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središče ekonomskega interesa
1 Pravna redakcija
Drugič, večregionalne enote, ki imajo središče ekonomskega interesa v več regijah.
Secondly, there are multiregional units, the centre of economic interest of which is in more than one region.
2 Pravna redakcija
Druge enoregionalne enote imajo središče ekonomskega interesa v regiji, v kateri se nahajajo.
Other uniregional units have their centre of economic interest in the region where they are located.
3 Pravna redakcija
rezidenčna enota je samo tisti del enote, ki ima središče ekonomskega interesa na ekonomskem ozemlju države.
only that part of the unit which has a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of the country is deemed to be a resident unit.
4 Pravna redakcija
Za gospodinjstva velja, da imajo središče ekonomskega interesa v regiji bivanja in ne v regiji, v kateri delajo.
Regarding households, the centre of economic interest is the region where they live, not the region where they work.
5 Pravna redakcija
Vse transakcije enoregionalnih institucionalnih enot so alocirane regiji, v kateri imajo središče ekonomskega interesa.
All transactions of the uniregional institutional units are allocated to the region in which they have their centre of economic interest.
6 Pravna redakcija
Prvič, enoregionalne enote, ki imajo središče ekonomskega interesa v eni regiji in večino svojih dejavnosti opravijo v njej.
First of all, there are uniregional units, the centre of economic interest of which is in one region and most of their activities take place in this region.
7 Pravna redakcija
Član rezidenčnega gospodinjstva je rezident, četudi večkrat potuje izven ekonomskega ozemlja, kajti njegovo središče ekonomskega interesa ostaja v gospodarstva, v katerem je gospodinjstvo rezidenčno.
A member of a resident household continues to be a resident even if that individual makes frequent journeys outside the economic territory because its centre of economic interest remains in the economy in which the household is resident.
8 Pravna redakcija
Zgolj lastništvo zemljišč in zgradb na ekonomskem ozemlju zadostuje za ugotovitev, da ima lastnik na tem ozemlju središče ekonomskega interesa.
The ownership of land and buildings within the economic territory is deemed to be sufficient in itself for the owner to have a centre of economic interest there.
9 Pravna redakcija
Po opredelitvi mej nacionalnega gospodarstva z rezidenčnimi enotami je treba opredeliti dva pojma: ekonomsko ozemlje in središče ekonomskega interesa.
Having thus defined the limits of the national economy in terms of resident units, it is necessary to define the meaning of the terms economic territory and centre of economic interest.
10 Pravna redakcija
Enota je rezidenčna enota države, kadar ima središče ekonomskega interesa na ekonomskem ozemlju te države - tj. kadar na tem ozemlju daljše obdobje (eno leto ali več) opravlja ekonomske dejavnosti.
A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of that country - that is, when it engages for an extended period (one year or more) in economic activities on this territory.
11 Pravna redakcija
Pojem središče ekonomskega interesa kaže na dejstvo, da znotraj ekonomskega ozemlja obstaja lokacija, na kateri ali s katere enota opravlja ekonomsko dejavnost in transakcije ter namerava s temi dejavnostmi in transakcijami nadaljevati v pomembnem obsegu, bodisi časovno nedoločeno bodisi časovno omejeno, vendar daljše obdobje (eno leto ali več).
The term centre of economic interest indicates the fact there exists some location within the economic territory on, or from, which a unit engages, and intends to continue to engage, in economic activities and transactions on a significant scale, either indefinitely or over a finite but long period of time (a year or more).
12 Pravna redakcija
Vsi posamezniki, ki pripadajo istemu gospodinjstvu fn so rezidenti tam, kjer ima gospodinjstvo središče ekonomskega interesa, torej tam, kjer ima stanovanje (ali več stanovanj), ki ga njegovi člani pojmujejo in uporabljajo kot glavno prebivališče.
All individuals who belong to the same household (1) are resident where the household has a centre of economic interest:this is where the household maintains a dwelling, or succession of dwellings, which members of the household treat, and use, as their principal residence.
13 Pravna redakcija
FN "Toda za enoto, ki je rezident druge države in izvaja gradbeno dejavnost v državi manj kakor eno leto, se šteje, da ima središče ekonomskega interesa na ekonomskem ozemlju države, če so rezultat te proizvodnje bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva."
But a unit which is resident in another country and which is carrying out a construction activity in the country for a duration of less than a year is deemed to have a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of the country if the output of the construction activity constitutes gross fixed capital formation.
14 Pravna redakcija
Enote, institucionalne enote, lokalne enote enovrstne dejavnosti ali enote homogene proizvodnje, ki sestavljajo gospodarstvo države in katerih transakcije so prikazane v ESR, so tiste enote, ki imajo na ekonomskem ozemlju države središče ekonomskega interesa.
The units, whether institutional, local kind-of-activity or of homogeneous production, which constitute the economy of a country and whose transactions are recorded in the ESA, are those which have a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of that country.
15 Pravna redakcija
skupaj z delom zunaj ekonomskega ozemlja za rezidenčne institucionalne enote delodajalcev, ki tam nimajo središča ekonomskega interesa;
including work outside the economic territory for resident employer institutional units who have no centre of economic interest there;
16 Pravna redakcija
tisti deli nerezidenčnih enot, ki imajo središče ekonomskega interesa (v večini primerov so to tisti, ki so dejavni v ekonomskih transakcijah v razdobju enega leta ali več ali ki izvajajo gradbeno dejavnost v razdobju, krajšem od enega leta, če so rezultat proizvodnje bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva) na ekonomskem ozemlju države;
those parts of non-resident units which have a centre of economic interest (that is in most cases which engage in economic transactions for a year or more or which carry out a construction activity for a period of less than a year if the output constitutes gross fixed capital formation) on the economic territory of the country;
17 Pravna redakcija
Ti pojmi so v sistemu opredeljeni na osnovi konceptov ekonomskega ozemlja in središča interesa.
These titles are defined in the system on the basis of the concepts of economic territory and centre of interest.
18 Pravna redakcija
brez dela za tuje institucionalne enote delodajalcev, ki nimajo središča ekonomskega interesa na ekonomskem ozemlju.
excluding work for foreign employer institutional units who have no centre of economic interest within the economic territory.
19 Pravna redakcija
Iz tega izhaja, da ima enota, ki take transakcije izvaja na ekonomskih ozemljih več držav, središča ekonomskega interesa v vsaki izmed njih.
It follows that a unit which carries out such transactions on the economic territory of several countries is deemed to have a centre of economic interest in each of them.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1687
Rezidenčno gospodinjstvo ima svoje središče ekonomskega interesa znotraj ekonomskega ozemlja države članice, ki lahko vključuje teritorialne ali izventeritorialne enklave (kakor je opredeljeno v ESR 2.04 do 2.07).
A resident household has its centre of economic interest within the economic territory of the Member State, which may or may not include territorial or extraterritorial enclaves (as defined in ESA 2.04 to 2.07).
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središče ekonomskega interesa