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velika selivka
1 Končna redakcija
Velike selivke razen tuna (mečarica, sinji morski pes, kostanjevka)
Large migrants other than tuna (sword fish, blue shark, Ray's bream)
2 Pravna redakcija
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3718
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov, južno od vzporednika Peniche (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna to the south of the Peniche parallel (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
4 Pravna redakcija
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov, severno od vzporednika Peniche (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar);
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna to the north of the Peniche parallel (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
5 Pravna redakcija
v primeru plovil, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune in druge velike ribe selivke, obdobje, za katero je zaprošeno dovoljenje za ribolov.
in the case of the vessels fishing for albacore tuna and other large migrants, the period for which permission to fish is requested.
6 Pravna redakcija
Dodatni pogoji, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati vsa plovila, razen tistih, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune in velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov
Additional conditions to be complied with by all vessels, except those fishing for albacore tuna and large migrants other than tuna
7 Pravna redakcija
pred 12:00 po zahodnoevropskem času naslednji petek, razen v primeru seznama plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznama plovil, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune;
before 12.00 GMT on the following Friday, except in the case of the list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna;
8 Pravna redakcija
v primeru seznama plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznama plovil, ki lovijo dologoplavute tune, vsaj štiri delovne dni pred datumom, ki je določen za začetek njihove veljavnosti.
at least four working days before the date set for their entry into force, in the case of the list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna.
9 Pravna redakcija
Razen seznama plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznama plovil, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune, se seznami pošiljajo po teleksu vsak teden v četrtek pred 12:00 po zahodnoevropskem času.
With the exception of the list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna, the lists shall be sent weekly by telex before 12.00 GMT on Thursday.
10 Pravna redakcija
Seznam plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznam plovil, ki lovijo dologoplavute tune, se pošljeta vsaj 15 delovnih dni pred datumom, ki je določen za začetek njune veljavnosti; ta seznama zajemata obdobje vsaj dveh koledarskih mesecev.
The list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna shall be forwarded at least 15 working days before the date set for their entry in force; these lists shall cover a period of at least two calendar months.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar),
vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream),
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
v primeru plovil, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune in druge velike ribe selivke, obdobje, za katero je zaprošeno dovoljenje za ribolov.
in the case of the vessels fishing for albacore tuna and other large, migrants, the period for which permission to fish is requested.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3718
plovila, ki lovijo osliče, druge pridnene vrste in šure južno od vzporednika Peniche, - plovila, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke, z izjemo tunov (mečarica, sinji morski pes, špar),
vessels fishing for hake, other demersal species and horse mackerel to the south of the Peniche parallel; - vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna (swordfish, blue shark, Ray's bream);
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
Seznam plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznam plovil, ki lovijo dologoplavute tune, se pošljeta vsaj 15 delovnih dni pred datumom, ki je določen za začetek njune veljavnosti;
The list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna shall be forwarded at least 15 working days before the date set for their entry in force;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3717
Razen seznama plovil, ki lovijo velike ribe selivke z izjemo tunov, in seznama plovil, ki lovijo dolgoplavute tune, se seznami pošiljajo po teleksu vsak teden v četrtek pred 12:00 po zahodnoevropskem času.Seznami se uporabljajo od 00:00 po zahodnoevropskem času v nedeljo do 24:00 po zahodnoevropskem času v naslednjo soboto.
With the exception of the list of vessels fishing for large migrants other than tuna and the list of vessels fishing for albacore tuna, the lists shall be sent weekly by telex before 12.00 GMT on Thursday. The lists shall apply from 00.00 GMT on Sunday to 24.00 GMT on the following Saturday.
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velika selivka