glede na ugotovitve tega strokovnjaka uradna jamstva, ki so jih dali mavretanski organi, ne spoštujejo ter razmere pri proizvodnji in skladiščenju ribiških proizvodov kažejo hude pomanjkljivosti v zvezi s higieno in nadzorom, ki lahko ogrozijo javno zdravje;
Whereas an expert of the Commission went to Mauritania to check the conditions of production and processing of fishery products exported to the Community; whereas according to the observations of this expert, the official guarantees given by the Mauritanian authorities are not adhered to and the conditions of production and storage of fishery products show serious defects as regards hygiene and control which can constitute risks to public health;
22 Prevajalska redakcija
Te ugotovitve kažejo, da bi se klinična učinkovitost ohranila, tudi če bi ženska načrtovano zamenjavo zamudila za 2 dni.
These findings suggest that clinical efficacy would be maintained even if a scheduled change is missed for as long as 2 full days.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
Eksperimentalne ugotovitve kažejo, da je mehanizem, po katerem celekoksib povzroči odmrtje tumorjev, morda povezan z indukcijo apoptoze in zavrtjem angiogeneze.
Experimental evidence shows that the mechanism(s) of action by which celecoxib leads to tumour death may be related to induction of apoptosis and inhibition of angiogenesis.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
Najnovejše ugotovitve kažejo, da je izpostavljenost pri otrocih, mlajših od 6 let, lahko za približno 30 % manjša od izpostavljenosti pri drugih starostnih skupinah.
Recent findings indicate that exposure in children < 6 years of age may be reduced by about 30 % compared with other age groups.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0312
Zgornje ugotovitve kažejo obstoj nadaljevanja dampinga za uvoz 3,5-palčnih disket s poreklom iz Japonske in Ljudske republike Kitajske, čeprav je bil obseg uvoza, na podlagi katerega je prišlo do tega sklepa, majhen.
The above findings show the existence of a continuation of dumping for imports of 3,5" microdisks originating in Japan and the People's Republic of China, although the import volume on the basis of which this conclusion had been reached were small.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0073
ugotovitve, ki kažejo na učinke, ki peljejo k odklonom od idealnega GPC profila,
observations indicating effects which lead to deviations from the ideal GPC profile,
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Zaradi visoke meje varnosti te ugotovitve ne kažejo na relevantno tveganje za sposobnost razmnoževanja pri človeku.
Because of the high safety margins, these findings do not suggest a relevant risk for human reproduction.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
Ugotovitve študij in vitro kažejo, da lamotrigin ne izpodriva drugih antiepileptikov z beljakovinskih vezavnih mest.
Evidence from in vitro studies indicates that lamotrigine does not displace other AEDs from protein binding sites.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
Zgornji podatki kažejo enak trend, kakršen je bil začasno ugotovljen, zato se ugotovitve, razložene v uvodni izjavi 92, potrdijo.
The above shows the same trend as provisionally established and therefore the conclusions drawn in recital 92 of the provisional Regulation are hereby confirmed.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0466
Vzorce za histološko preiskavo vzamemo le iz sveže usmrčenih rib, ki kažejo klinične znake bolezni ali za katere so ugotovitve patoanatomske preiskave v skladu s prisotnostjo bolezni.
Samples for histological examination shall only be taken from freshly killed fish exhibiting clinical signs or post-mortem findings consistent with the presence of disease.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0092
Ugotovitve, ki jih je najprej objavila Francija, potrdili pa so jih tudi rezultati drugih raziskav v Evropski uniji, kažejo na nedopustno primes, ki predstavlja resno tveganje za zdravje.
The findings initially reported by France and confirmed by other findings in the European Union point to an adulteration constituting a serious health risk.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
Te ugotovitve in dodatni razpoložljivi podatki (opazovalne študije in klinični preskusi) kažejo, da se hude poškodbe jeter pojavljajo pogosteje pri zdravljenju z moksifloksacinom kot pri drugih primerjalnih zdravilih.
These findings and additional available data (observational study and clinical trials) suggested that serious liver injuries occurred more frequently with moxifloxacin then with the comparators.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
S selektivnim delovanjem so skladne tudi ugotovitve in vitro študij, ki kažejo, da ima paroksetin, za razliko od tricikličnih antidepresivov, le majhno afiniteto za alfa1, alfa2 in beta adrenoreceptorje, dopaminske (D2), 5- HT1 podobne receptorje, 5- HT2 in histaminske (H1) receptorje.
In accordance with this selective action, in vitro studies have indicated that, in contrast to tricyclic antidepressants, paroxetine has little affinity for alpha1, alpha2 and beta-adrenoceptors, dopamine (D2), 5-HT1 like, 5-HT2 and histamine (H1) receptors.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2560
Ugotovitve študije, ki jo je opravila Komisija in jo objavila 20. septembra 2001, kažejo, da dobivajo potrošniki premalo ali nič informacij o stroških nakazil in da so se povprečni stroški za čezmejna nakazila od leta 1993, ko je bila opravljena podobna študija, le malo spremenili.
It emerges from the findings of a study undertaken by the Commission and released on 20 September 2001 that consumers are given insufficient or no information on the cost of transfers, and that the average cost of cross-border credit transfers has hardly changed since 1993 when a comparable study was carried out.
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ugotovitve kažejo