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popularna kultura
1 Končna redakcija
popularna kultura
popular culture
2 Končna redakcija
Na ta način postajajo novice del popularne kulture na sploh, bralci novic pa del panteona nacionalnih 'supersubjektov'.
In this way the news becomes part of popular culture in general, and the newsreaders become part of the pantheon of national 'super-subjects'.
3 Končna redakcija
V tem eseju govorim o preoblikovanju televizijskega žurnalizma v popularno kulturo in ideološkem učinku tega preoblikovanja.
In this essay I discuss the transformation of television journalism into popular culture, and the ideological effect of this transformation.
4 Končna redakcija
V njih se tako kot v klasičnih melodramskih tekstih popularne kulture odvija jasno polarizirana osnovna drama med dobrim in zlom.
A clearly polarised basic drama between good and evil takes place in the news just as in the classic melodramatic texts of popular culture.
5 Končna redakcija
Dediščino te kulturne opore danes razbiramo v razmahu posebnih popularno-strokovnih in svetovalnih publikacij za starše in matere.
The heritage of this cultural support may be discerned in the proliferation of specialized, popular-scientific and instructive publications for parents and mothers.
6 Končna redakcija
Zvezo med politiko in popularno kulturo je mogoče videti v načinu, kako se estetsko preliva v etično, v moralni sodbi, ki je obenem estetska sodba.
The connection between politics and popular culture is evident through the transformation of aesthetic into ethical, in a moral judgement that is also an aesthetic judgement at the same time.
7 Končna redakcija
V transformaciji novic iz posebnega realističnega političnega diskurza v del lokalne popularne kulture ima osrednjo vlogo spremenjena vloga bralca novic.
But the central factor in the transformation of the news from a particular, realistic political discourse into a segment of local popular culture lies in the changed role of the newsreader.
8 Končna redakcija
Televizijski žurnalizem je del lokalne popularne kulture, in novice moramo razumeti kot reprezentacije, ne kot 'odsev dogajanja današnjega dne' ali prezentacije.
Television journalism is part of local popular culture and the news should be understood as representations, and not as 'the reflection of today's events', or presentation.
9 Končna redakcija
Oblike popularne kulture so, skratka, pomembne zaradi tega, kar so same po sebi, in tega, kar ljudje z njimi počno . pomembne so za vsakdanje življenje moških in žensk.
In short, various forms of popular culture are important for what they are and because of the ways people use them - they have implications for the ordinary lives of people.
10 Končna redakcija
Pri tem je predvsem pomembna promocija trenutno veljavnih standardov telesa in lepote, ki jih ti izdelki popularne kulture povezujejo s srečo, ljubeznijo in uspehom žensk;
Foremost among the most important elements of this phenomenon is the promotion of the currently valid standards of the body and beauty, whereby the products of poplar culture are associated with happiness, success and love.
11 Končna redakcija
Enako bi nedvomno veljalo za kritiko popularne kulture ali za analize modelov ženskosti v tako imenovanih ženskah revijah, med katere sodi tudi Cosmopolitan, ki nas bo zanimal v nadaljevanju.
The same conclusion could be applied to the criticism of popular culture or analysis of the models of femininity in women's magazines, a category to which the study of Cosmopolitan presented in this paper also belongs.
12 Končna redakcija
Ker politike ne moremo obravnavati ločeno od popularne kulture, sprememba formata ne pomeni le formalnih ali estetskih sprememb, ampak pomeni spremembo, ki ima osrednjo vlogo v konstituciji pomena novic.
Since politics cannot be discussed separately from popular culture, the change in format means not only formal or aesthetic modifications, but also a change that plays the central role in the constitution of the meaning of the news.
13 Končna redakcija
Naše temeljno izhodišče je, da je treba izdelke popularne kulture jemati resno, tako ideološko in vsebinsko (temu bo posvečen večji del analize) kot seveda tudi ekonomsko (to bomo pustili ob strani).
Our starting point is that the products of mass culture must be taken seriously, both from the viewpoint of ideology and content (to which the major part of this analysis will be dedicated), as well as economics (which is not the subject of interest in this study).
14 Končna redakcija
Na tak način postajajo novice, pri nas še v začetku devetdesetih let formalno strogo ločene od 'razvedrilnega' dela programa, del popularne kulture, sami voditelji novic pa nacionalni superosebki in pomembna tema drugih medijev.
In this way the news - at the beginning of the nineties still formally strictly separated from the 'entertainment' part of the programme - is becoming a part of popular culture, and newspresenters are becoming national 'super-subjects' and important topics of other media.
15 Končna redakcija
Kakorkoli že, jasnost situacije vseeno zamegljuje ključno vprašanje . kako in zakaj ženske na videz prostovoljno sprejemajo vse te obdelave telesa, ki jih promovirajo ženske revije in še nekatera druga področja popularne kulture?
Whatever the case, the clarity of the situation is obscured by one key question - how and why do women subject themselves, apparently of their own free will, to all those methods of cultivating the body advertised in women's magazines and some other areas of popular culture?
16 Končna redakcija
Družboslovci ženskost in moškost sicer razumejo kot kulturno variabilni kategoriji, a družbene vloge so v popularni družbenospolni shemi, ki se uporablja v vsakdanjem življenju, še vedno razumljene kot tesno povezane z biološkim spolom.
Although social scientists treat femininity and masculinity as culturally variable categories, social roles within the popular gender schema applied in everyday life are still understood as closely connected with biological sex.
17 Končna redakcija
Vsekakor je treba izogibati temu, da bi, denimo, moške v upravnem odboru kake družbe, ki izdaja »artikle« popularne kulture, imeli za vsevedneže, ki dobro poznajo naravo in učinke svojih produktov in vedo, kje se konča mistifikacija in kje se začne resnica.
At any rate we should not be deluded into thinking that the men who sit on the management boards of the companies that publish such 'products' of popular culture are omniscient and fully aware of the nature and effects of their creations, or know where mystification ends and the truth begins.
18 Končna redakcija
Ke je namreč ustvarjanje osebnosti temelj za konstrukcijo realnosti (in nadzorovanja) v novicah, si poglejmo, ali se oblikovanje osebnosti iz bralca novic dogaja tudi zunaj televizije in moramo torej televizijo brati v kontekstu nacionalne popularne kulture nasploh.
Since the creation of personality is the basis for the construction of reality (and control) in the news, we shall consider whether the creation of a personality from a newsreader also takes place outside television, and we will thus need to read television in the context of national popular culture in general.
19 Končna redakcija
Popularne novice torej niso politične zgolj zato, ker dajejo prednost nekaterim stališčem pred drugimi in nekaterim področjem realnosti pred drugimi, ampak tudi zato, ker nekatere kulturne konstelacije vzpostavljajo kot naravne, druge pa postavljajo zunaj zdravorazumskega vrednostnega sistema.
Thus, the popular news is not political only because it favours certain views more than others, and certain spheres of reality more than others, but also because it constructs some cultural constellations as natural while placing others outside the common-sense.
20 Končna redakcija
V devetdesetih se je namreč začela komercializacija homoseksualnosti, gejevstvo in lezbištvo - drugo z lezbičnim šikom - sta stopila v mainstream, s tem pa so se meje začele brisati in po svoje je popularna mainstream kultura (glasba, moda, fi lmi) postala veliko bolj gejevska kot gejevstvo samo.
The 1990s also brought the commercialization of homosexuality. Gays' and lesbians' entry into the mainstream (the latter through lesbian chic) obscured the borders, so popular mainstream culture (music, fashion, movies) has become in a way more gay than the gay community itself.
21 Končna redakcija
Predvsem se osredotoča na podobo ženskosti in nekatera temeljna protislovja, ki določajo Cosmopolitan (in njemu podobne revije), z izhodiščem, da taki izdelki popularne kulture vzpostavljajo različico sveta, ponujajo orientacijo in socializacijo in da imajo konkretne, čeprav ne nujno neposredne učinke.
She focuses her attention on the image of femininity and some basic contradictions that underlie Cosmopolitan (and similar magazines). She argues that these products of mass culture establish a variant of the world for which they offer orientation and socialization techniques and that they have concrete, though not necessarily direct, effects.
22 Končna redakcija
Televizijski voditelji krožijo med modnimi tekmovanji, otvoritvami in zabavami (Tekmovanje za Slovenko leta, Na sončni strani Alp, Modna Jana izbira najbolje oblečenega Slovenca, Modne misli najbolje oblečenih Slovencev in Slovenk...) in se mešajo z zvezdami iz drugih področij lokalne popularno kulturne estrade.
The television newspresenters circulate between fashion competitions, openings and parties (The Slovene Woman of the Year Contest, On the Sunny Side of the Alps, Fashion Jana Selects the Best-dressed Man in Slovenia; Fashion Thoughts of the Best-dressed Men and Women in Slovenia, etc.), and mix with celebrities from other spheres of the local popular culture.
23 Končna redakcija
S pričujočo analizo poskušamo dokazati, da so v ženskih revijah na delu diskurzivni mehanizmi, ki dosledno brišejo mejo med oglaševalsko in uredniško-novinarsko vsebino ter jih spreminjajo v privlačno obliko za uveljavljanje komercialne popularne kulture. Ta deluje po skupni formuli: dobiček, oglaševanje, ženska kot potrošnica.
The basic conclusion of our study, which proves the presence of discursive mechanisms that consistently obscure the boundary between advertisements and editorial content, is that women's magazines represent an attractive format for the promotion of commercialized popular culture which is based on 'the cycle of publishing profit, advertising and women's role as the primary purchasers of consumer goods.'
24 Končna redakcija
Kritika množične umetnosti je lahko dolgočasna zadeva, pravi Tania Modleski v sklepu svoje slavne analize množičnih fantazij za ženske Ljubiti z maščevanjem (Loving with a Vengeance), v kateri se osredotoča na nekatere romaneskne žanre množične zabave, natančneje, na tri oblike popularne kulture, ki so namenjene predvsem ženskam.
Criticism of mass culture can be boring, says Tania Modleski in the conclusion to her famous analysis of mass fantasies for women entitled Loving with a Vengeance, in which she focuses on some fictional genres in mass entertainment, or to be more precise, on the three forms of poplar culture intended primarily for women.
25 Končna redakcija
Tovrstni izdelki popularne kulture »uokvirjajo« naše predstave o svetu in jih tudi pomagajo oblikovati. V tem primeru gre predvsem za vlogo in podobo ženske, za odnose med spoloma, za to, katere izdelke ženska »mora« imeti, da bi bila zaželena, ljubljena, srečna - vse skupaj predstavlja nekakšen vstop v porabniško kulturo in podlago za zdravorazumsko dojemanje vsakdanjega življenja.
These products of popular culture frame our representations of the world and co-shape them, in this particular case, our understanding of the role and image of woman, gender relations, products that a woman 'must' possess if she wants to be desired, loved and happy. Altogether this amounts to the opening of the door to consumer culture and establishing the basis for a common-sense perception of ordinary life.
26 Končna redakcija
Danes, ko nas voditelji novic gledajo z jumbo plakatov, ko postajajo objekti trženja, blagovni znak, lokalne zvezde, ko svoje sekundarno življenje živijo po družabnih kronikah tabloidov, tekmujejo za najbolje oblečenega Slovenca/ko in razkrivajo drobne skrivnosti v člankih o zasebnem življenju lokalne estrade in ko so novice dokončno postale del lokalne popularne kulture, velja to bolj kot kdaj prej.
Today - when newspresenters appear on hoarding posters; when they are turning into commercial objects, trademarks, and local celebrities; when they live their secondary lives in the social chronicles of tabloids; when they compete for best-dressed local celebrity; when they expose minor secrets about the private lives of the local showbiz in their articles; and when the news has finally become part of local popular culture - this is more true than ever.
27 Končna redakcija
Ko novice dogodek pripovedujejo kot jasno polarizirano dramo o boju med dobrim in zlom, ko nam ponujajo moralno sodbo o svetu, ko estetska vizualizacija televizijskih novic lahko ustvarja občutek familijarnosti in zaupanja med tistim, ki novice bere, in gledalci v dnevni sobi in ko nam bere novice na intimno kramljajoč način ženska/ moški, ki mu gre zaupati, saj v našem imenu preiskuje, išče in razkriva resnico, igrajo novice enako vlogo kot drugi psevdoterapevtski diskurzi v popularni medijski kulturi.
When the news represents an event in terms of a clearly polarised drama about the struggle between good and evil, when it offers a moral judgement on the world, when the aesthetic visualisation of the television news can create a sense of familiarity and trust between the newsreader and the audience in their living rooms, and when the news is read in an intimate and chatting manner by a man/woman who can be trusted, since he/she investigates, seeks out and exposes the truth on our behalf, the news plays the same role as other pseudo-therapeutic discourses within popular media culture.
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