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zadeva, predložena sodišču
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
2) Če je zadeva predložena Sodišču samo na podlagi točke d prvega odstavka, se najprej predloži odboru, ki ga sestavljajo trije člani Sodišča.
If a case is referred to the Court only in accordance with paragraph l.e, it shall first be submitted to a panel composed of three members of the Court.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
Sodišče se prepriča o svoji pristojnosti pri vsaki zadevi, ki mu je bila predložena.
The Court shall satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction in any case brought before it.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
O vsaki zadevi, ki je predložena Sodišču, odloča Senat, ki ga sestavlja devet sodnikov.
For the consideration of each case brought before it the Court shall consist of a chamber composed of nine judges.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Enako velja za vse organe, urade in agencije Unije ter osebe, ki lahko izkažejo upravičen interes za rešitev zadeve, predložene Sodišču.
The same right shall be open to the bodies, offices and agencies of the Union and to any other person which can establish an interest in the result of a case submitted to the Court of Justice.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
»Pristojnost Sodišča obsega vse zadeve v zvezi z razlago in uporabo te Konvencije, ki so mu predložene ob pogojih, določenih v 48. členu.«
"The jurisdiction of the Court shall extend to all cases concerning the interpretation and application of the present Convention which are referred to it in accordance with Article 48."
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Za proučitev zadev, predloženih Sodišču, le-to zaseda v odborih s tremi sodniki, v senatu s sedmimi sodniki in v velikem senatu s sedemnajstimi sodniki.
To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
7 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
1 Za proučitev zadev, predloženih Sodišču, le-to zaseda v odborih s tremi sodniki, v senatu s sedmimi sodniki in v velikem senatu s sedemnajstimi sodniki.
1 To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Sodišče o zadevah, ki so mu predložene, odloča kot sodnik posameznik, v odborih treh sodnikov, senatih sedmih sodnikov in velikem senatu sedemnajstih sodnikov.
To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in a single-judge formation, in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Sodišče je pristojno za vse zadeve v zvezi z razlago in uporabo Konvencije in njenih protokolov, ki so mu predložene pod pogoji, predvidenimi v 33., 34. in 47. členu.
The jurisdiction of the Court shall extend to all matters concerning the interpretation and application of the Convention and the protocols there'to which are referred to it as provided in Articles 33, 34 and 47.
10 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija o človekovih pravicah-EN
1 Sodišče je pristojno za vse zadeve v zvezi z razlago in uporabo Konvencije in njenih protokolov, ki so mu predložene pod pogoji, predvidenimi v 33., 34. in 47. členu.
1 The jurisdiction of the Court shall extend to all matters concerning the interpretation and application of the Convention and the protocols thereto which are referred to it as provided in Articles 33, 34 and 47.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-48
Sodišče pri obravnavi zadev, ki so mu predložene, zaseda kot sodnik posameznik, v odborih treh sodnikov, senatih sedmih sodnikov in velikem senatu sedemnajstih sodnikov.
` 1 To consider cases brought before it, the Court shall sit in a single-judge formation, in committees of three judges, in Chambers of seven judges and in a Grand Chamber of seventeen judges.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Sodišče odloča na občni seji, kadar so mu predložene zadeve v skladu z drugim odstavkom III-335. člena, drugim odstavkom II-347. člena, III-349. členom ali šestim odstavkom III-385. člena Ustave.
The Court of Justice shall sit as a full Court where cases are brought before it pursuant to Article III-335(2), the second paragraph of Article III-347, Article III-349 or Article III-385(6) of the Constitution.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-48
Sodnik posameznik lahko odloči, da posamezna zahteva za obravnavo, predložena v skladu s 34. členom, ni sprejemljiva, ali jo črta s seznama zadev sodišča, če se ta odločitev lahko sprejme brez dodatne presoje.
1 A single judge may declare inadmissible or strike out of the Court` s list of cases an application submitted under Article 34, where such a decision can be taken without further examination.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
Če se vloži tožba le proti enemu od teh prevoznikov, ima ta pravico zahtevati, da je v postopek vključen tudi drugi prevoznik, pri čemer postopek in učinke ureja pravo sodišča, ki mu je bila zadeva predložena.
If the action is brought against only one of those carriers, that carrier shall have the right to require the other carrier to be joined in the proceedings, the procedure and effects being governed by the law of the court seised of the case.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Generalni pravobranilec popolnoma nepristransko in neodvisno javno predstavi obrazložene sklepne predloge o zadevah, predloženih Sodišču splošne pristojnosti, zato da bi slednjemu pomagal pri opravljanju njegove naloge.
It shall be the duty of the Advocate-General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions on certain cases brought before the General Court in order to assist that Court in the performance of its task.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-33
Sodišče bo razglasilo za nesprejemljivo vsako zadevo, predloženo v skladu s 34. členom, za katero meni, da ni v skladu z določili Konvencije ali njenih protokolov, da je očitno neutemeljena ali pa da pomeni zlorabo pravice.
The Court shall declare inadmissible any individual application submitted under Article 34 which it considers incompatible with the provisions of the Convention or the protocols thereto, manifestly ill-founded, or an abuse of the right of application.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Sodnik posameznik lahko odloči, da posamezna zahteva za obravnavo, predložena v skladu s 34. členom, ni sprejemljiva za obravnavo ali jo črta s seznama zadev Sodišča, če se ta odločitev lahko sprejme brez dodatne presoje.
A single judge may declare inadmissible or strike out of the Court` s list of cases an application submitted under Article 34, where such a decision can be taken without further examination.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Če so Sodišču in Sodišču splošne pristojnosti predložene zadeve, kjer je predmet isti, kjer se postavlja isto vprašanje razlage ali odloča o veljavnosti istega akta, lahko Sodišče splošne pristojnosti po tem, ko je dalo strankam možnost, da zavzamejo stališče, postopek prekine, dokler Sodišče ne izda sodbe, ali, če gre za tožbe, vložene na podlagi III-365. člena Ustave ali člena 146 Pogodbe ESAE, razglasi za nepristojno, da bi o njih lahko odločalo Sodišče.
Where the Court of Justice and the General Court are seised of cases in which the same relief is sought, the same issue of interpretation is raised or the validity of the same act is called in question, the General Court may, after hearing the parties, stay the proceedings before it until such time as the Court of Justice has delivered judgment, or, where the action is one brought pursuant to Article III-365 of the Constitution or pursuant to Article 146 of the EAEC Treaty, may decline jurisdiction so as to allow the Court of Justice to rule on such actions.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Brez vpliva na člen 290 Konvencije lahko sodišče, ki mu je bil predložen spor iz tega dela, predpiše katere koli začasne ukrepe, ki se mu v okoliščinah zdijo primerni za ohranjanje pravic vseh strank v sporu ali preprečevanje škode na zadevnih staležih, kakor tudi v okoliščinah iz člena 7(5) in člena 16(2).
Without prejudice to Article 290 of the Convention, the court or tribunal to which the dispute has been submitted under this Part may prescribe any provisional measures which it considers appropriate under the circumstances to preserve the respective rights of the parties to the dispute or to prevent damage to the stocks in question, as well as in the circumstances referred to in Article 7(5), and Article 16(2).
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
Vsa sodišča, ki jim je bil predložen spor iz tega dela, uporabljajo ustrezne določbe Konvencije, tega sporazuma in vseh ustreznih podobmočnih, območnih ali globalnih ribiških sporazumov, kakor tudi splošno sprejete standarde za ohranjanje in upravljanje živih morskih virov in druga pravila mednarodnega prava, združljiva s Konvencijo, za zagotavljanje ohranjanja zadevnih čezconskih staležev rib ali izrazito selivskih staležev rib.
Any court or tribunal to which a dispute has been submitted under this Part shall apply the relevant provisions of the Convention, of this Agreement and of any relevant subregional, regional or global fisheries agreement, as well as generally accepted standards for the conservation and management of living marine resources and other rules of international law not incompatible with the Convention, with a view to ensuring the conservation of the straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks concerned.
21 Končna redakcija
Če Komisija v treh mesecih po datumu vložitve zadeve ne da svojega mnenja, to ni ovira, da zadeva ne bi bila predložena Sodišču.
If the Commission has not delivered an opinion within three months of the date on which the matter was brought before it, the absence of such opinion shall not prevent the matter from being brought before the Court of Justice.
22 Končna redakcija
Sodišče zaseda na občni seji, kadar so mu predložene zadeve v skladu s členi 195(2), 213(2), 216 ali 247(7) Pogodbe ES ali členi 107d(2), 126(2), 129 ali 160b(7) Pogodbe ESAE.
The Court shall sit as a full Court where cases are brought before it pursuant to Article 195(2), Article 213(2), Article 216 or Article 247(7) of the EC Treaty or Article 107d(2), Article 126(2), Article 129 or Article 160b(7) of the EAEC Treaty.
23 Končna redakcija
Če so Sodišču in Sodišču prve stopnje predložene zadeve, kjer je predmet enak, kjer se postavlja enako vprašanje razlage ali odloča o veljavnosti istega akta, lahko Sodišče prve stopnje po zaslišanju strank postopek prekine, dokler Sodišče ne izda sodbe.
Where the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance are seised of cases in which the same relief is sought, the same issue of interpretation is raised or the validity of the same act is called in question, the Court of First Instance may, after hearing the parties, stay the proceedings before it until such time as the Court of Justice shall have delivered judgment.
24 Končna redakcija
Sodišče zaseda na plenarni seji vedno, kadar odloča o zadevah, ki mu jih predložijo države članice ali ena od institucij Skupnosti, pa tudi pri obravnavi predhodnih vprašanj, ki so mu predložena skladno s členom 150.
Whenever the Court of Justice hears cases brought before it by a Member State or by one of the institutions of the Community or has to give preliminary rulings on questions submitted to it pursuant to Article 150, it shall sit in plenary session.
25 Končna redakcija
Enako velja za vse osebe, ki izkažejo upravičen interes za rešitev zadeve, predložene Sodišču, z izjemo zadev med državami članicami, med institucijami Skupnosti ali med državami članicami in institucijami Skupnosti.
The same right shall be open to any other person establishing an interest in the result of any case submitted to the Court, save in cases between Member States, between institutions of the Communities or between Member States and institutions of the Communities.
26 Končna redakcija
Dolžnost generalnega pravobranilca je, da popolnoma nepristransko in neodvisno javno predstavi obrazložene sklepne predloge o zadevah, predloženih Sodišču prve stopnje, zato da bi slednjemu pomagal pri opravljanju njegove naloge.
It shall be the duty of the Advocate- General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions on certain cases brought before the Court of First Instance in order to assist the Court of First Instance in the performance of its task.
27 Končna redakcija
Dolžnost generalnega pravobranilca je, da popolnoma nepristransko in neodvisno javno predstavi obrazložene sklepne predloge o zadevah, predloženih Sodišču, zato da bi slednjemu pomagal pri opravljanju naloge, ki mu je dodeljena v skladu s členom 164.
It shall be the duty of the Advocate General, acting with complete impartiality and independence, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions on cases brought before the Court of Justice, in order to assist the Court in the performance of the task assigned to it in Article 164.
28 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik poskrbi za objavo poročil o zadevah, ki so predložene Sodišču.
The Registrar shall arrange for the publication of reports of cases before the Court.
29 Pravna redakcija
dokumentov in spisov zadev, predloženih v razsojanje Sodišču Evropskih skupnosti.
documents and records of cases submitted for judgment to the Court of Justice of the European Communities.
30 Pravna redakcija
Sodni tajnik je odgovoren za ažurnost registra sodnih zadev, ki so predložene Sodišču.
The Registrar shall be responsible for keeping up to date the Register of cases brought before the Court.
31 Pravna redakcija
Zadeve predložene Sodišču prve stopnje, obravnavajo senati, sestavljeni v skladu z členom 10.
Cases before the Court of First Instance shall be heard by Chambers composed in accordance with Article 10.
32 Pravna redakcija
V tem Poslovniku izraz 'Sodišče prve stopnje' pri zadevah, ki so predložene senatu, pomeni ta senat.
In cases coming before a Chamber, the term 'Court of First Instance' in these Rules shall designate that Chamber.
33 Pravna redakcija
Kadar je zahtevek predložen Sodišču, ta odloži vse druge zadeve in po zaslišanju generalnega pravobranilca izda odločbo.
Where the application is referred to it, the Court shall postpone all other cases, and shall give a decision after hearing the Advocate-General.
34 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče zaseda na plenarni seji, kadar so mu predložene zadeve v skladu z določbami iz četrtega odstavka člena 16 Statuta.
The Court shall sit as a full Court where cases are brought before it pursuant to the provisions referred to in the fourth paragraph of Article 16 of the Statute.
35 Pravna redakcija
Dokumenti v sodnih zadevah, ki so predloženi Sodišču, vključno z dokumenti, ki jih vložijo stranke, ter dokumenti, ki jih vroči sodni tajnik, se vnesejo v register.
The procedural documents in cases brought before the Court, including documents lodged by the parties and documents served by the Registrar, shall be entered in the Register.
36 Pravna redakcija
Če je Sodišče mnenja, da preučitev predloženih zadev in pripravljalne poizvedbe pri predloženih zadevah tako zahtevajo, predlaga imenovanje sodnikov-poročevalcev pomočnikov v skladu s členom 16 Statuta ESPJ in členom 2 Statutov EGS in Euratom.
Where the Court is of the opinion that the consideration of, and preparatory inquiries in, cases before it so require, it shall, pursuant to Article 16 of the ECSC Statute and Article 12 of the EEC and Euratom Statutes, propose the appointment of Assistant Rapporteurs.
37 Pravna redakcija
Ob upoštevanju prednosti odločb predvidene s členom 85 tega Poslovnika, Sodišče obravnava predložene zadeve v vrstnem redu, kot so bile dokončane njihove pripravljalne poizvedbe.
Subject to the priority of decisions provided for in Article 85 of these Rules, the Court shall deal with the cases before it in the order in which the preparatory inquiries in them have been completed.
38 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče dodeli senatom petih in treh sodnikov katero koli zadevo, ki mu je predložena, če zahtevnost ali pomembnost zadeve ali posamezne okoliščine niso takšne, da bi se morala dodeliti velikemu senatu.
The Court shall assign to the Chambers of five and three Judges any case brought before it in so far as the difficulty or importance of the case or particular circumstances are not such as to require that it should be assigned to the Grand Chamber.
39 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo nacionalnega sodišča se lahko predsednik na predlog sodnika-poročevalca in po zaslišanju generalnega pravobranilca izjemoma odloči, da za sklicevanje na predhodno odločanje uporabi hitri postopek, ki odstopa od določb tega Poslovnika, kadar navedene okoliščine določajo, da je sodba o vprašanju, predloženemu Sodišču, zadeva izredne nujnosti.
At the request of the national court, the President may exceptionally decide, on a proposal from the Judge-Rapporteur and after hearing the Advocate-General, to apply an accelerated procedure derogating from the provisions of these Rules to a reference for a preliminary ruling, where the circumstances referred to establish that a ruling on the question put to the Court is a matter of exceptional urgency.
40 Pravna redakcija
Sodišče ali odbor, kateremu je bil v skladu s tem členom predložen spor, uporablja ustrezne določbe te konvencije, Konvencije iz leta 1982 in Sporazuma iz leta 1995 ter splošno sprejete standarde za ohranjanje in upravljanje živih morskih virov in druga pravila mednarodnega prava, ki so združljivi s Konvencijo iz leta 1982 in Sporazumom iz leta 1995, da bi zagotovili ohranjanje zadevnih ribjih staležev.
A court, tribunal or panel to which any dispute has been submitted under this article shall apply the relevant provisions of this Convention, of the 1982 Convention, of the 1995 Agreement, as well as generally accepted standards for the conservation and management of living marine resources and other rules of international law, compatible with the 1982 Convention and the 1995 Agreement, with a view to ensuring the conservation of the fish stocks concerned.
41 Pravna redakcija
V tem zapisniku je navedena zadeva, datum, ura in kraj zaslišanja, navedba o tem, ali je bila na zaslišanju javnost prisotna ali izključena, imena sodnikov, generalnega pravobranilca in prisotnega sodnega tajnika, imena in obseg pooblastila zastopnikov, odvetnikov ali svetovalcev prisotnih strank, priimke, osebna imena, položaj in stalni naslovi zaslišanih prič ali izvedencev, navedba o dokazih ali dokumentih, predloženih na zaslišanju, in, kadar je tako nujno, izjave, podane na zaslišanju in sklepi, ki jih je na zaslišanju razglasilo sodišče ali predsednik.
Those minutes shall contain an indication of the case, the date, hour and place of the hearing, an indication of whether the hearing was in public or in camera, the names of the Judges, the Advocate-General and the Registrar present, the names and capacities of the agents, lawyers or advisers of the parties present, the surnames, forenames, status and permanent addresses of the witnesses or experts examined, an indication of the evidence or documents produced at the hearing and, in so far as is necessary, the statements made at the hearing and the decisions pronounced at the hearing by the Court or the President.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1347
Če je sodišču predložena zadeva, za katero po tej uredbi ni pristojno in za katerega je po tej uredbi pristojno sodišče druge države članice, se po uradni dolžnosti izreče za nepristojno.
Where a court of a Member State is seised of a case over which it has no jurisdiction under this Regulation and over which a court of another Member State has jurisdiction by virtue of this Regulation, it shall declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
Sodišče obravnava vse predložene spore in zahteve in o njih odloča, razen kadar se uporabi člena 14 tega aneksa ali kadar stranke zahtevajo, da se zadeva obravnava v skladu s členom 15 tega aneksa.
All disputes and applications submitted to the Tribunal shall be heard and determined by the Tribunal, unless Article 14 of this Annex applies, or the parties request that it shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 15 of this Annex.
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0044
Če je sodišču države članice predložen zahtevek, katerega glavni predmet je zadeva, za katero so po členu 22 izključno pristojna sodišča druge države članice, se to sodišče po uradni dolžnosti izreče za nepristojno.
Where a court of a Member State is seised of a claim which is principally concerned with a matter over which the courts of another Member State have exclusive jurisdiction by virtue of Article 22, it shall declare of its own motion that it has no jurisdiction.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0591
Dolžnost generalnega pravobranilca je, da popolnoma nepristransko in neodvisno javno predstavi obrazložene sklepne predloge o zadevah, predloženih Sodišču prve stopnje, zato da bi slednjemu pomagal pri opravljanju njegove naloge.
It shall be the duty of the Advocate-General, acting with complete impartiality and independance, to make, in open court, reasoned submissions on certain cases brought before the Court of First Instance in order to assist the Court of First Instance in the performance of its task.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0350
Zadeve iz člena 3 Sklepa 88/591/ESPJ, EGS, Euratom, kakor je bil spremenjen s tem sklepom, ki jih Sodišče dobi v obravnavo na dan začetka veljavnosti tega sklepa, vendar pa v njih predhodno poročilo, predvideno v prvem odstavku člena 44 Poslovnika Sodišča, še ni bilo predloženo, se odstopijo Sodišču prve stopnje.
Cases falling within the scope of Article 3 of Decision 88/591/ECSC, EEC, Euratom, as amended by this Decision, of which the Court of Justice is seised on the date on which this Decision enters into force but in which the preliminary report provided for in Article 44 (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice has not yet been presented, shall be referred to the Court of First Instance.
Prevodi: sl > en
zadeva, predložena sodišču