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veliki distributer
1 Pravna redakcija
Kljub temu je treba še veliko narediti, da bo znak za okolje bolj zanimiv za proizvajalce, distributerje, potrošnike in druge interesne skupine.
Nevertheless, much still needs to be done to make the eco-label more attractive to manufacturers, distributors, consumers and other stakeholders.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
V skoraj rekordnem letu 2000, ko so se cene DRAM-a znatno povečale, je veliko strank (npr. distributerji) nabralo zaloge DRAM-a, ker so se bali pomanjkanja.
It was argued that during the `near record year` 2000 when DRAM prices increased significantly, many customers (e.g. distributors) built up their DRAM inventory because users feared shortages.
3 Pravna redakcija
Merila se razvijejo po zelo obširnem posvetovanju med vsemi zainteresiranimi stranmi, vključno z javnimi oblastmi, predstavniki potrošniških in okoljevarstvenih nevladnih organizacij, industrijo, malimi in srednje velikimi podjetji (MSP), distributerji in drugimi.
The criteria are developed following very extensive consultation between all interested parties, including public authorities, representatives of consumer and environmental non-governmental organisations (NGOs), industry, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), distributors and others.
4 Jezikovna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
(20) Neka poljska družba je trdila, da je bil izvoz v Skupnost prodan distributerjem in trgovcem na debelo, ki so odkupili velike količine, medtem ko je bilo blago na domačem trgu prodano distributerjem in končnim uporabnikom, ki so odkupili majhne količine.
(20) One Polish company claimed that export sales in the Community were made to distributors and wholesalers, who bought large quantities, while sales on the domestic market were made to distributors and end-users who bought small quantities.
5 Jezikovna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
Južnoafriška družba je utemeljevala zahtevo s trditvijo, da naj bi bil zadevni izdelek na domačem trgu neposredno prodan neodvisnim odjemalcem ali prek podružnic, medtem ko naj bi izvoz, namenjen velikim distributerjem, le-ti preprodali.
The South African company made the claim on the grounds that on the domestic market sales were made directly to independent customers or through branches, while export sales were made to large distributors which resold the product.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1480
V skoraj rekordnem letu 2000, ko so se cene DRAM-a znatno povečale, je veliko strank (npr. distributerji) nabralo zaloge DRAM-a, ker so se bali pomanjkanja.
It was argued that during the "near record year" 2000 when DRAM prices increased significantly, many customers (e.g. distributors) built up their DRAM inventory because users feared shortages.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0362
Neka poljska družba je trdila, da so bili izvozi v Skupnost prodani distributerjem in trgovcem na debelo, ki so odkupili velike količine, med tem ko je bilo blago na domačem trgu prodano distributerjem in končnim uporabnikom, ki so odkupili majhne količine.
One Polish company claimed that export sales in the Community were made to distributors and wholesalers, who bought large quantities, while sales on the domestic market were made to distributors and end-users who bought small quantities.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0119
Tem izvoznikom bi koristili nižji stroški mehanizmov in politike globalne dobave nekaterih velikih distributerjev standardnih registratorjev, katerih vpliv na trg raste.
These exporters could benefit from lower mechanism costs and global supply policies of certain large standard binder distributors whose influence on the market is increasing.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Izguba konkurence znotraj blagovne znamke je zlasti verjetna na maloprodajni ravni, če je združena z velikimi ozemlji, saj lahko imajo končni potrošniki pri pomembni blagovni znamki malo možnosti za izbiranje med distributerjem, ki nudi kakovostno storitev za visoko ceno in distributerjem, ki ponuja cenejšo, vendar manj kakovostno storitev.
A loss of intra-brand competition is especially likely at the retail level if coupled with large territories, since final consumers may be confronted with little possibility of choosing between a high price/high service and a low price/low service distributor for an important brand.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
Zaprtje trga za druge distributerje pa lahko postane problem, če sta "kupna moč" in tržna moč na trgu, ki je v prodajni verigi za tem, zlasti pri velikih ozemljih, kjer izključni distributer postane izključni kupec za celotni trg.
Foreclosure of other distributors may however become a problem where there is "buying power" and market power downstream, in particular in the case of very large territories where the exclusive distributor becomes the exclusive buyer for a whole market.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
Drugi kazalci se usmerjajo na tržni položaj kupca na njegovem trgu za nadaljnjo prodajo, skupaj z značilnostmi, kot so velika geografska razpršenost njegovih prodajaln, lastne blagovne znamke kupca/distributerja in njegova podoba pri končnih potrošnikih.
Other indicators focus on the market position of the buyer on his resale market including characteristics such as a wide geographic spread of his outlets, own brands of the buyer/distributor and his image amongst final consumers.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Zaprtje trga za druge distributerje ni problem, če dobavitelj, ki uporablja sistem izključne distribucije, imenuje veliko izključnih distributerjev na istem trgu in ti izključni distributerji niso omejeni pri prodaji drugim nepooblaščenim distributerjem.
Foreclosure of other distributors is not a problem if the supplier which operates the exclusive distribution system appoints a high number of exclusive distributors in the same market and these exclusive distributors are not restricted in selling to other non-appointed distributors.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1006
Glede tega je bilo poudarjeno, da je sodelujoče filipinsko podjetje prodajalo svoje vžigalnike na kresilni kamen za enkratno uporabo več velikim kupcem, med njimi neodvisnemu distributerju, ki je vžigalnike ponovno prodajal tako trgovcem na drobno kot trgovcem na debelo, ter velikemu tobačnemu podjetju.
In this respect, it was noted that the cooperating Filipino company sold its disposable flint lighters to several big customers, one of these customers being an independent distributor which resold the lighters to both retailers and wholesalers, another being a big tobacco company.
14 Prevod
CELEX: 31990D0266
Na trgu za industrijske uporabnike velikega obsega v nasprotju s trgom distributerjev/trgovcev, so proizvajalcem Skupnosti glavni tekmeci proizvajalci na Tajskem.
In the market for high volume industrial users as opposed to the distributor/dealers' market, the main competitors to the Community producers are the manufacturers in Thailand.
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veliki distributer