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deaf culture
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.
Invalidi imajo enako kot drugi pravico, da se prizna in podpre njihova lastna kulturna in jezikovna identiteta, tudi znakovni jezik in kultura gluhih.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
b establish processes for conciliation to deal equitably with situations where contradictory values are placed on the same cultural heritage by different communities;
b) uvajajo spravne postopke za pravično obravnavo primerov, kadar različne skupnosti isti kulturni dediščini pripisujejo nasprotne vrednote;
3 Objavljeno
States Parties shall take measures to prevent the entry into their territory, the dealing in, or the possession of, underwater cultural heritage illicitly exported and/or recovered, where recovery was contrary to this Convention.
Države pogodbenice ukrepajo, da preprečijo vnos podvodne kulturne dediščine, ki je bila nezakonito izvožena in/ali dvignjena v nasprotju s to konvencijo, trgovanje z njo in njeno posedovanje.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
Recalling General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996, paragraph 3, subparagraph (f), in which the Assembly called upon all States to take steps to prevent and counteract, through appropriate domestic measures, the financing of terrorists and terrorist organizations, whether such financing is direct or indirect through organizations which also have or claim to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which are also engaged in unlawful activities such as illicit arms trafficking, drug dealing and racketeering, including the exploitation of persons for purposes of funding terrorist activities, and in particular to consider, where appropriate, adopting regulatory measures to prevent and counteract movements of funds suspected to be intended for terrorist purposes without impeding in any way the freedom of legitimate capital movements and to intensify the exchange of information concerning international movements of such funds,
se sklicujejo na pododstavek f) tretjega odstavka Resolucije Generalne skupščine 51/210 z dne 17. decembra 1996, v kateri Skupščina poziva vse države, da sprejmejo ustrezne notranje ukrepe za preprečevanje in zatiranje financiranja teroristov in terorističnih organizacij ne glede na to, ali tako financiranje poteka neposredno ali posredno prek organizacij, ki imajo ali trdijo, da imajo dobrodelne, socialne ali kulturne cilje, ali so vpletene tudi v nezakonite dejavnosti, kot so nedovoljena trgovina z orožjem, drogami in izsiljevanje, vključno z izkoriščanjem oseb za financiranje terorističnih dejavnosti, ter zlasti da proučijo, kjer je to primerno, sprejetje ureditvenih ukrepov za preprečevanje in zatiranje prenosa sredstev, za katera sumijo, da so namenjena terorizmu, ne da bi pri tem kakor koli omejevale prost pretok zakonitega kapitala, in okrepijo izmenjavo informacij o mednarodnem prenosu takih sredstev,
5 Končna redakcija
Jana features fewer reports of this type, and if it does, they are found in sections dealing with the subjects mentioned earlier - beauty, fashion, cooking, culture - or in certain regular columns that use established discursive mechanisms.
V reviji Jana je tovrstnih reportažnih člankov manj, objavljajo pa jih predvsem v rubrikah z že omenjenimi tematikami - lepota, moda, kulinarika, kultura - ali pa v posameznih stalnih rubrikah z utečenim diskurzivnim mehanizmom.
6 Končna redakcija
In this study we will attempt to establish what kind of culture or model of femininity Cosmo (as Cosmopolitan prefers to call itself) creates; how this process influences the articulation of the topics dealt with; what kind of 'matrial' it offers for the construction of identity (of course, there are other aspects involved, e.g. social class, race, sexual orientation, but the uniform female subject of this magazine excludes them).
V pričujočem prispevku bomo poskušali ugotoviti, kakšno kulturo ali model ženskosti vzpostavlja Cosmo (kot si rad reče), kako artikulira tematiko, kakšen »material« za konstrukcijo identitete ponuja (tu so seveda še drugi vidiki - pripadnost družbenemu sloju, rasi, spolna usmerjenost ., ki pa jih enotni ženski subjekt te revije pravzaprav izključuje).
7 Pravna redakcija
training for those dealing with cultural affairs,
usposabljanje oseb, ki delujejo na področju kulture,
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
This must be done before the culture reaches the death phase.
To je treba storiti, preden kultura doseže fazo odmiranja.
9 Pravna redakcija
Such exchanges of views, which would not be concerned with matters covered by the Agreement, would deal in particular with social and cultural questions.
Izmenjave mnenj, ki se ne bi ukvarjale z zadevami, zajetimi v Sporazumu, bi obravnavale predvsem socialna in kulturna vprašanja.
10 Pravna redakcija
the import of or the introduction into the territory of the Community of, the export of or removal from the territory of the Community of, and the dealing in, Iraqi cultural property and other items of archaeological, historical, cultural, rare scientific and religious importance including those items listed in Annex II, if they have been illegally removed from locations in Iraq, in particular, if:
uvoz ali vnos na ozemlje Skupnosti, izvoz ali iznos iz ozemlja Skupnosti in trgovanje z iraškimi kulturnimi dobrinami in drugimi predmeti arheološke, zgodovinske, kulturne, redke znanstvene in religiozne vrednosti, vključno s predmeti, naštetimi v Prilogi II, če so bili nezakonito odstranjeni iz Iraka, zlasti če:
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1210
the dealing in, Iraqi cultural property and other items of archaeological, historical, cultural, rare scientific and religious importance including those items listed in Annex II, if they have been illegally removed from locations in Iraq, in particular, if:
trgovanje z iraškimi kulturnimi dobrinami in drugimi predmeti arheološke, zgodovinske, kulturne, redke znanstvene in religiozne vrednosti, vključno s predmeti, naštetimi v Prilogi II, če so bili nezakonito odstranjeni iz Iraka, zlasti če:
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deaf culture