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ureditev zbiranja podatkov
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
ureditev spremljanja in vrednotenja programa, predvsem sistemov in postopkov za zbiranje, organiziranje in usklajevanje podatkov, ki se nanašajo na finančne in fizične kazalce ter kazalce vpliva,
the arrangements for monitoring and evaluating the programme, notably systems and procedures for collecting, organising and coordinating data relating to financial, physical and impact indicators,
2 Pravna redakcija
ureditev spremljanja in vrednotenja programa, predvsem sistemov in postopkov za zbiranje, organiziranje in koordiniranje podatkov, ki se nanašajo na finančne in fizične kazalce ter kazalce vpliva,
the arrangements for monitoring and evaluating the programme, notably systems and procedures for collecting, organising and coordinating data relating to financial, physical and impact indicators,
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0520
Sporazumna ureditev prepoveduje takšne lažne navedbe v prihodnje in zahteva, da Liberty Financial na svoji otroški spletni strani objavi obvestilo o zasebnosti ter da pred zbiranjem osebnih podatkov od otrok pridobi preverljivo soglasje staršev.
The consent agreement prohibits such misrepresentations in the future and requires Liberty Financial to post a privacy notice on its children's sites and obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting personal identifying information from children.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0049
ker je zaradi odgovornosti za posebne interese zavarovancev in žrtev v primeru zavarovanja odgovornosti voznika motornega vozila v državi članici podružnice potrebna ustrezna struktura za zbiranje vseh potrebnih podatkov o škodnih zahtevkih v zvezi s to nevarnostjo, z zadostnim pooblastilom za zastopanje oškodovane stranke, ki lahko zahteva odškodnino, vključno s pooblastilom za plačilo te odškodnine in za zastopanje podjetja ali, po potrebi, ureditev zastopanja pred sodišči in pristojnimi organi te države članice v zvezi z zahtevki za odškodnino;
whereas responsibility for the specific interests of insured persons and victims in the case of third-party liability motor insurance requires adequate structures in the Member State of the branch for the collection of all the necessary information on compensation claims relating to that risk, with sufficient powers to represent the undertaking vis-a-vis injured parties who could claim compensation, including powers to pay such compensation, and to represent the undertaking or, if necessary, to arrange for it to be represented in the courts and before the competent authorities of that Member State in connection with claims for compensation;
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ureditev zbiranja podatkov