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ribolovna zmogljivost
1 Pravna redakcija
2 Pravna redakcija
ribolovna zmogljivost in ribolovni napor;
fishing capacities and fishing effort;
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
Ribolovna zmogljivost flote dne 1. januarja 2003
Fishing capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Ribolovna zmogljivost in ribolovni napor se preventivno omejita na obseg, ki je potreben, da se pridobijo podatki, predvideni v načrtu za zbiranje podatkov in ocenjevanje iz člena 2(f).
Fishing capacity and effort shall be subject to a precautionary limit set at a level not exceeding that necessary to obtain the information specified in the data collection plan and required to make the evaluations referred to in Article 2(f).
5 Pravna redakcija
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ribolovna zmogljivost flote dne 1. januarja 2003 v smislu moči, izračunana na podlagi registra ribolovne flote Skupnosti;
means fishing capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 in terms of power as calculated on the basis of the Community fishing fleet register;
6 Pravna redakcija
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ribolovna zmogljivost flote dne 1. januarja 2003 v smislu tonaže, izračunana na podlagi registra ribolovne flote Skupnosti;
means the fishing capacity of the fleet on 1 January 2003 in terms of tonnage as calculated on the basis of the Community fishing fleet register;
7 Pravna redakcija
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Ribolovna zmogljivost flote, izražena v smislu tonaže GT 03 in moči kW 03, kakor je opredeljeno v členu 6, se izračuna po naslednjih formulah:
The fishing capacity of the fleet expressed in terms of tonnage GT03 and power kW03, as defined in Article 6, shall be calculated with the following formulae:
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0601
Ribolovna zmogljivost in ribolovni napor se preventivno omejita na obseg, ki je potreben, da se pridobijo podatki, predvideni v načrtu za zbiranje podatkov in ocenjevanje iz člena 2(f).
Fishing capacity and effort shall be subject to a precautionary limit set at a level not exceeding that necessary to obtain the information specified in the data collection plan and required to make the evaluations referred to in Article 2(f).
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R0685
Ribolovna zmogljivost ribiških plovil pod to mejo se ocenjuje globalno za vsako ribištvo.
The fishing capacity of fishing vessels below that limit shall be assessed globally for each fishery.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(h) sprejmejo ukrepe, s katerimi preprečijo ali odpravijo prelov in prevelike ribolovne zmogljivosti ter zagotovijo, da stopnja ribolovnega napora ne presega sorazmernosti s trajnostno rabo ribolovnih virov;
(h) take measures to prevent or eliminate overfishing and excess fishing capacity and to ensure that levels of fishing effort do not exceed those commensurate with the sustainable use of fishery resources;
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-114
od ITTC zahtevajo, da začne s poizvedovanjem, da se oceni, ali ribolovne zmogljivosti plovil, ki ribarijo na območju iz Sporazuma, ogrožajo trajnost staležev tunov in drugih živih morskih virov v zvezi z ribištvom, in če je temu tako, preučijo možne ukrepe ter priporočijo njihovo sprejetje, kadar je to ustrezno.
Request the IATTC to initiate investigations to assess whether the fishing capacity of vessels fishing in the Agreement Area poses a threat to the sustainability of tuna stocks and other living marine resources associated with the fishery and, if so, examine possible measures and recommend their adoption whenever appropriate.
12 Končna redakcija
seznam se sestavi, da bi se zagotovilo, da skupna ribolovna zmogljivost, ki se meri v moči motorja (kW), ne presega zmogljivosti zabeležene v Riškem zalivu v letih 2000-2001.
the list shall be established in order to ensure that the overall fishing capacity, measured in engine power (kW), shall not exceed that observed in the years 2000-2001 in the Gulf of Riga.
13 Končna redakcija
Skupna ribolovna zmogljivost plovil z vlečno mrežo, ki se meri v moči motorja (kW), ne presega zmogljivosti zabeležene v območju gospodarjenja 25 milj v letih 2000 - 2001 in moč motorja posameznega plovila z vlečno mrežo, ki lovi v vodah globokih manj kot 200 metrov, ne presega 185 kW (250 HP).
The overall fishing capacity of trawlers, measured in engine power (kW), shall not exceed that observed in the years 2000 2001 in the area of the 25-mile management zone, and the engine power of each individual trawler fishing in waters of less than 200 metres depth shall not exceed 185 kW (250 HP).
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
prilagoditev ribolovnih zmogljivosti z začasnim ali stalnim odvzemom;
adaptation of fishing capacity by means of temporary or definitive cessation;
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
ker je eden od glavnih namenov skupne ribiške politike prilagoditi ribolovne zmogljivosti virom;
Whereas one of the main aims of the common fisheries policy is to adjust fishing capacities to available resources;
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0639
se lahko nove ribolovne zmogljivosti dodajo floti, z ali brez državne pomoči, v mejah posebnih referenčnih ravni iz člena 1,
new capacity may enter the fleet, with or without public aid, within the limits of the specific reference levels indicated in Article 1,
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0515
ker ohranjanje proizvodne zmogljivosti ne odpravi potrebe po stalnem zmanjševanju zmogljivosti ribolovnih flot, ki se zaradi svojih tehničnih značilnosti težko prilagodijo na vrste ribolova, predvidene v srednjeročnem obdobju znotraj in zunaj ribolovnih con držav članic;
Whereas the maintenance of productive capacity does not obviate the necessity of permanently reducing the capacity of fishing fleets, the technical characteristics of which make it difficult to adapt them to the types of fishing anticipated in the medium term within and outside the fishing zones of the Member States;
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
V ta namen države članice oblikujejo ali izpopolnijo računalniške zbirke podatkov z ustreznimi podatki o ribolovnih zmogljivostih in dejavnostih ladjevja.
For that purpose, Member States shall establish or complete existing computerised databases containing the relevant information about fleet fishing capacity and activities.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0639
Za segmente flot, registriranih v najbolj oddaljenih regijah v skladu s členom 299(2) Pogodbe, se uporabljajo naslednje referenčne ravni za ribolovne zmogljivosti:
For the fleet segments registered in the outermost regions as indicated in Article 299(2) of the Treaty the following specific reference levels for fishing capacity shall apply:
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0639
Uredba Sveta (ES) št. 2371/2002 z dne 20. decembra 2002 o ohranjevanju in trajnostnem izkoriščanju ribolovnih virov v okviru skupne ribiške politike [2] in zlasti poglavje III Uredbe določa program Skupnosti za prilagoditev ribolovnih zmogljivosti flot držav članic na raven, ki je v celoti primerljiva z možnostmi ribolova.
Council Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 of 20 December 2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the Common Fisheries Policy(2), and in particular Chapter III thereof, establishes a Community scheme to adjust the fishing capacities of the Member States' fleets, to a level globally compatible with fishing opportunities.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0515
ker se lahko ohranjanje zahtevane proizvodne zmogljivosti v srednjeročnem obdobju spodbuja z ukrepi, katerih namen je zagotoviti začasno zmanjšanje ribolovnih aktivnosti plovil, ki bi utegnila postati nedonosna zaradi omejitev ulova;
Whereas the maintenance of the production capacity required in the medium term may be promoted by measures designed to secure a temporary reduction in the fishing activities of vessels which are liable to become unprofitable because of the catch restrictions;
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Za podporo spremljanja, določenega v členu 25, vsaka država članica oblikuje sistem potrjevanja, ki mora še zlasti zajemati preverjanje z uporabo navzkrižnega preverjanja podatkov o ribolovni zmogljivosti ladjevja in njegovih dejavnostih;
In order to facilitate the monitoring specified in Article 25, each Member State shall establish a system of validation which shall include in particular verification by crosschecking information on fleet fishing capacity and activity contained;
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
ker je treba politiko upravljanja ribiških virov, ki še zlasti temelji na sistemu celotnega dovoljenega ulova (TAC), kvotah in tehničnih ukrepih, dopolniti z upravljanjem ribolovnega napora, kar vključuje spremljanje ribiških dejavnosti in zmogljivosti;
Whereas policy on the management of fishery resources, which is based in particular on total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas and technical measures, is to be supplemented by management of the fishing effort, which involves monitoring fishing activities and capacities;
24 Končna redakcija
V ta namen države članice in Komisija opravijo študije in raziskovalne projekte na področjih, ki so značilna za SRP in jih člen 4 še ne zajema, zlasti akvakulturo, odnos ribištva in akvakulture z okoljem ter zmogljivost ribolovne in akvakulturne industrije, da ustvarita delovna mesta.
To this end, the Member States and the Commission may undertake studies and exploratory projects in areas that are significant for the CFP not yet covered by Article 4, in particular aquaculture, the relationship of fisheries and aquaculture with the environment and the capacity of fishing and aquaculture industries to create jobs.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
ker je za oprostitev majhnih ribiških plovil od obveznosti vodenja ladijskega dnevnika ali izpolnjevanja deklaracije o iztovarjanju, ki bi zanje pomenila nesorazmerno breme glede na njihovo ribolovno zmogljivostjo, treba, da vsaka država članica spremlja dejavnosti takih plovil z izvajanjem načrta vzorčenja;
Whereas, in order to provide exemptions from the obligation to keep a logbook or complete a landing declaration by small fishing vessels for which such an obligation would constitute a disproportionate burden in relation to their fishing capacity, it is necessary for each Member State to monitor the activities of such vessels by the implementation of a sampling plan;
26 Končna redakcija
V okviru teh sporazumov države članice dokažejo, da bo upravljanje vstopov in izstopov iz flote potekalo tako, da zmogljivost ne bo presegala letnih ciljev, določenih v večletnem usmeritvenem programu, v celoti in po zadevnih segmentih, ali kjer je primerno, da se bo za doseganje teh ciljev ribolovna kapaciteta postopoma zmanjšala.
Within the framework of these arrangements Member States shall demonstrate that entries and exits from the fleet will be managed in such a way that the capacity does not exceed the annual objectives fixed in the multiannual guidance programme, overall and for the segments concerned, or where appropriate that fishing capacity is gradually reduced to attain these objectives.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2847
Za zagotovitev skladnosti s cilji in strategijami, ki jih določi Svet v skladu s členom 11 Uredbe EGS 3760/92, še zlasti količinskih ciljev glede ribolovne zmogljivosti ladjevja Skupnosti in prilagoditve njihovih dejavnosti, vsaka država članica na svojem ozemlju in v morskih vodah pod svojo suverenostjo ali jurisdikcijo redno preverja vse osebe, ki so vpletene v izvajanje navedenih ciljev.
In order to ensure compliance with the objectives and strategies set by the Council in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) No 3760/92, in particular the quantitative objectives concerning the fishing capacity of the Community fleets and the adjustment of their activities, each Member State shall organize regular checks, in its territory and within the maritime waters under its sovereignty or jurisdiction, of all persons concerned by the implementation of the abovementioned objectives.
28 Končna redakcija
V skladu s postopki iz Uredb Komisije (ES) št. 2090/98 z dne 30. septembra 1998 o evidenci ribiških plovil Skupnosti in (ES) št. 2091/98 z dne 30. septembra 1998 o segmentaciji ribolovne flote Skupnosti in ribolovnega napora v povezavi z večletnimi usmerjevalnimi programi, pošljejo države članice Komisiji podatke o fizičnih značilnostih ribiških plovil in spremljanju ribolovnega napora segmenta flote in ribolova, zlasti glede na razvoj zmogljivosti in ustreznih ribolovnih aktivnosti.
Member States shall transmit to the Commission information on the physical characteristics of fishing vessels and the monitoring of fishing effort by fleet segment and by fishery, particularly as regards the development of capacities and the corresponding fishing activities, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Commission Regulations (EC) No 2090/98 of 30 September 1998 concerning the fishing vessel register of the Community(11) and (EC) No 2091/98 of 30 September 1998 concerning the segmentation of the Community fishing fleet and fishing effort in relation to the multiannual guidance programmes(12).
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1954
Za izračun ribolovnega napora se ribolovna zmogljivost plovila izmeri glede na vgrajeno moč, izraženo v kilovatih (kW);
For the calculation of fishing effort the fishing capacity of a vessel shall be measured as the installed power expressed in kilowatts (kW);
30 Pravna redakcija
Ribolovna zmogljivost, ki je v skladu s tem ukrepom umaknjena, pripomore k prilagoditvi ribolovnega napora zadevnih držav članic v pomenu člena 7 Uredbe (ES) št. 2792/1999.
The fishing capacity withdrawn pursuant to this measure shall contribute to the adjustment of the fishing effort of the Member States concerned, within the meaning of Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999.
31 Pravna redakcija
Zbiranje podatkov ribolovne zmogljivosti
Collection of data concerning fishing capacities
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
(b) ribolovno zmogljivost plovila v GT in kW;
(b) the fishing capacity of the vessel in GT and kW;
33 Pravna redakcija
svoje ribolovne zmogljivosti za te staleže in,
its harvesting capacity in respect of such stocks; and
34 Pravna redakcija
Na zahtevo Komisije se dovoljenje za gospodarski ribolov lahko nadomesti, in v primeru višje sile je tako, z dovoljenjem za drugo plovilo, katerega ribolovna zmogljivost ne presega zmogljivosti plovila, ki se nadomešča.
At the request of the Community, a vessel's fishing licence may, and in the case of force majeure will, be replaced by a licence for another vessel of which the fishing capacity does not exceed that of the vessel to be replaced.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
V skladu s členom 13 Uredbe (ES) št. 2371/2002 vsaka država članica zagotovi, da je ribolovna zmogljivost glede moči (kW t ) enaka ali manjša od ribolovne zmogljivosti dne 1. januarja 2003 (kW 03 ), prilagojene tako, da se odšteje:
In order to comply with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002, each Member State shall ensure that at all times the fishing capacity in power (kWt) is equal to or less than the fishing capacity at 1 January 2003 (kW03) as adjusted by deducting:
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
V skladu s členom 13 Uredbe (ES) št. 2371/2002 vsaka država članica zagotovi, da je ribolovna zmogljivost glede tonaže (GT t ) vedno enaka ali manjša od ribolovne zmogljivosti dne 1. januarja 2003 (GT 03 ), prilagojene na naslednji način:
In order to comply with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002 each Member State shall ensure that at all times the fishing capacity in tonnage (GTt) is equal to or less than the fishing capacity at 1 January 2003 (GT03) as adjusted by:
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
Ko v floto v skladu s pogoji iz člena 13(1)(b)(ii) vstopi nova ribolovna zmogljivost, se referenčne meje, navedene v drugem pododstavku, zmanjšajo za 35 % skupne moči plovil s tonažo, večjo od 100 GT, ki vstopajo v floto z državno pomočjo, odobreno po 31. decembru 2002 (kW 100 ), v skladu z naslednjo formulo:
When new fishing capacity enters the fleet under the conditions of Article 13(1)(b)(ii) the reference levels mentioned in the second subparagraph shall be reduced by 35 % of the total power of vessels of more than 100 GT entering the fleet with public aid granted after 31 December 2002 (kW100) according to the following formula:
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
Ko v floto v skladu s pogoji iz člena 13(1)(b)(ii) vstopi nova ribolovna zmogljivost, se referenčne meje, navedene v drugem pododstavku, zmanjšajo za 35 % skupne tonaže plovil s tonažo, večjo od 100 GT, ki vstopajo v floto z državno pomočjo, odobreno po 31. decembru 2002 (GT 100 ), v skladu z naslednjo formulo:
When new fishing capacity enters the fleet under the conditions of Article 13(1)(b)(ii) the reference levels mentioned in the second subparagraph shall be reduced by 35 % of the total tonnage of vessels of more than 100 GT entering the fleet with public aid granted after 31 December 2002 (GT100) according to the following formula:
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
(b) vsakem posodabljanju plovila, ki vpliva na njegovo ribolovno zmogljivost.
(b) each modernisation of a vessel that affects its fishing capacity.
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1954
(b) "ribolovni napor" je rezultat zmogljivosti in aktivnosti ribiškega plovila;
(b) "fishing effort" means the product of the capacity and the activity of a fishing vessel;
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
Uporablja se za ribolovno zmogljivost ribiških plovil Skupnosti razen plovil, ki:
It shall apply to the fishing capacity of Community fishing vessels with the exception of vessels which are:
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
Za namen člena 7 se ribolovna zmogljivost v smislu tonaže (GT 03 ) in moči (kW 03 ) dne 1. januarja 2003 ugotovi tako, da se v skladu s Prilogo II upoštevajo vstopi plovil, ki temeljijo na upravni odločbi zadevne države članice, sprejeti med 1. januarjem 2000 in 31. decembrom 2002 v skladu s takrat veljavno zakonodajo in predvsem v skladu z nacionalnim režimov vstopov / izstopov, o katerem je bila Komisija obveščena v skladu s členom 6(2) Odločbe 97/413/ES, in ki se ne zgodijo kasneje kot tri leta po datumu upravne odločbe.
For the purposes of Article 7 the fishing capacity in terms of tonnage (GT03) and power (kW03) at 1 January 2003 shall be determined taking into account, in accordance with Annex II, the entries of vessels which are based on an administrative decision by the Member State concerned taken between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2002 in conformity with the legislation applicable at that time, and in particular in accordance with the national entry/exit regime notified to the Commission under Article 6(2) of Decision 97/413/EC, and which take place not later than three years after the date of the administrative decision.
44 Pravna redakcija
prispevajo k prilagajanju obstoječih ribolovnih zmogljivosti glede na zahteve za ohranjanje morskih bioloških virov,
contribute to the adaptation of existing fishing capacity in relation to the requirements for the conservation of marine biological resources,
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0639
se lahko nove ribolovne zmogljivosti dodajo floti, z ali brez državne pomoči, v mejah posebnih referenčnih ravni iz člena 1,
new capacity may enter the fleet, with or without public aid, within the limits of the specific reference levels indicated in Article 1,
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
(1) Treba je natančno spremljati prilagoditev ribolovne zmogljivosti ribiške flote Skupnosti, da bi jo uskladili z razpoložljivimi viri.
(1) The adjustment in fishing capacity of the Community fishing fleet should be monitored closely to bring it into line with the available resources.
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(f) informacijami o vplivu shem zmanjšanja ribolovnega napora na zmogljivost flote, predvsem kadar so del shem obnove ali večletnega načrta upravljanja;
(f) information on the impact on fleet capacity of effort limitation schemes, in particular when they are part of a recovery plan or a multiannual management plan;
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0639
Za segmente flot, registriranih v najbolj oddaljenih regijah v skladu s členom 299(2) Pogodbe, se uporabljajo naslednje referenčne ravni za ribolovne zmogljivosti:
For the fleet segments registered in the outermost regions as indicated in Article 299(2) of the Treaty the following specific reference levels for fishing capacity shall apply:
49 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1438
(3) 1. januarja 2003 je treba določiti referenčne meje za ribolovno zmogljivost za floto vsake države članice razen flot, registriranih v najbolj oddaljenih regijah.
(3) Reference levels for fishing capacity should be fixed at 1 January 2003 for the fleet of each Member State, with the exception of its fleet registered in the outermost regions.
50 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2369
"2. Država članica lahko za ribiče sprejme ukrepe socialno-ekonomske narave, ki so povezani s prilagajanjem ribolovne zmogljivosti v smislu člena 11 Uredbe (ES) št. 2371/2002."
"2. Member States may take, for fishermen, measures of a socioeconomic nature associated with the adjustment of fishing capacity within the meaning of Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 2371/2002."
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ribolovna zmogljivost