Evroterm contains 468256 terms.
Last update: 2025-02-04 01:50:11
Welcome to the Evroterm website!
The Evroterm terminology database has had a new look since 2020 yet keeping all the features from its beginnings in 2000, along with links to the bilingual corpus Evrokorpus, the text analyser Terminator and dictionaries.
Searching Evroterm is easy. In the search box, enter the term (word or phrase) you are looking for in any of the languages included in the database. As most entries are bilingual (Slovene and English), most hits will be in these two languages. A new feature is that the domain is also written alongside the list of terms found. This will make it easier to find the term you are looking for.
If you want to search by languages or domains or limit the searching mode, you can switch to advanced search. From May 2022, you can search for terms not only in the database, but also in the description fields (definitions and notes).
As we want you to have a pleasant experience with Evroterm, we take into account your suggestions for improvement. Suggestions for new terms and corrections or comments on the functioning of the website can be sent to adriana.sedej@gov.si or marja.adamic@gov.si.
You can read more about Evroterm
here.Translation Division of the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia