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začetna preiskava
1 Pravna redakcija
kraj, začetni datum in predvideno trajanje preiskav,
the place, starting date and scheduled duration for the investigations,
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
Podpredsednik prihaja iz podjetja, ki mu je bila v začetni preiskavi odobrena TEO.
The Vice-Chairman meanwhile was drawn from the company that was granted MET at the provisional stage of the investigation.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0215
Zato se zaključi, da analiza položaja industrije Skupnosti v okviru začetne preiskave izpolnjuje zahteve iz osnovne uredbe.
It is thus concluded that the analysis of the situation of the Community industry made at the provisional stage satisfies the requirements of the basic Regulation.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Namen te analize torej ni primerjati začetno leto z obdobjem preiskave, pač pa oceniti letna gibanja v celotnem obravnavanem obdobju.
The purpose of this analysis is therefore not to compare the starting year with the IP but rather to assess the annual developments within the entire period considered.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0427
Podaljšanje se sprejme po postopkih iz te uredbe, ki veljajo za preiskavo, in z uporabo enakih postopkov kakor v primeru začetnih ukrepov.
Extensions shall be adopted in accordance with the procedures of this Regulation applying to investigations and using the same procedures as the initial measures.
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1338
Naj spomnimo, da je Quimigal, čeprav ni bil stranka prvotne pritožbe, izrazil svojo podporo za postopek v začetni fazi in je v polni meri sodeloval pri preiskavi.
It is recalled that whilst Quimigal was not a party to the original complaint, it did express it support for the proceeding at the initiation stage and has fully cooperated in the investigation.
7 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1339
Naj spomnimo, da je Quimigal, čeprav ni bil stranka prvotne pritožbe, izrazil svojo podporo za postopek v začetni fazi in je v polni meri sodeloval pri preiskavi.
It is recalled that whilst Quimigal was not a party to the original complaint, it did express its support for the proceeding at the initiation stage and has fully cooperated in the investigation.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Indijski proizvajalci izvozniki so trdili, da je izbira leta 1995 kot začetnega leta za zbiranje podatkov za preiskavo izkrivila analizo tako, da je potrdila škodo industriji Skupnosti.
The Indian exporting producers have alleged that the choice of 1995 as a starting year for data collected for the investigation has distorted the analysis in favour of a finding of injury to the Community industry.
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R2597
Končno je treba opomniti, da izbira takega drugega začetnega leta ne bi bila ugodna za indijska izvozna podjetja, ker se je njihov tržni delež občutno povečal v času pred obdobjem preiskave
Finally, it should be noted that choosing an earlier starting year would not have been favourable to Indian exporting companies as there was a strong increase in their market share in the time was leading to the IP.
10 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0126
Kadar oznaka navaja, da sestavine vsebujejo ribjo moko ali kadar obstaja sum na vsebnost ribje moke ali kadar odkrijemo vsebnost ribje moke že pri začetni preiskavi, iz izvirnega vzorca pregledamo najmanj dva dodatna mikroskopska preparata iz drobno presejane frakcije ter frakcije celotne usedline.
Where the label indicates that the ingredients include fishmeal, or if the presence of fishmeal is suspected or detected in the initial examination, at least two additional slides of the fine sieve fraction from the original sample, and the total sediment fraction shall be examined.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1681
V dveh mesecih po koncu vsakega četrtletja države članice poročajo Komisiji o vsaki nepravilnosti, ki je bila predmet začetnih upravnih ali sodnih preiskav.
During the two months following the end of each quarter, Member States shall report to the Commission any irregularities which have been the subject of initial administrative or judicial investigations.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
Rezultati radioloških in histoloških preiskav v tej neklinični študiji so pokazali celjenje kosti pri začetnem in ponavljajočem se izpostavljanju pri isti živali.
The results of radiological and histological examinations in this non-clinical study showed bone healing with the initial and repeat exposure in the same animal.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1831
V dveh mesecih po koncu vsakega četrtletja države članice upravičenke poročajo Komisiji o vseh nepravilnostih, ki so bile predmet začetnih upravnih ali sodnih preiskav.
During the two months following the end of each quarter, beneficiary Member States shall report to the Commission any irregularities which have been the subject of initial administrative or judicial investigations.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
Za določitev pravega odmerka je treba opazovati rast folikla z ultrazvočno preiskavo in meriti količino estradiola (ženskega spolnega hormona) v krvi in seču. • Ženske, ki nimajo ovulacije Začetni odmerek določi vaš zdravnik.
To find the right dosage, follicle growth is checked by means of ultrasound scanning, and measurement of the amount of estradiol (female sex hormone) in blood or urine. • Women who are not ovulating Initially, a starting dose is set by your doctor.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0384
Če na stroške v delu obdobja, predvidenega za kritje stroškov, vpliva uporaba novih proizvodnih zmogljivosti, ki zahtevajo znatno dodatno investiranje, in nizke stopnje izkoriščanja zmogljivosti, ki so posledica zagonskih dejavnosti v teku ali le delu obdobja preiskave, štejejo kot povprečni stroški za začetno fazo tisti stroški, ki veljajo v skladu z zgoraj navedenimi razporeditvenimi pravili ob koncu take faze in se vključijo na tej ravni za ustrezno obdobje v tehtanem povprečju stroškov, o katerem govori drugi pododstavek odstavka 4.
Where the costs for part of the period for cost recovery are affected by the use of new production facilities requiring substantial additional investment and by low capacity utilization rates, which are the result of start-up operations which take place within or during part of the investigation period, the average costs for the start-up phase shall be those applicable, under the abovementioned allocation rules, at the end of such a phase, and shall be included at that level, for the period concerned, in the weighted average costs referred to in the second sub-paragraph of paragraph 4.
16 Prevod
CELEX: 31999R1600
Dva indijska proizvajalca - izvoznika, ki sta v obdobju preiskave beležila izgube, sta v skladu s členom 2(5) Temeljne uredbe trdila, da so te izgube nastale v začetni fazi obratovanja in da bi bilo to treba upoštevati.
Two Indian exporting producers which sustained losses throughout the investigation period claimed, pursuant to Article 2(5) of the basic Regulation, that these losses had occurred during the start-up phase and that this situation should be taken into account.
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začetna preiskava