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bazična točka
1 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
(i) 0,25% (25 bazičnih točk) in (ii) obrestne mere, ki se vsakokrat uporabi po odstavku 3.01 za to tranšo, in
(i) 0.25% (25 basis points); and (ii) the rate from time to time applicable under Paragraph 3.01 to the Tranche; and
2 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
(i) 0,25% (25 bazičnih točk) in ii) obrestne mere, ki se vsakokrat uporabi po odstavku 3.01 za tranšo, s katero je takšen zapadli neplačani znesek povezan, in
(i) 0.25% (25 basis points); and (ii) the rate from time to time applicable under Paragraph 3.01 to the Tranche to which such overdue sum is connected; and
3 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
(i) obrestne mere za medbančne depozite za obdobje enega meseca, ponujene na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka, in (ii) 2% (200 bazičnih točk) na leto.
(i) the rate of interest for interbank deposits for a period of one month offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro-zone interbank market), as chosen by the Bank; and (ii) 2% (200 basis points) per annum.
4 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
(i) je obrestna mera, ki jo določi banka za vsako zaporedno referenčno obdobje v skladu s postopki, ki jih vsakokrat določi njen upravni odbor za posojila, ki jih je banka odobrila po spremenljivih obrestnih merah in se financirajo iz ustreznih sredstev, vendar pod pogojem, da ne preseže za več kot 0,25% (25 bazičnih točk) trimesečne obrestne mere, ponujene na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka;
(i) shall be the interest rate determined by the Bank for each successive Reference Period in accordance with procedures from time to time laid down by its board of directors in relation to loans granted by it at variable interest rates and financed out of Relevant Resources, provided, however that it shall not exceed by more than 0.25% (25 basis points) the three-month interest rate offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro-zone interbank market), as chosen by the Bank;
5 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
(i) pomeni obrestno mero, ki jo določi banka za vsako zaporedno referenčno obdobje v skladu s postopki, ki jih vsakokrat določi njen nadzorni svet za posojila, ki jih je banka odobrila po spremenljivih obrestnih merah in se financirajo iz ustreznih sredstev, vendar pod pogojem, da ne preseže za več kot 0,13% (13 bazičnih točk) trimesečne obrestne mere, ponujene na glavnem medbančnem trgu ustrezne valute (za ameriški dolar na londonskem medbančnem trgu in za evro na medbančnem trgu območja evra), ki jo je izbrala banka;
(i) shall be the interest rate determined by the Bank for each successive Reference Period in accordance with procedures from time to time laid down by its board of directors in relation to loans granted by it at variable interest rates and financed out of Relevant Resources, provided, however that it shall not exceed by more than 0.13% (13 basis points) the three-month interest rate offered in the principal interbank market of the relevant currency (for the US Dollar in the London interbank market and for the euro in the euro zone interbank market), as selected by the Bank;
6 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
(y) obresti, ki bi jih bilo treba plačati med tem letom, če bi se izračunale po referenčni obrestni meri; v ta namen pomeni ` referenčna obrestna mera` obrestno mero (zmanjšano za 15 (petnajst) bazičnih točk), ki jo banka določi na datum, ki nastopi en mesec pred datumom predčasnega odplačila, kot standardno obrestno mero za posojilo, ki ga je banka ponudila v ustrezni valuti in ima enake finančne značilnosti kot to posojilo, zlasti enako periodičnost za plačilo obresti, enako preostalo dobo do zapadlosti in enak način odplačevanja.
(y) the interest which would have been so payable during that year if calculated at the Reference Rate; for which purpose the "Reference Rate" means the rate of interest (reduced by 15 (fifteen) basis points) which the Bank determines on the date falling one month prior to the Prepayment Date to be the standard rate for a loan quoted by the Bank in the relevant currency, having the same financial characteristics as the loan, in particular the same periodicity for the payment of interest, the same remaining life to maturity and the same type of repayment profile.
7 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
(y) obresti, ki bi jih bilo treba plačati med tem polletjem, če bi se izračunale po referenčni obrestni meri; v ta namen pomeni ` referenčna obrestna mera` obrestno mero (zmanjšano za 15 (petnajst) bazičnih točk), ki jo banka določi na datum, ki nastopi en mesec pred datumom predčasnega odplačila, kot standardno obrestno mero za posojilo, ki ga je banka ponudila v ustrezni valuti, ki ima enake finančne značilnosti kot to posojilo, zlasti enako periodičnost za plačilo obresti, enako preostalo dobo do zapadlosti in enak način odplačevanja.
(y) the interest which would have been so payable during that half-year if calculated at the Reference Rate; for which purpose the ` Reference Rate` means the rate of interest (reduced by 15 (fifteen) basis points) which the Bank determines on the date falling one month prior to the Prepayment Date to be the standard rate for loan quoted by the Bank in the relevant currency, having the same financial characteristics as the loan, in particular the same periodicity for the payment of interest, the same remaining life to maturity and the same type of repayment profile.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0036
Kislost, bazičnost in pH vrednost se določijo, kakor je določeno v Prilogi III, del A, oddelka 2, točki 2.4, razen če se lahko utemelji, da s tehničnega ali znanstvenega stališča takšnih raziskav ni treba izvajati.
Acidity, alkalinity and pH will be determined as defined in Annex III, Part A, section 2, point 2.4, unless it can be justified that it is technically or scientifically not necessary to perform such studies.
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bazična točka