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zaslišanje zainteresiranih oseb
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
možnost zaslišanja je treba dati tudi članom vodstva in nadzornih organov ter priznanim predstavnikom zaposlenih udeleženih podjetij in zainteresiranim tretjim osebam.
the members of the management and supervisory bodies and the recognised representatives of the employees of the undertakings concerned, and interested third parties, must also be given the opportunity to be heard.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
(37) Udeleženim podjetjem je treba dati pravico, da jih ob začetku postopka zasliši Komisija; možnost zaslišanja je treba dati tudi članom vodstva in nadzornih organov ter priznanim predstavnikom zaposlenih udeleženih podjetij in zainteresiranim tretjim osebam.
(37) The undertakings concerned must be afforded the right to be heard by the Commission when proceedings have been initiated; the members of the management and supervisory bodies and the recognised representatives of the employees of the undertakings concerned, and interested third parties, must also be given the opportunity to be heard.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
možnost zaslišanja je treba dati tudi članom vodstva in nadzornih organov ter priznanim predstavnikom zaposlenih udeleženih podjetij in zainteresiranim tretjim osebam.
the members of the management and supervisory bodies and the recognised representatives of the employees of the undertakings concerned, and interested third parties, must also be given the opportunity to be heard.
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zaslišanje zainteresiranih oseb