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gradbena kultura
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. da je začasni objekt predviden na obstoječi gradbeni parceli oziroma na zemljišču, na katerem se izvaja sezonska turistična ponudba, prireditev ali drug podoben kulturni, športni oziroma zabaven dogodek;
3. A temporary works is envisaged on an existing building plot or on land on which seasonal tourism activities, events or other similar cultural, sporting or entertainment events are held.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Za nezazidana stavbna zemljišča po tem členu se z dnem, ko se začne uporabljati ta zakon, štejejo tista zemljišča, za katera je z izvedbenim prostorskim aktom določeno, da je na njih dopustna gradnja stanovanjskih in poslovnih stavb, ki niso namenjene za potrebe zdravstva, socialnega in otroškega varstva, šolstva, kulture, znanosti, športa in javne uprave in da je na njih dopustna gradnja gradbenih inženirskih objektov, ki niso objekti gospodarske javne infrastrukture in tudi niso namenjeni za potrebe zdravstva, socialnega in otroškega varstva, šolstva, kulture, znanosti, športa in javne uprave.
On the day this act begins to be applied, land for which the implementing planning document stipulates that the construction thereon of residential and commercial buildings not intended for the needs of healthcare, social and child welfare, education, culture, science, sport or public administration and of civil engineering works that are not works of public infraworks and are not intended for the needs of healthcare, social and child welfare, education, culture, science, sport or public administration is permitted shall be deemed vacant construction land pursuant to this article.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Če se nova odločba iz prejšnjega odstavka omeji na predlagane spremembe, jo pristojni upravni organ za gradbene zadeve izda v skrajšanem ugotovitvenem postopku in brez zaslišanja strank, vendar samo, če takšne spremembe ne poslabšujejo pogojev rabe sosednjih zemljišč in objektov, pogojev za varovanje kulturne dediščine in pogojev za ohranjanje narave oziroma se z njimi ne spreminjajo pogoji, ki so veljali ob izdaji gradbenega dovoljenja.
The new ruling that partly replaces the building permit shall be restricted to the proposed amendments, if for reason of proposed amendments that affect the location conditions it is not necessary to issue a new building permit. If the new ruling specified in the previous paragraph is restricted to the proposed amendments, the relevant administrative body for construction matters shall issue it in a fast-track declaratory procedure without the parties being heard, but only if the amendments do not worsen the conditions of use for neighbouring land and works, the conditions for the protection of cultural heritage and the conditions for nature conservation and do not thereby alter the conditions that applied upon the issue of the building permit.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
- razvijanje sodelovanja na področju lahke in težke industrije, energetike, prometa, kemijske, farmacevtske, lesnopredelovalne, elektronske in elektrotehnične industrije, proizvodnje kmetijske in gozdarske mehanizacije, prehrambene, predelovalne industrije, gradbeništva in proizvodnje gradbenih materialov in opreme, rudarstva, sekundarne metalurgije, komunalnega gospodarstva, varstva okolja, zdravstva, izobraževanja, znanosti, kulture, turizma in športa;
- Developing cooperation in the field of light and heavy industry, energy, transport, chemical, pharmaceutical, wood-processing, electronic and electrotechnical industry, manufacturing of agriculture and forestry machinery, food and processing industry, construction and manufacturing of building materials and equipment, mining, secondary metallurgy, public utility sector, environmental protection, health, education, science, culture, tourism and sport services;
5 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Gradbena dela na umetniških in kulturnih stavbah
Construction work for art and cultural buildings
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003R2151
Gradbena dela na stavbah, ki so namenjene prostemu času, športu, kulturi, nastanitvi in prehrani
Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
7 Pravna redakcija
potrdila o izobrazbi gradbenega inženirja ali gradbenega svetovalca na področju gradbeništva ('Hochbau', 'Bauwesen', 'Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Bauwesen', 'Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft') skladno z zakonom o civilnih tehnikih (Ziviltechnikergesetz, Federal Gazette No 146/1957);
the certificates of qualification for civil engineers or engineering consultants in the field of construction ("Hochbau", "Bauwesen", "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen-Bauwesen", "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft") according to the Civil Technician Act (Ziviltechnikergesetz, Federal Gazette No 146/1957);
8 Pravna redakcija
diplome, izdane na univerzah za arhitekturo ('Architektur'), gradbeništvo ('Bauingenieurwesen') ali visoke gradnje ('Hochbau', 'Wirtschafts-ingenieurwesen-Bauwesen', 'Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft'),
the diplomas awarded by universities of technology on architecture ("Architektur"), building-engineering ("Bauingenieurwesen") or building ("Hochbau", "Wirtschafts-ingenieurwesen-Bauwesen", "Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft"),
9 Prevajalska redakcija
Posebna pozornost je posvečena storitvam v zvezi z delovno silo, poslovanjem, distribucijo, financami, turizmom, kulturo in gradbeništvom ter povezanimi inženirskimi storitvami z vidika povečanja njihove konkurenčnost in s tem zvišanja vrednosti in obsega njihovega trgovanja z blagom in storitvami.
Particular attention shall be paid to services related to labour, business, distribution, finance, tourism, culture and construction and related engineering services with a view to enhancing their competitiveness and thereby increasing the value and the volume of their trade in goods and services.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0173
s posebno izjemo države članice lahko, za vsak primer posebej, na svojem ozemlju dovolijo, da specializirani strokovnjaki izvedejo in situ sanacijo gradbenega lesa in zidovja, okuženega s solzivko (Serpula lacrymans) v stavbah kulturnega, umetniškega in zgodovinskega pomena, ali v drugih nujnih primerih.
by way of special exception, Member States may on a case-by-case basis, authorize on their territory specialized professionals to carry out in situ and for buildings of cultural, artistic and historical interest, or in emergencies, a remedial treatment of timber and masonry infected by dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans) and cubic rot fungi.
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gradbena kultura