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zatiranje plevela
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0036
zatiranje plevela,
control of weeds,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-100
(b) spodbujanje raziskovanja, ki krepi in ohranja biotsko raznovrstnost z doseganjem čim večje znotrajvrstne in medvrstne raznolikosti v korist kmetov, zlasti tistih, ki ustvarjajo in uporabljajo lastne sorte ter upoštevajo ekološka načela pri ohranjanju rodovitnosti tal in zatiranju bolezni, plevela in škodljivcev;
(b) strengthening research which enhances and conserves biological diversity by maximizing intra- and inter-specific variation for the benefit of farmers, especially those who generate and use their own varieties and apply ecological principles in maintaining soil fertility and in combating diseases, weeds and pests;
3 Končna redakcija
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtski, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin) iz Uredbe (bekendtgurelse) z dne 25. septembra 1961, ki določa,
Products (phytopharmaceuticals, weedkillers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) referred to in the Decree (bekendtgřrelse) of 25 September 1961 which provides that the authorization to use the products marked with an X usually conditional upon the user having taken a course in toxicology organized by the Poisons Board (giftućvnet).
4 Končna redakcija
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtska sredstva, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin), ki so določeni v Zakonu Ä`t. 118 z dne 3. maja 1961 in navedeni v uredbah (bekendtgurelser), pripravljenih za i
Products (phytopharmaceuticals, weed-killers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) set out in Law No 118 of 3 May 1961 and referred to in the Decrees (bekendtgřrelser) made in application of that Law which provide that these products may not be marketed or used by the trade unless it is approved and classified by the Poisons Board (giftnevnet) and which also lay down detailed rules on the receipt, storage, packaging, labelling etc, of these products.
5 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31974L0557
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtski, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin) iz Uredbe (bekendtgurelse) z dne 25. septembra 1961, ki določa, da je dovoljenje za uporabo proizvodov, označenih z X, običajno pogojeno s tem, da je uporabnik opravil tečaj iz toksikologije, ki ga organizira odbor za strupe (giftużvnet).
P roducts (phytopharmaceuticals, weedkillers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) referred to in the Decree (bekendtgřrelse) of 25 September 1961 which provides that the authorization to use the products marked with an X usually conditional upon the user having taken a course in toxicology organized by the Poisons Board (giftućvnet).
6 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31974L0557
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtska sredstva, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin), ki so določeni v Zakonu št. 118 z dne 3. maja 1961 in navedeni v uredbah (bekendtgurelser), pripravljenih za i zvajanje tega zakona, ki določa, da se teh proizvodov ne sme tržiti in z njimi trgovati, razen če to dovoli in klasificira odbor za strupe (giftnevnet), in ki določa tudi podrobna pravila o prejemu, shranjevanju, pakiranju, označevanju itd. teh proizvodov.
P roducts (phytopharmaceuticals, weed-killers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) set out in Law No 118 of 3 May 1961 and referred to in the Decrees (bekendtgřrelser) made in application of that Law which provide that these products may not be marketed or used by the trade unless it is approved and classified by the Poisons Board (giftnevnet) and which also lay down detailed rules on the receipt, storage, packaging, labelling etc, of these products.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0037
za zatiranje plevela na nekmetijskih površinah,
weed control on non-cultivated areas,
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974L0557
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtski, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin) iz Uredbe (bekendtgųrelse) z dne 25. septembra 1961, ki določa, da je dovoljenje za uporabo proizvodov, označenih z X, običajno pogojeno s tem, da je uporabnik opravil tečaj iz toksikologije, ki ga organizira odbor za strupe (giftużvnet).
Products (phytopharmaceuticals, weedkillers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) referred to in the Decree (bekendtgorelse) of 25 September 1961 which provides that the authorization to use the products marked with an X usually conditional upon the user having taken a course in toxicology organized by the Poisons Board (giftuavnet).
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31974L0557
Proizvodi (fitofarmacevtska sredstva, sredstva za zatiranje plevela, pesticidi, regulatorji rasti rastlin), ki so določeni v Zakonu št. 118 z dne 3. maja 1961 in navedeni v uredbah (bekendtgųrelser), pripravljenih za izvajanje tega zakona, ki določa, da se teh proizvodov ne sme tržiti in z njimi trgovati, razen če to dovoli in klasificira odbor za strupe (giftnevnet), in ki določa tudi podrobna pravila o prejemu, shranjevanju, pakiranju, označevanju itd. teh proizvodov.
Products (phytopharmaceuticals, weed-killers, pesticides, plantgrowth regulators) set out in Law No 118 of 3 May 1961 and referred to in the Decrees (bekendtgorelser) made in application of that Law which provide that these products may not be marketed or used by the trade unless it is approved and classified by the Poisons Board (giftnevnet) and which also lay down detailed rules on the receipt, storage, packaging, labelling etc, of these products.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0021
Poleg tega je odbor ugotovil, da utegne uporaba dikvata za zatiranje vodnega plevela predstavljati veliko nevarnost za neciljne vodne organizme, pri čemer niso na voljo zadostne informacije za prikaz, da se lahko uporabijo učinkoviti ukrepi za zmanjševanje nevarnosti.
Further, the Committee noted that aquatic weed control uses of diquat may pose a high risk to non-target aquatic organisms and insufficient data is available to demonstrate that efficient risk mitigation measures can be applied.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0021
V svojem mnenju z dne 5. aprila 2000 [9], je odbor ponudil nasvet za razlago razpoložljivih raziskav o razmnoževanju ptic, o morebitnih dolgoročnih učinkih ostankov, vezanih na zemeljske delce, o morebitnem vplivu zatiranja vodnega plevela na okolje ter o nekaterih vidikih izpostavljenosti izvajalcev in potrošnikov.
In its opinion of 5 April 2000(9), the Committee offered advice on the interpretation of the available studies on bird reproduction, on potential long-term effects of residues bound to soil particles, on the potential environmental impact of aquatic weed control, and on certain aspects of operator and consumer exposure.
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zatiranje plevela