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višina terena
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
4. da je takšna stavba od meje sosednjih zemljišč oddaljena najmanj polovico svoje višine, merjeno od terena do kapi, ali pa da so, če je ta oddaljenost manjša, pridobljene notarsko overjene izjave lastnikov sosednjih zemljišč in objektov, da se strinjajo z nameravano gradnjo, kot je razvidna iz projekta za pridobitev gradbenega dovoljenja oziroma če takšni lastniki takšno izjavo dajo na zapisnik pri pristojnem gradbenem organu,
4. That the building is at a distance from neighbouring parcels of land of at least half of its height measured from the ground to the eaves, or, if the distance is smaller, that notarised statements by the owners of the neighbouring parcels of land and works that they consent to the intended construction as shown in the project for acquiring the building permit have been acquired or if the owners place such a statement on record at the relevant construction body
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Če se pri zakoličenju objekta ugotovijo med dejanskim stanjem na terenu in med stanjem po gradbenem dovoljenju pri legi nameravanega objekta in objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture, na katero naj bi se objekt priključil ali pri višinskih kotah gradbene parcele, na kateri naj bi objekt stal, takšne razlike, da bi ne bilo mogoče izpolniti pogojev iz gradbenega dovoljenja, se zakoličenje objekta ne sme opraviti brez soglasja tistega upravnega organa za gradbene zadeve, ki je izdal gradbeno dovoljenje.
If, during the marking-out of a works, discrepancies are found between the actual situation on the ground and the situation according to the building permit regarding the site of the intended works and a works of public infraworks to which the works is to be connected or regarding the elevations of the building plot on which the works is to stand that make it impossible to fulfil the conditions specified in the building permit, the marking-out of the works may not be performed without the approval of the administrative body for construction matters that issued the building permit.
3 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo proizvajalca se za posebna vozila (npr. manjše tovorno vozilo, terensko vozilo) višina ventilatorja lahko spremeni.
At the request of the manufacturer, for special vehicles (e. g. vans, off-road) the height of the cooling fan may be modified.
4 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo proizvajalca se za vozila za posebne namene (npr. tovorna vozila, terenska vozila) lahko višina puhala spremeni.”
At the request of the manufacturer for special vehicles (e.g. vans, off-road) the height of the cooling fan can be modified.'
5 Pravna redakcija
Obdelane površine se nahajajo na področjih povprečne nadmorske višine, kjer težaven teren in majhnost posesti (terasasto obdelovanje), skupaj z visokimi cenami vložkov, prispevajo k zelo visokim proizvodnim stroškom.
The cultivated areas are situated in areas of average altitude where the difficult terrain and small size of holdings (terrace cultivation), together with the high prices of inputs, make for very high production costs.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0044
Na zahtevo proizvajalca se za vozila za posebne namene (npr. tovorna vozila, terenska vozila) lahko višina puhala spremeni." 29.
At the request of the manufacturer for special vehicles (e.g. vans, off-road) the height of the cooling fan can be modified.`29.
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višina terena