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zaslišati izvedenca
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
(1) Če Evropski patentni urad meni, da je treba zaslišati stranke, priče ali izvedence ali opraviti pregled, izda ustrezno odločitev, v kateri opiše preiskavo, ki jo namerava izvesti, bistvena dejstva, ki jih je treba dokazati, ter dan, uro in kraj preiskave.
(1) Where the European Patent Office considers it necessary to hear the oral evidence of parties, witnesses or experts or to carry out an inspection, it shall make a decision to this end, setting out the investigation which it intends to carry out, relevant facts to be proved and the date, time and place of the investigation.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Če je oseba na ozemlju ene države članice in jo morajo kot pričo ali izvedenca zaslišati pravosodni organi druge države članice, lahko slednja, kadar tako določa njeno nacionalno pravo, prvo državo članico zaprosi za pomoč, da omogoči zaslišanje prek telefonske konference, kot je predvideno v drugem do petem odstavku.
If a person is one Member State` s territory and has to be heard as a witness or expert by judicial authorities of another Member State, the latter may, where its national law so provides, request assistance of the former Member State to enable the hearing to take place by telephone conference, as provided for in paragraphs 2 to 5.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Če je oseba na ozemlju ene države članice in jo morajo kot pričo ali izvedenca zaslišati pravosodni organi druge države članice, slednja lahko zahteva, da se zaslišanje opravi prek videokonference, kot je določeno v drugem do osmem odstavku, kadar ni zaželeno ali mogoče, da bi bila ta oseba na njenem ozemlju pri zaslišanju osebno navzoča.
If a person is in one Member State's territory and has to be heard as a witness or expert by the judicial authorities of another Member State, the latter may, where it is not desirable or possible for the person to be heard to appear in its territory in person, request that the hearing take place by videoconference, as provided for in paragraphs 2 to 8.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-68
Če je izvajanje dokazov določeno na podlagi zahteve ene od strank v postopku, se lahko stranke, ki jih je treba zaslišati, priče ali izvedenci, ki se izražajo v jezikih, ki niso uradni jeziki Evropskega patentnega urada, zaslišijo le, če stranka, ki je vložila zahtevo, zagotovi prevajanje v jezik postopka; Evropski patentni urad lahko odobri tudi prevajanje v katerega od njegovih drugih uradnih jezikov.
Should the taking of evidence be decided upon following a request by a party to the proceedings, parties to be heard, witnesses or experts who express themselves in languages other than the official languages of the European Patent Office may be heard only if the party who made the request makes provision for interpretation into the language of the proceedings; the European Patent Office may, however, authorise interpretation into one of its other official languages.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0080
Če organ za odločanje skladno z zakonodajo svoje države članice sklene zaslišati prosilca ali kako drugo osebo, na primer pričo ali izvedenca, se lahko poveže s pomožnim organom zato, da poskrbi za naslednje:
If the deciding authority decides, in accordance with the law of its Member State, to hear the applicant or any other person such as a witness or an expert, it may contact the assisting authority for the purpose of arranging for:
6 Pravna redakcija
Zaprosilo za pravno pomoč se izda v obliki odredbe, ki vsebuje imena, priimke, opis in naslov priče ali izvedenca, in določa dejstva, o katerih je treba pričo ali izvedenca zaslišati, imenuje stranke, njihove zastopnike, odvetnike ali svetovalce, navaja njihove naslove za vročanje in na kratko opiše predmet spora.
Letters rogatory shall be issued in the form of an order which shall contain the names, forenames, description and address of the witness or expert, set out the facts on which the witness or expert is to be examined, name the parties, their agents, lawyers or advisers, indicate their addresses for service and briefly describe the subject matter of the dispute.
7 Pravna redakcija
Če se oseba nahaja na ozemlju ene države članice in jo morajo kot pričo ali izvedenca zaslišati sodni organi druge države članice, slednja, kadar tako predvideva njena nacionalna zakonodaja, lahko prvo državo članico zaprosi za pomoč, da omogoči zaslišanje prek telefonske konference, kakor je predvideno v odstavkih 2 do 5.
If a person is one Member State's territory and has to be heard as a witness or expert by judicial authorities of another Member State, the latter may, where its national law so provides, request assistance of the former Member State to enable the hearing to take place by telephone conference, as provided for in paragraphs 2 to 5.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2245
urada, če je urad na lastno pobudo štel za potrebno zaslišati priče ali izvedence;
the Office where the Office, on its own initiative, considered it necessary to hear the oral evidence of witnesses or experts;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0080
Če organ za odločanje skladno z zakonodajo svoje države članice sklene zaslišati prosilca ali kako drugo osebo, na primer pričo ali izvedenca, se lahko poveže s pomožnim organom zato, da poskrbi za naslednje:
If the deciding authority decides, in accordance with the law of its Member State, to hear the applicant or any other person such as a witness or an expert, it may contact the assisting authority for the purpose of arranging for:
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zaslišati izvedenca