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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(2) Skupna ureditev, vzpostavljena v skladu s prejšnjim odstavkom, lahko vključuje vse ukrepe, nujne za doseganje ciljev iz prejšnjega člena, zlasti uravnavanje cen, pomoči pri proizvodnji in trženju raznih proizvodov, ukrepe za skladiščenje in prenos zalog ter skupne mehanizme za stabiliziranje uvoza ali izvoza.
The common organisation established in accordance with paragraph 1 may include all measures required to attain the objectives set out in Article III-227, in particular regulation of prices, aids for the production and marketing of the various products, storage and carryover arrangements and common machinery for stabilising imports or exports.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
Vzpostavi se skupna tržna ureditev za ribiške proizvode, ki vključuje sistem cen in način trgovanja ter skupna pravila o konkurenci.
A common organisation of markets in fishery products is hereby established, comprising a price and trading system and common rules on competition.
3 Končna redakcija
Vendar glede referenčnih cen Kraljevina Španija pri uvozu iz tretjih držav uporablja ureditev, ki jo zanjo uporablja Skupnost v sedanji sestavi v skladu s členom 140 (1).
However, in respect of reference prices, the Kingdom of Spain shall apply to imports from third countries the arrangements applied to it by the Community - as at present constituted under Article 140 (1).
4 Končna redakcija
Tako kot na drugih področjih bančne konkurence tudi tukaj sodelujoče banke ne smejo vzpostavljati ureditev, s katerimi določijo vrsto ali raven oblikovanja cen v zvezi s strankami.
Here, as in other areas of banking competition, participating banks must not make agreements fixing the type or level of pricing vis-à-vis customers.
5 Končna redakcija
Skupna ureditev, vzpostavljena v skladu z odstavkom 1, lahko vključuje vse ukrepe, nujne za doseganje ciljev iz člena 33, zlasti uravnavanje cen, pomoči pri proizvodnji in trženju raznih proizvodov, ukrepe za skladiščenje in prenos zalog ter skupne mehanizme za stabiliziranje uvoza ali izvoza.
The common organisation established in accordance with paragraph 1 may include all measures required to attain the objectives set out in Article 33, in particular regulation of prices, aids for the production and marketing of the various products, storage and carryover arrangements and common machinery for stabilising imports or exports.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11957E
Skupna ureditev, vzpostavljena v skladu z odstavkom 2, lahko vključuje vse ukrepe, nujne za doseganje ciljev iz člena 39, zlasti uravnavanje cen, pomoči pri proizvodnji in trženju raznih proizvodov, ukrepe za skladiščenje in prenos zalog ter skupne mehanizme za stabiliziranje uvoza ali izvoza.
The common organization established in accordance with paragraph 2 may include all measures required to attain the objectives set out in Article 39, in particular regulation of prices, aids for the production and marketing of the various products, storage and carryover arrangements and common machinery for stabilizing imports or exports.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0104
zato bi morala skupna tržna ureditev za te proizvode vključevati takšne ukrepe, ki bi zagotavljali po kakovosti in po količini bolj uravnoteženo ponudbo in povpraševanje ter povečali donos na proizvod za zgoraj omenjeni namen in da bi se z zagotavljanjem stabilnih tržnih cen povečali prihodki proizvajalcev;
the common organisation of markets in these products should therefore comprise such measures as will ensure that supply is better matched to demand, in terms of both quality and quantity, and increase the return on products, both for the above purpose and to improve the income of producers by ensuring stability of market prices;
8 Pravna redakcija
ker je skupna tržna ureditev s temi proizvodi v veliki meri odvisna od zmogljivosti organizacij proizvajalcev, da podpirajo ureditev cen, tako da od svojih članov zahtevajo uskladitev s predpisi, ki jih sprejmejo, da bi v skladu s cilji Pogodbe predvsem ribičem zagotovili zadovoljiv življenjski standard;
Whereas, moreover, the common organization of the market of these products rests to a large extent on the capacity of producers' organizations to promote price regularization, by imposing on their members compliance with the rules they adopt, in order, in accordance with the objectives of the Treaty, to ensure in particular that fishermen enjoy a fair standard of living;
9 Pravna redakcija
Skupna tržna ureditev za goveje in telečje meso vsebuje sistem cen in trgovanja ter obsega naslednje proizvode:
The common organization of the market in beef and veal shall comprise a price and trading system and cover the following products:
10 Pravna redakcija
ker je zaradi novega razvoja trga Loligo opalescens postal zelo pomemben pri uvozu zamrznjenih lignjev Skupnosti; ker je zato treba za te vrste določiti pretvorbene faktorje, da se lahko uporabijo za ureditev referenčnih cen in za ureditve iz člena 16(1) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3796/81;
Whereas, because of recent market developments, Loligo opalescens has become of major importance in Community imports of frozen squid; whereas conversion factors should therefore be fixed for that species, so that they can be applied to the reference price arrangements and to the arrangements provided for in Article 16 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3796/81;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R3072
ker mora skupna ureditev trga za riž vključevati skupni sistem cen Skupnosti;
Whereas the common organization of the market in rice must include a common price system for the Community;
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Tako kot na drugih področjih bančne konkurence tudi tukaj sodelujoče banke ne smejo vzpostavljati ureditev, s katerimi določijo vrsto ali raven oblikovanja cen v zvezi s strankami.
Here, as in other areas of banking competition, participating banks must not make agreements fixing the type or level of pricing vis-a-vis customers.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986R2811
ker je Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 1355/86 spremenila Uredbo (EGS) št. 2358/71, tako da je dodala hibridni sirek za setev k pridelkom, ki jih upravlja skupna ureditev trga za semena, in da je navedeni pridelek vključen v sistem referenčnih cen, ki veljajo za hibridno koruzo;
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 1355/86 amended Regulation (EEC) No 2358/71 by adding hybrid sorghum for sowing to the products governed by the common organization of the market in seeds and by making the said product subject to the system of reference prices applying to hybrid maize;
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31975R2728
ker sistem proizvodnih nadomestil, ki se dodelijo za krompirjev škrob, ureja Uredba Sveta (EGS) št. 2727/75 [2] z dne 29. oktobra 1975 o skupni ureditvi trga za žita; ker delovanje sistema cen in prelevmanov glede krompirjevega škroba zahteva, da se določbe Pogodbe, ki omogočajo presojo pomoči in ukrepe zoper tiste, ki so nezdružljivi s skupnim trgom, razširijo na pomoči, odobrene za proizvodnjo in trgovino s krompirjem za škrob, brez poseganja v določbe, ki bodo sprejete za skupno ureditev trga za krompir,
Whereas the system of production refunds to be granted in respect of potato starch is governed by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2727/75 (2) of 29 October 1975 on the common organization of the market in cereals; Whereas operation of the system of prices and levies in respect of potato starch requires that the provisions of the Treaty which allow aids to be assessed and action to be taken against these which are incompatible with the common market be extended to aids granted for the production of and trade in potatoes for starch manufacture, without prejudice to the provisions which will be made for the common organization of the market in potatoes,
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