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uvozna kontrola
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 81-2008
To pa ne preprečuje državi pogodbenici uvoznici, da ne bi izvajala kontrolnih preskusov v skladu s 6. členom te konvencije.
This does not prevent an importing Contracting State from carrying out check tests in accordance with Article 6.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
V ta namen je treba članici uvoznici na zahtevo zagotoviti ustrezen dostop zaradi kontrole, testiranja in drugih ustreznih postopkov.
For this purpose, reasonable access shall be given, upon request, to the importing Member for inspection, testing and other relevant procedures.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Subjekti predodpremne kontrole delijo zaupne poslovne informacije z vladami, ki so jih pogodbeno ali drugače pooblastile, samo do mere, ki se običajno zahteva v zvezi z akreditivi ali drugimi oblikami plačil ali za carino, izdajo uvoznih dovoljenj ali za namene devizne kontrole.
Preshipment inspection entities shall share confidential business information with the governments contracting or mandating them only to the extent that such information is customarily required for letters of credit or other forms of payment or for customs, import licensing or exchange control purposes.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Članice uporabnice zagotavljajo, kadarkoli od njih izvozniki tako zahtevajo, da subjekti predodpremne kontrole pred datumom fizične kontrole predhodno preverijo ceno in, če je potrebno, tečaj na osnovi pogodbe med izvoznikom in uvoznikom, proforma fakture in, če je potrebno, vlogo za uvozno dovoljenje.
User Members shall ensure that, whenever so requested by the exporters, preshipment inspection entities undertake, prior to the date of physical inspection, a preliminary verification of price and, where applicable, of currency exchange rate, on the basis of the contract between exporter and importer, the pro forma invoice and, where applicable, the application for import authorization.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Če se sumi, da sistem povračil uvoznih dajatev, ki vključuje nadomestitev uvoza, pomeni subvencijo, morajo preiskovalne oblasti najprej ugotoviti, ali ima vlada članice izvoznice in ali izvaja postopek kontrole.
Where it is alleged that a substitution drawback system conveys a subsidy, the investigating authorities should first proceed to determine whether the government of the exporting Member has in place and applies a verification system or procedure.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
Članice uporabnice zagotavljajo, da se cena ali tečaj, ki ga je subjekt predodpremne kontrole sprejel na podlagi takega predhodnega preverjanja, ne spremeni pod pogojem, da blago ustreza uvozni dokumentaciji in/ali uvoznemu dovoljenju.
User Members shall ensure that a price or currency exchange rate that has been accepted by a preshipment inspection entity on the basis of such preliminary verification is not withdrawn, providing the goods conform to the import documentation and/or import licence.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Sanitarni in fitosanitarni ukrepi
možno škodo v smislu izgub v proizvodnji ali prodaji ob vnosu, obstoju ali širjenju škodljivcev ali bolezni; stroške kontrole ali odprave na ozemlju članice uvoznice ter relativno stroškovno učinkovitost drugačnih pristopov k omejevanju tveganj.
the potential damage in terms of loss of production or sales in the event of the entry, establishment or spread of a pest or disease; the costs of control or eradication in the territory of the importing Member; and the relative cost-effectiveness of alternative approaches to limiting risks.
8 Objavljeno
WTO: Predodpremna kontr-Uvozna dovoljenja
(a) subjekti predodpremne kontrole lahko zavrnejo pogodbeno ceno, ki je dogovorjena med izvoznikom in uvoznikom samo, če lahko dokažejo, da njihove ugotovitve o neustrezni ceni temeljijo na postopku preverjanja na podlagi meril, določenih v pododstavkih od (b) do (e);
(a) preshipment inspection entities shall only reject a contract price agreed between an exporter and an importer if they can demonstrate that their findings of an unsatisfactory price are based on a verification process which is in conformity with the criteria set out in subparagraphs (b) through (e);
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Obstoj sistema kontrole je pomemben, ker omogoča vladi članice izvoznice, da zagotovi in prikaže, da količina inputov, za katero se zahteva povračilo dajatev, ne presega enake količine proizvodov za izvoz v kakršnikoli obliki in da ne obstaja povračilo uvoznih dajatev, ki presega tiste, ki so prvotno plačane za določene uvozne inpute.
The existence of a verification system or procedure is important because it enables the government of the exporting Member to ensure and demonstrate that the quantity of inputs for which drawback is claimed does not exceed the quantity of similar products exported, in whatever form, and that there is not drawback of import charges in excess of those originally levied on the imported inputs in question.
10 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Sporazum o kmetijstvu, 19. člen; Sporazum o uporabi sanitarnih in fitosanitarnih ukrepov, prvi odstavek 11. člena; Sporazum o tekstilu in oblačilih, četrti odstavek 8. člena; Sporazum o tehničnih ovirah v trgovini, prvi odstavek 14. člena; Sporazum o ukrepih na področju vlaganj, ki vplivajo na trgovino, 8. člen; Sporazum o izvajanju VI. člena GATT 1994, drugi odstavek 17. člena; Sporazum o izvajanju VII. člena GATT 1994, drugi odstavek 19. člena; Sporazum o predodpremni kontroli, 7. člen; Sporazum o pravilih o poreklu blaga, 7. člen; Sporazum o postopkih za izdajanje uvoznih dovoljenj, 6. člen; Sporazum o subvencijah in izravnalnih ukrepih, 30. člen; Sporazum o posebnih zaščitnih ukrepih, 14. člen; Sporazum o trgovinskih vidikih pravic intelektualne lastnine, 64.1 člen; ter vse ustrezne določbe o posvetovanju v večstranskih trgovinskih sporazumih, kot jih določajo pristojni organi vsakega sporazuma in so sporočeni DSB.
Agreement on Agriculture, Article 19; Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, paragraph 1 of Article 11; Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, paragraph 4 of Article 8; Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, paragraph 1 of Article 14; Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures, Article 8; Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994, paragraph 2 of Article 17; Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994, paragraph 2 of Article 19; Agreement on Preshipment Inspection, Article 7; Agreement on Rules of Origin, Article 7; Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures, Article 6; Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, Article 30; Agreement on Safeguards, Article 14; Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Article 64.1; and any corresponding consultation provisions in Plurilateral Trade Agreements as determined by the competent bodies of each Agreement and as notified to the DSB.
11 Končna redakcija
na mejni kontrolni točki lahko uvoznik dokaže, da bo ptice sprejel odobren karantenski obrat ali center.
the importer can prove at the border inspection post that an approved quarantine facility or centre will accept the birds.
12 Končna redakcija
Države članice zagotovijo, da uradni veterinar ob prihodu na ozemlje Skupnosti opravi zdravstveni pregled (uvozno kontrolo) goveda in prašičev.
The Member States shall ensure that bovine animals and swine, on arrival in the territory of the Community, undergo a health inspection (import control) made by an official veterinarian.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Uradni veterinar, uvoznik ali oseba, odgovorna za tovor, uradno obvesti carinske organe, pristojne za mejno kontrolno točko, o veterinarski odločbi, sprejeti v zvezi s pošiljko, s predložitvijo izvirnika CVED, ali s pošiljanjem tega z elektronsko pošto.
The official veterinarian, the importer or the person responsible for the load shall then notify the customs authorities for the border inspection post of the veterinary decision taken on the consignment, by presenting the original of the CVED, or by sending it electronically.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Ta pravila veljajo zlasti za merila, po katerih se določi, katero kontrolno metodo je treba uporabiti in katere parametre upoštevati za obračun pavšalnih uvoznih vrednosti, višino varščine, navedene v odstavku 3, in predpise za sprostitev te varščine.
These rules shall in particular cover the setting of criteria for determining which control method is to be applied and what factors are to enter into the calculation of flat-rate import values, the level of security referred to in paragraph 3 and the rules governing the release of this security.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Takšna merila so potrebna za to, da se vsakemu tradicionalnemu uvozniku zagotovi možnost, da ohrani svoj položaj proti drugim tradicionalnim uvoznikom, da noben posamezni uvoznik nima možnosti kontrolirati trga in da je konkurenčnost med uvozniki ohranjena.
Such criteria are necessary to ensure that each traditional importer has the opportunity to preserve his position vis à vis other traditional importers, that no single importer is able to control the market and that competition between importers is preserved.
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Po prejemu pisne zahteve Odbora za zdravila za humano uporabo država članica pošlje podatke, da izdelovalec zdravila ali uvoznik iz tretje države lahko izdeluje zadevno zdravilo in/ali izvaja potrebne kontrolne preskuse v skladu s podrobnimi podatki in dokumenti, predloženimi v skladu s členom 6.
Upon receipt of a written request from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, a Member State shall forward the information showing that the manufacturer of a medicinal product or the importer from a third country is able to manufacture the medicinal product concerned and/or carry out the necessary control tests in accordance with the particulars and documents supplied pursuant to Article 6.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0726
Po prejemu pisne zahteve Odbora za zdravila za veterinarsko uporabo država članica pošlje podatke, da izdelovalec veterinarskega zdravila ali uvoznik iz tretje države lahko izdeluje zadevno zdravilo in/ali izvaja potrebne kontrolne preskuse v skladu s podrobnimi podatki in dokumenti, predloženimi v skladu s členom 31.
Upon receipt of a written request from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use, a Member State shall forward the information establishing that the manufacturer of a veterinary medicinal product or the importer from a third country is able to manufacture the veterinary medicinal product concerned and/or carry out the necessary control tests in accordance with the particulars and documents supplied pursuant to Article 31.
18 Pravna redakcija
Vnos takih zarodkov v Skupnost se prepove, če uvozna kontrola, opravljena ob prihodu razkrije, da:
The admission of such embryos into the Community shall be prohibited if the import control made on arrival reveals that:
19 Pravna redakcija
biti sestavljeno vsaj v uradnem jeziku ali jezikih namembne države članice in uradnem jeziku ali jezikih države članice, kjer se opravi uvozna kontrola, določena v členu 11;
be drawn up in at least the official language or languages of the Member State of destination and the official language or languages of the Member State where the import control provided for in Article 11 is carried out;
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
Uvoznik je kontrolni obisk obakrat zavrnil.
The importer, however, on both occasions, did not agree to such a verification visit.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
Uvoznik je lahko oddaljen od mejne kontrolne točke:
The importer may be remote from the border inspection post:
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0136
Ni treba, da je uvoznik prisoten na mejni kontrolni točki:
The importer may be remote from the actual border inspection post:
23 Pravna redakcija
- izsledkov kontrol in uvoznih pregledov v državi uvoznici;
- verification and import check results by the importing Party;
24 Pravna redakcija
Pri začetnem izvajanju kontrole morata uvoznik in kontrolni organ sestaviti:
When the inspection arrangements are first implemented, the importer and inspection body must draw up:
25 Pravna redakcija
ime in naslov uvoznika proizvoda ali izjava, ki omogoča prejemni enoti in kontrolnemu organu nedvoumno identifikacijo uvoznika proizvoda;
the name and address of the importer of the product, or a statement which enables the receiving unit and the inspection body to identify unequivocally the importer of the product;
26 Pravna redakcija
Ta opis in zadevni ukrepi morajo biti vključeni v kontrolnem poročilu, ki ga sopodpiše uvoznik.
This description and the measures concerned must be contained in an inspection report, countersigned by the importer.
27 Pravna redakcija
izkušnje pri trženju proizvoda iz tretje države ter rezultate izvedenih uvoznih kontrolnih pregledov;
experience of marketing the product from the third country and the results of import checks carried out;
28 Pravna redakcija
(e) Na podlagi rezultatov kontrole iz (d) lahko pogodbenica uvoznica spremeni obstoječi seznam obratov.
(e) Based on the results of the verification provided for in (d), the importing Party may amend the existing list of establishments.
29 Pravna redakcija
nato pa mora uvoznik potrdilo hraniti in dati na voljo kontrolnim organom oblasti vsaj za obdobje dveh let;
thereafter the importer must keep the certificate at the disposal of the inspection authorities for not less than two years;
30 Pravna redakcija
Za boljšo zaščito lastnih sredstev Skupnosti in glede na izkušnje so potrebna podrobna pravila za uvozne kontrole.
In order better to protect the Community's own resources, and in the light of the experience gained, detailed rules are needed for import checks.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1678
Zato je Komisija dvakrat predlagala kontrolni obisk v prostorih uvoznika in o svojem namenu obvestila podjetje Drumet.
The Commission therefore proposed, on two occasions, a verification visit at the importer's premises and informed Drumet of its intention.
32 Pravna redakcija
(d) Kontrola pogodbenice uvoznice v skladu z določbami člena 10 Sporazuma je lahko del postopka za začasno odobritev.
(d) Verification in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of the Agreement by the importing Party may be part of the provisional approval procedure.
33 Pravna redakcija
Opomba uvozniku: to spričevalo se izdaja le v veterinarske namene in mora spremljati pošiljko do mejne kontrolne točke.
Note for the importer, this certificate is only for veterinary purposes and has to accompany the consignment until it reaches the border inspection post.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0391
Uredba (EGS) št. 3030/93 fn ureja sistem dvojne kontrole, ki temelji na izdajanju izvoznih in uvoznih dovoljenj na papirju.
Regulation (EEC) No 3030/93 (1) makes provision for a double-checking system relying on the issue of export and import licences in paper form.
35 Pravna redakcija
Oseba, ki je prvotni uvoznik pošiljke in je navedena v okencu 11 potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu, hrani kopijo posameznih overjenih izpiskov potrdila o kontrolnem pregledu skupaj z izvirnikom.
A copy of each endorsed extract of the certificate of inspection shall be kept together with the original certificate of inspection by the person identified as the original importer of the consignment and mentioned in box 11 of the certificate of inspection.
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0282
To je oseba, ki je odgovorna za pošiljko, ko jo predloži na mejni kontrolni točki, in v imenu uvoznika pripravi potrebne deklaracije za pristojne oblasti.
This is the person who is in charge of the consignment when presented at the border inspection post and who makes the necessary declarations to the competent authorities on behalf of the importer:
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0391
Določbe sistema dvojne kontrole za izdelke, ki so predmet nadzora, morajo vsebovati enake možnosti za podaljšanje obdobij veljavnosti uvoznih dovoljenj kot tiste v zvezi s sistemom dvojne kontrole za upravljanje količinskih omejitev.
The provisions of the double-checking system for products subject to surveillance should contain the same possibilities of extending the periods of validity of import authorisations as those concerning the double-checking system for administering quantitative limits.
38 Pravna redakcija
Kontrole in preverjanja, ki jih opravi NA, se morajo izvesti med iztovarjanjem, ki se lahko odvija v času izpolnjevanja carinskih uvoznih formalnosti ali pozneje.
The controls and verifications undertaken by the SAs must be carried out at the time the unloading, which can take place during completion of customs formalities for importation or after.
39 Pravna redakcija
ker se je izkazalo za primerno, da se pojasni, da se predvideni kontrolni sistem uporablja tudi za uvoznike proizvodov iz tretjih držav s sedežem v Evropski uniji;
Whereas it has appeared appropriate to clarify that the inspection system provided for applies also to importers of products from third countries established in the European Union;
40 Pravna redakcija
ker je zaradi kontrole obsega uvoza treba predvideti sistem uvoznih dovoljenj, ki vključuje predložitev varščine, s katero se jamči, da bo uvozni posel izpeljan;
Whereas, in order that a check may be kept on the volume of imports, provision should be made for a system of import licences involving the provision of security as a guarantee that importation will be effected;
41 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve ali sistem dvojne kontrole na podlagi tega sporazuma, v Skupnost je treba predložiti uvozno dovoljenje.
Importation into the Community of textile products subject to quantitative limits or to a double-checking system pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to the presentation of an import authorization.
42 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve ali sistem dvojne kontrole na podlagi tega sporazuma, v Skupnost je treba predložiti uvozno dovoljenje.
Importation into the Community of textile products subject to quantitative limits or to a double-checking system pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to the presentation of an import authorisation.
43 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov v Skupnost, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve ali sistem dvojne kontrole na podlagi tega sporazuma, je treba predložiti uvozno dovoljenje.
Importation into the Community of textile products subject to quantitative limits or to a double-checking system pursuant to the Agreement shall be subject to the presentation of an import authorisation.
44 Pravna redakcija
Uvoznik mora kontrolnemu organu za kontrolne namene omogočiti dostop do svojih prostorov in pregled pisnih evidenc ter ustreznih spremnih dokumentov, zlasti uvoznih potrdil.
The importer must, for inspection purposes, give the inspection body access to his premises and to the written accounts and relevant supporting documents, in particular any import certificates.
45 Pravna redakcija
Ta izjava mora jasno navajati ime in naslov in številko odobritve karantenskega prostora ali središča, na mejno kontrolno točko pa jo je treba poslati po elektronski pošti ali telefaksu pred prispetjem pošiljke na mejno kontrolno točko, ali pa jo mora predložiti uvoznik ali njegov zastopnik preden ptice zapustijo mejno kontrolno točko."
This information shall clearly indicate the name and address and approval number of the quarantine facility or centre and shall reach the border inspection post via e-mail or fax prior to arrival of the consignment at the border inspection post or shall be presented by the importer or his agent before the birds are released from the border inspection post.
46 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo v skladu z določbami člena 8 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2092/91 uvozniki proizvodov iz tretjih držav svojo dejavnost podrediti kontrolnemu sistemu, navedenemu v členu 9;
Whereas according to the provisions of Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 importers of products from third countries are obliged to submit their undertaking to the inspection system referred to in Article 9;
47 Pravna redakcija
"Za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve ali sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, v Skupnost je treba predložiti uvozno dovoljenje."
'Importation into the Community of textile products subject to quantitative limits or to a double-checking system without quantitative limits shall be subject to the presentation of an import authorization.'
48 Pravna redakcija
"Za uvoz tekstilnih izdelkov, za katere veljajo količinske omejitve ali sistem dvojne kontrole brez količinskih omejitev, v Skupnost je treba predložiti uvozno dovoljenje."
"Importation into the Community of textile products subject to quantitative limits or to a double-checking system without quantitative limits shall be subject to the presentation of an import authorization."
49 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba zaradi preprečitve prenosa nekaterih kužnih bolezni izvajati uvozne kontrole, ko pošiljka zarodkov prispe na ozemlje Skupnosti, razen v primeru zunanjega tranzita;
Whereas in order to prevent the transmission of certain contagious diseases, import controls should be carried out when a consignment of embryos arrives on the territory of the Community, except in the case of external transit;
50 Pravna redakcija
Naknadna kontrola obrazcev A.RL.2 se opravi naključno ali kadar carinski organi države uvoznice utemeljeno dvomijo o pravem poreklu zadevnega blaga ali njegovih sestavnih delov.
Verification of form A.RL. 2 is carried out at random or whenever the customs authorities of the importing country have reasonable doubt as to the true origin of the goods in question or of constituents thereof.
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uvozna kontrola