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951 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Po inkubaciji se mešanica nasadi na celične kulture, ki se inkubirajo tri do pet dni.
After incubation the mixture is inoculated onto cell cultures which are incubated for three to five days.
952 Končna redakcija
Treba jih je torej 'mlatiti', obdelovati/kulturirati, če je treba, tudi z uporabo sile!
Therefore they should be 'beaten', processed/culturalized, not refraining from force if needed.
953 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
sredstva v smislu Wet op het Specifiek Cultuurbeleid (zakon o posebni kulturni politiki),
funds within the meaning of the Wet op het Specifiek Cultuurbeleid (Law on Specific Cultural Policy)
954 Končna redakcija
Postopek in način oddajanja dela programov rtv Slovenija predpiše ministrstvo za kulturo.
Under the then valid law, the defining of the procedure and the method of submitting projects to rtv Slovenia was the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture.
955 Končna redakcija
Miza pa nasploh znotraj veljavnih kulturnih kodov govori o šolskem ozračju in avtoriteti.
A table - within the established visual codes - generally speaks of the school atmosphere and of authority.
956 Končna redakcija
Kulturnim ustanovam, ki zdaj delujejo na območju MQ, smo ponudili dveletne najemne pogodbe.
We offered two-year leases to the cultural institutions now operating in the MQ area.
957 Končna redakcija
prispevek h kakovostnemu izobraževanju in usposabljanju ter razcvetu kultur držav članic;
a contribution to education and training of quality and to the flowering of the cultures of the Member States;
958 Končna redakcija
Torej se zavedate, da gre za drugačno civilizacijsko in kulturno raven ter vedenjski vzorec.
Therefore, you are aware that their level of civilization and culture and behavioral patterns are different.
959 Končna redakcija
Vi ("dobri" Romi op. a.) imate kulturo, vi te stvari v taki prvobitnosti nekakšne ohranjate.
"You ('good' Roma) have culture, and you preserve things in their elementary state.
960 Končna redakcija
ki se nanašajo na površine v deljeni rabi in na površine, na katerih so mešane kulture, -
relating to areas in shared use and to areas which are subject to mixed cultivation,
961 Končna redakcija
Na masivnost, moč in obilnost ženskega telesa se na primer v zahodni kulturi gleda z gnusom.
For example, an ample, strong and abundant female body incites revolt in western cultures.
962 Končna redakcija
Z oglaševanjem se namreč pomeni iz kulturnega sveta stalno prelivajo v svet potrošnih dobrin.
Namely, advertising enables the constant flow of meanings from the cultural world to the world of consumer goods.
963 Končna redakcija
rastlinske tkivne kulture; seme pomeni: seme v botaničnem smislu razen tistega, ki ni za setev;
seeds shall be considered to mean: seeds in the botanical sense, other than those not intended for planting;
964 Končna redakcija
Skupnost pri svoji dejavnosti v skladu z drugimi določbami te pogodbe upošteva kulturne vidike.
The Community shall take cultural aspects into account in its action under other provisions of this Treaty.
965 Končna redakcija
Na Mirovnem inštitutu deluje kot raziskovalka kulturne politike, študij spolov in državljanstva.
She is a researcher for the Peace Institute in the field of cultural politics, gender studies and citizenship issues.
966 Končna redakcija
V moderni kulturni zgodovini je ženska kot mati gospodinja eden temeljnih stebrov te artikulacije.
In modern history, a woman seen as a mothehousewife stands for one of the fundamental pillars of that articulation.
967 Končna redakcija
Avstrijska država in mesto Dunaj sta se lotila največjega kulturnega projekta od konca monarhije.
The Austrian state and the city of Vienna had been working on plans for the massive cultural project since the end of the empire.
968 Končna redakcija
obseg splošnoinformativnih, kulturnih, znanstveno-strokovnih in izobraževalnih programskih vsebin.
4. The volume of the information content of general interest, cultural, scientific and educational content.
969 Končna redakcija
V moderni zahodni zgodovini so ženske revije pomembno kulturno tržišče takšnih podob in pomenov.
In contemporary western history women's magazines represent an important cultural market for such images and meanings.
970 Končna redakcija
3. ohranjanje in obnavljanje pestrosti ter kulturne in estetske vrednosti krajine in naravnih vrednot,
3. preservation and restoration of the diversity and the cultural and esthetic worth of the landscape and natural assets;and
971 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: SOP 1991-01-1409
Vsakdo je dolžan v skladu z zakonom varovati naravne znamenitosti in redkosti ter kulturne spomenike.
Everyone is obliged in accordance with the law to protect natural sites of special interest, rarities and cultural monuments.
972 Končna redakcija
Dunajski kulturni biotop se razprostira na 60.000 kvadratnih metrih in je pravcato mesto znotraj mesta.
This Viennese cultural habitat covers 60,000 square metres, and is a veritable city within a city.
973 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
drugi muzeji, ki prejemajo več kot 50 % sredstev od Ministrstva za izobraževanje, kulturo in znanost,
other museums which receive more than 50 % of their funds from the Ministry of Education, Cultural Affairs and Science
974 Končna redakcija
Ravno to daje celotni politični kulturi specifično kvaliteto, ki jo izražamo s sintagmo kulturni boj.
Precisely this lends a specific quality to the political culture as a whole, here expressed with the syntagma 'culture war'.
975 Končna redakcija
Ustvarjene so v določenih prostorih, napolnjene so s političnimi in kulturnimi predsodki oblikovalcev.
They are created in specific places, replete with the political and cultural biases that inform the designers.
976 Končna redakcija
Ekonomsko voditelji rabijo istemu namenu kot zvezde, osebnosti na drugih področjih kulturne produkcije:
From the economic perspective, newspresenters serve the same purpose as celebrities in other spheres of cultural production:
977 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Razpadajoči vzorci so lahko citotoksični za celično kulturo in posledično omejijo uporabnost metode.
Autolysed samples can be cytotoxic to the cell culture and consequently limit its use.
978 Končna redakcija
Z ŽELJO poglobiti solidarnost med svojimi narodi ob spoštovanju njihove zgodovine, kulture in tradicij,
DESIRING to deepen the solidarity between their peoples while respecting their history, their culture and their traditions,
979 Končna redakcija
Oseba, ki ve vse, je seveda konstruirana in na ta način ohranja kulturno fikcijo tradicionalne skupnosti.
The person who knows everything is constructed, of course, and thus he/she maintains the cultural fiction of traditional community.
980 Končna redakcija
Treba je ustvarjati kulturo, v okviru katere bo medijsko občinstvo znalo razlikovati med dobrim in slabim.
There is a need for a cultural framework, within which the media audience will be able to distinguish between the good and the bad.
981 Končna redakcija
Oseba, ki vse ve, ki je popolnoma poštena, je konstruirana in kot taka ohranja kohezivno kulturno fikcijo.
The person who knows everything - who is perfectly honest - is constructed, and as such maintains the cohesive cultural fiction.
982 Končna redakcija
Kunsthalle Wien je kulturno področje, kjer je umetnost razumljena kot arena srečevanja različnih svetov.
Kunsthalle Wien is a cultural area where art is understood as an arena for the meeting of different worlds.
983 Končna redakcija
Raznoličnost teh stilov odseva obsesije posameznih kultur na načine, ki jih še vedno zelo slabo razumemo.
The diversity of these styles reflects the obsessions of individual cultures expressed in ways which we still do not understand fully.
984 Končna redakcija
DRUGO: SOP 1991-01-1409
Država skrbi za gospodarski, kulturni in socialni napredek prebivalstva na gorskih in hribovitih območjih.
The state shall promote the economic, cultural and social advancement of the population living in mountain and hill areas.
985 Končna redakcija
Če smo sposobni in dovolj kulturni, je naša pot na zahod, v Evropo z vsem, gospodarstvom in kulturo' vred .
If we are capable and cultured enough, our road leads towards the West and Europe, and we should go there with all that we have - economy and culture included' .
986 Končna redakcija
V tem smislu je za kulturni boj bolj usodno ravnanje političnih strank in državnih oblasti kot pa cerkvenih.
In this sense, the culture war is much more fatefully determined by the conduct of political parties and the government than by that of Church authorities.
987 Končna redakcija
Enako močno bi se morali zavedati svojega vpliva na javno mnenje in prispevati k oblikovanju splošne kulture.
The media should be equally aware that they influence public opinion and should make contributions to the shaping of general culture.
988 Končna redakcija
Državni podsekretar na ministrstvu za kulturo je pravil, da lastništvo medijev ureja zakon o javnih glasilih.
The Under-Secretary of the State at the Ministry of Culture stated that media ownership was subject to the Mass Media Act.
989 Končna redakcija
Ta hibridna oblika novic je nova kulturna oblika in zanjo veljajo novi režimi nadzorovanja ali pa osvoboditve.
This hybrid form of the news is a new cultural form, which belongs to new orders of control, or liberation.
990 Končna redakcija
Ker pouk za otroke poteka v njihovem maternem jeziku, sta nacionalna in kulturna identiteta teh otrok ohranjeni.
With the fact that lessons for the children proceed in their mother tongue, the national and cultural identity of these children is preserved.
991 Končna redakcija
ksenija h. vidmar je docentka za sociologijo kulture na Oddelku za sociologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani.
ksenija h. vidmar is an assistant professor of the sociology of culture at the Department for Sociology of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana.
992 Končna redakcija
Obseg analize ne dovoljuje izpeljave bolj določenih sklepov o kulturnem boju. Posplošitve so lahko pristranske.
The scope of this analysis does not allow for further elaboration of conclusions regarding the culture war, while generalization could lead to bias.
993 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Izolacija virusa temelji na nasajanju vzorčnega materiala na dovzetne celične kulture tkiv prašičjega izvora.
Virus isolation is based on the incubation of sample material on susceptible cell cultures of porcine origin.
994 Končna redakcija
»Če so razlike med temnopoltimi in svetlopoltimi ljudmi kulturne, potem so odprte za modifi kacijo in spremembo.
'If the differences between black and white people are 'cultural', then they are open to modif cation and change.
995 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Za ugotovitev majhne količine virusa v vzorcu sta lahko potrebni še dve nadaljnji pasaži na celičnih kulturah.
Two further cell culture passages may be necessary in order that a small amount of virus in the sample is detected.
996 Končna redakcija
Še vedno veljajo za enega osrednjih delov javnega diskurza, zato je proučevanje značilnosti televizijskih novic v določenem kulturnem prostoru hkrati tudi proučevanje značilnosti javnega življenja v tem kulturnem prostoru.
It is still perceived as one of the main segments of public discourse, and thus research into the characteristics of television news in a specific cultural setting is also research into the characteristics of public life in that cultural setting.
997 Končna redakcija
Vse ženske se potapljajo v isto kopel podob, pravi Naomi Wolf, vse lahko sodelujejo v vsesvetovni ženski kulturi.
As Naomi Wolf says, all women are 'dipping in the same bath of images' and all can participate in a world-wide women's culture.
998 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
takšne pravice se lahko uporabijo in prerazporedijo proizvajalcem za površino, enakovredno po čisti kulturi; ali
such rights may be used and reallocated to producers for an area equivalent in pure crop; and/or
999 Končna redakcija
V njihovih predstavah smo tako ali tako vsi del iste družbe, pripadamo isti kulturi in imamo enak pogled na dogodke.
In their mental representations we are all a part of the same society anyway, we belong to the same culture and hold identical views about events.
1000 Končna redakcija
Oblikovanje takšnega kulturnega in civilizacijskega okolja ni kratkoročen projekt, marveč traja leta in desetletja
The shaping of such a cultural and civilized environment is not a short term project, but one that lasts for years or decades.
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