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varstvo voda in gospodarjenje z vodami
1 Pravna redakcija
(Zvezni inštitut za gospodarjenje z vodami, čiščenje in varstvo voda)
(Federal Institute for Water Management, Purification and Protection)
2 Pravna redakcija
podatke o njihovih zakonih, odlokih in drugih splošnih predpisih, ki urejajo varstvo in gospodarjenje z reko Donavo in vodami na njenem prispevnem območju ali se nanašajo na zadevna vprašanja;
information on their respective laws, ordinances and other general regulations, regulating the protection and water management of the river Danube and of waters within its catchment area or being relevant for questions concerned;
3 Pravna redakcija
Mednarodna komisija odloča o sodelovanju z mednarodnimi in nacionalnimi organizacijami ali drugimi organi, ki se ukvarjajo z varstvom in gospodarjenjem z vodami reke Donave in voda na njenem prispevnem območju, ali jih to zanima ali jih zanimajo splošna vprašanja varstva in gospodarjenja z vodami.
The International Commission decides on the cooperation with international and national organizations or with other bodies, which are engaged or interested in the protection and water management of the river Danube and of waters within its catchment area or in general questions of water protections and water management.
4 Pravna redakcija
podatke o obstoju, sklenitvi, spremembi ali odpovedi dvostranskih in mnogostranskih sporazumov in pogodb, ki urejajo varstvo in gospodarjenje z reko Donave ter vodami na njenem prispevnem območju ali se nanašajo na zadevna vprašanja;
information on the existence, conclusion, amendment or withdrawal of bilateral and multilateral agreements and treaties regulating the protection and water management of the river Danube and of waters within its catchment area or being relevant for questions concerned;
5 Pravna redakcija
OB IZREKANJU POHVALE vladam ECE za njihova dosedanja prizadevanja, da bi okrepile sodelovanje na dvostranski in večstranski ravni za preprečitev, nadzor in zmanjšanje čezmejnega onesnaževanja, za trajnostno gospodarjenje z vodami, za ohranitev vodnih virov in varstvo okolja,
COMMENDING the efforts already undertaken by the ECE Governments to strengthen cooperation, on bilateral and multilateral levels, for the prevention, control and reduction of transboundary pollution, sustainable water management, conservation of water resources and environmental protection,
6 Pravna redakcija
Mednarodna komisija pregleda izkušnje, pridobljene z izvajanjem te konvencije, in po potrebi pogodbenicam daje predloge glede sprememb ali dodatkov te konvencije ali pripravlja podlago za izdelavo nadaljnjih predpisov o varstvu in gospodarjenju z vodami reke Donave ter voda na njenem prispevnem območju.
The International Commission reviews experience acquired implementing this Convention and as appropriate submits proposals to the Contracting Parties concerning amendments or additions to this Convention or prepares the basis for elaborating further regulations on the protection and water management of the river Danube and of waters within its catchment area.
7 Pravna redakcija
V PRIZADEVANJU za trajno izboljšanje in varstvo reke Donave in voda v njenem prispevnem območju, zlasti v čezmejnem okviru in s trajnostnim gospodarjenjem z vodami ob upoštevanju interesov podonavskih držav na področju rabe vode in ob hkratnem prispevanju k varstvu morskega okolja Črnega morja,
STRIVING at a lasting improvement and protection of the river Danube and of the waters within its catchment area in particular in the transboundary context and at sustainable water management taking duly into account the interests of the Danubian States in the field of water use and at the same time contributing to the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea,
8 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v pravila Skupnosti o varstvu voda in gospodarjenju z vodami ter zlasti tista o onesnaževanju vodnega okolja, ribiški proizvodi ne smejo v užitnih delih vsebovati kontaminantov, prisotnih v vodnem okolju, kakor so težke kovine in organoklorirane snovi na takih stopnjah, da izračunani vnos s hrano presega sprejemljiv dnevni ali tedenski vnos za ljudi.
Without prejudice to the Community rules concerning water protection and management, and in particular those concerning pollution of the aquatic environment, fishery products must not contain in their edible parts contaminants present in the aquatic environment such as heavy metals and organochlorinated substances at such a level that the calculated dietary intake exceeds the acceptable daily or weekly intake for humans.
9 Pravna redakcija
Dela, ki so jih pogodbenice opravile v okviru Deklaracije o sodelovanju podonavskih držav pri vprašanjih gospodarjenja z vodami reke Donave, zlasti pri varstvu reke Donave pred onesnaževanjem, ki so jo 13. decembra 1985 (Bukareška deklaracija) podpisale delovne skupine za kakovost vode, obveščanje o poplavah in napovedi ter vodno bilanco, se prenesejo v okvir te konvencije.
Works as performed by the Contracting Parties in the framework of the Declaration on the cooperation of the Danubian countries on problems of the Danubian water management, in particular for the protection of the river Danube against pollution, signed on 13 December 1985 (Bucharest Declaration), by the working groups on water quality, flood information and forecast and water balance are transferred to the framework of this Convention.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
V PRIZADEVANJU za trajno izboljšanje in varstvo reke Donave in voda v njenem prispevnem območju, zlasti v čezmejnem okviru in s trajnostnim gospodarjenjem z vodami ob upoštevanju interesov podonavskih držav na področju rabe vode in ob hkratnem prispevanju k varstvu morskega okolja Črnega morja, SPORAZUMELE O NASLEDNJEM:
STRIVING at a lasting improvement and protection of the river Danube and of the waters within its catchment area in particular in the transboundary context and at sustainable water management taking duly into account the interests of the Danubian States in the field of water use and at the same time contributing to the protection of the marine environment of the Black Sea, HAVE AGREED AS FOLLOWS:
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varstvo voda in gospodarjenje z vodami