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1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1145
gojiti sodelovanje med državami članicami pri analizi, raziskavi in spremljanju politike trga dela;
to foster cooperation between Member States in analysis, research and monitoring of labour market policy;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
zavedajoč se, da kulturna raznolikost tvori skupno dediščino človeštva in da jo je treba gojiti in ohranjati v dobro vseh,
Conscious that cultural diversity forms a common heritage of humanity and should be cherished and preserved for the benefit of all,
3 Objavljeno
Odkritje, da je mogoče klamidije gojiti v celičnih kulturah, je omogočilo proučevanja bioloških, epidemioloških in drugih lastnosti klamidij.
Since chlamydia can be propagated in tissue culture it is possible to study their biological, epidemiological and other properties.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
rejo domačih živali lokalnih pasem, ki so avtohtone na zadevnem območju in so v nevarnosti, da se jih preneha gojiti;
to rear farm animals of local breeds indigenous to the area and in danger of being lost to farming;
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Lov, gojitev divjadi, storitve
Hunting, trapping and game propagation, including related service activities
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
Lov, gojitev divjadi, storitve.
Hunting, trapping and game propagation, including related service activities.
7 Končna redakcija
Odobrene službe izdajo gojiteljem;
The approved bodies shall issue to rearers:
8 Končna redakcija
Častno razsodišče sodi, da gre za posebno zvrst novinarskega dela, ki jo je potrebno dalje gojiti in negovati ter jo, kadar je dobra, podpirati in ščititi.
'The Ethics Commission holds the opinion that this is a special journalistic genre which should be maintained and cultivated and, if satire is good, it should be supported and protected.
9 Končna redakcija
ali direktno med semenarno ali gojiteljem;
or directly by the seed establishment or the breeder;
10 Končna redakcija
Vsak gojitelj lahko vloži samo en zahtevek.
A rearer may submit only one application.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0564
Vsi gornji pogoji so pomembni za gojitev korenčka lammefjord.'
All the above conditions are of significance for the cultivation of the Lammefjord carrot.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0564
Vsi gornji pogoji so pomembni za gojitev korenčka lammefjord.',
All the above conditions are of significance for the cultivation of the Lammefjord carrot.,
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
lov, gojitev divjadi, skupaj s povezanimi storitvenimi dejavnostmi.
hunting, trapping and game propagation, including related service activities.
14 Končna redakcija
Javni servis mora torej gojiti javno sfero, ki služi javni blaginji, saj posamezniki le v javnosti delujejo kot državljani, pripadniki skupnosti. Javni servis mora spodbujati občinstvo, da deluje kot državljani (in se zaveda tako svojih dolžnosti kot svojih pravic) in ne kot potrošniki.
A public service broadcaster should therefore foster the public aspect of its service, which is in the service of public good, because only in public do individuals function as citizens (aware of both their duties and rights) rather than as consumers.
15 Končna redakcija
število predanih zabojčkov z imenom gojitelja, ki jih je prejel, ter datumom odpreme,
the number of boxes delivered, the name of the rearer to whom they were consigned and the date of despatch,
16 Končna redakcija
količina prejetih zapredkov z imenom gojitelja, ki jih je dobavil, in datumom prejema.
the quantity of cocoons received, the name of the rearer supplying them and the date of receipt.
17 Končna redakcija
Semenarno ali gojitelja, omenjena v èlenu 2, odobrijo ali registrirajo države èlanice.
The seed establishments and breeders referred to in Article 2 shall be approved or registered by Member States.
18 Končna redakcija
ker je Komisija zavezana sprejeti ustrezna podrobna pravila uporabe za gojitveno leto 1973/74;
whereas it is the responsibility of the Commission to adopt the relevant detailed rules of application for the 1973/74 rearing year;
19 Končna redakcija
bodisi v skladu z rastno pogodbo, sklenjeno med semenarno ali gojiteljem semena in proizvajalcem;
either under a growing contract concluded between a seed establishment or a breeder and a seed grower;
20 Končna redakcija
Z veljavnostjo od gojitvenega leta 1972/73 se za sviloprejke, gojene znotraj Skupnosti, podeljuje pomoč.
With effect from the 1972/73 rearing year, aid shall be granted for silkworms reared within the Community.
21 Končna redakcija
Vendar pa je treba znesek pomoči, ki bo dodeljena za gojitveno leto 1972/73, določiti do 1. junija 1972.
However, the amount of the aid to be granted in respect of the 1972/73 rearing year shall be fixed by 1 June 1972.
22 Končna redakcija
Gojitelji sviloprejk bodo dobili pomoč za vsak uporabljeni zabojček jajčec sviloprejke, pod pogojem, da:
The aid shall be granted to silkworm rearers for each box of silkworm eggs used, on condition that:
23 Končna redakcija
ker je zato treba sprejeti ukrepe, s katerimi bi gojiteljem sviloprejk pomagali zagotoviti primeren dohodek;
whereas measures should therefore be adopted to help to ensure a fair income for silkworm rearers;
24 Končna redakcija
ker za gojitelje s teh obmoèij dohodki od tovrstne proizvodnje predstavljajo glavni vir njihovih dohodkov;
whereas for growers in these regions the proceeds of such production represent a major part of their income;
25 Končna redakcija
Pomoč se dodeli gojiteljem sviloprejk na podlagi zahtevka, ki mora biti vložen najpozneje do 31. decembra 1973.
Aid shall be granted to silkworm rearers on application to be submitted by the latter not later than 31 December 1973.
26 Končna redakcija
ker morajo zato zahtevki za pomoč, ki jih vložijo gojitelji, vsebovati minimalne podatke, potrebne za ta nadzor;
whereas, consequently, applications for aid submitted by rearers must include the minimum of information necessary for this control;
27 Končna redakcija
Država članica izplača znesek pomoči gojitelju v štirih mesecih po mesecu, v katerem je bil vložen zahtevek.
The Member State pays the amount of the aid to the rearer in the four months following that in which the application has been submitted.
28 Končna redakcija
Gojitveno leto za sviloprejke se začne 1. aprila vsakega koledarskega leta in se zaključi 31. marca naslednjega koledarskega leta.
The silkworm rearing year shall begin on 1 April of each calendar year and end on 31 March of the following calendar year.
29 Končna redakcija
'živali iz ribogojstva' pomenijo žive ribe, rake ali mehkužce iz gojilnic, vključno s prosto živečimi živalmi, ki so namenjene za gojitev;
'aquaculture animals` means live fish, crustaceans or molluscs coming from a farm, including those from the wild intended for a farm;
30 Končna redakcija
Pomoe se podeli vsem gojiteljem semen pod pogoji, ki zagotavljajo enako obravnavo upravieencev, ne glede na kraj njihove ustanove znotraj Skupnosti.
The aid shall be granted to all seed growers under conditions which ensure equal treatment for beneficiaries irrespective of the place of their establishment within the Community.
31 Končna redakcija
ker morajo biti doloèeni potrebni ukrepi za primere, kjer semenarna ali gojitelj iz ene države èlanice gojita seme v drugi državi èlanici;
Whereas the necessary measures should be laid down for cases where a seed establishment or a breeder from one Member State grows seed in another Member State;
32 Končna redakcija
ker lahko semenarna ali gojitelj semen zahtevata obdobje, v katerem obdelata, zapakirata in priskrbita potrdila za semena, ki jih je dobavil proizvajalec;
Whereas the seed establishment or breeder may require a period in which to treat, pack and have certified the seeds supplied by the grower;
33 Končna redakcija
Takšna pomoč, katere znesek bo enoten po vsej Skupnosti, se določi vsako leto do 1. avgusta za gojitveno leto, ki se začne z naslednjim koledarskim letom.
Such aid, the amount of which shall be uniform throughout the Community, shall be fixed each year by 1 August in respect of the rearing year beginning in the following calendar year.
34 Končna redakcija
Za gojitveno leto 1973/74 se pomoč po členu 2 Uredbe (EGS) št. 845/72 za sviloprejke, gojene v Skupnosti, dodeli pod pogoji, določenimi v naslednjih členih.
For the 1973/74 rearing year, the aid referred to in Article 2 of Regulation (EEC) No 845/72 shall be granted under the conditions laid down in the following Articles in respect of silkworms reared in the Community.
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0651
ob upoštevanju Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1673/2000 z dne 27. julija 2000 o skupni ureditvi trgov za lan in konopljo, ki se gojita za vlakna, in zlasti členov 9 in 14,
Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 1673/2000 of 27 July 2000 on the common organisation of the markets in flax and hemp grown for fibre(3), and in particular Articles 9 and 14 thereof,
36 Končna redakcija
ker so razmnoževanje in gojitev živali iz ribogojstva ter dajanje živali in proizvodov iz ribogojstva na trg vir dohodka za osebe, ki so zaposlene v sektorju ribištva;
Whereas the breeding and rearing of aquaculture animals, and the placing on the market of aquaculture animals and products constitutes a source of income for persons working in the fisheries sector;
37 Končna redakcija
najpozneje 40 dni po prejemu zapredkov potrdilo, v katerem so navedeni vsaj ime in naslov zadevnega gojitelja, število prejetih zapredkov, datum prejema in datum izdaje potrdila.
not later than 40 days after the receipt of the cocoons, an attestation specifying at least the name and address of the rearer concerned, the quantity of cocoons received, the date of receipt and the date of issue of the attestation.
38 Končna redakcija
ker se države članice pooblasti za dodelitev pomoč samo gojiteljem, ki so svoje zabojčke z jajčeci dobili od odobrene službe in pridobljene zapredke predali odobreni službi;
Whereas Member States are authorized to grant aid solely to rearers who have obtained their boxes of eggs from an approved body and who have delivered to an approved body the cocoons produced;
39 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0067
gojitelji ali osebe, odgovorne za vnos mehkužcev, morajo voditi evidence z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami, ki omogočajo stalen nadzor in spremljanje zdravstvenega stanja mehkužcev.
a register must be kept by the farmers or the persons responsible for the introduction of molluscs, containing all information necessary to enable the state of health of the molluscs to be monitored constantly.
40 Končna redakcija
najpozneje 40 dni po odpremi zabojčkov z jajčeci potrdilo, v katerem so navedeni vsaj ime in naslov zadevnega gojitelja, število predanih zabojčkov, datum odpreme in datum izdaje potrdila;
not later than 40 days after the despatch of boxes of eggs, an attestation specifying at least the name and the address of the rearer concerned, the number of boxes delivered, the date of despatch and the date of issue of the attestation;
41 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Zemljišča, ločena od ostalega kmetijskega gospodarstva in prepoznavna kot vrt, namenjena gojitvi pridelkov v glavnem za prehrano ljudi, ki živijo na kmetijskem gospodarstvu in ne za prodajo.
Land separated off from the rest of the holding and recognisable as kitchen garden, devoted to the cultivation of products which are mainly for consumption by persons living on the holding and not for sale.
42 Končna redakcija
ker so v Uredbi Sveta (EGS) št. 922/72 z dne 2. maja 1972, kakor je bila spremenjena z Uredbo (EGS) št. 884/73, določena splošna pravila za dodelitev pomoči za sviloprejke za gojitveni leti 1972/73 in 1973/74;
Whereas Council Regulation (EEC) No 922/72 (2) of 2 May 1972, as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 884/73 (3), laid down the general rules for the granting of aid in respect of silkworms for the 1972/73 and 1973/74 rearing years;
43 Končna redakcija
ker je treba omogoeiti nadzor, morajo biti osnovna semena ali certificirana semena proizvedena v skladu s pravilno registriranimi rastnimi pogodbami in ker morajo imeti semenarna ali gojitelji uradno potrdilo ali registracijo;
Whereas, to make supervision possible, basic seed and certified seed must be produced under duly registered growing contracts and whereas seed establishments and breeders must be officially approved or registered;
44 Končna redakcija
Semenarna ali gojitelj semen, ki gojita seme v drugi državi èlanici kot v tisti, za katero velja odobritev ali registracija, morata priskrbeti tej državi èlanici, na osnovi prošnje, podatke, potrebne za preverjanje upravièenosti do pomoèi.
A seed establishment or a breeder growing seed or having seed grown in a Member State other than that in which approval or registration took place must supply that other Member State, on request, with all the information required for checking entitlement to aid.
45 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0658
Drugič, ker proizvajalci Skupnosti ponujajo gojiteljem satsuma mandarin, ki se uporabljajo kot glavna surovina za konzerviranje v pločevinke, nizke cene, gojitelji preusmerjajo svojo proizvodnjo s satsuma mandarin na klementine, da bi tako povečali donosnost svoje proizvodnje.
Second, because of the low prices offered by the Community producers to growers for satsumas, which are principally used as raw material for canning, growers are reorientating their production from satsumas towards clementines in an effort to increase the profitability of their production.
46 Končna redakcija
Na hitro so pokupili nekaj izvodov »ta najnovejše« Mladine, se najverjetneje posvetovali z ženami, mi določili partnerja, prijatelja iz otroštva, in mojemu očetu, ki pride skoraj vsak dan preverit, ali sem še živ, nalepili na avtomobil listek z napisom »gojitelj pedrov«.
They instead hurried off to buy several copies of the 'latest Mladina issue,' probably had consultations with their wives, ascribed a partner to me, my childhood friend, and stuck a note on my father's car - he drops in every day to check whether I'm still alive. The note read: 'the grower of fagots.'
47 Končna redakcija
Pomoč bo v obliki določenega zneska na uporabljeni zabojček jajčec sviloprejke in bo določena v višini, ki bo pomagala pri zagotavljanju primernega dohodka za gojitelje sviloprejk, pri čemer se bodo upoštevale razmere na trgu zapredkov in surove svile, predvidljivih trendov na tem trgu in uvozne politike.
The aid shall take the form of a specific amount per box of silkworm eggs used and shall be fixed at a level which helps to ensure a fair income for silkworm rearers, account being taken of the market situation in cocoons and raw silk, of foreseeable trends on that market and of import policy.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0772
"patenti" pomenijo patente, patentne prijave, uporabne modele, vloge za registracijo uporabnih modelov, oblik, topografij polprevodnih proizvodov, potrdil o dopolnilni zaščiti za medicinske izdelke ali druge izdelke, za katere je mogoče pridobiti potrdila o dopolnilni zaščiti, ter potrdila gojiteljev rastlin;
"patents" means patents, patent applications, utility models, applications for registration of utility models, designs, topographies of semiconductor products, supplementary protection certificates for medicinal products or other products for which such supplementary protection certificates may be obtained and plant breeder's certificates;
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0651
Priloga k Uredbi Komisije (ES) št. 245/2001 z dne 5. februarja 2001 o podrobnih pravilih za izvajanje Uredbe Sveta (ES) št. 1673/2000 o skupni ureditvi trgov za lan in konopljo, ki se gojita za vlakna, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Uredbo (ES) št. 52/2002, vsebuje skupni vzorec potrdila za uvoženo konopljo in zlasti za seme konoplje za sejanje.
In accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1673/2000, the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No 245/2001 of 5 February 2001 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1673/2000 on the common organisation of the markets in flax and hemp grown for fibre(5), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 52/2002(6), sets out a model certificate for imported hemp, and in particular for hemp seed for sowing.
50 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
Kadar zahtevek za pomoč na površino za poljščine v skladu s Poglavjem 10 Naslova IV Uredbe (ES) št. 1782/2003 vsebuje prijavo proizvodnje lanu in konoplje, ki se gojita za vlakna, na podlagi člena 106 te uredbe, se predložijo uradne etikete, ki se uporabljajo na embalaži semena v skladu z Direktivo Sveta 2002/57/ES [16], in zlasti členom 12 Direktive ali, za lan, gojen za vlakna, katere koli druge listine, ki jih zadevna država članica prizna za enakovredne, vključno s certificiranjem, predvidenim v členu 19 te direktive.
1.In the case where an application for aid for arable crops area payments in accordance with Chapter 10 of Title IV of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 contains a declaration of the cultivation of flax and hemp grown for fibre pursuant to Article 106 of that Regulation, the official labels used on the packaging of the seeds in accordance with Council Directive 2002/57/EC(16), and in particular Article 12 thereof, shall be submitted or, in the case of flax grown for fibre, any other documents recognised as equivalent by the Member State concerned, including the certification provided for in Article 19 of that Directive.
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