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1 Pravna redakcija
Okvirje za slike, risbe, pastele, kolaže ali podobne dekorativne plošče, gravure, odtiske ali litografije je treba uvrščati kot njihove sestavne dele v to poglavje, če so okvirji primerne vrste in vrednosti glede na te predmete.
Frames around paintings, drawings, pastels, collages or similar decorative plaques, engravings, prints or lighographs are to be treated as forming part of those articles, provided they are of a kind and of a value normal to those articles.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Sistem povratne mutacije za histidin (his) pri vrsti Salmonella typhimurium je mikrobiološki preskus, pri katerem se meri povratna mutacija his- his +, ki jo povzročijo kemikalije s substitucijo baz ali premikom bralnega okvirja v genomu organizma.
The Salmonella typhimurium histidine (his) reversion system is a microbial assay which measures his- his+ reversion by chemicals which cause base substitutions or frameshift mutations in the genome of this organism.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1676
Treba je poudariti, da dejstvo, da proizvodnja metalizirane PET folije zahteva dodatno proizvodno fazo, zaradi česar so stroški proizvodnje in prodajna cena višji, ni element, ki bi lahko kot tak upravičil izključitev določene vrste PET folije iz okvirja izdelkov tega postopka.
It should be noted that the fact that an additional production step is required for the production of metallised PET film, with resulting higher cost of production and sales price, is not an element which could justify per se the exclusion of a certain type of PET film from the product scope of the proceeding.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
Sistem povratne mutacije za histidin (his) pri vrsti Salmonella typhimurium je mikrobiološki preskus, pri katerem se meri povratna mutacija his- → his+, ki jo povzročijo kemikalije s substitucijo baz ali premikom bralnega okvirja v genomu organizma.
The Salmonella typhimurium histidine (his) reversion system is a microbial assay which measures his. his+ reversion by chemicals which cause base substitutions or frameshift mutations in the genome of this organism.
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