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501 Prevod
s polno uporabo vseh diplomatskih poti med pogodbenicama, vključno z ustreznimi dvostranskimi in večstranskimi stiki, denimo v okviru OZN, sestankov KVSE in drugih večstranskim forumov,
taking full advantage of all diplomatic channels between the Parties, including appropriate contacts in the bilateral as well as multilateral field, such as the UN, CSCE meetings and other multilateral fora,
502 Prevod
Ministrski dialog, predviden v Skupni deklaraciji, se odvija znotraj Skupnega sveta za sodelovanje, opredeljenega s členom 33 tega sporazuma, ali znotraj drugih dogovorjenih forumov na enakovredni ravni.
The ministerial dialogue provided for in the Joint Declaration shall take place within the Joint Council established by Article 33 of this Agreement or within other agreed fora of an equivalent level.
503 Prevod
CELEX: 31998D0552
organizacija seminarjev in podobnih forumov za podjetja, izdelava in razpošiljanje študij, opisne dokumentacije, publikacij in prospektov o vseh pravnih ali gospodarskih vidikih odprave trgovinskih ovir.
organisation for businesses of seminars and other similar forums, production and distribution of studies, information packs, publications, leaflets concerning any legal or economic aspect relating to the removal of trade barriers.
504 Prevod
Pogodbenici sta se v ta namen sporazumeli o pospešitvi političnega dialoga, da bi zagotovili tesnejša posvetovanja na področjih, ki so v obojestranskem interesu, prvenstveno z usklajevanjem njunih stališč v ustreznih večstranskih forumih.
To that end, the Parties have agreed to step up political dialogue in order to ensure that there is closer consultation in areas of common interest, primarily through coordination of the Parties' positions in the appropriate multilateral fora.
505 Prevod
zagotavljanje foruma za razpravo in izmenjavo informacij o vseh zadevah, povezanih s tem oddelkom, in zlasti tistimi v zvezi s sistemi pogodbenic za tehnične predpise, standarde in postopke za presojo skladnosti, kot tudi razvoj v tovrstnih mednarodnih organizacijah;
providing a forum for discussion and exchanging information on any matter related to this section and in particular as it relates to the Parties' systems for technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures, as well as developments in related international organisations;
506 Prevod
Da bi pospešile prosto gibanje oseb, države članice ES in države Efte, ob upoštevanju praktičnih modalit, ki se opredelijo v ustreznih forumih, sodelujejo z namenom državljanom teh držav in njihovim družinskim članom olajšati kontrole na mejah med njihovimi ozemlji.
In order to promote the free movement of persons, the Member States of the EC and the EFTA States shall, subject to the practical modalities to be defined in appropriate fora, cooperate with a view to the facilitation of controls for each other's citizens and the members of their families at borders between their territories.
507 Prevod
zagotavljanje foruma za posvetovanje in razpravo o vseh zadevah v zvezi s carino, zlasti o pravilih o poreklu in z njimi povezanih carinskih postopkih, splošnih carinskih postopkih, carinskem vrednotenju, tarifnimi režimi, carinski nomenklaturi, carinskem sodelovanju in medsebojni upravni pomoči v carinskih zadevah;
providing a forum to consult and discuss on all issues concerning customs, including in particular, rules of origin and related customs procedures, general customs procedures, customs valuation, tariff regimes, customs nomenclature, customs cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters;
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