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upravljanje selitvenih vrst
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-66
ker priznavajo, da bo treba za učinkovito izvajanje takega sporazuma nekaterim državam na območju razširjenosti pomagati pri raziskavah, usposabljanju in spremljanju stanja vrst selitvenih vodnih ptic in njihovih habitatov, pri njihovem upravljanju ter ustanavljanju ali krepitvi znanstvenih in upravnih institucij za izvajanje tega sporazuma,
acknowledging that effective implementation of such an Agreement will require assistance to be provided to some Range States for research, training and monitoring of migratory waterbird species and their habitats, for the management of those habitats as well as for the establishment or improvement of scientific and administrative institutions for the implementation of this Agreement,
2 Pravna redakcija
da si prizadevajo sklepati sporazume, ki zajemajo ohranjanje in upravljanje selitvenih vrst, vključenih v Dodatek II.
shall endeavour to conclude Agreements covering the conservation and management of migratory species included in Appendix II.
3 Pravna redakcija
V PREPRIČANJU, da je za ohranjanje in učinkovito upravljanje selitvenih vrst prosto živečih živali potrebno usklajeno delovanje vseh držav, kjer navedene vrste v mejah njihove državne jurisdikcije preživijo določen del svojega življenjskega ciklusa.
CONVINCED that conservation and effective management of migratory species of wild animals require the concerted action of all States within the national jurisdictional boundaries of which such species spend any part of their life cycle;
4 Pravna redakcija
Vsaki agenciji ali organu, ki je tehnično usposobljen za varstvo, ohranjanje ali upravljanje selitvenih vrst, spada v naslednje skupine in obvesti sekretariat o svoji želji, da ga na zasedanjih Konference zastopajo opazovalci, se to dovoli, razen če temu nasprotuje vsaj ena tretjina prisotnih pogodbenic:
Any agency or body technically qualified in protection, conservation and management of migratory species, in the following categories, which has informed the Secretariat of its desire to be represented at meetings of the Conference of the Parties by observers, shall be admitted unless at least one-third of the Parties present object:
5 Pravna redakcija
ukrepe, ki temeljijo na premišljenih ekoloških načelih, za nadzor in upravljanje jemanja selitvenih vrst iz narave;
measures based on sound ecological principles to control and manage the taking of the migratory species;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986D0238
ker je za upravljanje in ohranjanje izrazito selitvenih vrst v Atlantskem oceanu in sosednjih morjih potrebna mednarodna ureditev;
Whereas there is a need for international regulation of the management and conservation of highly migratory species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas;
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upravljanje selitvenih vrst