Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(2) Za dokazilo iz 5. točke prejšnjega odstavka se šteje listina, ki jo je izdal organ, za katerega zakon določa, da je pristojen za izdajo takšne listine in virman oziroma drugo ustrezno dokazilo o izvršenem plačilu ali pisna pogodba, sklenjena med investitorjem in pristojnim organom, iz katere izhaja, da se pristojni organ in investitor strinjata, da bo investitor plačal z odločbo odmerjeno dajatev oziroma prispevek v določenem roku kot enkratni znesek ali z akontiranjem odmerjenega zneska in končnim poračunom.
(2) A document issued by the body stipulated by law as responsible for the issue of such documents, and transfers or any other appropriate proof of payment or written contract concluded between the investor and relevant body, from which it proceeds that the relevant body and the investor agree that the investor is to pay the charge or contribution levied by the ruling by the stipulated deadline as a one-off sum or by accounting the levied sum and the final settlement shall be deemed to be the evidence specified in point 5 of the previous paragraph.
2 Pravna redakcija
"5. Dokumentirano dokazilo velja kot zadostno v smislu točke 3, kadar se predloži potrdilo o zahtevku za virmansko nakazilo, ki ga izda bančna ustanova ali pošta.
"5. Documentary evidence shall be regarded as sufficient within the meaning of point 3 where an acknowledgement of provision of the transfer order, issued by a banking establishment or a post office, is produced.
3 Pravna redakcija
Kadar pa se za virmanski nalog uporabi elektronski način plačila SWIFT, prevzame vlogo potrdila o zahtevku za virmansko nakazilo kopija poročila SWIFT, ki ga žigosa in podpiše ustrezno pooblaščeni bančni ali poštni uradnik.";
However, where the transfer ordered was a transfer using the SWIFT electronic bank payment method, the acknowledgement of provision of the transfer order shall take the form of a copy of the SWIFT report, stamped and signed by a duly authorised official of the bank or post office.";
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0569
Dokumentirano dokazilo velja kot zadostno v smislu točke 3, kadar se predloži potrdilo o zahtevku za virmansko nakazilo, ki ga izda bančna ustanova ali pošta.
Documentary evidence shall be regarded as sufficient within the meaning of point 3 where an acknowledgement of provision of the transfer order, issued by a banking establishment or a post office, is produced.
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