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vlagatelj licence
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
Pri odločanju ali podeliti licenco pristojni organi upoštevajo zlasti usposobljenost in neoporečnost vlagatelja.
When considering whether to grant a licence, the competent authorities shall take into account in particular the competence and integrity of the applicant.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
Izdaja licence se zavrne, če obstaja utemeljen dvom o ustreznosti in zanesljivosti vlagatelja ali uslužbenca, odgovornega za promet s snovmi s seznama.
The licence is to be refused if there are reasonable grounds for doubting the suitability and reliability of the applicant or of the officer responsible for the trade in scheduled substances.
3 Končna redakcija
Če Komisija ali vlagatelj takšne pogodbe noče skleniti, Komisija ne more zahtevati od države članice ali njenih pristojnih organov, da podelijo licenco ali dosežejo njeno podelitev.
Should the Commission or the applicant refuse to enter into such an agreement, the Commission shall not require the Member State or its appropriate authorities to grant the license or cause it to be granted.
4 Končna redakcija
Če prijateljski dogovor ni dosežen, Komisija pa namerava zagotoviti podelitev licence v enem od primerov iz člena 17, mora o svoji nameri obvestiti imetnika patenta, začasno zaščitene patentne pravice, uporabnega modela ali patentne prijave ter v tem obvestilu navesti ime vlagatelja in obseg te licence.
Where, failing amicable agreement, the Commission intends to secure the granting of licenses in one of the cases provided for in Article 17, it shall give notice of its intention to the proprietor of the patent, provisionally protected patent right, utility model or patent application, and shall specify in such notice the name of the applicant for and the scope of the license.
5 Končna redakcija
Če Arbitražni odbor, kadar se mu predloži zadeva na podlagi arbitražne pogodbe, ugotovi, da je zahteva Komisije skladna z določbami člena 17, izda obrazloženo odločbo, s katero vlagatelju podeli licenco ter določi pogoje licence in nadomestilo zanjo, kolikor se stranke o teh vprašanjih niso sporazumele.
If, when the matter is referred to it under a special agreement, the Arbitration Committee finds that the request from the Commission complies with the provisions of Article 17, it shall give a reasoned decision containing a grant of the license to the applicant and laying down the terms of the license and the, remuneration therefore, to the extent that the parties have not reached agreement on these points.
6 Pravna redakcija
Pri odločanju sli podeliti licenco pristojni organi upoštevajo zlasti usposobljenost in neoporečnost vlagatelja.
In considering whether to grant a licence, the competent authorities shall take into account in particular the competence and integrity of the applicant.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0273
Pri odločanju ali podeliti licenco pristojni organi upoštevajo zlasti usposobljenost in neoporečnost vlagatelja.
When considering whether to grant a licence, the competent authorities shall take into account in particular the competence and integrity of the applicant.
8 Pravna redakcija
V okviru te priloge GMP obsegajo sistem, v katerem proizvajalec sprejema specifikacije proizvoda in/ali procesa od odobritve za dajanje na trg (MA) / identifikacijske številke zdravila (DIN) ali imetnika licence ali vlagatelja, in zagotavlja, da je izdelek izdelan v skladu s temi specifikacijami (ekvivalentno certificiranju odgovornih oseb v ES).
For the purpose of this Annex, GMP includes the system whereby the manufacturer receives the specifications of the product and/or process from the marketing authorisation (MA)/drug identification number (DIN) or licence holder or applicant and ensures the product is made in compliance with the specifications (equivalent to qualified person certification in the EC).
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vlagatelj licence