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zbor enote
1 Končna redakcija
Za volitve poslancev državnega zbora se oblikuje osem volilnih enot.
Eight constituencies shall be formed for -the election of deputies to the National Assembly.
2 Končna redakcija
Politična stranka lahko vloži listo kandidatov v vsaki volilni enoti, če njene liste kandidatov podprejo s podpisi najmanj trije poslanci državnega zbora.
A political party may submit a list of candidates in every constituency, provided its lists are supported by the signatures of at least three deputies of the National Assembly.
3 Končna redakcija
Pri prvih volitvah v državni zbor politične stranke lahko vložijo liste kandidatov v vsaki volilni enoti, če liste kandidatov podprejo s podpisi najmanj trije delegati zborov Skupščine Republike Slovenije.
In the first elections to the National Assembly, political parties may submit lists of candidates in every constituency, provided the lists of candidates are supported by the signatures of at least three delegates of the chambers of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0242
Mednarodna trgovinska zbornica je objavila enotne kodekse ravnanja za izmenjavo poslovnih podatkov po telekomunikacijskih omrežjih.
The International Chamber of Commerce has published uniform rules of conduct for the exchange of commercial data via telecommunications networks.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
k zmanjšanju stroškov proizvodnje na enoto proizvoda, zlasti oljčnega olja, da bi zboljšali položaj tega olja na celotnem trgu jedilnih tekočih rastlinskih olj;
reduce the cost of production of the products obtained, particularly that of olive oil, with a view to improving the position of that oil in the overall market for fluid edible vegetable oils;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
9 Zdravljenje z zelo majhnimi odmerki, po 2, 5 enot/ kg telesne mase trikrat na teden ali po 15 enot/ kg telesne mase enkrat vsaka 2 tedna, je zboljšalo hematološke parametre in visceromegalijo, ne pa tudi kostnih parametrov.
Administration of doses as low as 2.5 U/ kg of body weight three times a week or 15 U/ kg of body weight once every 2 weeks has been shown to improve haematological parameters and organomegaly, but not bone parameters.
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zbor enote