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upravičenec do nadomestil
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
V členu 81 se prvi odstavek nadomesti z naslednjim: "Upravičenec do starostne pokojnine ali invalidnine ali družinske pokojnine ima pod pogoji iz Priloge VII pravico do družinskih dodatkov, določenih v členu 67;
the household allowance shall be calculated by reference to the pension or the allowance of the recipient.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Brez poseganja v obveznost plačila negativnega zneska iz člena 51(4), upravičenec povrne neupravičeno prejeta nadomestila, kar vključuje tudi kazni po členu 51(1) in obresti, izračunane za čas od plačila do povračila.
Without prejudice to the obligation to pay the negative amount pursuant to Article 51(4), the beneficiary shall reimburse refunds unduly received, which includes any penalty applicable pursuant to Article 51(1) and interest calculated on the time elapsing between payment and reimbursement.
3 Končna redakcija
Kadar so invalidske dajatve iz odstavka 2 dodeljene v skladu s členom 39, lahko nosilec, ki je odgovoren za izplačevanje teh dajatev, uporabi člen 49(1), kot da bi upravičenec do teh dajatev izpolnjeval pogoje zakonodaje pristojne države članice do pravice do dajatev za starost, pri tem pa nadomesti znesek iz člena 46(2)(a) z zneskom invalidskih dajatev, ki jih dolguje omenjeni nosilec. 4. Invalidske dajatve, dodeljene v skladu s členom 39, se v skladu s 3. poglavjem ponovno izračunajotakoj, ko upravičenec izpolni potrebne pogoje za invalidske dajatve, določene v zakonodaji, ki ni navedena v Prilogi IV, delu A, ali takoj, ko prejme dajatve za starost po zakonodaji druge države članice.
However, if in the case referred to in paragraph 2 the invalidity benefits have been granted pursuant to Article 39, the institution remaining responsible for providing those benefits may apply Article 49 (1) (a) as if the recipient of the said benefits satisfied the conditions of the legislation of the Member State concerned for entitlement to old age benefits, by substituting for the theoretical amount referred to in Article 46 (2) (a) the amount of the invalidity benefits due from the said institution.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0915
Člen 14 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2729/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi posebnih pravil za uporabo sistema uvoznih in izvoznih dovoljenj in vnaprejšnje določanje nadomestil za mleko in mlečne izdelke [3] določa, da se za zahtevke za dovoljenja z vnaprejšnjo določitvijo nadomestila, vložene v okviru razpisnega postopka v državi nečlanici, lahko upoštevajo samo tisti razpisi, ki jih objavijo javne agencije ali osebe javnega prava, ki so na seznamu, priloženem Uredbi Komisije (EGS) št. 2730/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi seznama agencij in v državah uvoznicah, ki niso članice EU in so upravičene do objave javnih razpisov v sektorju mleka in mlečnih izdelkov [4].
Article 14 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2729/81 of 14 September 1981 laying down special rules implementing the system of import and export licences and the advance fixing of refunds in respect of milk and milk products(3) provides that for the purposes of applications for licences with advance fixing of the refund submitted under a tendering procedure opened in a non-member country, the only invitations to tender that may be considered are those issued by public agencies or bodies governed by public law appearing on the list attached to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2730/81 of 14 September 1981 establishing a list of agencies in non-member importing countries entitled to issue invitations to tender in the milk and milk products sector(4).
5 Pravna redakcija
Osebe, upravičene do nadomestil
Persons entitled to receive royalties
6 Pravna redakcija
ker mora Komisija določiti stopnje nadomestil in največje količine, ki so upravičene do nadomestil;
Whereas the Commission must fix the refund rates and maximum quantities eligible for refunds;
7 Pravna redakcija
Priče, upravičene do povračila stroškov po odstavku 2, so upravičene tudi do ustreznega nadomestila zaradi izpada dohodkov, izvedenci pa do honorarja za svoje delo.
Witnesses entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 shall also be entitled to appropriate compensation for loss of earnings, and experts to fees for their work.
8 Pravna redakcija
ker so do nadomestila upravičene samo banane, ki ustrezajo standardom kakovosti Skupnosti;
Whereas in order to be eligible for the compensatory aid the bananas must comply with Community quality standards;
9 Pravna redakcija
Priče so upravičene do nadomestila za izgubo zaslužka, izvedenci pa do honorarja za njihove storitve.
Witnesses shall be entitled to compensation for loss of earnings, and experts to fees for their services.
10 Pravna redakcija
Komisija mora določiti stopnje izvoznih nadomestil in največje dovoljene količine, ki so upravičene do izvoznih nadomestil.
The Commission is required to fix the refund rates and the maximum quantities eligible for refunds.
11 Pravna redakcija
Treba je podrobno opredeliti osebe, upravičene do nadomestil, z ustreznim upoštevanjem načela subsidiarnosti.
The persons entitled to receive royalties must be specified, due regard being had to the principle of subsidiarity.
12 Pravna redakcija
Količine, izvožene v okviru dovoljenega odstopanja iz člena 8(4) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3719/88, niso upravičene do plačila nadomestila.
Quantities exported within the tolerance provided for in Article 8 (4) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 shall not be eligible for payment of a refund.
13 Pravna redakcija
Nosilec kolektivne znamke Skupnosti ima pravico, da zahteva nadomestilo v imenu oseb, ki so upravičene do uporabe znamke, če so utrpele škodo kot posledico neupravičene uporabe znamke.
The proprietor of a Community collective mark shall be entitled to claim compensation on behalf of persons who have authority to use the mark where they have sustained damage in consequence of unauthorized use of the mark.
14 Pravna redakcija
Pristojni organi držav članic sporočijo Komisiji najkasneje do konca vsakega meseca statistične podatke o količinah testenin po tarifnih podštevilkah - pri čemer ločeno navedejo količine, ki so upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila in količine, ki niso upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila - za katere so potrdila tekom prejšnjega meseca žigosali carinski uradi, ki so sprejeli izvozne deklaracije, na naslednji naslov:
The competent authorities of the Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by the end of each month at the latest, the statistics relating to the quantities of pasta products, by tariff subheading, specifying the quantities which qualify for an export refund and the quantities which do not qualify for an export refund, in respect of which certificates have been stamped in the course of the previous month by the customs offices where the export declarations were accepted, at the following address:
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1708
(1) Člen 4(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2825/93 določa, da so količine žit, ki so upravičene do nadomestila, količine, dane pod nadzor in destilirane, ovrednotene s koeficientom, ki se določi letno za vsako zadevno državo članico.
(1) Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2825/93 lays down that the quantities of cereals eligible for the refund shall be the quantities placed under control and distilled, weighted by a coefficient to be fixed annually for each Member State concerned.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1707
(1) Člen 4(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2825/93 predvideva, da so količine žit, ki so upravičene do nadomestila, količine, dane pod nadzor in destilirane, ovrednotene s koeficientom, ki se določi letno za vsako zadevno državo članico.
(1) Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2825/93 provides that the quantities of cereals eligible for the refund are to be the quantities placed under control and distilled, weighted by a coefficient to be fixed annually for each Member State concerned.
17 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba predvideti, da testenine, ki spadajo pod oznaki KN 1902 11 in 1902 19 in se izvozijo v Združene države Amerike, spremlja bodisi potrdilo, ki navaja, da se izvažajo po opravljenem postopku aktivnega oplemenitenja, bodisi potrdilo, ki navaja, da so upravičene ali niso upravičene do stopnje nadomestila, ki se uporablja v primeru izvoza v Združene države Amerike za osnovne žitne proizvode, uporabljene pri njihovi proizvodnji;
Whereas provision should be made so that pasta products falling within CN codes 190211 and 190219 and exported to the United States of America are accompanied either by a certificate stating that they are being exported following an inward processing operation or by a certificate stating that they qualify or do not qualify for a rate of refund applicable, in the case of exports to the United States of America, to the basic cereal products used in their manufacture;
18 Pravna redakcija
Upravičenec do nadomestila Skupnosti za umik ali financiranje iz operativnega sklada je obvezan dvakratno povrniti zneske, ki so mu bili neupravičeno izplačani, skupaj z obrestmi, izračunanimi glede na čas, ki je pretekel od izplačila do povračila upravičenca, kadar kontrolni pregledi, izvedeni v skladu s členom 17, pokažejo, da:
The beneficiary of Community withdrawal compensation or of financing from the operational fund shall be under the obligation to pay back double the amounts unduly paid, plus interest calculated by reference to the time that has elapsed between payment and reimbursement by the beneficiary where checks carried out in accordance with Article 17 show that:
19 Pravna redakcija
Priloga k Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 572/73 z dne 26. februarja 1973, ki opredeljuje jajca in perutninsko meso ter njihove proizvode, upravičene do vnaprejšnjega določanja izvoznih nadomestil(1), kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1916/86(2), se nadomesti s Prilogo I k tej uredbi.
The Annex to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 572/73 of 26 February 1973 establishing egg and poultrymeat products eligible for the advance fixing of export refunds (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1916/86 (2), is hereby replaced by Annex I to this Regulation.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1972
Kadar za proizvode, namenjene izvozu iz Skupnosti petnajsterice v eno od novih držav članic, za katere je bila izvozna deklaracija prejeta najpozneje do 30. aprila 2004, pogoji iz člena 3 Uredbe (ES) št. 800/1999 niso bili izpolnjeni do tega datuma, upravičenec povrne sleherno nadomestilo, prejeto v skladu s členom 52 navedene uredbe.
Where, for the products intended for export from the Community of Fifteen to one of the new Member States for which an export declaration has been accepted by 30 April 2004 at the latest, the conditions set out in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 800/1999 have not been complied with by that date, the beneficiary shall reimburse any refund received in accordance with Article 52 of that Regulation.
21 Pravna redakcija
Kadar seštevek količin, ki jih začasno določi vsaka država članica, presega zgornjo mejo, določeno v drugi alinei člena 3(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3117/85, Komisija po posvetu z zadevnimi državami članicami določi celotne količine, upravičene do nadomestila, za vsako državo članico v skladu z merili, določenimi v odstavku 1.
Where the sum of the quantities provisionally determined by each of the Member States exceeds the ceiling provided for in the second indent of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3117/85, the Comission, after consulting the Member States concerned, shall decide the overall quantities eligible for the allowance or each Member State, according to the criteria set out in paragraph 1.
22 Pravna redakcija
Če upravičenec do nadomestila krši shemo nadomestil in če isti upravičenec zadevni državi članici zadovoljivo dokaže, da taka kršitev ni bila storjena z namenom goljufije ali zaradi grobe malomarnosti, država članica zadrži znesek v višini 10 % cene Skupnosti za umik atlantskih sardel s trga za količine, ki so predmet kršitve in bi bile upravičene do nadomestila ali za katere je bilo izplačano nadomestilo.
Where an infringement of the allowance scheme, with limited implications, has been committed by a beneficiary of the allowance and it is shown by the same beneficiary, to the satisfaction of the Member State concerned, that such infringement was committed without intention to defraud or as the result of grave negligence, the Member State shall withhold an amount equal to 10 % of the Community withdrawal price for Atlantic sardines applicable to the quantities which are the subject of the infringement and which were intended to qualify for the allowance or in respect of which the allowance has been granted.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
Priče, upravičene do povračila iz odstavka 2, so upravičene tudi do ustreznega nadomestila za izgubo prihodka, izvedenci pa so upravičeni do honorarja za svoje storitve.
Witnesses entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 shall also be entitled to appropriate compensation for loss of earnings, and experts shall be entitled to fees for their services.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2469
ker uvedba posebnih nadomestil za kose odkoščenega mesa iz prednjih četrti odraslih moških govedi vključuje spremembo nomenklature nadomestil in kategorij govejega in telečjega mesa, ki so upravičene do nadomestil;
Whereas the introduction of a special refund for boned cuts from forequarters of adult male cattle involves an amendment of the refund nomenclature and the categories of beef and veal eligible for a refund;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2183
Za količine, ki so upravičene do nadomestila, je treba določiti pravila, ki urejajo predložitev vlog za nadomestilo in izplačevanje nadomestila, vključno s pogoji v zvezi z dokazilom porekla iz Skupnosti in narave proizvodov Skupnosti.
For the quantities for which entitlement to the allowance has been established, rules should be laid down governing the submission of applications for and payment of the allowance, including conditions relating to furnishing proof of the Community origin and nature of the products.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31968R0821
ker je treba zato sestaviti natančno opredelitev žitnega zrnja, upravičenega do nadomestila za "luščeno zrnje", in za "zrnje, obrušeno v kašo", ki se bo uporabljalo v vsaki državi članici;
whereas it is therefore necessary to establish a precise definition, applicable in each Member State, of cereal grains qualifying for the refund on "hulled grains" and "pearled grains";
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1239
Priče, ki jim pripada povračilo stroškov po odstavku 2, so tudi upravičene do primernega nadomestila za izgubo zaslužka, strokovnjaki, razen če niso člani osebja uradov za preskušanje sort, pa do honorarjev za svoje delo.
Witnesses entitled to reimbursement under paragraph 2 shall also be entitled to appropriate compensation for loss of earnings, and experts unless members of the staff of the Examination Offices, to fees for their work.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1054
"Člen 6 Pristojni organi držav članic sporočijo Komisiji najkasneje do konca vsakega meseca statistične podatke o količinah testenin po tarifnih podštevilkah - pri čemer ločeno navedejo količine, ki so upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila, in količine, ki niso upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila - za katere so potrdila tekom prejšnjega meseca žigosali carinski uradi, ki so sprejeli izvozne deklaracije, na naslednji naslov:
'Article 6 The competent authorities of the Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by the end of each month at the latest, the statistics relating to the quantities of pasta products, by tariff subheading, specifying the quantities which qualify for an export refund and the quantities which do not qualify for an export refund, in respect of which certificates have been stamped in the course of the previous month by the customs offices where the export declarations were accepted, at the following address:
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3459
Države članice morajo prav tako vsak mesec obveščati Komisijo o prodanih količinah v prejšnjem mesecu, ki so lahko upravičene do nadomestila, razvrščenih po trgovskih kategorijah, o vrsti predelave in izdatkih v zvezi z odobritvijo omenjene nadomestila.
Member States shall also notify the Commission every month of the quantities sold during the previous month which may qualifiy for the allowance, broken down by commercial category and type of processing carried out, and of the expenditure relating to the grant of the allowance in question.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1708
Člen 4(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2825/93 določa, da so količine žit, ki so upravičene do nadomestila, količine, dane pod nadzor in destilirane, ovrednotene s koeficientom, ki se določi letno za vsako zadevno državo članico.
Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2825/93 lays down that the quantities of cereals eligible for the refund shall be the quantities placed under control and distilled, weighted by a coefficient to be fixed annually for each Member State concerned.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1707
Člen 4(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2825/93 predvideva, da so količine žit, ki so upravičene do nadomestila, količine, dane pod nadzor in destilirane, ovrednotene s koeficientom, ki se določi letno za vsako zadevno državo članico.
Article 4(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 2825/93 provides that the quantities of cereals eligible for the refund are to be the quantities placed under control and distilled, weighted by a coefficient to be fixed annually for each Member State concerned.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2616
Količine, izvožene v okviru tolerance iz člena 8(4) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3719/88, niso upravičene do izplačila nadomestila, kadar se izvoz opravi na podlagi dovoljenja iz člena 8(1) in dovoljenje vsebuje naslednji vpis v okencu 22:
Quantities exported within the tolerance referred to in Article 8 (4) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 shall not confer entitlement to payment of a refund where exportation takes place under a licence as referred to in Article 8 (1) and the licence contains the following entry in box 22:
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1235
Člen 1 Uredbe (ES) št. 1529/2000 se nadomesti z naslednjim: "Sorte Cannabis sativa L., upravičene do pomoči na podlagi člena 3(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2358/71, so tiste, ki so navedene v Prilogi XII k Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 2316/1999 *. * UL L 280, 30.10.1999, str. 43."
Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 1529/2000 is replaced by the following: "The varieties of Cannabis sativa L. eligible for aid under Article 3(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2358/71 shall be those listed in Annex XII to Commission Regulation (EC) No 2316/1999(9)."
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1054
ker je treba predvideti, da testenine, ki spadajo pod oznaki KN 1902 11 in 1902 19 in se izvozijo v Združene države Amerike, spremlja bodisi potrdilo, ki navaja, da se izvažajo po opravljenem postopku aktivnega oplemenitenja, bodisi potrdilo, ki navaja, da so upravičene ali niso upravičene do stopnje nadomestila, ki se uporablja v primeru izvoza v Združene države Amerike za osnovne žitne proizvode, uporabljene pri njihovi proizvodnji;
Whereas provision should be made so that pasta products falling within CN codes 1902 11 and 1902 19 and exported to the United States of America are accompanied either by a certificate stating that they are being exported following an inward processing operation or by a certificate stating that they qualify or do not qualify for a rate of refund applicable, in the case of exports to the United States of America, to the basic cereal products used in their manufacture;
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R3987
Priloga k Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 572/73 z dne 26. februarja 1973, ki opredeljuje jajca in perutninsko meso ter njihove proizvode, upravičene do vnaprejšnjega določanja izvoznih nadomestil [8], kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 1916/86 [9], se nadomesti s Prilogo I k tej uredbi.
The Annex to Commission Regulation (EEC) N° 572/73 of 26 February 1973 establishing egg and poultrymeat products eligible for the advance fixing of export refunds (1), as last amended by Regulation (EEC) N° 1916/86 (2), is hereby replaced by Annex I to this Regulation.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1746
Ob smrti nekdanjega uradnika, ki je upravičenec do nadomestila, predvidenega v prvem odstavku, so vzdrževani otroci v smislu člena 2 Priloge VII h Kadrovskim predpisom upravičeni do družinske pokojnine pod pogoji, navedenimi v prvem, drugem in tretjem pododstavku člena 80 Kadrovskih predpisov, in v členu 21 Priloge VIII h Kadrovskim predpisom.
On the death of a former official in receipt of the allowance provided for paragraph 1, dependent children within the meaning of Article 2 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations shall be entitled to an orphan's pension on the conditions set out in the first, second and third subparagraphs of Article 80 of the Staff Regulations and in Article 21 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3046
"Pravne osebe, ki niso zavezane k obračunavanju DDV" in "osebe, oproščene DDV", ki se pojavijo v drugem odstavku člena 5, v členu 10(3)(6) in členu 11(2)(6) in (7) osnovne uredbe, se nadomestijo s "pravne osebe, ki jim ni treba obračunavati DDV" in "osebe, ki izvajajo le posle, za katere niso upravičene do odbitka DDV".
'Institutional parties not liable to account for VAT' and 'parties exempt from VAT' which appear in the second paragraph of Article 5, Article 10 (3) (6), and Article 11 (2) (6) and (7) of the Basic Regulation are replaced respectively by 'legal persons not liable to account for VAT' and 'parties liable to account who carry out only transactions not entitling them to any deduction of VAT'.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1748
Ob smrti nekdanjega uradnika ali člana začasnega osebja, ki je upravičenec do nadomestila, predvidenega v prvem odstavku, so vzdrževani otroci v smislu člena 2 Priloge VII h Kadrovskim predpisom upravičeni do družinske pokojnine pod pogoji, navedenimi v prvem, drugem in tretjem pododstavku člena 80 Kadrovskih predpisov in v členu 21 Priloge VIII h Kadrovskim predpisom.
On the death of a former official or member of the temporary staff in receipt of the allowance provided for paragraph 1, dependent children within the meaning of Article 2 of Annex VII to the Staff Regulations shall be entitled to an orphan's pension on the conditions set out in the first, second and third subparagraphs of Article 80 of the Staff Regulations and in Article 21 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1023
Ob odsotnosti sodelovanja in ker je do zgoraj omenjenega nadomestila uvoza iz Brazilije za uvoz iz Argentine prišlo takoj po uvedbi protidampinških dajatev, je treba skleniti, brez kakršne koli druge obrazložitve, da sprememba vzorca trgovanja izhaja iz uvedbe dajatve, ne pa iz katerega koli drugega zadostnega upravičenega razloga ali ekonomske upravičenosti po členu 13(1), drugi stavek osnovne uredbe.
In the absence of cooperation, and given that the abovementioned substitution of imports from Brazil for imports from Argentina took place immediately following the imposition of anti-dumping duties, it has to be concluded, in the absence of any other explanation, that the change in the pattern of trade stemmed from the imposition of the duty rather than from any other sufficient due cause or economic justification within the meaning of Article 13(1), second sentence, of the basic Regulation.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2814
Pogoji za količine, ki so lahko upravičene do pomoči za prenos, kot tudi za uporabo meje dopustnosti in za dokument, ki potrjuje, da so bili proizvodi umaknjeni s trga v drugi državi članici, morajo biti enaki tistim, ki jih določa Uredba Komisije (ES) št. 2509/2000 z dne 15. novembra 2000 o podrobnih pravilih za uporabo Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 104/2000 v zvezi s finančnim nadomestilom za umik določenih ribiških proizvodov s trga [7].
The conditions relating to the quantities which may qualify for carry-over aid as well as to the use of a tolerance margin and to the certifying document to be used when the products are withdrawn in another Member State should be the same as those laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 2509/2000 of 15 November 2000 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 104/2000 as regards granting financial compensation for withdrawal of certain fishery products(7).
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2204
Na podlagi sektorskih pravil lahko Komisija tako pomoč odobri samo, če je v skladu s členom 87(2)(b) Pogodbe namenjena nadomestilu za škodo, ki so jo povzročile naravne nesreče ali izjemni dogodki, ali v pogojih, ki veljajo za operativno pomoč v smernicah o nacionalni regionalni pomoči za regije, upravičene do izjeme po členu 87(3)(a) v zvezi z gospodarskim razvojem območij, kjer je življenjski standard nenormalno nizek, ali vlada hudo pomanjkanje delovne sile.
Subject to any sectoral rules, such aid may be authorised by the Commission only where, in accordance with Article 87(2)(b) of the Treaty, it is intended to make good the damage caused by natural disasters or exceptional occurrences or, under the conditions applying to operating aid in the guidelines on national regional aid, in regions eligible for the derogation under Article 87(3)(a) concerning the economic development of areas where the standard of living is abnormally low or where there is serious underemployment.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0915
Člen 14 Uredbe Komisije (EGS) št. 2729/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi posebnih pravil za uporabo sistema uvoznih in izvoznih dovoljenj in vnaprejšnje določanje nadomestil za mleko in mlečne izdelke [3] določa, da se za zahtevke za dovoljenja z vnaprejšnjo določitvijo nadomestila, vložene v okviru razpisnega postopka v državi nečlanici, lahko upoštevajo samo tisti razpisi, ki jih objavijo javne agencije ali osebe javnega prava, ki so na seznamu, priloženem Uredbi Komisije (EGS) št. 2730/81 z dne 14. septembra 1981 o določitvi seznama agencij in v državah uvoznicah, ki niso članice EU in so upravičene do objave javnih razpisov v sektorju mleka in mlečnih izdelkov [4].
Article 14 of Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2729/81 of 14 September 1981 laying down special rules implementing the system of import and export licences and the advance fixing of refunds in respect of milk and milk products(3) provides that for the purposes of applications for licences with advance fixing of the refund submitted under a tendering procedure opened in a non-member country, the only invitations to tender that may be considered are those issued by public agencies or bodies governed by public law appearing on the list attached to Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2730/81 of 14 September 1981 establishing a list of agencies in non-member importing countries entitled to issue invitations to tender in the milk and milk products sector(4).
43 Prevod
DRUGO: SOP-001-22-67/98
Kupec in upravičenec do osebne služnosti ali realnega bremena se lahko sporazumeta, da kupec prevzame služnost oziroma realno breme, nadomestilo, določeno po prvem odstavku tega člena, pa se odbije od kupnine.
The purchaser and rightful claimant of a personal easement or real encumbrance may enter an agreement under which the purchaser shall assume the easement and/or encumbrance, while the compensation determined in the manner provided in the first paragraph of the present Article shall be deducted from the sale price.
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upravičenec do nadomestil