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kulturne razlike
1 Končna redakcija
kulturne razlike
cultural difference
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
Zato morajo pristopi, ki želijo spodbujati zdravo prehrano in telesno dejavnost, upoštevati spol, socialno-ekonomske in kulturne razlike ter vključevati vidik načina življenja.
Therefore, approaches aimed at promoting healthy diets and physical activity need to be sensitive to gender, socio-economic and cultural differences, and to include a life-course perspective.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
Na kakšen način bi lahko bile upoštevane družbene in kulturne razlike ter različne regionalne in nacionalne prehranjevalne navade pri smernicah na osnovi živil za prehranjevanje na evropski ravni?
In which way could social and cultural variations and different regional and national dietary habits be taken into account in food-based dietary guidelines at a European level?
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(3) Pri rekonstrukcijah objektov v javni rabi, ki so zavarovani v skladu s predpisi o kulturni dediščini, se dosežene bistvene zahteve objekta lahko razlikujejo od sicer predpisanih, vendar samo pod pogojem, da odstopanje ni takšno, da bi bila zaradi njega ogrožena varnost objekta, življenje in zdravje ljudi, promet, sosednji objekti ali okolje.
With regard to the reconstruction of works in public use that are protected in accordance with regulations on cultural heritage, the essential requirements attained for the works may differ from those prescribed, but only under the condition that the deviation is not such that because of it there would be a threat to the safety of the works, to the lives and health of people, to traffic, to neighbouring works or to the environment.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-37
»diskriminacija zaradi invalidnosti« pomeni vsako razlikovanje, izključevanje ali omejevanje zaradi invalidnosti z namenom ali posledico zmanjšanja ali izničevanja enakopravnega priznavanja, uživanja ali uresničevanja vseh človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin na političnem, gospodarskem, socialnem, kulturnem, civilnem ali drugem področju.
"Discrimination on the basis of disability" means any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.
6 Končna redakcija
priseljevanje, nastanitvene težave, socialne težave (visoka socialna pomoč, nasilje, kriminal), kulturne razlike, težave z integracijo.
immigration, accommodation issues, social problems (high social assistance, violence, crime), cultural differences, difficulties with integration etc.
7 Končna redakcija
»Če so razlike med temnopoltimi in svetlopoltimi ljudmi kulturne, potem so odprte za modifi kacijo in spremembo.
'If the differences between black and white people are 'cultural', then they are open to modif cation and change.
8 Končna redakcija
trg ustvarja nove oblike kulturnih praks, ki se bistveno razlikujejo od tradicionalne nacionalno-elitistično definirane kulture, kakršno ponujajo javni mediji.
the market creates new forms of cultural practices that essentially differ from the traditional national-elitist definition of culture.
9 Končna redakcija
Razlika med 'Slovenci' in 'Slovenčki' kajpada velja tudi za tukajšnje kulturnike same, saj nekateri med njimi pogostokrat ravnajo za Narod in identiteto slovenstva povsem neustrezno.
Of course, this also applies to figures from the Slovenian cultural scene, since the actions of some of them are often entirely incorrect with respect to the Nation and Slovenian identity.
10 Končna redakcija
Tu je le malo prostora za različnosti, kot so, denimo, individualni psihični aparat, družbena ali kulturna umeščenost, ki bi kazale na razlike znotraj te trdno vzpostavljene kolektivnosti.
Little room is left here for diversity, say, an individual psyche, or a social or cultural position that would suggest differences within this firmly established collectivity.
11 Končna redakcija
Če odmislimo genialne stvaritve sociobiologov (še zlasti intenzivno v zadnjem obdobju tudi na Slovenskem), sodijo med najnovejše kreature, ki nadaljujejo pristno rasistično izročilo, tudi različni kulturni izdelki, ki ustvarjajo kulturne predsodke ravno na podlagi 'kulturnega razlikovanja' oziroma naše 'kulturne večvrednosti'.
Leaving aside for the moment various brilliant inventions of sociobiologists (especially ones of more recent date originating from Slovenia), the latest creatures of this kind that continue to sustain the authentic racist heritage are various products of culture that create cultural prejudices on the basis of 'cultural differentiation' i.e. our 'cultural superiority'.
12 Končna redakcija
Razvidno je, da sta tako ta diskurz kot tukajšnja pokončna (pivska) identiteta neločljivo povezana s stereotipi, ki segajo tako daleč in tako globoko, da jih sploh ni mogoče razlikovati od tukaj in zdaj delujočega 'kulturnega rasizma'.
It is clear that both this discourse and the upright (bar flies') identity are inseparably connected with stereotypes that reach so far back and so deeply that they cannot be distinguished from 'cultural racism' that is at work here and now.
13 Končna redakcija
Poudarek iz tega razgovora: zgledni primer kulturnega dialoga, ki se ne izogiba kočljivih vprašanj, ki jasno prikaže tako ključne razlike med obema kot tudi skupna stališča in ki volivce prepričuje s strpnim in hkrati odločnim nagovorom.
And what is the significance of this debate? It was a good example of a cultured dialog that did not evade delicate issues and clearly exposed both the key differences and common viewpoints thus appealing to voters through a tolerant but decisive address.
14 Končna redakcija
Analiza vsebine časopisov v Veliki Britaniji in na Nizozemskem je pokazala, da v poročanju o etničnih skupnostih izrazito prevladujejo prispevki o kriminalu, kulturnih razlikah, nasilju (izgredih) in problematičnih migracijah (Van Dijk, 1991).
The analyses of the newspaper coverage in Great Britain and The Netherlands has shown that among the writing concerning ethnic communities accounts of crime, cultural differences, excesses and problematic migrations prevail (Van Dijk, 1991).
15 Končna redakcija
Iz prejšnje definicije izhaja, da so v kulturnobojnem ozračju bistveno zamegljene nekatere razločitve, ki so odločilnega pomena za konsenzualno reševanje sporov, npr. razlikovanje med posvetnimi in religioznimi, civilnimi in državnimi, političnimi in nepolitičnimi, (proti) verskimi in neverskimi vprašanji, problemi, kompetencami.
It proceeds from the previous definition that in the atmosphere of the culture war some distinctions are essentially obscured i.e. those that are of decisive importance for the consensual solution of the conflicts, for example, distinguishing between the secular and the religious, civil and state, political and non-political, (anti)religious and non-religious issues, problems, and competences.
16 Končna redakcija
Pri tem bi gotovo imel naslednje probleme: razliko med politično levico in desnico bi mu še nekako uspelo razbrati, precej teže bi ugotovil, katera stranka je najbliže oficialnim cerkvenim stališčem, saj bi moral brati 'med vrsticami', kar je v tem primeru zelo nezanesljivo, o kulturnem boju bi močno dvomil, ostrine oficialnih cerkvenih očitkov pa zagotovo ne bi razumel.
He/she would certainly encounter the following problems: while the difference between the right and the left wing would be recognizable, it would be much more difficult to establish which party stands closest to the official positions of the Church. To determine this, one would have to read between the lines, which would be a very unreliable method in this example, he/she would strongly doubt the existence of the culture war, and would certainly not understand why official reproaches of the Church were so sharp.
17 Končna redakcija
V pojasnitev naj ponudim neko staro razlikovanje, na katero opozarjajo številni raziskovalci fašizma (prim.: Griffin, 1995), ko govorijo o vojaško-nasilnem rasizmu, ki se je še zlasti izrazil v času vladavine nacizma (tudi v 'državah', kot so bile Slovaška, NDH na Hrvaškem in drugod) na eni strani, in pa nekakšnega 'kulturnega rasizma', ki je bil bolj doma pri italijanskih fašistih in režimih, ki so se zgledovali po njem, na drugi strani.
For easier understanding let me quote this old distinction offered by some researchers in the field of Fascism (Griffin, 1995). They distinguish between military/aggressive racism that was especially explicit in the period of Fascism (including countries such as Slovakia, Croatia etc.) and some kind of 'cultured racism' that was more at home in Italy and countries that followed its example.
18 Končna redakcija
Prav tako je res, da ta(kšna) zgodovinska izkušnja še danes opazno vpliva na sodobno politično kulturo pri nas - o tem je namreč precejšen konsenz tako med desnimi kot levimi političnimi silami, tako med konservativci kot liberalci, tako med predstavniki državnih kot verskih institucij, čeprav so razlike v vsem drugem (v interpretaciji pomena, akterjev, dogodkov in odgovornosti za kulturni boj); o aktualnosti in potencialni nevarnosti kulturnega boja pa ni bistvenih razhajanj, tudi ne v strokovnih krogih.
Moreover, this historical experience continues to exert an obvious influence on the contemporary political culture in Slovenia. Both the left and the right-wing politicians, i.e. liberals and conservatives, the representatives of the state and religious institutions, largely agree on this, even though they hold different views regarding all other related issues (e.g. the interpretation of the significance, protagonists, events and responsibility for the culture war); as for the currency of the phenomenon and potential dangers, no essential disagreements can be observed, not even within expert circles.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2046
Sodelovanje Skupnosti se uresničuje v duhu dialoga, ki odraža pristne kulturne razlike, ki vplivajo na dojemanje problemov v zvezi z mamili, kar je bistvenega pomena za socialno in politično izvedljivost strategij za nadzor nad mamili.
Community cooperation shall take place in a spirit of dialogue reflecting the genuine cultural differences which affect the perception of drug-related problems, this being crucial to ensure the social and political viability of drug control strategies.
20 Pravna redakcija
V zvezi s tem je treba navesti, da obstaja tudi v Protokolu razlika med kulturnimi, družbenimi in demokratičnimi potrebami vsake družbe.
In this respect, it should be noted that the Protocol distinguishes between the cultural, the social and the democratic needs of each society.
21 Pravna redakcija
Razviti vsestranski pristop za zmanjšanje regionalnih razlik in zlasti izboljšati položaj na jugovzhodu, da bi povečali gospodarske, socialne in kulturne priložnosti za vse državljane.
Develop a comprehensive approach to reduce regional disparities, and in particular to improve the situation in the south-east, with a view to enhancing economic, social and cultural opportunities for all citizens.
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0398
Okrepiti prizadevanja za razvoj vsestranskega pristopa za zmanjšanje regionalnih razlik in zlasti izboljšati položaj na jugovzhodu, s ciljem povečati gospodarske, socialne in kulturne priložnosti za vse državljane.
Intensify efforts to develop a comprehensive approach to reduce regional disparities, and in particular to improve the situation in the south-east, with a view to enhancing economic, social and cultural opportunities for all citizens.
23 Pravna redakcija
ker bi morale biti države članice, ki želijo izkoristiti take možnosti, sposobne, da to v zvezi s predmeti, osebami in organizacijami lastne kulturne dediščine tudi storijo, ker se bodo pogoji, ki jih je treba izpolniti, od države do države razlikovali;
Whereas the Member States that wish to take advantage of such facilities should be able to do so in relation to their own cultural goods, persons and organisations, whereas the conditions to be fulfilled will differ from Member State to Member State;
24 Pravna redakcija
v smislu Ustanovne Listine OZN in Univerzalne deklaracije o človekovih pravicah spodbujala pristop k mednarodnim instrumentom, ki zadevajo človekove pravice, skupaj s celovitim uresničevanjem državljanskih, kulturnih, gospodarskih, političnih in socialnih pravic, brez razlike glede na raso, spol, jezik ali vero,
in the context of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, urge accession to international human rights instruments including full implementation of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0975
(21) ker je treba sklepe o financiranju projektov za spodbujanje človekovih pravic in demokratičnih načel sprejeti nepristransko brez rasnega, verskega, kulturnega, socialnega ali etničnega razlikovanja med organizacijami, ki so prejemnice pomoči Skupnosti, in osebami ali skupinami, na katere se nanašajo podprti projekti, in jih ne smejo voditi politični vidiki;
(21) Whereas decisions to fund projects to promote human rights and democratic principles must be taken impartially, without racial, religious, cultural, social or ethnic discrimination between bodies receiving Community support and persons or groups targeted by the projects supported, and must not be guided by political considerations;
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0058
ker uporaba standardiziranih znakov pri delu lahko na splošno zmanjša tveganja, ki bi utegnila izhajati iz jezikovnih in kulturnih razlik med delavci;
Whereas the use of standardized signs at work is, in general, likely to reduce the hazards which may arise from linguistic and cultural differences between workers;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D1376
Aplikacije so namenjene potrebam uporabnikov, pri čemer se upoštevajo kulturne in jezikovne razlike ter zahteve glede dostopnosti, zlasti za invalide.
Applications serve user needs, taking into account cultural and linguistic differences and the requirements for accessibility, in particular for disabled people.
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0975
ker je treba sklepe o financiranju projektov za spodbujanje človekovih pravic in demokratičnih načel sprejeti nepristransko brez rasnega, verskega, kulturnega, socialnega ali etničnega razlikovanja med organizacijami, ki so prejemnice pomoči Skupnosti, in osebami ali skupinami, na katere se nanašajo podprti projekti, in jih ne smejo voditi politični vidiki;
Whereas decisions to fund projects to promote human rights and democratic principles must be taken impartially, without racial, religious, cultural, social or ethnic discrimination between bodies receiving Community support and persons or groups targeted by the projects supported, and must not be guided by political considerations;
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0834
Delo bo identificiralo glavne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na spremembe v upravljanju in državljanstvu, zlasti v kontekstu naraščajočega povezovanja in globalizacije, ter z vidika zgodovine in kulturne dediščine kot tudi posledic teh sprememb, ter sprejemljivih možnosti za krepitev demokratičnega upravljanja, reševanja sporov, varovanja človekovih pravic in upoštevanja rkulturnih razlik in mnogovrstnih identitet.
The work will identify the main factors influencing changes in governance and citizenship, in particular in the context of increased integration and globalisation and from the perspectives of history and cultural heritage as well as the impacts of these changes and the possible options to enhance democratic governance, resolve conflicts, protect human rights and take account of cultural diversity and multiple identities.
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kulturne razlike