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1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
dobljena iz trgatev z najmanj 85 % sort vinske trte s seznama, ki se posebej pripravi,
obtained from harvests at least 85 % of which are of the wine varieties appearing on a list to be drawn up,
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Proizvajalci mošta in vina ter trgovci, razen trgovcev na drobno, prijavijo vsako leto svoje zaloge mošta in vina, bodisi od trgatve v tekočem letu ali od trgatev iz prejšnjih let.
Producers of must and wine, and merchants other than retailers, shall declare each year their stocks of must and wine, whether from the current year's harvest or from the harvest of preceding years.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
so dobljena v mejah donosa 40 hl na hektar groznega mošta iz prve in četrte alinee točke J odstavka 1 Priloge V, pri prekoračenju donosa pa se za celotno trgatev ne sme uporabiti oznaka »vin doux naturel«,
obtained within the limit of a yield per hectare of 40 hl of grape must referred to in Annex V, paragraph 1 or point J, first and forth indents, any greater yield resulting in the entire harvest ceasing to be eligible for the description "vin doux naturel",
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
Če je vrednost donosa iz odstavka 1 presežena, se prepove uporaba oznake za vso trgatev, razen pri odstopanjih, ki so jih predvidele države članice v splošnem ali v posameznih primerih, pod pogoji, posebej določenimi glede na vinorodno območje;
Use of the designation claimed shall be prohibited for the entire harvest if the yield referred to in paragraph 1 is exceeded, save where derogations are provided for, on a general or individual basis, by Member States under conditions which they shall lay down, if appropriate, according to wine-growing area;
5 Končna redakcija
"Stopnje proizvodnje Commandaria kakovostnega vina pdpo in izvorom iz Cipra, in sicer predelava grozdja v grozdni mošt in predelava mošta v vino se lahko opravijo na Cipru izven regij, v katerih je bila trgatev grozdja opravljena, vendar pod strogim nadzorom in v skladu s ciprsko zakonodajo.";
"However for Commandaria quality wine psr originating in Cyprus, the stages of production after the processing of the grapes into grape must and the processing of the must thus obtained into wine may be performed under strict control in Cyprus outside the specific region where the grapes used were harvested under the conditions laid down in Cypriot legislation."
6 Pravna redakcija
Pri pomoči imajo prednost vina iz zadnjih trgatev.
The aid shall be granted by priority for wine from the most recent harvest.
7 Pravna redakcija
Ocenjeni donos na hektar za parcelo, na kateri je bila trgatev:
Estimated yield per hectare for the plot harvested:
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1282
Ker se trgatev v državah članicah izvaja ob različnih časih, je treba skrajne roke za prijave pridelovalcev razporediti čez določeno obdobje.
Since harvesting takes place at different times in different Member States, the deadlines for declarations by producers should be staggered.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
UPOŠTEVAJOČ, da je glavna značilnost proizvodnje oliv neenakomerna trgatev in neredna preskrba trga, kar se odraža v fluktuaciji vrednosti proizvodnje, nestabilnosti cen in izvoznih prihodkov ter v pomembnih razlikah v prihodkih proizvajalcev,
BEARING IN MIND that the essential feature of olive production lies in irregular harvests and in the irregularity with which supplies reach the market, and that this results in fluctuations in the value of production, instability of prices and export earnings, and considerable differences in producers incomes,
10 Prevajalska redakcija
V okviru splošnih ciljev, določenih v členu 1, in da bi se trg oljčnega olja in olja iz olivnih tropin normaliziral ter od-pravilo vsako neravnovesje v mednarodni ponudbi in povpraševanju zaradi neenakih trgatev ali drugih vzrokov, bo svet na svojem jesenskem zasedanju natančno proučil bilance oljčnega olja in celotno oceno ponudbe in povpraševanja po oljčnem olju in olju iz olivnih tropin na podlagi obvestila, ki ga vsaka članica pošlje po členu 48, in drugih obvestil, ki jih dobi od vlad držav, ki niso članice tega sporazuma, zainteresirane pa so za mednarodno trgovino z oljčnim oljem in oljem iz olivnih tropin, ter na podlagi kakršnih koli drugih statističnih podatkov, s katerimi razpolaga.
Within the framework of the general objectives set forth in Article 1, and with a view to contributing towards the standardization of the market for olive oil and olive-pomace oil and correcting any imbalance between international supply and demand due to irregularity of harvests or to other factors, the Council shall, at the autumn session, make a detailed examination of olive-oil balances and an overall estimate of the supplies of and demand for olive oil and olive-pomace oil, on the basis of the information furnished by each member under Article 48 and any information communicated to the Council by governments of States not Parties to this Agreement but interested in the international olive oil and olive-pomace oil trade, and of any other relevant statistical material available to the Council.
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