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kmetijski pridelek
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
kmetijski pridelek ali pridelovalna zmogljivost gospodarstva,
the agricultural yield or production capacity of the holding,
2 Končna redakcija
ekološki kmetijski pridelek
organic product
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
V 'colonii parziarii' celotnih kmetijskih gospodarstev dajalec zaupa kmetijsko gospodarstvo glavi družine, ki prevzame v izvajanje s pomočjo članov družine (kmečke družine) vse delo, ki je potrebno na kmetijskem gospodarstvu, da bi prevzel del donosa in delil kmetijski pridelek z dajalcem v fiksno določenih razmerjih.
In "colonia parziaria" of complete holdings the grantor entrusts a farm to the head of a family, who undertakes to carry out with the aid of the members of his family (the farm family) all the work required on the holding and himself to bear part of the outgoings and to divide the farms production with the grantor in fixed proportions.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
Kmetijska zemljišča, ki se uporabljajo za kmetovanje, vključujejo zemljišča, posejana in posajena z glavno kmetijsko rastlino, katere pridelek bo pospravljen v letu raziskovanja.
The agricultural area utilised for farming includes the area under main crops for harvest in the year of the survey.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V skladu z ESR 95 (3.58) se proizvodnja kmetijskih proizvodov prikaže, kakor da se proizvaja neprekinjeno v celotnem proizvodnem obdobju (in ne enostavno tedaj, ko se pobere pridelek ali ko se živina zakolje).
Thus, according to the ESA 95 (3.58), the output of agricultural products should be recorded as if it is produced continuously over the entire production period (and not simply when the crops are harvested or animals slaughtered).
6 Pravna redakcija
ker mora kmetijski pridelek ali živilo, ki nosi takšno označbo, izpolnjevati pogoje, določene s specifikacijo;
Whereas an agricultural product or foodstuff bearing such an indication must meet certain conditions set out in a specification;
7 Pravna redakcija
dokazilo, da kmetijski pridelek ali živilo izvira iz geografskega območja v skladu s členom 2(2)(a) oziroma (b);
evidence that the agricultural product or the foodstuff originates in the geographical area, within the meaning of Article 2 (2) (a) or (b), whichever is applicable;
8 Pravna redakcija
Ta uredba se lahko brez poseganja v mednarodne sporazume uporablja za kmetijski pridelek ali živilo iz tretje države pod pogojem, da:
Without prejudice to international agreements, this Regulation may apply to an agricultural product or foodstuff from a third country provided that:
9 Pravna redakcija
Da ima kmetijski pridelek ali živilo pravico uporabljati zaščiteno označbo porekla (ZOP) ali zaščiteno geografsko označbo (ZGO), mora izpolnjevati zahteve navedene v specifikaciji.
To be eligible to use a protected designation of origin (PDO) or a protected geographical indication (PGI) an agricultural product or foodstuff must comply with a specification.
10 Pravna redakcija
Določena tradicionalna geografska ali ne-geografska imena, ki označujejo kmetijski pridelek ali živilo, ki je po poreklu iz določene regije ali posebnega kraja, katera izpolnjujejo pogoje iz druge alinee odstavka 2 (a), se tudi štejejo kot označbe porekla.
Certain traditional geographical or non-geographical names designating an agricultural product or a foodstuff originating in a region or a specific place, which fulfil the conditions referred to in the second indent of paragraph 2 (a) shall also be considered as designations of origin.
11 Pravna redakcija
Če pristojni kontrolni organ in/ali zasebni subjekt ugotovita, da kmetijski pridelek ali živilo, ki nosi zaščiteno ime s poreklom, v tisti državi članici ne izpolnjuje kriterijev in zahtev specifikacije, bosta izvedla potrebne ukrepe, da se zagotovi skladnost s to uredbo.
If a designated inspection authority and/or private body in a Member State establishes that an agricultural product or a foodstuff bearing a protected name of origin in that Member State does not meet the criteria of the specification, they shall take the steps necessary to ensure that this Regulation is complied with.
12 Pravna redakcija
ker morajo obstajati postopki, ki po registraciji omogočajo spremembe specifikacij glede na tehnološki napredek ali umik iz registra geografskih označb ali označb porekla za kmetijski pridelek ali živilo, če navedeni proizvod ali živilo preneha biti v skladu s specifikacijo, na osnovi katere je bila dana geografska označba ali označba porekla;
Whereas there should be procedures to permit amendment of the specification, after registration, in the light of technological progress or withdrawal from the register of the geographical indication or designation of origin of an agricultural product or foodstuff if that product or foodstuff ceases to conform to the specification on the basis of which the geographical indication or designation of origin was granted;
13 Pravna redakcija
Proizvodnja kmetijskih proizvodov se prikaže, kakor da se proizvaja neprekinjeno v celotnem proizvodnem obdobju (in ne enostavno tedaj, ko se pobere pridelek ali živina zakolje).
The output of agricultural products should be recorded as being produced continuously over the entire period of production (and not simply when the crops are harvested or animals slaughtered).
14 Pravna redakcija
Vzorec gospodarstev, ki se jih preverja, se izbere naključno med vsemi kmetijskimi gospodarstvi, ki so vložila zahtevek za pomoč v enem izmed obeh tržnih let pred tem, v katerem se ocenjuje pridelek.
The sample of holdings to be monitored shall be selected at random from all agricultural holdings that have lodged an aid application in one of the two marketing years preceding that for which the yields are to be estimated.
15 Pravna redakcija
Raziskovanje zajema tudi zemljišča, ki so obdelana ne le za proizvodnjo sadja, marveč tudi za druge vrste kmetijske proizvodnje, pod pogojem, da sadna drevesa sort iz odstavka 1 predstavljajo glavni pridelek.
The survey shall also cover areas cultivated not only for fruit production but also for other kinds of agricultural production, provided fruit trees of the species referred to in paragraph 1 are the main crop.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
V skladu z ESR 95 (3.58) se proizvodnja kmetijskih proizvodov prikaže, kakor da se proizvaja neprekinjeno v celotnem proizvodnem obdobju (in ne enostavno tedaj, ko se pobere pridelek ali ko se živina zakolje).
Thus, according to the ESA 95 (3.58), the output of agricultural products should be recorded as if it is produced continuously over the entire production period (and not simply when the crops are harvested or animals slaughtered).
17 Pravna redakcija
Brez poseganja v omejitve, ki so jih države članice lahko vzpostavile v skladu z drugo alineo člena 14(3) temeljne uredbe, pridelek sorte, za katero velja žlahtniteljska pravica v Skupnosti, ne bo odstranjen s kmetijskega gospodarstva, kjer je bil pridobljen, zaradi dodelave za sajenje brez predhodnega privoljenja imetnika, razen če je kmet:
Without prejudice to the restrictions which Member States may have established pursuant to Article 14 (3) second indent of the basic Regulation, the product of the harvest of a variety which is covered by a Community plant variety right shall not, without the prior consent of the holder, be moved from the holding on which it was obtained, for the purpose of being processed for planting, unless the farmer:
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1051
kmetijskim gospodarstvom tistih regij, kjer je bombaž glavni pridelek,
the agricultural economy of those regions where cotton is a major crop,
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1444
Pri "colonia parziaria" celotnega gospodarstva podelitelj poveri gospodarstvo glavnemu v družini, ki se obveže, da bo ob pomoči članov svoje družine (družina na kmetiji) izvajal vsa potrebna dela na gospodarstvu, nosil del stroškov in delil kmetijski pridelek s podeliteljem na podlagi določenega razmerja.
In colonia parziaria of complete holdings the grantor entrusts a farm to the head of a family, who undertakes to carry out with the aid of the members of his family (the farm family) all the work required on the holding and himself to bear part of the outgoings and to divide the farm's production with the grantor in fixed proportions.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1051
Gojenje bombaža v regijah, ki niso primerne zanj, bo verjetno škodljivo vplivalo na okolje, kakor tudi na kmetijsko gospodarstvo tistih regij, kjer je ta pridelek pomemben.
The cultivation of cotton in regions not suited to it is likely to have harmful effects on the environment as well as on the agricultural economy of those regions where this crop is important.
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kmetijski pridelek