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zunanje združevanje
1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0517
(7) Ker ključ za vpis kapitala ECB določa deleže nacionalnih centralnih bank v kapitalu ECB in v združevanju zunanjih rezerv, kakor tudi ponderje glasovanja v Svetu ECB za vse odločitve, ki se sprejmejo s ponderiranimi glasovi (v skladu s členom 10.3 Statuta), ter porazdelitev denarnih prihodkov ESCB med njimi, je pomembno, da se izračun njihovega ponderiranja v tem ključu opravi točno.
(7) Since the key for the ECB capital subscription determines the respective shares of the national central banks in the capital of the ECB and in the pooling of external reserves, as well as their voting weights in the ECB Governing Council for all decisions to be taken by weighted votes (in accordance with Article 10.3 of the Statute) and the distribution among them of the monetary income of the ESCB, it is important that the calculation of their weighting in this key is carried out in an accurate manner.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0517
Ker ključ za vpis kapitala ECB določa deleže nacionalnih centralnih bank v kapitalu ECB in v združevanju zunanjih rezerv, kakor tudi ponderje glasovanja v Svetu ECB za vse odločitve, ki se sprejmejo s ponderiranimi glasovi (v skladu s členom 10.3 Statuta), ter porazdelitev denarnih prihodkov ESCB med njimi, je pomembno, da se izračun njihovega ponderiranja v tem ključu opravi točno.
Since the key for the ECB capital subscription determines the respective shares of the national central banks in the capital of the ECB and in the pooling of external reserves, as well as their voting weights in the ECB Governing Council for all decisions to be taken by weighted votes (in accordance with Article 10.3 of the Statute) and the distribution among them of the monetary income of the ESCB, it is important that the calculation of their weighting in this key is carried out in an accurate manner.
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zunanje združevanje