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ustrezen predpis
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-1
Predpis o zastaranju kaznivega dejanja podkupovanja tujega javnega uslužbenca mora omogočiti ustrezen čas za raziskavo in kazenski pregon tega kaznivega dejanja.
Any statute of limitations applicable to the offence of bribery of a foreign public official shall allow an adequate period of time for the investigation and prosecution of this offence.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
država članica Evropske skupnosti, ki je pristojna za izdajo spričevala letalskega prevoznika, izvaja in vzdržuje učinkovit predpisani nadzor letalskega prevoznika in je ustrezen letalski organ jasno opredeljen; in
effective regulatory control of the air carrier is exercised and maintained by the Member State responsible for issuing its Air Operators Certificate and the relevant Aeronautical Authority is clearly identified;
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-84
država članica Evropske skupnosti, ki je pristojna za izdajo spričevala letalskega prevoznika, ne izvaja in vzdržuje učinkovitega predpisanega nadzora letalskega prevoznika ali ustrezen letalski organ ni jasno opredeljen; ali
effective regulatory control of the air carrier is not exercised and maintained by the Member State responsible for issuing its Air Operators Certificate or the competent aeronautical authority is not clearly identified; or
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-59
Skupni odbor EGP sprejme za zagotovitev pravne varnosti in homogenosti EGP sklep o spremembi priloge k temu sporazumu v čim krajšem času po tem, ko Skupnost sprejme ustrezen novi predpis Skupnosti, da bi s tem omogočil hkratno uporabo tega predpisa in sprememb prilog k Sporazumu.
In order to guarantee the legal security and the homogeneity of the EEA, the EEA Joint Committee shall take a decision concerning an amendment of an Annex to this Agreement as closely as possible to the adoption by the Community of the corresponding new Community legislation with a view to permitting a simultaneous application of the latter as well as of the amendments of the Annexes to the Agreement.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40/2003
ustrezen pravni okvir z oblikovanjem in prilagajanjem številnih pravnih predpisov, ki urejajo trg dela in zaposlovanja, da bodo zagotovljene pravne osnove za uveljavitev ukrepov in za realizacijo ciljev načrtovane politike, med drugim tudi za kadrovsko prestrukturiranje podjetij v težavah,
− a relevant legal framework for the creation and harmonisation of numerous legal regulations governing the labour market and employment in order to ensure a legal platform for the enforcement of measures and implementation of the planned policy aims, and inter alia also for the restructuring of the personnel system in the companies which find themselves in a difficult situation,
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Vlada Republike Slovenije oziroma pristojni občinski organ izda sklep iz prejšnjega odstavka na zahtevo, ki jo lahko vloži pristojni resorni minister oziroma župan. Takšni zahtevi mora biti priložena navedba določbe zakona oziroma predpisa, v katerem je podlaga, da lahko določena vrsta objekta oziroma njegovega dela pridobi status grajenega javnega dobra, uporabno dovoljenje, kadar je to predpisano in ustrezen zemljiško-katastrski načrt z vrisanim objektom, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi.
The Government of the PlaceName PlaceNameRepublic of PlaceNameSlovenia and the relevant municipal body shall issue the resolutions specified in the previous paragraph in response to a request that may be lodged by the relevant minister or mayor. Citation of the provision of law or regulations containing the basis for the type of works or part thereof being able to acquire the status of a built public asset, the permit of use if so prescribed, and the relevant cadastral register plan with the works traced in and formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations must be appended to the request.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Investitor mora poskrbeti za ustrezen načrt organizacije gradbišča, izdelan v skladu s pogoji iz gradbenega dovoljenja in za izdelavo varnostnega načrta v skladu s predpisi o zagotavljanju varnosti in zdravja pri delu ter zagotoviti, da bo gradbišče urejeno v skladu z varnostnim načrtom. Izvajalec oziroma v primeru, če je več izvajalcev, tisti izvajalec, ki ga imenuje investitor, mora gradbišče urediti v skladu z varnostnim načrtom in izvajanje del organizirati tako, da zaradi njih na gradbišču ne bodo ogroženi varnost objekta, življenje in zdravje ljudi, promet, sosedni objekti ali okolje.
The investor must attend to a suitable plan of organisation for the construction site, formulated in accordance with the conditions specified in the building permit, and to the formulation of a safety plan in accordance with regulations on health and safety at work, and must ensure that the construction site is regulated in accordance with the safety plan. The contractor, or the contractor appointed by the investor if there are several contractors, must regulate the construction site in accordance with the safety plan and organise the execution of works such that on the construction site no threat is presented to the safety of the works, to the lives and health of people, to traffic, to neighbouring works or to the environment for reason of the works.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Vlada Republike Slovenije oziroma pristojni občinski organ izda sklep iz prejšnjega odstavka na zahtevo, ki jo lahko vloži pristojni resorni minister oziroma župan. V takšni zahtevi mora biti navedena določba zakona oziroma predpisa, v katerem je podlaga, da lahko določena vrsta objekta oziroma njegovega dela pridobi status grajenega javnega dobra, priložiti pa se ji mora tudi ustrezen geodetski načrt s prikazom parcele, izdelan v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi in dokazilo, da ima predlagatelj pravico razpolagati z zemljiščem, ki naj bi skupaj z zgrajenim objektom na njem pridobilo status grajenega javnega dobra.
The Government of the PlaceName PlaceNameRepublic of PlaceNameSlovenia or the relevant municipal body shall issue the resolution specified in the previous paragraph in response to a request that may be lodged by the relevant minister or mayor. The request must cite the provision of law or regulations containing the basis for the specific type of works or part thereof being able to acquire the status of a built public asset, and the relevant land surveying plan with an illustration of the parcel formulated in accordance with land surveying regulations and evidence that the proposer has the right to dispose of the land that together with the works constructed thereon is to acquire the status of a built public asset must be appended to the request.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
9. kot obratovalec javnega letališča ne izvaja svoje dejavnosti na ustrezen, nepristranski, pregleden in nediskriminacijski način ter tako, da so zagotovljeni varnost, rednost in nemotenost zračnega prometa (tretji odstavek 158. člena), 10. kot obratovalec javnega letališča ne omogoči letalskemu prevozniku ter drugim ponudnikom storitev zemeljske oskrbe, da opravljajo storitve zemeljske oskrbe (drugi odstavek 159. člena), 11. kot samooskrbni uporabnik letališča oziroma registrirani izvajalec storitev zemeljske oskrbe opravlja dejavnost zemeljske oskrbe, pa ne izpolnjuje pogojev, ki jih z odločbo določi Uprava oziroma opravlja storitve brez takšne odločbe (tretji odstavek 159. člena), 12. kot obratovalec javnega letališča ne opravlja dejavnosti zemeljske oskrbe v skladu z obratovalnim dovoljenjem (četrti odstavek 159. člena), 13. kot samooskrbni uporabnik letališča oziroma registrirani izvajalec storitev zemeljske oskrbe ne izpolni obveznosti v zvezi z zaposlitvijo novih delavcev za izvajanje služb zemeljske oskrbe (peti odstavek 159. člen), 14. kot upravljalec javnega letališča opravi izbiro izvajalcev zemeljske oskrbe brez posvetovanja z odborom uporabnikov ali na način, ki ni skladen s pravili javnega naročanja (osmi odstavek 159. člena), 15. kot upravljalec javnega letališča ne vodi in upravlja centraliziranih infrastruktur na pregleden, nepristranski in nediskriminacijski način ali ovira dostop izvajalcev storitev zemeljske oskrbe ali samooskrbovalnih uporabnikov letališča do teh infrastruktur (prvi odstavek 160. člena), 16. kot upravljalec javnega letališča ne omogoči prostega dostopa do letaliških objektov in naprav na primeren, nepristranski, pregleden in nediskriminacijski način (drugi odstavek 160. člena), 17. kot upravljalec javnega letališča ne zagotovi obratovanja javnega letališča v času, ki ga določi minister, pristojen za promet (drugi odstavek 162. člen), 18. kot obratovalec letališča oziroma izvajalec storitev zemeljske oskrbe za tretje krši predpisani način in postopek oblikovanja in določanja tarif in cen posameznih storitev (prvi in drugi odstavek 164. člena), 19. kot obratovalec javnega letališča, izvajalec storitev zemeljske oskrbe za tretje oziroma uporabnik letališča, ki opravlja storitve zemeljske oskrbe v pogojih samooskrbe, za storitve zemeljske oskrbe oziroma dejavnosti, ki so povezane z obratovanjem javnega letališča v smislu določb 20. točke 17. člena, ne vodi računovodstva na predpisan način (četrti odstavek 164. člena).
9. as operator of a public airport it does not perform its activities in a suitable, impartial, transparent and non-discriminatory manner and such that it ensures the safety, regularity and undisturbed character of air traffic (third paragraph of Article 158), 10. as operator of a public airport does not enable air carriers and other providers of ground care services, in order that they perform ground care services (second paragraph of Article 159), 11. as a self-service airport user or registered provider of ground care services performs ground care activities but does not meet conditions that the Administration determines by decision, or performs such services without such a decision third paragraph of Article 159), 12. as operator of a public airport does not perform ground care activities in compliance with the operating permit (fourth paragraph of Article 159), 13. as a self-service airport user or registered provider of ground care services it does not meet obligations in connection the employment of new members of staff for carrying out ground care services (fifth paragraph of Article 159), 14. as administrator of a public airport it makes a choice of ground care providers without consulting the users` council or in a manner that is not in compliance with the rules of public commissioning (eighth paragraph of Article 159), 15. as administer of a public airport does not manage and administer centralised infrastructure in a transparent, impartial and non-discriminatory manner or hinders access to providers of ground care services or self-service users of the airport to such infrastructure (first paragraph of Article 160), 16. as administrator of a public airport does not enable free access to airport facilities and devices in a suitable, impartial, transparent and non-discriminatory manner (second paragraph of Article 160), 17. as administrator of a public airport does not ensure operation of the public airport at a time determined by the 06 (second paragraph of Article 162), 18. as operator of an airport or provider of ground care services for third persons it violates the prescribed manner and procedure of forming and determining tariffs and prices of individual services (first and second paragraphs of Article 164), 19. as operator of a public airport, provider of ground care services for third persons or airport user who performs ground care services under conditions of /self-care/, does not keep accounts in the prescribed manner for ground care services or activities connected with the operation of a public airport within the meaning of the provisions of point 20 of Article 17 (fourth paragraph of Article 164),
10 Končna redakcija
ker mora skupna tržna ureditev za hmelj istočasno in na ustrezen način upoštevati cilje, predpisane v členih 39 in 110 Pogodbe;
Whereas the common organisation of the market in hops must take account, at the same time and in an appropriate manner, of the objectives laid down in Articles 39 and 110 of the Treaty;
11 Končna redakcija
Standardi lepote in zdravja ženskega telesa natančno predpisujejo (primerni) odnos ženske do lastnega telesa, s tem ko ji predpisujejo idealno gibljivost telesa, dovoljeno mero spontanosti, pravilno držo in ustrezen položaj, prakse, v katere se spodobi vpreči žensko telo, in tiste, ki za to niso primerne ...
Beauty and health standards spell out in minute detail how a woman should take care of her body, by defining ideal flexibility, the allowable measure of spontaneity, a correct posture and adequate position, practices that befit the female body and those which are not appropriate.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
V času upravičenosti do nadomestila in v naslednjih šestih mesecih imajo uradnik iz členov 41 in 50 Kadrovskih predpisov in po njem zavarovane osebe pravico do dajatev in storitev iz zdravstvenega zavarovanja, predvidenega v členu 72 Kadrovskih predpisov pod pogojem, da uradnik plačuje ustrezen prispevek, ki je izračunan glede na njegovo plačo ali njen odstotek, določen v odstavku 1 tega člena, odvisno od primera, in da nima zaposlitve ali dela."
During the period of entitlement to the allowance, and for the first six months thereafter, the official referred to in Articles 41 and 50 of the Staff Regulations shall be entitled, in respect of himself and persons covered by his insurance, to benefits under the sickness insurance scheme provided for in Article 72 of the Staff Regulations, on condition that the official pays the appropriate contribution calculated by reference, as the case may be, either to his basic salary or to the percentage thereof specified in paragraph 1 of this Article and that he is not gainfully employed";
13 Pravna redakcija
Če je, sklic na ustrezen zakon ali druge predpise
If yes, reference of the relevant law, regulation or administrative provision
14 Pravna redakcija
dovoljenjih ali predpisih za izpuste odpadne vode, ki jih izda pristojna oblast ali drug ustrezen organ.
permits or regulations for waste-water discharges issued by the competent authority or appropriate body.
15 Pravna redakcija
- vzpostavili ustrezen posvetovalni mehanizem med carinskimi upravami in trgovci o carinskih predpisih in postopkih,
- establish an appropriate consultation mechanism between customs administrations and traders on customs regulations and procedures,
16 Pravna redakcija
uvedli ustrezen posvetovalni mehanizem med carinskimi upravami in trgovci v zvezi s carinskimi predpisi in postopki,
establish an appropriate consultation mechanism between customs administrations and traders on customs regulations and procedures,
17 Pravna redakcija
Kjer pristojni organ ugotovi očitno neizpolnjevanje higienskih predpisov, predpisanih s to direktivo, ali ovire za ustrezen nadzor, mora biti pooblaščen:
Where the competent authority finds an obvious failure to comply with the hygiene rules laid down by this Directive or obstacles to an adequate inspection it shall be empowered:
18 Pravna redakcija
Uradniki in drugi uslužbenci, ki bi želeli izkoristiti takšno ugodnost, morajo po predpisani poti in na ustreznem obrazcu zaprositi ustrezen organ za potrebno dovoljenje.
Officials or other servants wishing to benefit from such an advantage must seek the necessary permission from the proper authority, through the usual channels, using the appropriate form.
19 Pravna redakcija
se pred zapadlostjo roka, predpisanega za oddajo ponudb, predložijo dokazila, da je ponudnik za ustrezen posamičen razpis položil varščino, kakor je navedeno v členu 17(1);
proof is furnished before expiry of the period set for the submission of tenders that the tenderer has lodged a tendering security as referred to in Article 17 (1) for the relvant individual invitation to tender,
20 Pravna redakcija
Pri snovanju in spreminjanju tehničnih predpisov na področjih, ki jih obsega ta sklep, se države članice opirajo na standarde iz člena 5, če ti na ustrezen način izpolnjujejo zahtevane tehnične specifikacije predpisa.
When drafting or amending technical regulations in areas covered by this Decision, Member States shall refer to the standards referred to in Article 5 whenever these meet in an appropriate fashion the required technical specifications of the regulation.
21 Pravna redakcija
Fitofarmacevtsko sredstvo mora izpolnjevati fizikalna merila (skupaj s stabilnostjo pri skladiščenju) za ustrezen tip formulacije, predpisana v "Priročniku za razvoj in uporabo FAO specifikacij za fitofarmacevtska sredstva".
The plant protection product must fulfil the physical criteria (including storage stability) specified for the relevant formulation type in the "Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for plant protection products".
22 Pravna redakcija
če osebe stalno prebivajo na ozemlju države članice, ki ni Belgija, so upravičene do storitev, ki jih predvideva zakonodaja države članice stalnega prebivališča, pod pogojem, da nosilcu plačajo ustrezen dodatni prispevek, ki ga določajo belgijski predpisi.
in the event that they are permanently resident in the territory of a Member State other than Belgium, the persons concerned shall be entitled to the benefits in kind provided for under the legislation of the Member State of permanent residence provided that they pay the relevant Belgian institution the appropriate additional contribution provided for under Belgian regulations.
23 Pravna redakcija
Organi za ugotavljanje skladnosti, našteti v Prilogi 1, na ustrezen način sodelujejo v okviru usklajevalnega in primerjalnega dela, ki ga izvaja vsaka pogodbenica v zvezi s sektorji iz Priloge 1, da bi zagotovili dosledno izvajanje postopkov za ugotavljanje skladnosti, določenih z zakoni in drugimi predpisi pogodbenic, ki jih zajema ta sporazum.
The conformity assessment bodies listed in Annex 1 shall cooperate in an appropriate way in the framework of the coordination and comparison work conducted by each of the Parties in respect of the sectors covered by Annex 1 in order to ensure that the conformity assessment procedures provided for in the laws and regulations of the Parties covered by this Agreement are applied in a consistent manner.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0723
V času upravičenosti do nadomestila in v naslednjih šestih mesecih imajo uradnik iz členov 41 in 50 Kadrovskih predpisov in po njem zavarovane osebe pravico do dajatev in storitev iz zdravstvenega zavarovanja, predvidenega v členu 72 Kadrovskih predpisov pod pogojem, da uradnik plačuje ustrezen prispevek, ki je izračunan glede na njegovo plačo ali njen odstotek, določen v odstavku 1 tega člena, odvisno od primera, in da nima zaposlitve ali dela.
During the period of entitlement to the allowance, and for the first six months thereafter, the official referred to in Articles 41 and 50 of the Staff Regulations shall be entitled, in respect of himself and persons covered by his insurance, to benefits under the sickness insurance scheme provided for in Article 72 of the Staff Regulations, on condition that the official pays the appropriate contribution calculated by reference, as the case may be, either to his basic salary or to the percentage thereof specified in paragraph 1 of this Article and that he is not gainfully employed";
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0916
(b) Sklep o dodeljevanju in načrtovanju pomoči iz ERS bo objavljen in ustrezen nacionalni indikativni program podpisan na osnovi izvajanja resolucije OAS št. 822 in zlasti predpisov glede pravnega reda in lokalnih volitev, vključno z oblikovanjem Začasnega volilnega sveta (CEP-Conseil Electoral Provisoire), ki oblikuje garancijsko volilno komisijo, ter izvedbo državnih volitev.
(b) Decisions on the notification of the 9th EDF allocation, programming and signature of the relevant National Indicative Programme will be taken on the basis of the implementation of OAS resolution 822 and in particular the stipulations regarding the legislative and local elections process including the formation of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP-Conseil Electoral Provisoire) the formation by the CEP of the Electoral Guarantees Commission and the holding of national elections.
26 Pravna redakcija
V času upravičenosti do dodatka in v naslednjih šestih mesecih imajo uradnik in po njem zavarovane osebe pravico do dajatev in storitev iz zdravstvenega zavarovanja, opredeljenega v členu 72 Kadrovskih predpisov pod pogojem, da uradnik plačuje ustrezen prispevek, ki je izračunan glede na njegovo plačo ali njen odstotek, določen v odstavku 1 tega člena, odvisno od primera, in da ni za isto tveganje zavarovan po drugem javnem sistemu.
During the period of entitlement to the allowance, and for the first six months thereafter, the official shall be entitled, in respect of himself and persons covered by his insurance, to benefits under the sickness insurance scheme provided for in Article 72 of the Staff Regulations, on condition that the official pays the appropriate contribution calculated by reference, as the case may be, either to his basic salary or to the percentage thereof specified in paragraph 1 of this Article and that he cannot be covered by any other public scheme against the same risks.
27 Pravna redakcija
da je rastlinam, rastlinskim proizvodom ali drugim predmetom priložen ustrezen original zahtevanega uradnega "fitosanitarnega spričevala" ali "fitosanitarnega spričevala za ponovni izvoz", izdanega skladno z določbami iz člena 13a(3) in (4), ali, če je primerno, da so zadevnemu predmetu priloženi ali dodani ali je kakorkoli drugače opremljen z originalom alternativnih dokumentov ali žigov, kot je določeno in dovoljeno v izvedbenih predpisih.
that the plants, plant products or other objects are accompanied by the respective original of the required official "phytosanitary certificate" or "phytos-anitary certificate for re-export" issued in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 13a(3) and (4), or, where relevant, that the original of alternative documents or marks as specified and permitted in implementing provisions accompany, or are attached to, or otherwise put on, the object concerned.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3287
Če subjekt predodpremnega pregleda zaradi obveznosti do vlade ali osebe javnega prava tretje države ne spoštuje pogojev, določenih v členih 4 in 5 te uredbe, če subjekt ne ravna v skladu s postopki, določenimi v členu 7, ali če obstaja kateri koli drug razlog za domnevo, da ne spoštuje Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Svetovne trgovinske organizacije, se lahko uporabi kateri koli ustrezen postopek, vključno s postopkom, predpisanim v Uredbi (EGS) št. 2641/84 pod tam določenimi pogoji fn.
If, as a result of its obligations towards the government or a public entity of a third country, the pre-shipment inspection entity does not observe the conditions set out in Articles 4 and 5 of this Regulation, if the entity does not comply with the procedures set out in Article 7, or if there is any other reason to believe that the WTO Agreement is not respected, recourse may be had to any appropriate procedure, including the procedure laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 2641/84 under the conditions set out therein.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0125
"ustrezen predpis" pomeni vsak predpis, vključno s samoregulacijo, ki je v veljavi v državah članicah v skladu z Direktivo 2003/6/ES.
"appropriate regulation" shall mean any regulation, including self-regulation, in place in Member States as referred to by Directive 2003/6/EC.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
Dokler ta del ne opredeljuje zahteve za potrjevanje komponent, se uporablja ustrezen predpis države članice.
Until such time as this Part specifies a requirement for certifying components, the relevant Member State regulation shall apply.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2042
Dokler ta del ne opredeljuje zahteve za potrditveno osebje zrakoplovov, razen letal in helikopterjev, se uporablja ustrezen predpis države članice.
Until such time as this Part specifies a requirement for certifying staff of aircraft other than aeroplanes and helicopters, the relevant Member State regulation shall apply.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0070
ker naj se zagotovi ustrezen predpis za odložitev zamenjave, če bi upoštevanje roka do 2005 povzročilo resne težave v industriji posamezne države članice pri uveljavljanju potrebnih sprememb v pridelovalnih obratih;
whereas, however, appropriate provision should be made for such replacement to be delayed when application of the date of 2005 in a Member State would cause severe difficulties for its industries in making the necessary changes in its manufacturing facilities;
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31970L0156
ker bi bilo zato priporočljivo predpisati ustrezen postopek, ki bi to preprečeval;
whereas it is therefore advisable to prescribe an appropriate procedure to preclude such hazards;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1406
Za učinkovitost teh predpisov jih je treba uporabljati na ustrezen in enoten način v vsej Skupnosti.
In order to be effective, such legislation must be applied in a proper and uniform manner throughout the Community.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
Počasi povlecite bat nazaj, da posesate ustrezen odmerek zdravila, kot ga je predpisal vaš zdravnik, v brizgo.
Pull back on the plunger slowly to draw the correct dose as prescribed by your doctor into the syringe.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
V ta namen Oblast v svojih finančnih pravilih, predpisih in postopkih označi ustrezen mednarodni terminalni trg.
For this purpose, the Authority shall specify, in its financial rules, regulations and procedures, the relevant international terminal market.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
Počasi povlecite bat nazaj, da posesate ustrezen odmerek zdravila, kot ga je predpisal vaš zdravnik, v brizgo. up
Pull back on the plunger slowly to draw the correct dose as no
38 Prevajalska redakcija
Običajen odmerek zdravila ARICLAIM je 60 mg enkrat na dan, za vas ustrezen odmerek pa vam bo predpisal vaš zdravnik.
The usual dose of ARICLAIM is 60 mg once a day, but your doctor will prescribe the dose that is right for you.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
Običajen odmerek CYMBALTE je ena kapsula (60 mg duloksetina) enkrat na dan, za vas ustrezen odmerek pa vam bo predpisal vaš zdravnik.
The usual dose of CYMBALTA is one capsule (60 mg duloxetine) once a day, but your doctor will prescribe the dose that is right for you.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravnik vam bo predpisal ustrezen odmerek zdravila Cozaar glede na vaše stanje in glede na to, ali jemljete še katera druga zdravila.
Your doctor will decide on the appropriate dose of Cozaar, depending on your condition and whether you are taking other medicines.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
Zdravnik vam bo predpisal ustrezen odmerek zdravila Cozaar Comp glede na vaše stanje in glede na to, ali jemljete še katera druga zdravila.
Your doctor will decide on the appropriate dose of Cozaar Comp depending on your condition and whether you are taking other medicines.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
89 Običajen odmerek zdravila DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM je 60 mg enkrat na dan, za vas ustrezen odmerek pa vam bo predpisal vaš zdravnik.
The usual dose of DULOXETINE BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM is 60 mg once a day, but your doctor will prescribe the dose that is right for you.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Običajen odmerek zdravila XERISTAR je ena kapsula (60 mg duloksetina) enkrat na dan, za vas ustrezen odmerek pa vam bo predpisal vaš zdravnik.
The usual dose of XERISTAR is one capsule (60 mg duloxetine) once a day, but your doctor will prescribe the dose that is right for you.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
Prazen peroralni aplikator in zaščitni pokrovček zavrzite v ustrezen vsebnik za odstranjevanje bioloških odpadkov v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi.
Discard the empty oral applicator and tip cap in approved biological waste containers according to local regulations.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0070
ker lahko ta odbor za zagotovitev doslednega izvajanja te direktive prilagodi nekatere predpise, da bi upošteval ustrezen razvoj na mednarodni ravni;
Whereas, in order to ensure a consistent implementation of this Directive, certain provisions may be adapted through this committee to take account of relevant developments at international level;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31980R1238
Znesek dodatka je ustrezen znesku iz člena 74(1) Kadrovskih predpisov za uradnike Evropskih skupnosti in se samodejno prilagaja spremembam tega zneska."
This amount is equivalent to the amount specified in Article 74 (1) of the Staff Regulations of officials of the European Communities and shall be automatically adjusted in line with any change in that amount".
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Pri predpisovanju zdravila ReFacto AF je pomembno, da posebej titriramo in spremljamo raven faktorja vsakega bolnika, ker le tako lahko zagotovimo ustrezen terapevtski odziv.
When prescribing ReFacto AF it is important to individually titrate and monitor each patient 's factor level in order to ensure an adequate therapeutic response.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2571
se pred zapadlostjo roka, predpisanega za oddajo ponudb, predložijo dokazila, da je ponudnik za ustrezen posamičen razpis položil varščino, kakor je navedeno v členu 17(1);
proof is furnished before expiry of the period set for the submission of tenders that the tenderer has lodged a tendering security as referred to in Article 17 (1) for the relevant individual invitation to tender;
49 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0515
Če to določajo zakoni, drugi predpisi in postopki zadevne države članice, nacionalni nadzorni organ iz člena 37 odloči, ali se informacija sporoči in določi ustrezen postopek.
If laid down in the laws, regulations and procedures of the Member State concerned, the national supervisory authority provided for in Article 37 shall decide whether information is to be communicated and the procedure for doing so.
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
Razen če udeleženka pobudnica ne pošlje obvestila, da je umaknila svojo namero po odstopanju, lahko udeleženke potem, ko se izteče ustrezen čakalni rok, predpisan v členu 47, zagotavljajo podporo:
Unless the initiating Participant has sent notice that it has withdrawn its intention to derogate, Participants can, once the appropriate waiting period stipulated in Article 47 has expired, provide support as follows:
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ustrezen predpis