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851 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
the statement of changes in capital presenting in detail the increases and decreases during the year in each item of the capital accounts.
izkaz gibanja kapitala, ki podrobno prikazuje povečanja in zmanjšanja vsake postavke kapitala med letom.
852 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0024
In addition to the requirements of Articles 54 to 65, any labelling and user package leaflet shall contain a statement to the effect that:
Poleg zahtev členov 54 do 65 mora ovojnina in navodilo za uporabo vsebovati navedbo, da:
853 Končna redakcija
the statement of the officials from the Trebnje police station that "a decrease of criminal offences in the municipality has been observed.
izjava odgovornih s trebanjske policijske postaje, da v občini opažajo zmanjšanje kaznivih dejanj.
854 Končna redakcija
The worker shall immediately notify the competent institution of any occurrence necessitating an amendment to the said certified statement.
Delavec nemudoma obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsakem pojavu, zaradi katerega bi bilo treba spremeniti navedeno potrdilo.
855 Končna redakcija
This certified statement, based upon information supplied by the employer, where appropriate, shall be issued by the competent institution.
To potrdilo, ki temelji na podatkih, ki jih priskrbi delodajalec, kjer je to potrebno, izda pristojni nosilec.
856 Končna redakcija
Certified statement relating to the members of the family to be taken into consideration when calculating cash benefits, including pensions
Potrdilo o družinskih članih, ki se upoštevajo pri izračunu denarnih dajatev, vključno s pokojninami
857 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
Such estimates shall be presented and adopted in the same form and following the same procedure as the statement whose forecasts they amend.
Tak načrt se predloži in sprejme v obliki in po postopku kot načrt, katerega projekcijo spreminja.
858 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
a statement of the average annual manpower of the service provider or contractor and the number of managerial staff for the last three years;
z izjavo o povprečnem letnem številu zaposlenih in številu vodstvenih delavcev izvajalca storitev ali gradenj v zadnjih treh letih;
859 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41997D0039
statements by the person to be transferred,
izjave osebe, ki jo je treba ponovno sprejeti,
860 Končna redakcija
It is the introduction of the 'subject of statement', or the introduction of a collective entity which the author calls the bar flies (pivci).
To je vprašanje vpeljave 'subjekta izjavljanja', ki ga avtor imenuje 'pivci', oziroma statusa te kolektivitete v prvem delu 'Nočne kronike'.
861 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0417
The CAS imposes an obligation that the flag State administration issues a Statement of Compliance and is involved in the CAS survey procedures.
CAS nalaga upravi organu države, pod katere zastavo plovilo pluje, obveznost, da izda Izjavo o izpolnjevanju zahtev in da sodeluje v nadzornih postopkih CAS.
862 Končna redakcija
Thus he/she avoids the responsibility for his/her own statements, since every explicit statement would need to be founded on empirical evidence.
Tako se izogne odgovornosti za lastne izjave, saj bi vsaka eksplicitna izjava morala biti podprta z empiričnimi dokazi.
863 Končna redakcija
If the worker does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of stay shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če delavec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
864 Končna redakcija
If the pensioner does not submit the certified statement, the institution of the place of residence shall obtain it directly from the institution or institutions responsible for payment of the pension or, where appropriate, from the institution empowered to issue such certified statement.
Če upokojenec ne predloži potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju stalnega prebivališča pridobi od nosilca ali nosilcev, pristojnih za izplačilo pokojnine, ali kjer je to ustrezno, od nosilca, pooblaščenega za izdajanje takšnih potrdil.
865 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
1. a specific recitation of facts and circumstances regarding which the party is to make a statement and evidence from which these facts proceed;
1. določno navedbo dejstev in okoliščin, o katerih naj se stranka izjavi, in dokazov, iz katerih ta dejstva izhajajo;
866 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
(ib) A statement to the effect that clinical trials carried out outside the European Union meet the ethical requirements of Directive 2001/20/EC.
(ib) Izjava, iz katere je razvidno, da klinična preskušanja, opravljena zunaj Evropske unije, izpolnjujejo etične zahteve Direktive 2001/20/ES.
867 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0595
The way the fat content of milk is to be taken into account when drawing up the definitive statement of quantities delivered should be specified.
Določiti bi bilo treba način, kako se pri sestavljanju končnega poročila o oddanih količinah upošteva vsebnost maščobe v mleku.
868 Končna redakcija
The decision must include a statement that the opinions and comment made in the public presentation, discussion, and hearing have been considered.
Odločitev mora vsebovati tudi obrazloženo navedbo o upoštevanju mnenj in pripomb iz javne predstavitve, obravnave in zaslišanja.
869 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it from one or other of the aforementioned institutions.
Če oseba ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od enega ali drugega zgoraj navedenega nosilca.
870 Končna redakcija
Therefore, her "objective" coverage of the events is much like the statement of the leader of a local community to where the Roma should have moved:
Tako je njeno "objektivno" poročanje o dogodkih zelo podobno izjavi predsednika krajevne skupnosti, v katero naj bi se Romi doselili:
871 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
A statement shall be annexed to this table, where appropriate, showing the balances and gross amounts of the transactions referred to in Article 22.
Kadar je primerno, je tabeli dodano poročilo, ki prikazuje bilance in bruto zneske transakcij, omenjenih v členu 22.
872 Končna redakcija
4. Religion and politics: the bishop's statement is praised by all political parties even though a notion of duty is incompatible with free elections
4. Vera in politika: škofovsko izjavo o volilni dolžnosti pohvalijo vse politične stranke, čeprav volitve, ki so izraz državljanske ali verske dolžnosti, niso svobodne
873 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place to which he has gone shall obtain it from the competent institution.
Če brezposelna oseba omenjenega potrdila ne predloži, ga nosilec v kraju, kamor je prišla, pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
874 Končna redakcija
The person concerned shall notify the competent institution forthwith of any occurrence necessitating a modification of the said certified statement;
Zadevna oseba nemudoma obvesti pristojnega nosilca o vsaki okoliščini, ki bi zahtevala spremembo navedenega potrdila;
875 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
A statement shall be annexed, where appropriate, to this table, showing the balances and gross amounts of the transactions referred to in Article 22.
Kadar je primerno, je tabeli dodano poročilo, ki prikazuje bilance in bruto zneske transakcij, omenjenih v členu 22.
876 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
and for other forms of support, an officially certified annual statement for the area of expenditure concerned to be made available to the Community;
za druge oblike podpore, uradno potrjeno letno poročilo o izdatkih, ki se da na voljo Skupnosti;
877 Končna redakcija
This statement, which reflects his own belief, is presented, and since he is an authority it is also perceived, as a scientifically corroborated fact.
Izraženo mnenje je njegovo osebno prepričanje, prikazano in zaradi njegove avtoritete pa je razumljeno kot znanstveno utemeljeno dejstvo.
878 Končna redakcija
If he does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it directly from the institution or institutions concerned.
Če omenjenega potrdila ne predloži, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od zadevnega nosilca ali nosilcev.
879 Končna redakcija
A worker who has submitted the certified statement shall be presumed to have satisfied the conditions for aquisition of the right to benefits in kind.
Za delavca, ki je predložil takšno potrdilo, se predpostavlja, da je izpolnil pogoje za pridobitev pravice do storitev.
880 Končna redakcija
This certified statement shall be valid for the period laid down in Article 69 (1) (c) of the Regulation, for as long as the conditions are fulfilled.
To potrdilo velja za obdobje, določeno v členu 69(1)(c) uredbe, dokler so izpolnjeni pogoji.
881 Končna redakcija
The certified statement may, at the worker's request, be issued after his departure if, for reasons of force majeure, it cannot be drawn up beforehand.
Če potrdila zaradi višje sile ni mogoče izdati vnaprej, se lahko na zahtevo osebe izda po njenem odhodu.
882 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
No revenue shall be collected and no expenditure effected unless credited to or charged against an Article in the statement of revenue and expenditure.
Nobeni prihodki ne smejo biti zbrani in nobeni odhodki ne smejo biti realizirani, ne da bi bili evidentirani v dobro ali breme postavke v načrtu prihodkov in odhodkov.
883 Končna redakcija
The High Authority shall also forward to them a financial statement of the assets and liabilities of the Community in the field covered by that budget.'
Visoka oblast jima predloži tudi izkaz stanja sredstev in obveznosti Skupnosti za področje, ki ga pokriva ta proračun."
884 Končna redakcija
A worker who has submitted such certified statement shall be presumed to have satisfied the conditions for acquisition of the right to benefits in kind.
Za delavca, ki predloži takšno potrdilo, velja, da je izpolnil pogoje za pridobitev pravice do storitev.
885 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1605
a summary statement of the schedule of payments due in subsequent financial years to meet budgetary commitments entered into in earlier financial years;
zbirni pregled rokov plačil v naslednjih proračunskih letih za poravnavanje prevzetih obveznosti v breme proračuna v preteklih proračunskih letih;
886 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31972R0574
If the worker does not submit the said certified statement, the institution of the place of stay shall obtain it directly from the competent institution.
Če delavec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga nosilec v kraju začasnega bivališča pridobi od pristojnega nosilca.
887 Končna redakcija
The Administrative Commission shall implement Articles 36, 63, 70 and 75 (2) of the Regulation by drawing up a statement of claims for each calendar year.
Za izvajanje členov 36, 63, 70 in 75(2) Uredbe Upravna komisija pripravi poročilo o zahtevkih za vsako koledarsko leto.
888 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
If the statement of revenue and expenditure is not finally adopted at the beginning of the financial year, Article 204 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community shall apply to commitments and payments of expenditure of a kind already approved in principle in the last statement duly adopted.
Če načrt prihodkov in odhodkov na začetku proračunskega leta ni dokončno sprejet, velja za obveznosti in plačila tovrstnih odhodkov, ki so načelno odobreni v zadnjem ustrezno sprejetem načrtu, člen 204 Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske gospodarske skupnosti.
889 Končna redakcija
In place of the certificate or certified statement provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 respectively, workers covered by those paragraphs may submit to the institution of the place of stay a certified statement testifying that the conditions for acquisition of the right to benefits in kind have been satisfied.
Namesto spričevala ali potrdila iz odstavkov 1 in 2, lahko delavci, zajeti v navedenih odstavkih, nosilcu v kraju začasnega bivališča predložijo potrdilo, v katerem je navedeno, da so bili pogoji za pridobitev pravice do storitev izpolnjeni.
890 Končna redakcija
This certified statement must testify the existence of the right to the said benefits under the conditions set out in Article 69 (1) (a) of the Regulation;
Ta potrdilo mora dokazovati obstoj pravice do navedenih dajatev pod pogoji, določenimi v členu 69(1)(a) uredbe;
891 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
a statement that the withdrawal operations concerned have been authorised by the Member State for the quantities concerned in accordance with Article 6(3).
izjavo, da je zadevne umike s trga v zadevnih kolièinah dovolila država èlanica v skladu s èlenom 6(3).
892 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Where necessary, the Commission shall set a time-limit within which the person interviewed may communicate to it any correction to be made to the statement.
Če je potrebno, Komisija določi rok, v katerem ji oseba, s katero vodi razgovor, lahko sporoči kakršne koli popravke k izjavi.
893 Končna redakcija
15 All quotations are taken from M. S.'s texts. The numbers in parenthesis show the number of the document containing a specific 'conclusion' or a statement.
10 Vse navedbe so vzete iz tekstov M. S., številke v oklepajih pa označujejo številko dokumenta, v katerem je posamezna 'ugotovitev' ali izjava.
894 Končna redakcija
One could agree with Nataša Velikonja's statement (2001) that the only established editorial policy regarding homosexuality is the absence of such a policy.
Strinjamo se lahko z Natašo Velikonja (2001), ki ugotavlja, da je edina uveljavljena uredniška politika glede homoseksualnosti ta, da je ni.
895 Končna redakcija
The following statement from the site indicates that standardization and accession to international standards does not equal a lost of cultural distinctness.
Naslednja izjava s te skupine spletnih strani kaže, da standardizacija in sprejem mednarodnih standardov ne odtehta te izgube kulturne posebnosti.
896 Končna redakcija
If the claimant does not submit the said certified statement, the competent institution shall obtain it from one or other of the aforementioned institutions.
Če prosilec ne predloži navedenega potrdila, ga pristojni nosilec pridobi od enega ali drugega zgoraj navedenega nosilca.
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