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zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregled rastlin
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0029
2 Pravna redakcija
Inšpekcijski pregledi, če gre za zdravstvene preglede rastlin, se opravljajo na mestih, na katerih se opravljajo inšpekcijski pregledi, kakor je navedeno v tretjem pododstavku, ali v bližini teh mest.
The inspections, where they are plant-health checks, shall be carried out at the places where the inspections are carried out as referred to in the third subparagraph or near to those places.
3 Pravna redakcija
Države članice prejmejo finančni prispevek Skupnosti za krepitev infrastrukture za inšpekcijske preglede, v kolikor ta zadeva zdravstvene preglede rastlin, opravljene skladno z odstavkom 2(b) ali (c).
There shall be a Community financial contribution to Member States in order to strengthen inspection infrastructures in so far as they relate to plant health checks carried out in accordance with paragraph 2(b) or (c).
4 Pravna redakcija
prenosom izvajanja administrativnih postopkov (carinski, davčni in veterinarski nadzor ter zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregledi rastlin) na terminale ali na odpremni oz. namembni kraj;
transferring the performance of administrative formalities (customs, fiscal, veterinary and plant-health controls) to the terminals or to the point of departure or the final destination;
5 Pravna redakcija
Vsaj v eni državi članici so si izvedenci pridobili potrebno usposobljenost, ki se zahteva od oseb, pristojnih za izvajanje in spremljanje uradnih zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledov rastlin.
They shall have acquired, at least in one Member State, the qualifications required for persons in charge of carrying out and monitoring official plant health inspections.
6 Pravna redakcija
Za države članice je predviden finančni prispevek Skupnosti, da bi okrepili infrastrukturo za inšpekcijske preglede, kolikor se nanaša na zdravstvene preglede rastlin, opravljene v skladu s četrtim pododstavkom odstavka 8.
There shall be a Community financial contribution for Member States in order to strengthen inspection infrastructures insofar as they relate to plant-health checks carried out in accordance with the fourth subparagraph of paragraph 8.
7 Pravna redakcija
Da bi preprečili infekcije s škodljivimi organizmi, vnesenimi iz tretjih držav, mora biti finančni prispevek Skupnosti namenjen krepitvi infrastrukture za zdravstvene inšpekcijske preglede rastlin na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti.
In order to prevent infections by harmful organisms introduced from third countries, there should be a Community financial contribution aimed at reinforcing the plant health inspection infrastructure at the Community's external frontiers.
8 Pravna redakcija
Komisija po posvetovanju z državami članicami v okviru Stalnega odbora za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin vsako leto do 1. novembra, in prvič 1993. leta, predloži priporočilo glede usklajenega programa inšpekcijskih pregledov za naslednje leto.
By 1 November each year, and for the first time in 1993, the Commission shall forward to the Member States, after consulting them within the framework of the Standing Committee on Plant Health, a recommendation concerning a coordinated programme of inspections for the following year.
9 Pravna redakcija
Za razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic, ki ustreza zahtevam te direktive, ne veljajo nobene omejitve glede dobavitelja, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata in ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, razen tistih, ki so navedene v tej direktivi.
The marketing of vegetable propagating and planting material which complies with the requirements and conditions of this Directive shall be subject to no restrictions as regards supplier, plant health, growing medium and inspection arrangements other than those laid down in this Directive.
10 Pravna redakcija
DIREKTIVA KOMISIJE 98/22/ES z dne 15. aprila 1998 o minimalnih pogojih za opravljanje rastlinskih zdravstvenih pregledov v Skupnosti tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in se opravljajo na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju njihove namembnosti (so na mejnih prehodih)
Commission Directive 98/22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countries
11 Pravna redakcija
Če je med uradnimi inšpekcijskimi pregledi ugotovljeno, da razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjadnic ne more biti dan na trg, ker ne izpolnjuje pogojev glede zdravstvenega stanja, država članica sprejme ustrezne uradne ukrepe za preprečitev vsakega nadaljnjega tveganja za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin.
If it is found, during an official inspection, that vegetable propagating and planting material cannot, by reason of non-compliance with a condition relating to plant health, be marketed, the Member State concerned shall take appropriate official measures to eliminate any consequent plant-health risk.
12 Pravna redakcija
Če se skladno s členom 13a(2) za neko skupino rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov s poreklom iz nekaterih tretjih držav izvajajo preverjanje istovetnosti in zdravstveni pregledi rastlin z zmanjšano pogostostjo, države članice pobirajo sorazmerno znižano fitosanitarno pristojbino za vse pošiljke in partije v tej skupini, ne glede na to ali so podvržene inšpekcijskemu pregledu ali ne.
When, pursuant to Article 13a(2), for a certain group of plants, plant products or other objects originating in certain third countries, identity checks and plant health checks are being carried out at reduced frequency, Member States shall collect a proportionally reduced Phytosanitary fee from all consignments and lots of that group, whether subjected to inspection or not.
13 Pravna redakcija
Da bi za stanje, ki je nastalo z dokončnim oblikovanjem notranjega trga, pripravili potrebna jamstva, je nujno okrepiti infrastrukturo za zdravstvene inšpekcijske preglede rastlin na nacionalni ravni in na ravni Skupnosti na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti, ter zlasti v državah članicah, ki so zaradi svojega geografskega položaja vstopne točke v Skupnost.
In order to confront the situation created by the completion of the internal market with the necessary guarantees, it is essential to reinforce the plant-health inspection infrastructure at national and Community level at the Community's external frontiers, paying particular attention to those Member States which, by reason of their geographical situation, are points of entry to the Community.
14 Pravna redakcija
Po postopku iz člena 21, je treba odločiti, ali razmnoževalni in sadilni material zelenjandic, ki je pridelan v tretji državi in daje enaka zagotovila glede, lastnosti, zdravstvenega stanja rastlin, rastnega substrata, pakiranja, ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, označevanja in pečatenja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovreden razmnoževalnemu in sadilnemu materialu zelenjadnic, ki je pridelan v Skupnosti in izpolnjuje zahteve te direktive.
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, it shall be decided whether vegetable propagating and planting material produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, is equivalent in all these respects to vegetable propagating and planting material produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0997
Prošnja države članice za "finančni prispevek za mesta zdravstvenih inšpekcijskih pregledov rastlin ob uvozu" mora:
An application of a Member State for a "plant health import inspection post financial contribution" shall:
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0359
Poleg tega sistem pregledov omogoči inšpektorjem Inšpekcijske službe za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin, da občasno izvedejo nadzor pred pošiljanjem z ladjo;
In addition, the checking system shall enable inspectors of the said Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to undertake occasional pre-shipment inspections;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
takoj ko je mogoče prilagodijo veljavni program zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin tako, da zadostijo dejanskim potrebam z vidika novih nevarnosti za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin ali sprememb v količini/volumnu rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov, ki se nameravajo vnesti na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov iz člena 1.
adapt the established programme of plant health checks as quickly as possible in such a way as to meet actual needs, in the light of new plant health risks or any changes in the quantity/volume of the plants, plant products or other objects offered for introduction at the inspection posts referred to in Article 1.
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0423
sistem preverjanja omogoči inšpektorjem Inšpekcijske službe za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin, Oddelka za kmetijstvo ZDA, nadzor na usposobljenih žagah iz (a) in občasne preglede pred pošiljanjem;
a checking system shall provide for inspectors of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, US Department of Agriculture, monitoring at the qualified mills referred to in (a) and undertaking occasional pre-shipment inspections;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0034
Za razmnoževalni material in sadne rastlin, ki izpolnjujejo zahteve in pogoje te direktive, ne veljajo tržne omejitve glede dobavitelja, zdravstvenega varstva rastlin, rastnega substrata in ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, razen tistih, predpisanih v tej direktivi.
Propagating material and fruit plants which comply with the requirements and conditions of this Directive shall be subject to no marketing restrictions as regards supplier, plant health, growing medium and inspection arrangements, other than those laid down in this Directive.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
Minimalni pogoji za opravljanje zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin v Skupnosti in sicer tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in za katere se zdravstveni pregledi izvajajo na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije
Minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countries
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
Državni uslužbenci in usposobljeni pooblaščenci, navedeni v drugem pododstavku člena 2(1)(i) Direktive 77/93/EGS, ki so dejansko odgovorni za izvedbo zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov (mejnih prehodih) iz člena 1 te direktive so:
The public servants and qualified agents as referred to in Article 2(1)(i), second subparagraph of Directive 77/93/EEC actually in charge of carrying out the inspections at the inspection posts referred to in Article 1 of this Directive shall have:
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
ker je treba v minimalnih pogojih za opravljanje takih zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin upoštevati tehnične zahteve, ki se nanašajo na uradne organe iz člena 2(1)(g) Direktive 77/93/EGS in so pristojni za omenjena mesta inšpekcijskih pregledov kakor tudi določbe, ki se nanašajo na zmogljivosti, delovne pripomočke, opremo in omogočajo omenjenim pristojnim uradnim organom izvajanje zahtevanih zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin;
Whereas the minimum conditions laid down for carrying out such plant health checks must take account of technical requirements applicable to the responsible official bodies as referred to in Article 2(1)(g) of Directive 77/93/EEC in charge of the said inspection posts as well as of provisions applicable to facilities, tools and equipment enabling the said responsible official bodies to carry out the required plant health checks;
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0359
preglede skladnosti pogojev iz (a) izvedejo industrijski inšpektorji ali njihovi zastopniki v obratih za predelavo lesa, ki jih za to primerno usposobi in pooblasti navedena Inšpekcijska služba za zdravstveno varstvo živali in rastlin.
checks on compliance with the condition laid down under (a) shall have been undertaken at mills by industry inspectors or their agents duly qualified and authorized for that purpose by the said Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
Direktiva Komisije 98/22/ES z dne 15. aprila 1998 o minimalnih pogojih za opravljanje zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin v Skupnosti in sicer tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in za katere se zdravstveni pregledi opravljajo na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije
COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 98/22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countries
25 Prevajalska redakcija
Direktiva Komisije 98/22/ES z dne 15. aprila 1998 o minimalnih pogojih za opravljanje zdravstvenih pregledov rastlin v Skupnosti in sicer tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov in drugih predmetov, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in za katere se zdravstveni pregledi opravljajo na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije Dodatek C
Commission Directive 98/22/EC of 15 April 1998 laying down the minimum conditions for carrying out plant health checks in the Community, at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, of plants, plant products or other objects coming from third countriesAppendix C
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
Države članice zagotovijo, da zdravstveni pregledi rastlin iz četrtega pododstavka člena 12(6) Direktive 77/93/EGS in sicer tistih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov iz dela B Priloge V omenjene direktive, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav in za katere se zdravstveni pregled izvaja na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije, zadosti najmanj minimalnim pogojem, ki so določeni v Prilogi k tej direktivi.
Member States shall ensure that the plant health checks referred to in Article 12(6), fourth subparagraph of Directive 77/93/EEC, of plants, plant products or other objects listed in Annex V, part B of the said Directive and coming from third countries, and carried out at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination, satisfy at least the minimum conditions laid down in the Annex to this Directive.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0034
Če se med uradnimi inšpekcijskimi pregledi ugotovi, da se razmnoževalni material ali sadne rastline ne morejo tržiti, ker ne izpolnjujejo zahtev glede zdravstvenega stanja, zadevna država članica sprejme ustrezne uradne ukrepe za odstranitev vsakršnega dodatnega tveganja za zdravstveno varstvo rastlin.
If it is found, during an official inspection, that propagating material or fruit plants cannot be marketed because they fail to comply with a condition relating to plant health, the Member State concerned shall take appropriate official measures to eliminate any consequent plant-health risk.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0022
ker je za učinkovito uresničevanje dogovorov o (rastlinskih) zdravstvenih pregledih rastlin, rastlinskih proizvodov ali drugih predmetov, navedenih v delu B Priloge V Direktive 77/93/EGS, ki prihajajo iz tretjih držav, potrebno določiti usklajene minimalne pogoje za opravljanje teh pregledov na mestih inšpekcijskih pregledov, ki niso v kraju destinacije;
Whereas, if arrangements for the plant health checks of plants, plant products or other objects listed in part B of Annex V to Directive 77/93/EEC coming from third countries are to be operated efficiently, harmonised minimum conditions should be laid down for carrying out these checks at inspection posts other than those at the place of destination;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0034
V skladu s postopkom iz člena 21, je potrebno odločiti, ali so razmnoževalni material in sadne rastline, ki so pridelani v tretji državi in dajejo enaka zagotovila glede obveznosti dobavitelja, istovetnosti, lastnosti, zdravstvenega stanja, rastnega substrata, pakiranja, ureditve inšpekcijskih pregledov, označevanja in pečatenja, v vseh teh pogledih enakovredni razmnoževalnemu materialu in sadnim rastlinam, ki so pridelani v Skupnosti in izpolnjujejo zahteve in pogoje te direktive.
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 21, it shall be decided whether propagating material and fruit plants produced in a third country and affording the same guarantees as regards obligations on the supplier, identity, characteristics, plant health, growing medium, packaging, inspection arrangements, marking and sealing, are equivalent in all these respects to propagating material and fruit plants produced in the Community and complying with the requirements and conditions of this Directive.
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zdravstveni inšpekcijski pregled rastlin