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višina carin
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R0969
Višina carin je ustrezala razliki med določeno najnižjo ceno in neto ceno franko meja Skupnosti, neocarinjeno.
The duties were equal to the difference between a set minimum price and the net, free-at-Community-frontier prices before customs clearance.
2 Pravna redakcija
Višina carin in davkov, ki izhajajo iz zahtevka iz člena 459, se izračuna po vzorcu obrazca za obračun davka iz Priloge 60, ki je izpolnjen v skladu s priloženimi navodili.
The amount of duties and taxes arising from the claim referred to in Article 459 shall be calculated by means of the model taxation form set out in Annex 60 completed in accordance with the instructions attached to it.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
17.2 Začasni ukrepi so lahko začasne izravnalne carine, ki se zavarujejo z gotovinskimi pologi ali varščino, ki je enaka višini začasno izračunane subvencije.
17.2 Provisional measures may take the form of provisional countervailing duties guaranteed by cash deposits or bonds equal to the amount of the provisionally calculated amount of subsidization.
4 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
19.2 Odločitev o tem, ali se oziroma se ne uvede izravnalna carina v tistih primerih, v katerih so za to izpolnjeni vsi pogoji, in o tem, ali bo izravnalna carina enaka višini subvencije ali nižja, so odločitve, ki jih sprejmejo oblasti članice uvoznice.
19.2 The decision whether or not to impose a countervailing duty in cases where all requirements for the imposition have been fulfilled, and the decision whether the amount of the countervailing duty to be imposed shall be the full amount of the subsidy or less, are decisions to be made by the authorities of the importing Member.
5 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
52 Če se višina izravnalne carine določa za nazaj, ugotovitev v zadnjem postopku, da se carina ne plača, sama po sebi ne zahteva od oblasti, da ukinejo prej dokončno določeno carino.
52 When the amount of the countervailing duty is assessed on a retrospective basis, a finding in the most recent assessment proceeding that no duty is to be levied shall not by itself require the authorities to terminate the definitive duty.
6 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
19.4 Noben uvoženi proizvod se ne obremeni(51) z izravnalno carino, ki presega višino subvencije, za katero je ugotovljeno, da obstaja, ki pa se določa na podlagi subvencije na enoto subvencioniranega in izvoženega proizvoda.
19.4 No countervailing duty shall be levied[122] on any imported product in excess of the amount of the subsidy found to exist, calculated in terms of subsidization per unit of the subsidized and exported product.
7 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
9.2 Če se uvede protidumpinška carina v zvezi z določenim proizvodom, se taka carina pobira v ustrezni višini v vsakem primeru na nediskriminacijski podlagi za uvoz takega proizvoda iz vseh virov, za katere se ugotovi, da gre za dumping in da povzročajo škodo, z izjemo uvoza iz tistih virov, za katere so sprejete cenovne zaveze v okviru pogojev tega sporazuma.
9.2 When an anti dumping duty is imposed in respect of any product, such anti dumping duty shall be collected in the appropriate amounts in each case, on a non discriminatory basis on imports of such product from all sources found to be dumped and causing injury, except as to imports from those sources from which price undertakings under the terms of this Agreement have been accepted.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Pri odmeri globe se upošteva tudi storilčevo premoženjsko stanje, višino njegove plače, njegove druge dohodke, njegovo premoženje in njegove družinske obveznosti, pri prekrških s področja davkov in carin pa tudi sorazmerje višine globe z višino prikrajšane dajatve.
(3) The determination of a fine shall take into account the perpetrator's financial conditions, the amount of his salary, his other incomes, his property and family liabilities, while in the case of tax and customs misdemeanours, also the proportion between the fine and the amount of the tax or duty foregone.
9 Objavljeno
WTO: Vlaganja in carine
9.1 Odločitev, ali se oziroma se ne uvede protidumpinška carina, če so izpolnjene vse zahteve za uvedbe take carine, ter odločitev, ali naj bo višina protidumpinške carine v polnem ali manjšem znesku od stopnje dumpinga, sta odločitvi, ki ju sprejmejo oblasti članice uvoznice.
9.1 The decision whether or not to impose an anti dumping duty in cases where all requirements for the imposition have been fulfilled, and the decision whether the amount of the anti dumping duty to be imposed shall be the full margin of dumping or less, are decisions to be made by the authorities of the importing Member.
10 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
Priporočljivo je, da bi bila uvedba dovoljena na ozemljih vseh članic, da bi bila carina nižja od celotne višine subvencije, če bi taka nižja carina zadoščala za odpravo škode domači industriji, in da bi bili postopki taki, da omogočajo oblastem, da lahko upoštevajo predstavitve domačih zainteresiranih subjektov,(50) katerih interesi utegnejo biti v nasprotju z uvedbo izravnalne carine.
It is desirable that the imposition should be permissive in the territory of all Members, that the duty should be less than the total amount of the subsidy if such lesser duty would be adequate to remove the injury to the domestic industry, and that procedures should be established which would allow the authorities concerned to take due account of representations made by domestic interested parties[121] whose interests might be adversely affected by the imposition of a countervailing duty.
11 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
19.3 Če se izravnalna carina uvede za določen proizvod, se taka carina uporablja v vsakem primeru v ustrezni višini, na nediskriminacijski podlagi za uvoz takega proizvoda iz vseh virov, za katere se ugotovi, da so subvencionirani in da povzročajo škodo, z izjemo uvoza iz drugih virov, za katere so preklicane sporne subvencije ali v zvezi s katerimi so bile sprejete zaveze na podlagi tega sporazuma.
19.3 When a countervailing duty is imposed in respect of any product, such countervailing duty shall be levied, in the appropriate amounts in each case, on a non discriminatory basis on imports of such product from all sources found to be subsidized and causing injury, except as to imports from those sources which have renounced any subsidies in question or from which undertakings under the terms of this Agreement have been accepted.
12 Objavljeno
WTO: Subvencije-Izravnalni ukrepi
19.1 Če po razumnih prizadevanjih za uspešen konec posvetovanja članica dokončno ugotovi obstoj in višino subvencije in da z učinki subvencije subvencionirani uvoz povzroča škodo, lahko uvede izravnalno carino v skladu z določbami tega člena, razen če se ukine subvencija oziroma subvencije.
19.1 If, after reasonable efforts have been made to complete consultations, a Member makes a final determination of the existence and amount of the subsidy and that, through the effects of the subsidy, the subsidized imports are causing injury, it may impose a countervailing duty in accordance with the provisions of this Article unless the subsidy or subsidies are withdrawn.
13 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"uvozne dajatve in davki" pomenijo carinske dajatve in vse druge dajatve, davke ali takse, ki se pobirajo pri uvozu ali v zvezi z uvozom blaga, ne vključujejo pa taks, katerih znesek je omejen na višino približnih stroškov storitev, ki jih opravi carina, ali jih pobere v imenu drugega državnega organa;
"import duties and taxes" means Customs duties and all other duties, taxes or charges which are collected on or in connection with the importation of goods, but not including any charges which are limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered or collected by the Customs on behalf of another national authority;
14 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
"izvozne dajatve in davki" pomenijo carinske dajatve in vse druge dajatve, davke ali takse, ki se pobirajo pri izvozu ali v zvezi z izvozom blaga, ne vključujejo pa taks, katerih znesek je omejen na višino približnih stroškov storitev, ki jih opravi carina, ali jih pobere v imenu drugega državnega organa;
"export duties and taxes" means Customs duties and all other duties, taxes or charges which are collected on or in connection with the exportation of goods, but not including any charges which are limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered or collected by the Customs on behalf of another national authority;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(5) Z zakonom se sme predpisati za najhujše kršitve s področja varstva naravnih bogastev, okolja in ohranjanja narave, s področja varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, s področja varnosti in zdravja pri delu, dela in zaposlovanja na črno ter delovnih razmerij, s področja socialnega varstva, s področja davkov, financ, carin, varstva konkurence in državnih blagovnih rezerv za posamezne prekrške, katerih narava je posebno huda zaradi višine povzročene škode oziroma višine pridobljene protipravne premoženjske koristi ali zaradi storilčevega naklepa oziroma njegovega namena koristoljubnosti, trikrat višjo globo od tiste, ki je predvidena v drugem in tretjem odstavku tega člena.
(5) The law may prescribe fines three times higher than those specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article for the most serious misdemeanours in the areas of the protection of natural resources, environmental protection and nature conservation, protection against natural and other disasters, safety and health at work, illegal work and employment and labour relations in the areas of taxation, finance, customs duties, social welfare, protection of competition and national goods reserves the nature of which is especially serious due to the amount of damage inflicted, or due to the amount of the illegally acquired pecuniary advantage, or due to the perpetrator's intent or his intended love of gain.
16 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski zneski se popravijo, kolikor je potrebno, za višino carin.
The compensatory amounts shall be corrected, to the extent necessary, by the incidence of the customs duties.
17 Končna redakcija
Omenjena razlika iz zgornjih pododstavkov se popravi, kolikor je potrebno, za višino carin.
The differences referred to in the above subparagraphs shall be adjusted, to the extent necessary, by the incidence of customs duties.
18 Končna redakcija
Kompenzacijski znesek za teleta in odraslo govedo, izračunan v skladu s členom 55, se popravi, kolikor je potrebno, za višino carin.
The compensatory amount for calves and adult bovine animals calculated in accordance with Article 55 shall be corrected to the extent necessary, by the incidence of customs duties.
19 Končna redakcija
Znesek pomoči za oljnice, pridelane v novi državi članici, se popravi s kompenzacijskim zneskom, ki se uporablja v tej državi, in poveča za višino carin, ki se uporabljajo.
The amount of aid in respect of oilseeds harvested in a new Member State shall be adjusted by the compensatory amount applicable in that State, increased by the incidence of the customs duties applied therein.
20 Končna redakcija
Vendar morebitna nadomestila ne smejo biti višja od razlike med cenami, ugotovljenimi v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi in na Portugalskem, in, kadar je to primerno, od višine carine.
However, the amount of any applicable refund shall be limited to not more than the variation between prices recorded in the Community as at present constituted and Portugal and, where appropriate, to the amount of customs duty.
21 Končna redakcija
Vendar višina teh pomoči ali subvencij ne sme biti višja od razlike med cenami, ugotovljenimi na Portugalskem in v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, in, kadar je to primerno, od višine carine.
However, the amount of any such aids or subsidies shall be limited to not more than the variation between prices recorded in Portugal and in the Community as at present constituted and, where appropriate, to the amount of customs duty.
22 Končna redakcija
Če je višina carine, ki se uporablja za trgovino med Skupnostjo v prvotni sestavi in novimi državami članicami ter med novimi državami članicami samimi višja od kompenzacijskega zneska, izračunanega v skladu z odstavkom 55, se carina začasno opusti na takšni ravni, da njena višina ustreza kompenzacijskemu znesku.
If the incidence of the customs duty applicable to trade between the Community as originally constituted and the new Member States and between the new Member States themselves is higher than the compensatory amount calculated in accordance with Article 55, the customs duty shall be suspended at a level such that its incidence corresponds to the compensatory amount.
23 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v uporabo prvega pododstavka se višina zadevne pomoči za pridelek, predelan v Grčiji, zniža za učinek carin, ki se uporabljajo v Grčiji pri uvozu sojinih oljnih pogač iz tretjih držav.
Without prejudice to the application of the first subparagraph, the amount of the aid in question for a product processed in Greece shall be reduced by the incidence of the customs duties applied in Greece to the import of soya oil cakes from third countries.
24 Končna redakcija
Podatki iz člena 1 morajo biti razčlenjeni po višinah nadomestil, ki veljajo za osnovni proizvod, pri čemer se vse blago, ki se izvaža ali bo izvoženo, opiše glede na ustrezno tarifno številko in poimenovanje v skupni carinski tarifi.
The information referred to in Article 1 shall be broken down according to the rate of refund applying to the basic product, with details in each case of the goods exported or to be exported, specified by reference to the relevant heading No(s) of the Common Customs Tariff.
25 Končna redakcija
Brez poseganja v uporabo prvega pododstavka se višina podpore za repno seme, oljno repico, sončnično in ricinovo seme, predelano v Grčiji, zniža za učinek carin, ki jih Helenska republika uporablja za uvoz teh proizvodov iz tretjih držav.
Without prejudice to the application of the first subparagraph, the amount of aid for colza, rape, sunflower and castor seeds processed in Greece shall be reduced by the incidence of the customs duties applied by the Hellenic Republic to the import of these products from third countries.
26 Končna redakcija
Če pa je dodelitev takšnih nadomestil potrebna, je njihova višina omejena največ na razliko med institucionalnimi cenami ali, če te niso določene, na razliko med cenami, ugotovljenimi v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi in Španiji, in, kadar je to primerno, na višino carine.
However, where the granting of such refunds appears necessary the amount thereof shall be limited to not more than the variation between institutional prices or, in the absence thereof, to the variation between prices recorded in the Community as at present constituted and Spain and, where appropriate, to the amount of customs duty.
27 Končna redakcija
Če pa je dodelitev takšnih pomoči ali subvencij potrebna, je njihova višina omejena največ na razliko med institucionalnimi cenami ali, če te niso določene, na razliko med cenami, ugotovljenimi v Španiji in v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, in, kadar je to primerno, na višino carine.
However, where the grant of such aids or subsidies appears necessary, the amount thereof shall be limited to not more than the variation between institutional prices or, in the absence thereof, to the variation between prices recorded in Spain and in the Community as at present constituted and, where appropriate, to the amount of customs duty.
28 Končna redakcija
Višina podpore za sojo in laneno seme, pridelano v Grčiji, se prilagodi za razliko, ki obstaja, kjer je to primerno, med orientacijskimi cenami, ki se uporabljajo v Grčiji in v Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi, ter zniža za učinek carin, ki jih Helenska republika uporablja za uvoz teh proizvodov iz tretjih držav.
The amount of aid for soya beans and linseed harvested in Greece shall be adjusted by the difference existing, where appropriate, between guide prices applicable in Greece and in the Community as at present constituted and reduced by the incidence of customs duties applied by the Hellenic Republic to the import of these products from third countries.
29 Končna redakcija
Pri določanju višine različnih zneskov, predvidenih v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, z izjemo cen iz člena 58, se za Grčijo, če je to potrebno za pravilno delovanje skupne kmetijske politike, upošteva uporabljeni kompenzacijski znesek, če tega ni, pa razlika v zabeleženih cenah in, kjer je to primerno, učinek carin.
In fixing the level of the various amounts laid down within the common agricultural policy, except for the prices referred to in Article 58, account shall be taken for Greece, to the extent necessary for the proper functioning of the common agricultural policy, of the compensatory amount applied, or in absence thereof, of the difference in prices recorded and, where appropriate, of the incidence of customs duties.
30 Končna redakcija
Za proizvode, navedene v členu 1 (b) in (c) Uredbe (EGS) št. 805/68, se izvozno nadomestilo pri izvozu iz novih držav članic v tretje države popravi za višino razlike med carinami za proizvode, naštete v Prilogi k omenjeni uredbi za uvoz iz tretjih držav v Skupnost v prvotni sestavi na eni strani, in v nove države članice na drugi.
In respect of the products specified in Article 1 (b) and (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 805/68, the refund on exports to third countries by the new Member States shall be corrected by the incidence of the difference between the customs duties on the products listed in the Annex to the said Regulation to imports from third countries into the Community as originally constituted on the one hand and into the new Member States on the other.
31 Končna redakcija
(6) Če je bilo blago iz prejšnjega odstavka v ekonomski coni predmet običajnih postopkov in ravnanj iz prvega odstavka 83. člena carinskega zakona, se za določitev višine carinskega dolga upoštevajo narava blaga, njegova carinska vrednost in količina, ki bi se upoštevala za to blago v času nastanka carinskega dolga, če ne bi bili predmet običajnih postopkov in ravnanj.
(6) If the goods in the economic zone under paragraph (5) were subject to usual procedures and handling under Article 83 (1) of the Customs Code, then for determining the amount of the customs debt, the nature of goods shall be taken into account, its customs value, and the quality that would be taken into account for these goods in the time of customs debt occurrence if they were not the subject of usual procedures and handling.
32 Pravna redakcija
Med to postopno odpravo carin in če se višina carin, ki velja za španski uvoz v Skupnost v sestavi z 31. decembra 1985, razlikuje od stopnje, ki se uporablja za uvoze s poreklom iz Portugalske, se za proizvode s poreklom iz Izraela uporabi višja izmed obeh stopenj.
In the course of this phasing out of customs duties and where the level of customs duties in force for Spanish imports into the Community as constituted on 31 December 1985 differs from that applied to imports originating in Portugal, products originating in Israel shall be subject to the higher of the two rates.
33 Pravna redakcija
znižano zavarovanje pokriva najmanj višino carinskega dolga,
that reduced guarantee covers at least the amount of the customs debt,
34 Pravna redakcija
Carinski organi pa lahko določijo višino zavarovanja pri 50 % plačljivih carin in drugih dajatev:
However, the customs authorities may set the amount of the guarantee at 50 % of the duties and other charges payable:
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
Stopnja carine, ki se uporabi za neto ceno franko meja Skupnosti, neocarinjeno, se določi v višini 0,065 EUR.
The rate of the duty, applicable to the net, free-at-the Community frontier price, before duty, shall be set at EUR 0,065.
36 Pravna redakcija
Zavarovanje se po postopku, predpisanem v 4 spodaj, določi v višini najmanj 30 % plačljivih carin in drugih dajatev.
The amount of the guarantee shall be set at least at 30 % of the duties and other charges payable according to the procedures laid down in 4 below.
37 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz naslednjih proizvodov s poreklom iz Libanona v Skupnost veljajo carine v višini 60 % carin skupne carinske tarife:
Imports into the Community of the following products originating in the Lebanon shall be subject to customs duties equal to 60 % of the Common Customs Tariff duties:
38 Pravna redakcija
Vsaka država članica Skupnosti uporablja carino ad valorem v višini 2.5 % za izdelke, uvožene v okviru te tarifne kvote.
Each Member State of the Community shall apply an ad valorem customs duty of 2.5 % to products imported under this tariff quota.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
Med obdobjem preiskave je za zadevni izdelek veljala konvencionalna carina v višini 2,7 % v letu 2000 in 2,7 % v letu 2001.
During the IP the product concerned was subject to a conventional customs duty of 2,7 % in 2000 and 2,7 % in 2001.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
Med obdobjem preiskave je za zadevni izdelek veljala konvencionalna carina v višini 2,7 % v letu 2000 in 2,7 % v letu 2001.
During the IP the product concerned was subject to a conventional customs duty of 2,7 % in 2000 and 2001.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3068
Višina carine je enaka razliki med spodaj navedenimi najnižjimi cenami in neto ceno franko na meji Skupnosti, neocarinjeno:
The duty shall be equal to the difference between the minimum prices shown below and the net, free-at-Community-frontier price before customs clearance:
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1799
Ker je stopnja škode, ugotovljena v prvotni preiskavi, višja od stopnje dampinga, ugotovljene v sedanjem pregledu, je treba carine določiti v višini ugotovljene stopnje dampinga, to je v višini 21,0 %.
Since the injury level found in the original investigation is higher than the dumping margin found in the present review, the level of the duties should be set at that of the dumping margin found, namely at 21,0%.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2094
Višina subvencij, ugotovljena za Indonezijo, je bila neznatna, in zato za to državo ni bila uvedena začasna izravnalna carina.
The subsidies amount established for Indonesia was de minimis and, therefore no provisional countervailing duty was imposed for this country.
44 Pravna redakcija
Vendar pa carinski organi lahko določijo znesek zavarovanja v višini 50 % carine in drugih dajatev, ki jih lahko plačajo osebe:
However, the customs authorities may set the amount of the guarantee at 50 % of the duties and other charges payable for persons:
45 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz spodaj naštetih izdelkov s poreklom iz Turčije v Skupnost se uporabljajo carine v višini 50 % carin skupne carinske tarife.
Customs duties equal to 50 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey.
46 Pravna redakcija
Za uvoz spodaj naštetih izdelkov s poreklom iz Turčije v Skupnost se uporabljajo carine v višini 60 % carin skupne carinske tarife.
Customs duties equal to 60 % of the duties in the Common Customs Tariff shall be applicable to imports into the Community of products listed below and originating in Turkey:
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1824
Leta 1995 je z Uredbo Sveta (ES) št. 1006/95 fn prvotno carino ad valorem nadomestila posebna carina v višini 0,065 ECU na vžigalnik.
In 1995, by Council Regulation (EC) No 1006/95 (3), the original ad valorem duty was replaced by a specific duty of ECU 0,065 per lighter.
48 Pravna redakcija
Znesek zavarovanja se določi vsaj na višini 30 % carin in drugih dajatev, ki se plačujejo v skladu s postopki, predpisanimi v točki 4.
The amount of the guarantee shall be set at least at 30 % of the duties and other charges payable according to the procedures laid down in point 4.
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2094
Zneski zavarovanja, dani kot začasna izravnalna carina pri uvozu TPP s poreklom iz Indije v skladu z Uredbo (ES) št. 1411/2002, se dokončno poberejo v višini dokončne carine ali v višini začasne carine, če je bila slednja nižja.
The amounts secured by way of the provisional countervailing duty on imports of PTY originating in India pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1411/2002 shall be collected at the rate of the duty definitively imposed or the rate of the provisional duty if the latter was lower.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Ko pa je investicijsko blago prodano ali dobi ponovno carinsko oznako, postanejo carinske dajatve plačljive v višini, ki ustreza amortizirani vrednosti investicijskega blaga v času prodaje ali ponovne carinske oznake.
However, when' the capital goods are sold, or de-bonded, the customs duty becomes payable, at a rate proportionate to the depreciated value of the capital goods at the time of sale or de-bonding.
Prevodi: sl > en
višina carin