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zastopati na sodišču
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Člen 15 se nanaša na primere, ko se dolžnik ne more zastopati na sodišču, kot v primeru pravne osebe, in ko je oseba, ki ga zastopa, določena z zakonom, kot tudi v primeru, kjer je dolžnik pooblastil drugo osebo, predvsem odvetnika, da ga zastopa v določenih sodnih postopkih v zadevi.
Article 15 should apply to situations where the debtor cannot represent himself in court, as in the case of a legal person, and where a person to represent him is determined by law as well as situations where the debtor has authorised another person, in particular a lawyer, to represent him in the specific court proceedings at issue.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
(16) Člen 15 se nanaša na primere, ko se dolžnik ne more zastopati na sodišču, kot v primeru pravne osebe, in ko je oseba, ki ga zastopa, določena z zakonom, kot tudi v primeru, kjer je dolžnik pooblastil drugo osebo, predvsem odvetnika, da ga zastopa v določenih sodnih postopkih v zadevi.
(16) Article 15 should apply to situations where the debtor cannot represent himself in court, as in the case of a legal person, and where a person to represent him is determined by law as well as situations where the debtor has authorised another person, in particular a lawyer, to represent him in the specific court proceedings at issue.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Člen 15 se nanaša na primere, ko se dolžnik ne more zastopati na sodišču, kot v primeru pravne osebe, in ko je oseba, ki ga zastopa, določena z zakonom, kot tudi v primeru, kjer je dolžnik pooblastil drugo osebo, predvsem odvetnika, da ga zastopa v določenih sodnih postopkih v zadevi.
Article 15 should apply to situations where the debtor cannot represent himself in court, as in the case of a legal person, and where a person to represent him is determined by law as well as situations where the debtor has authorised another person, in particular a lawyer, to represent him in the specific court proceedings at issue.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0618
V ta namen država članica opravljanja storitev od podjetja zahteva, da imenuje zastopnika, ki ima prebivališče ali poslovalnico na njenem ozemlju, ki bo zbiral vse potrebne informacije v zvezi z odškodninskimi zahtevki in ki bo imel zadostna pooblastila, da bo zastopal podjetje v odnosu do oseb, ki so utrpele škodo in ki bi lahko uveljavljale odškodninske zahtevke, vključno z izplačilom takšnih zahtevkov, ter da ga bo v zvezi s temi zahtevki zastopal ali ga po potrebi dal zastopati pred sodišči in organi te države članice.
For this purpose, the Member State of provision of services shall require the undertaking to appoint a representative resident or established in its territory who shall collect all necessary information in relation to claims, and shall possess sufficient powers to repre sent the undertaking in relation to persons suffering damage who could pursue claims, including the payment of such claims, and to represent it or, where necessary, to have it represented before the courts and authorities of that Member State in relation to these claims.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0618
ker je v ta namen in toliko, kolikor interesi teh oseb niso dovolj varovani s predpisi, ki veljajo za izvajalca storitev v državi članici, v kateri je ustanovljen, treba predvideti, da država članica opravljanja storitev od podjetja zahteva, da imenuje zastopnika, ki ima stalno prebivališče ali poslovalnico na njenem ozemlju, ki bo zbiral vse potrebne informacije v zvezi z odškodninskimi zahtevki in ki bo imel zadostna pooblastila, da bo zastopal podjetje v odnosu do oseb, ki so utrpele škodo in ki bi lahko uveljavljale odškodninske zahtevke, vključno z izplačilom takšnih zahtevkov, ter da ga bo v zvezi s temi odškodninskimi zahtevki zastopal ali ga po potrebi dal zastopati pred sodišči in organi te države članice;
whereas for this purpose, and insofar as the interests of these persons are not sufficiently safeguarded by the rules applying to the supplier of services in the Member State in which it is established, it should be provided that the Member State of provision of services shall require the undertaking to appoint a representative resident or established in its territory to collect all necessary information in relation to claims and shall possess sufficient powers to represent the undertaking in relation to persons suffering damage who could pursue claims, including the payment of such claims, and to represent it or, where necessary, to have it represented before the courts and authorities of that Member State in relation to these claims;
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zastopati na sodišču