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1 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
2 Končna redakcija
Za opravljanje znanstvenih vrednotenj, potrebnih za skupno ribiško politiko (v nadaljevanju SRP), je treba zbrati celovite podatke o biologiji staležev rib, flotah in njihovih dejavnostih ter gospodarskih in socialnih vprašanjih.
To conduct the scientific evaluations needed for the common fisheries policy (hereinafter referred to as the CFP), complete data must be collected on the biology of the fish stocks, on the fleets and their activities and on economic and social issues.
3 Končna redakcija
V ta namen države članice in Komisija opravijo študije in raziskovalne projekte na področjih, ki so značilna za SRP in jih člen 4 še ne zajema, zlasti akvakulturo, odnos ribištva in akvakulture z okoljem ter zmogljivost ribolovne in akvakulturne industrije, da ustvarita delovna mesta.
To this end, the Member States and the Commission may undertake studies and exploratory projects in areas that are significant for the CFP not yet covered by Article 4, in particular aquaculture, the relationship of fisheries and aquaculture with the environment and the capacity of fishing and aquaculture industries to create jobs.
4 Pravna redakcija
Druga združenja, ki jih zadeva SRP:
Non-professional organisations concerned with the CFP:
5 Pravna redakcija
skupna kmetijska politika (SKP) in skupna ribiška politika (SRP);
the common agricultural policy (CAP) and the common fisheries policy (CFP);
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
Vsi stroški, izhajajoči iz storitev, ki jih opravita SRP in SKP v korist ČDO, se financirajo iz sredstev, določenih v Prilogi II A.
Any costs resulting from services provided by the CDE or CTA for the benefit of the OCTs shall be financed from the funds provided for in Annex II A.
7 Pravna redakcija
ker bi se morali člani SOR glede izdelave analiz in skupnih stališč o SRP najprej ukvarjati z vprašanji, ki jih neposredno zadevajo;
Whereas, in order to encourage the formulation of analyses and of joint positions on the CFP, it is useful to invite the members of ACF to deal first of all with questions of concern to them;
8 Pravna redakcija
ker je za Komisijo pomembno, da pridobi mnenja zadevnih zainteresiranih o vprašanjih, ki jih poraja vzpostavitev skupne ribiške politike (SRP);
Whereas it is important for the Commission to obtain the reactions of the interests concerned on the questions raised by the establishment of a common fisheries policy (CFP);
9 Pravna redakcija
ker se zdi smiselno, da bi dialog o razvoju in uresničevanju SRP v okviru SOR razširili na vse udeležene stranke, zlasti na področje ribogojstva in poleg strokovnih združenj tudi na druga združenja;
Whereas it appears opportune to widen, within the framework of the ACF, the dialogue on the development and management of the CFP to all parties concerned, in particular to the aquaculture sector and non-professionnal organisations;
10 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba za to, da bi izboljšali okoliščine, v katerih se sprejema odločitve, sektor o načrtovanih iniciativah obvestiti že na začetnih stopnjah, cilje in podrobnosti različnih ukrepov SRP pa razložiti vsem zadevnim skupinam;
In order to improve the circumstances in which decisions are taken the industry should be informed at a very early stage of the initiatives planned and the aims and details of the different CFP measures should be explained to all the groups concerned,
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
ČDO so na zahtevo svojih upravnih organov upravičene do storitev Središča za razvoj podjetništva (SRP) in Tehničnega središča za sodelovanje v kmetijstvu in na podeželju (SKP) iz člena 1 Priloge III k Sporazumu o partnerstvu AKP/ES.
At the request of their authorities, the OCT shall be eligible for the services of the Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE) and of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) referred to in Article 1 of Annex III to the ACP/EC Partnership Agreement.
12 Pravna redakcija
Na podlagi poročila in analize, ki ju določata odstavka 2 in 3, in ob upoštevanju spreminjajočih se potreb SRP, mora Komisija do 31. decembra 2003 preučiti, ali so potrebne spremembe in dopolnila k tej uredbi in, če je primerno, predložiti predlog Svetu.
On the basis of the report and analyses provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3, and taking account of the changing needs of the CFP, the Commission shall examine, by 31 December 2003, whether an amendment to this Regulation is required and present, as appropriate, a proposal to the Council.
13 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1543
V ta namen države članice in Komisija opravijo študije in raziskovalne projekte na področjih, ki so značilna za SRP in jih člen 4 še ne zajema, zlasti akvakulturo, odnos ribištva in akvakulture z okoljem ter zmogljivost ribolovne in akvakulturne industrije, da ustvarita delovna mesta.
To this end, the Member States and the Commission may undertake studies and exploratory projects in areas that are significant for the CFP not yet covered by Article 4. in particular aquaculture, the relationship of fisheries and aquaculture with the environment and the capacity of fishing and aquaculture industries to create jobs.
14 Pravna redakcija
ker je v ta namen evropskim trgovinskim organizacijam treba pomagati pri pripravi sestankov ACFA, da bi spodbudili obsežno študijo vprašanj, povezanih s SRP, in vplivov njenih ukrepov, razvili nove iniciative v sektorju in, če je možno, poiskali skupna stališča o osnutkih predlogov Komisije;
To that end, the European trade organisations should be given help in preparing meetings of the ACFA with a view to stimulating comprehensive study of the issues involved in the CFP and the impact of its measures, fostering initiatives from the industry and seeking, if possible, common positions on Commission draft proposals.
15 Pravna redakcija
ker je treba za to, da bi imeli predstavniki industrije ribiških proizvodov in ribogojstva, skupaj z drugimi zadevnimi skupinami, večjo vlogo pri oblikovanju, pripravi in izvajanju skupne ribiške politike (SRP), vzpostaviti tesnejši dialog s temi skupinami in poskrbeti za jasnejši proces odločanja, še zlasti na pripravljalnih stopnjah;
In order to give the representatives of the fishery products and aquaculture industry together with the other groups concerned a greater role in the design, drafting and implementation of the common fisheries policy (CFP), it is necessary to establish closer dialogue with these groups and to make the entire decision-making process more transparent, especially in the preparatory stages.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
skupno kmetijsko politiko (SKP) in skupno ribiško politiko (SRP);
the common agricultural policy (CAP), and the common fisheries policy (CFP);
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0439
Uredba (ES) št. 1543/2000[4] uvaja okvir Skupnosti za zbiranje in vodenje ribolovnih podatkov, ki so potrebni za izvajanje skupne ribiške politike (SRP).
Regulation (EC) No 1543/2000(4) establishes a Community framework for the collection and management of the fisheries data needed to conduct the common fisheries policy (CFP).
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