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zahtevati nadomestilo
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-84
(2) Pogodbenice lahko v svoji domači zakonodaji določijo, da izvajalec ali proizvajalec fonograma ali oba zahtevata od uporabnika enkratno pravično nadomestilo.
(2) Contracting Parties may establish in their national legislation that the single equitable remuneration shall be claimed from the user by the performer or by the producer of a phonogram or by both.
2 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Sodne oblasti imajo pravico zahtevati od kršilca, naj plača imetniku pravice ustrezno odškodnino za nadomestilo zaradi škode, ki jo je imetnik pravice utrpel, ker je kršilec imetnikovo pravico intelektualne lastnine namenoma kršil ali pa je utemeljeno, da bi moral vedeti, da s svojimi dejanji krši to pravico.
The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the infringer to pay the right holder damages adequate to compensate for the injury the right holder has suffered because of an infringement of that person's intellectual property right by an infringer who knowingly, or with reasonable grounds to know, engaged in infringing activity.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Če so začasni ukrepi preklicani ali če prenehajo veljati zaradi kakšnegakoli vlagateljevega dejanja ali opustitve ali če se pozneje ugotovi, da ni bilo kršitve ali ogrožanja pravice intelektualne lastnine, imajo sodne oblasti na toženčevo zahtevo pravico zahtevati od vlagatelja, naj zagotovi tožencu ustrezno nadomestilo škode, če je ta povzročena s temi ukrepi.
Where the provisional measures are revoked or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the applicant, or where it is subsequently found that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the applicant, upon request of the defendant, to provide the defendant appropriate compensation for any injury caused by these measures.
4 Končna redakcija
Skupnost ne more zahtevati nadomestila na podlagi tega člena.
The Community may not claim any compensation under this Article.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0596
Za valilna jajca pod oznakami KN 04070011 in 04070019 izvozniki ob izpolnitvi carinskih formalnosti za izvoz izjavijo, da nameravajo zahtevati izvozno nadomestilo.
For hatching eggs falling within CN codes 0407 00 11 and 0407 00 19, operators shall declare at the time when customs formalities for exports are fulfilled, that they intend to claim an export refund.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0633
Za piščance pod oznakami KN 0105 11, 0105 12 in 0105 19 izvozniki ob izpolnjevanju carinskih formalnosti za izvoz izjavijo, da nameravajo zahtevati izvozno nadomestilo.
For chicks falling within CN codes 0105 11, 0105 12 and 0105 19, operators shall declare at the time when customs formalities for exports are fulfilled, that they intend to claim an export refund.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0307
Potrdila se zmanjšajo za znesek, enak znesku izvoznih nadomestil, ki ga zainteresirana stranka ne more zahtevati po začetku veljavnosti spremembe, predvidene v točki (b) člena 1, kot zadovoljivo izkaže pristojnemu nacionalnemu organu.
The certificate shall be reduced by the amount for which the interested party is unable to claim export refunds following the entry into force of the amendment provided for in point (b) of Article 1 as demonstrated to the satisfaction of the national competent authority.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
ker je treba v interesu urejene upravne prakse zahtevke za plačilo nadomestila z vsemi ustreznimi dokumenti zahtevati v razumnem roku, razen v primerih višje sile in če se roka ni bilo mogoče držati zaradi upravnih zamud, na katere izvoznik ni mogel vplivati;
Whereas in the interests of sound administrative practice, applications for payment of the refund, accompanied by all relevant documents, should be required within a reasonable period, save in cases of force majeure and in particular when it has not been possible to comply with the time limit because of administrative delays beyond the control of the exporter;
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0191
Nadomestila ni mogoče zahtevati za izvajanje odločb o izgonu, izdanih več kakor štiri leta pred njihovo izvedbo.
Reimbursement cannot be claimed for the enforcement of expulsion decisions, issued more than four years prior to their enforcement.
10 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo za zagotovitev zelo natančnega upravljanja izvoznih količin izvozna dovoljenja zahtevati vnaprejšnjo določitev nadomestil;
Whereas, to ensure that quantities for export can be very precisely managed, export licences should require refunds to be fixed in advance;
11 Pravna redakcija
Preden se takšna dovoljenja izdajo, mora Komisija od ponudnikov zahtevati, da navedejo stopnjo izvoznega nadomestila, po kateri bi želeli izvažati.
Before such licences are issued, the Commission should ask tenderers to indicate the refund rate at which they wish to export.
12 Pravna redakcija
Pogodbenice lahko v svoji domači zakonodaji določijo, da izvajalec ali proizvajalec fonograma ali oba zahtevata od uporabnika enkratno pravično nadomestilo.
Contracting Parties may establish in their national legislation that the single equitable remuneration shall be claimed from the user by the performer or by the producer of a phonogram or by both.
13 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(d) Upravni oddelek ima pravico zahtevati uradne ali notarsko overjene dokumente, za katere meni, da so potrebni za uveljavitev pravice do ustreznih nadomestil.
(d) The administrative section shall be entitled to demand that official or notarial documents that it deems necessary to establish a right to the corresponding allowances be produced.
14 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(c) Upravni oddelek ima pravico zahtevati uradne in notarsko overjene dokumente, za katere meni, da so potrebni za uveljavitev pravice do s tem povezanih nadomestil.
(c) The administrative section shall be entitled to demand that official or notarial documents that it deems necessary to establish a right to the associated allowances be produced.
15 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0596
Za valilna jajca pod oznakami KN 0407 00 11 in 0407 00 19 izvozniki ob izpolnitvi carinskih formalnosti za izvoz izjavijo, da nameravajo zahtevati izvozno nadomestilo.
For hatching eggs falling within CN codes 0407 00 11 and 0407 00 19, operators shall declare at the time when customs formalities for exports are fulfilled, that they intend to claim an export refund.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0633
Za piščance pod oznakami KN 0105 11, 0105 12 in 0105 19 izvozniki ob izpolnjevanju carinskih formalnosti za izvoz izjavijo, da nameravajo zahtevati izvozno nadomestilo.
For chicks falling within CN codes 0105 11, 0105 12 and 0105 19, operators shall declare at the time when customs formalities for exports are fulfilled, that they intend to claim an export refund.
17 Pravna redakcija
Izdelovalci, ki nameravajo zahtevati nadomestila, morajo zanj zaprositi pri pristojnem organu v državi članici, kjer se bo škrob uporabljal, in navedejo naslednje informacije:
Manufacturers who intend to claim refunds should apply to the competent authority in the Member State where the starch is be used, giving the following information:
18 Pravna redakcija
Za piščance, ki se uvrščajo v tarifni oznaki KN 0105 11 in 0105 19, izvozniki takrat, ko so izpolnjene carinske formalnosti za izvoz, izjavijo, da nameravajo zahtevati izvozno nadomestilo.
For chicks falling within CN codes 0105 11 and 0105 19, operators shall declare at the time when customs formalities for exports are fulfilled, that they intend to claim an export refund.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0307
Potrdila se zmanjšajo za znesek, enak znesku izvoznih nadomestil, ki ga zainteresirana stranka ne more zahtevati po začetku veljavnosti spremembe, predvidene v točki (b) člena 1, kot zadovoljivo izkaže pristojnemu nacionalnemu organu.
The certificate shall be reduced by the amount for which the interested party is unable to claim export refunds following the entry into force of the amendment provided for in point (b) of Article 1 as demonstrated to the satisfaction of the national competent authority.
20 Pravna redakcija
Izdelovalci, ki imajo certifikat o nadomestilu, izdan v skladu s členom 6, imajo pravico, če so izpolnjene vse zahteve te uredbe, zahtevati plačilo nadomestila, navedenega v certifikatu po tem, ko je bil škrob uporabljen pri izdelavi zadevnih odobrenih proizvodov.
Manufacturers in possession of a refund certificate delivered in accordance with Article 6 shall be entitled, provided all the requirements of this Regulation have been met, to request payment of the refund indicated on the certificate, after the starch has been used in the manufacture of the approved products concerned.
21 Pravna redakcija
Ista oseba ne more hkrati prejemati začasnega nadomestila, predvidenega po členu 7, pokojnine, predvidene po členu 8 in pokojnine, predvidene po členu 10. Če je član Komisije ali Sodišča ES upravičen zahtevati dodatek iz naslova več kot ene od teh določb, se uporablja samo določba, ki je za vlagatelja najugodnejša.
The transitional allowance provided for in Article 7, the pension provided for in Article 8 and the pensions provided for in Article 10 shall not be drawn concurrently by the same person. Where a member of the Commission or of the Court is entitled to claim benefit under more than one of those provisions, only that provision which is the most favourable to the claimant shall be applied.
22 Pravna redakcija
9. Če katera koli pogodbenica uresniči svojo pravico v skladu z odstavki 2 do 5 tega člena zahtevati povračilo katerih koli predmetov, pred umikom z ozemlja ali iz področja nadzora druge pogodbenice, nemudoma zagotovi tej pogodbenici nadomestilo v višini primerne tržne vrednosti le-teh in za stroške, ki so nastali zaradi tega umika.
9. If either Party exercises its right, pursuant to paragraphs 2 to 5 of this Article, to require the return of any items, it shall, prior to the removal form the territory or from the control of the other Party, compensate promptly that Party for the fair market value thereof and for the costs incurred as a consequence of such removal.
23 Pravna redakcija
Ne glede na člen 18 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3665/87 se za plačilo nadomestil določenih z javnim razpisom ne sme zahtevati dokazila o opravljenih carinskih formalnostih za sprostitev v porabo pod pogojem, da izvajalec zagotovi dokaz, da je količina najmanj 1500 ton žitnega proizvoda zapustila carinsko območje Skupnosti na krovu ladje, primerne za morski transport.
Notwithstanding Article 18 of Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87, proof of completion of customs formalities for release for consumption shall not be required for payment of refunds fixed by invitation to tender, on condition that the operator provides proof that a quantity of at least 1 500 tonnes of cereal product has left the customs territory of the Community on board a vessel suitable for sea transport.
24 Pravna redakcija
Za odpravljanje učinkov zamud v izplačilih nadomestil je treba predvideti predplačilo imetniku potrdila, takoj ko se vzpostavi nadzor nad osnovnimi proizvodi, v zameno pa je treba od imetnika zahtevati, da položi varščino kot jamstvo zadevni državi članici za primer, če predelava osnovnih proizvodov ne bi potekala v skladu s pogoji na potrdilu o nadomestilu.
In order to counteract the effects of delays in payment of the refund, provision should be made for an advance to be paid to the holder of a certificate as soon as the basic products have been placed under control and, in return, the holder should be required to provide a security as guarantee to the Member State concerned should processing of the basic product not be carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in the refund certificate.
25 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 8(6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2771/75 določa, da se lahko izvozna nadomestila za valilna jajca odobrijo na podlagi naknadnega izvoznega dovoljenja; ker naj se zato pravila za izvajanje takega sistema določijo s ciljem zagotovitve učinkovitega preverjanja, ali so izpolnjene obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz sporazumov, sklenjenih med Urugvajskim krogom pogajanj; ker je zato nepotrebno zahtevati predložitev varščine za dovoljenja, vložena po izvozu;
Whereas Article 8 (6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2771/75 provides that for hatching eggs export refunds may be granted on the basis of an ex post export licence; whereas therefore implementing rules for such a system should be laid down with the aim of ensuring efficient verification with the obligations arising from the agreements concluded in the framework of the Uruguay Round negotiations are complied with; whereas, however, it would appear unnecessary to require the lodging of a security in the case of licences applied for after exportation;
26 Pravna redakcija
ker člen 8 (6) Uredbe (EGS) št. 2777/75 določa, da se lahko izvozna nadomestila za enodnevne piščance odobrijo na podlagi naknadnega izvoznega dovoljenja; ker naj se zato pravila za izvajanje takega sistema določijo sciljem zagotovitve učinkovitega preverjanja, ali so izpolnjene obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz sporazumov, sklenjenih med Urugvajskim krogom pogajanj; ker je zato nepotrebno zahtevati predložitev varščine za dovoljenja, vložena po izvozu;
Whereas Article 8 (6) of Regulation (EEC) No 2777/75 provides that for day- old chicks export refunds may be granted on the basis of an 'ex- post` export licence; whereas therefore implementing rules for such a system should be laid down with the aim of ensuring efficient verification that the obligations arising from the agreements concluded in the framework of the Uruguay Round negotiations are complied with; whereas, however, it would appear unnecessary to require the lodging of a security in the case of licences applied for after exportation;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0653
Nadomestila ali odškodnine iz člena 17 ni mogoče zahtevati:
The indemnity or compensation referred to in Article 17 shall not be payable:
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0035
razen če dolžnik ni odgovoren za zamudo, ima upnik pravico zahtevati primerno nadomestilo od dolžnika za vse stroške izterjatve zaradi dolžnikove zamude pri plačilu.
unless the debtor is not responsible for the delay, the creditor shall be entitled to claim reasonable compensation from the debtor for all relevant recovery costs incurred through the latter's late payment.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1148
Kadar je bilo preverjanje skladnosti omejeno na potrebni minimum, od zadevnega inšpekcijskega organa ni mogoče zahtevati nadomestila, če je blago izgubilo tržno vrednost.
When the conformity check has been limited to the minimum required, no compensation can be claimed from the inspection body concerned if the commercial value of the produce has suffered a loss.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0013
ker se v primerih uveljavljanja nadomestila škode v zvezi s stroški pripravljanja ponudbe ali udeležbe v postopku oddaje javnega naročila od osebe, ki uveljavlja nadomestilo škode, ne sme zahtevati, da za pridobitev povračila stroškov dokaže, da bi bilo naročilo v primeru, če kršitve ne bi bilo, oddano njej;
Whereas, where a claim is made for damages representing the costs of preparing a bid or of participating in an award procedure, the person making the claim is not be required, in order to obtain the reimbursement of his costs, to prove that the contract would have been awarded to him in the absence of such infringement;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Če katera koli pogodbenica uresniči svojo pravico v skladu z odstavki 2 do 5 tega člena zahtevati povračilo katerih koli predmetov, pred umikom z ozemlja ali iz področja nadzora druge pogodbenice, nemudoma zagotovi tej pogodbenici nadomestilo v višini primerne tržne vrednosti le-teh in za stroške, ki so nastali zaradi tega umika.
If either Party exercises its right, pursuant to paragraphs 2 to 5 of this Article, to require the return of any items, it shall, prior to the removal form the territory or from the control of the other Party, compensate promptly that Party for the fair market value thereof and for the costs incurred as a consequence of such removal.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1746
Nekdanji uradnik se formalno obveže, da bo zagotovil kakršenkoli dokaz v pisni obliki, ki se utegne zahtevati, vključno z letnim poročilom o prihodkih v obliki izjave o plači ali revidiranih računovodskih izkazov, kot je ustrezno, in zapriseženo ali overjeno izjavo, da ne prejema nikakršnega koli drugega dohodka iz nobene nove zaposlitve, in da bo obveščal institucijo o katerem koli drugem dejavniku, ki utegne prizadeti njeno ali njegovo pravico do nadomestila; v primeru, da tega ne stori, zanj ali zanjo velja disciplinski ukrep, določen v členu 86 kadrovskih predpisov.
The former official shall give a formal undertaking to provide any written proof which may be required, including an annual statement of income in the form of a salary statement or audited accounts, as appropriate, and a sworn or authenticated declaration that he or she is not in receipt of any other income from any new employment, and shall notify the institution of any other factor which may affect his or her right to the allowance, failing which he or she shall be liable to disciplinary action as provided for in Article 86 of the Staff Regulations.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1748
Nekdanji uradnik ali član začasnega osebja se formalno obveže, da bo predložil kakršenkoli dokaz v pisni obliki, ki se utegne zahtevati, vključno z letnim poročilom o prihodkih v obliki izjave o plači ali revidiranih zaključnih računov, kakor je primerno, in zapriseženo ali overjeno izjavo, da ne prejema nikakršnega drugega dohodka iz nobene nove zaposlitve, in da bo obveščal institucijo o vsakem drugem dejavniku, ki utegne prizadeti njeno ali njegovo pravico do nadomestila; v primeru, da tega ne stori, zanj ali zanjo velja disciplinski ukrep, predviden v členu 86 kadrovskih predpisov.
The former official or member of the temporary staff shall give a formal undertaking to provide any written proof which may be required, including an annual statement of income in the form of a salary statement or audited accounts, as appropriate, and a sworn or authenticated declaration that he or she is not in receipt of any other income from any new employment, and shall notify the institution of any other factor which may affect his or her right to the allowance, failing which he or she shall be liable to disciplinary action as provided for in Article 86 of the Staff Regulations.
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zahtevati nadomestilo