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851 Končna redakcija
Kadar nacionalni regulativni organi ocenjujejo, da imata dve ali veè podjetij skupaj prevladujoèi položaj na trgu, morajo ravnati zlasti v skladu z zakonodajo Skupnosti in dosledno upoštevati smernice za tržno analizo in ocenjevanje pomembne tržne moèi, ki jih je objavila Komisija po èlenu 15.
In particular, national regulatory authorities shall, when assessing whether two or more undertakings are in a joint dominant position in a market, act in accordance with Community law and take into the utmost account the guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power published by the Commission pursuant to Article 15.
852 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi sklepov Evropskega sveta Svet vsako leto na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom, Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom, Odborom regij in Odborom za zaposlovanje iz člena 130 s kvalificirano večino pripravi smernice, ki jih države članice upoštevajo v svojih politikah zaposlovanja.
On the basis of the conclusions of the European Council, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Employment Committee referred to in Article 130, shall each year draw up guidelines which the Member States shall take into account in their employment policies.
853 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Pomoč, odobrena za kritje stroškov oglaševanja, kakor je opredeljena s Smernicami Skupnosti o državni pomoči za oglaševanje proizvodov iz Priloge I k Pogodbi ES in nekaterih proizvodov, ki niso zajeti v Prilogi I [6], je izključena iz obsega te uredbe in se zanjo še naprej uporabljajo samo te smernice;
Aid granted towards costs linked to advertising as defined by the Community guidelines for State aid for advertising of products listed in Annex I to the EC Treaty and of certain non-Annex I products(6) should be excluded from the scope of this Regulation and continue to be covered only by those guidelines.
854 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0128
Laboratorji, ki sodelujejo pri mesečnih primerjalnih testih, ki jih organizira Unione Italiana Vini (Verona, Italija) v skladu s predpisi ISO 5725 (UNI 9225) in Mednarodnim Protokolom testiranja ustreznosti za kemijske analizne laboratorije, ki jih določajo smernice AOAC, ISO in IUPAC ter ISO 43 in ILAC G13.
Laboratories participating in the monthly ring test organised by the Unione Italiana Vini (Verona, Italy) according to ISO 5725 (UNI 9225) rules and the International Protocol of Proficiency Testing for chemical analysis laboratories established by AOAC, ISO and IUPAC and ISO 43 and ILAC G13 guidelines.
855 Končna redakcija
Na podlagi sklepov Evropskega sveta Svet vsako leto na predlog Komisije in po posvetovanju z Evropskim parlamentom, Ekonomsko-socialnim odborom, Odborom regij in Odborom za zaposlovanje iz člena 109s s kvalificirano večino pripravi smernice, ki jih države članice upoštevajo v svojih politikah zaposlovanja.
On the basis of the conclusions of the European Council, the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Employment Committee referred to in Article 109s, shall each year draw up guidelines which the Member States shall take into account in their employment policies.
856 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Da bi zagotovili učinkovito izvajanje varnostnega načrta ladje, se v ustreznih časovnih razmikih opravi urjenje ob upoštevanju vrste ladje, menjave ladijskega osebja, pristanišč, kjer namerava ladja imeti postanke, in drugih ustreznih okoliščin, pri čemer se upoštevajo smernice iz dela B tega kodeksa.
To ensure the effective implementation of the ship security plan, drills shall be carried out at appropriate intervals taking into account the ship type, ship personnel changes, port facilities to be visited and other relevant circumstances, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.
857 Končna redakcija
K temu členu je bila dodana smernica (8.1), ki se nanaša na omembo imen in objavo slik:
This article was accompanied by guideline 8.1. which refers to the mentioning of names and publication of photographs.
858 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Varnostni uradnik družbe se mora držati kakršnih koli posebnih smernic vlad pogodbenic.
The CSO should follow any specific guidance offered by the Contracting Governments.
859 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Vsi takšni ukrepi morajo biti sorazmerni, ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B Kodeksa ISPS.
Any such steps taken must be proportionate, taking into account the guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code.
860 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0092
Komisija pripravi navodila dobrega ravnanja s praktičnimi smernicami, ki niso zavezujoče.
The Commission shall draw up practical guidelines in a guide of good practice of a non-binding nature.
861 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Priloga XVII (razen dodatka) se nadomesti z besedilom, določenim v Prilogi V k tej smernici.
Annex XVII (except for its appendix) is replaced by the text set out in Annex V to this Guideline.
862 Končna redakcija
Direktor vsako leto pred 1. julijem na podlagi smernic iz člena 7 sestavi letni program dela.
The director shall draw up an annual programme of work before 1 July each year on the basis of the guidelines referred to in Article 7.
863 Končna redakcija
Sprememba gospodarskih in pravnih razmer samodejno ne povzroči hkratne spremembe teh smernic.
A change in the economic and legal situation will not automatically bring about a simultaneous amendment to the guidelines.
864 Končna redakcija
Širše smernice ekonomske politike s poročilom o njihovem izvajanju in letno sporočilo Komisije z naslovom "Gospodarska reforma – poročilo o delovanju proizvodnih in kapitalskih trgov" (Poročilo iz Cardiffa) [32] zagotavljajo okvir za, med drugim, redno ocenjevanje delovanja storitev splošnega interesa na enotnem trgu.
The broad economic policy guidelines together with the report on their implementation and the annual Commission Communication on "Economic reform - report on the functioning of product and capital markets' (Cardiff Report)(32) provide the framework for, among other things, assessing on a regular basis the functioning of services of general economic interest in the single market.
865 Končna redakcija
Načela, ki urejajo sodelovalna združena podjetja, bodo opisana v smernicah Komisije v ta namen.
The principles governing cooperative joint ventures are to be set out in Commission guidelines to that effect.
866 Končna redakcija
Nacionalne centralne banke so sestavni del ESCB in delujejo v skladu s smernicami in navodili ECB.
The national central banks are an integral part of the ESCB and shall act in accordance with the guidelines and instructions of the ECB.
867 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Vsi ukrepi, ki se uvedejo, morajo biti sorazmerni, ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B Kodeksa ISPS.
Any such measures imposed must be proportionate, taking into account the guidance given in part B of the ISPS Code.
868 Končna redakcija
To pa ne preprečuje, da bi bil združljiv ukrep, ki izpolnjuje pogoje drugih okvirov ali smernic.
However, this does not in any way preclude the compatibility of a measure which meets the terms of other frameworks or guidelines.
869 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Če kot pogoj za izdajo dovoljenja niso bile postavljene drugačne zahteve, ali pozneje kakor določajo smernice, navedene v členu 106(1), se poročila o vseh neželenih učinkih predložijo pristojnim organom v rednih ažuriranih poročilih o varnosti zdravila, takoj na zahtevo ali najmanj vsakih šest mesecev po izdaji dovoljenja in do dajanja zdravila na trg.
Unless other requirements have been laid down as a condition for the granting of the marketing authorisation, or subsequently as indicated in the guidelines referred to in Article 106(1), reports of all adverse reactions shall be submitted to the competent authorities in the form of a periodic safety update report, immediately upon request or at least every six months after authorisation and until the placing on the market.
870 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0074
Ta točka se razlaga v skladu s smernicami o porabi vložkov v proizvodnem procesu iz Priloge II."
This item shall be interpreted in accordance with the guidelines on consumption of inputs in the production process contained in Annex II".
871 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
Če se po opravljeni preiskavi na sumljivem gospodarstvu klinični znaki ali spremembe, značilne za klasično prašičjo kugo, ne ugotovijo, pristojni organ pa meni, da na podlagi teh ugotovitev klasične prašičje kuge ni mogoče izključiti in je zato treba opraviti nadaljnje laboratorijske preiskave, se kot smernice uporabijo postopki vzorčenja iz pododstavka 5.
If, after the examination carried out in a suspected holding, clinical signs or lesions suggestive of classical swine fever are not detected, but further laboratory tests are deemed necessary by the competent authority to rule out classical swine fever, the sampling procedures laid down in subparagraph 5 shall be used for guidance purposes.
872 Končna redakcija
Moda je zelo selektivna; večkrat se mora telo prilagajati modnim smernicam in celostnemu modnemu videzu.
Fashion is very selective; in many cases, it is the body that must be adapted to fashion trends and to the overall fashionable appearance.
873 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Takšne ukrepe je treba sprejeti ob upoštevanju zahtev iz poglavja XI-2 in smernic iz tega dela Kodeksa.
Such measures should be taken with due regard to the requirements in chapter XI-2 and the guidance provided in this Part of the Code.
874 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31983D0516
Pred 1. majem vsako leto in za tri naslednja proračunska leta Komisija sprejeme v skladu s tem Sklepom in ob upoštevanju potrebe po spodbujanju skladnega razvoja Skupnosti smernice za upravljanje Sklada, ki določajo tiste aktivnosti, ki odražajo prednostne naloge Skupnosti, kot jih je določil Svet, in zlasti akcijske programe na področju zaposlovanja in poklicnega usposabljanja.
The Commission shall adopt, before 1 May of each year and for the three following financial years, in accordance with this Decision, and taking into account the need to promote the harmonious development of the Community, the Fund-management guidelines for determining those operations which reflect Community priorities as defined by the Council and in particular the action programmes in the area of employment and vocational training.
875 Končna redakcija
Za namene tega odstavka so upravičeni stroški določeni na podlagi Smernic o državni regionalni pomoči. fn
For the purposes of this paragraph, eligible costs shall be defined on the basis of the Guidelines on national regional aid fn.
876 Končna redakcija
Smernica 4.1: Popravek mora nedvoumno izpričati, da je bila predhodna informacija v celoti ali delno napačna.
Guideline 4.1. The correction must clearly show that the previously published information was incorrect in whole or in part.
877 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Varnostni uradnik ladje si je pridobil znanje in se usposabljal ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B tega kodeksa.
The ship security officer shall have knowledge and have received training, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code.
878 Končna redakcija
Svet na podlagi splošnih smernic Evropskega sveta sklene, da bi neko zadevo morali urejati s skupnim ukrepanjem.
The Council shall decide, on the basis of general guidelines from the European Council, that a matter should be the subject of joint action.
879 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Poleg smernic iz odstavka 9.2 mora varnostni načrt ladje določiti naslednje v zvezi z vsemi stopnjami zaščite:
In addition to the guidance given in paragraph 9.2, the SSP should establish the following, which relate to all security levels:.
880 Končna redakcija
(5) Cena za storitve revidiranja mora biti določena v skladu s smernicami za oblikovanje cen revizijskih storitev.
(5) The price for auditing services shall be determined in conformity with the guidelines for price formation of auditing services.
881 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Poleg smernic iz odstavka 16.3 mora varnostni načrt ladje določiti naslednje v zvezi z vsemi stopnjami zaščite:
In addition to the guidance given under paragraph 16.3, the PFSP should establish the following, which relate to all security levels:.
882 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
Če ni nadaljnjih smernic, se pojem "sistematične napake v uporabi" tipa odsevnika tolmači v smislu 6.1 Priloge 0.
In the absence of other criteria, the concept of "consistent failure to conform" of a type of reflex reflector when in use shall be interpreted in accordance with 6.1 of Annex 0.
883 Končna redakcija
Novi državi članici sta v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta ter v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske skupnosti in ki so jih soglasno sprejele države članice, v enakem položaju kakor sedanje države članice; ustrezno s tem bosta spoštovali načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz teh izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejeli ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The new Member States are in the same situation as the present Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; they will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
884 Končna redakcija
Helenska republika je v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta v enakem položaju kakor sedanje države članice; v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske skupnosti in ki so jih države članice sprejele v medsebojnem soglasju, bo ustrezno spoštovala načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz omenjenih izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejela ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The Hellenic Republic is in the same situation as the present Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; it will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
885 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Če kot pogoj za izdajo dovoljenja za promet niso bile postavljene drugačne zahteve ali pozneje, kakor določajo smernice iz člena 77(1), je treba poročila o vseh neželenih škodljivih učinkih predložiti pristojnim organom v obliki z zadnjimi podatki dopolnjenega rednega poročila o varnosti, bodisi na zahtevo takoj ali vsaj vsakih šest mesecev po izdaji dovoljenja za promet, dokler se zdravilo daje v promet.
Unless other requirements have been laid down as a condition for the granting of the marketing authorisation or subsequently as indicated in the guidelines referred to in Article 77(1), reports of all adverse reactions shall be submitted to the competent authorities in the form of a periodic safety update report, immediately upon request or at least every six months after authorisation until the placing on the market.
886 Končna redakcija
Nove države članice so v zvezi z izjavami ali resolucijami ali drugimi stališči Sveta v enakem položaju kakor prvotne države članice; v zvezi s tistimi, ki zadevajo Evropske Skupnosti in ki so jih države članice sprejele v medsebojnem soglasju, bodo ustrezno spoštovale načela in smernice, izhajajoče iz omenjenih izjav, resolucij ali drugih stališč, ter sprejele ukrepe, ki so potrebni za njihovo izvajanje.
The new Member States are in the same situation as the original Member States in respect of declarations or resolutions of, or other positions taken up by, the Council and in respect of those concerning the European Communities adopted by common agreement of the Member States; they will accordingly observe the principles and guidelines deriving from those declarations, resolutions or other positions and will take such measures as may be necessary to ensure their implementation.
887 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Takšen načrt se pripravi ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B tega kodeksa in je zapisan v delovnem jeziku pristanišča.
Such a plan shall be developed taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code and shall be in the working language of the port facility.
888 Končna redakcija
Da bi se izognili težavam, je zato potreben skrbno razdelani sistem napotkov in smernic za opravljanje materinskega dela.
In order to avoid difficulties, a well thought-out and elaborate system of instruction and guidelines is needed to perform mothering tasks.
889 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976L0757
XII.3 Če ni nadaljnjih smernic, se pojem "sistematične napake v uporabi" tipa odsevnika tolmači v smislu 6.1 Priloge 0.
XII.3. In the absence of other criteria, the concept of "consistent failure to conform" of a type of reflex reflector when in use shall be interpreted in accordance with 6.1 of Annex 0.
890 Končna redakcija
Obračun in poravnavo zneskov, ki so posledica razporeditve denarnih prihodkov, izvede ECB v skladu s smernicami Sveta ECB.
The clearing and settlement of the balances arising from the allocation of monetary income shall be carried out by the ECB in accordance with guidelines established by the Governing Council.
891 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
"(f) da ravna v skladu z načeli in smernicami dobre proizvodne prakse za zdravila in uporabi kot vhodne snovi samo zdravilne učinkovine, ki so bile izdelane v skladu s podrobnimi smernicami za dobro proizvodno prakso za vhodne snovi.";
"(f) comply with the principles and the guidelines on good manufacturing practice for medicinal products and use as starting materials only active substances which have been manufactured in accordance with the detailed guidelines on good manufacturing practice for starting materials.";
892 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0725
Takšen načrt se pripravi ob upoštevanju smernic iz dela B tega kodeksa in je zapisan v delovnem jeziku ali jezikih ladje.
Such a plan shall be developed, taking into account the guidance given in part B of this Code, and shall be written in the working language or languages of the ship.
893 Končna redakcija
Od revizije smernic v zvezi s prometnimi mrežami se pričakuje, da bo dodatno spodbudila doseganje ciljev na tem področju,
A revision of the guidelines for the transport networks is expected to further advance the achievement of the objectives in that area,
894 Končna redakcija
Evropski svet na podlagi poročila Sveta obravnava sklep o širših smernicah ekonomskih politik držav članic in Skupnosti.
The European Council shall, acting on the basis of the report from the Council, discuss a conclusion on the broad guidelines of the economic policies of the Member States and of the Community.
895 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0028
Razen v izjemnih okoliščinah, se ti učinki elektronsko sporočijo v obliki poročila v skladu s smernicami iz člena 77(1).
Save in exceptional circumstances, these reactions shall be communicated electronically in the form of a report in accordance with the guidelines referred to in Article 77(1).
896 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0648
Stopenjski pristop se opredeli s tehničnimi smernicami, ki se sprejmejo v skladu s postopkom iz člena 12(2) do 8. aprila 2007.
The tiered approach will be defined in a technical guidance document to be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2) by 8 April 2007.
897 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0027
Razen v izjemnih okoliščinah, neželene učinke sporoča elektronsko v obliki poročila v skladu s smernicami iz člena 106(1).
Save in exceptional circumstances, these reactions shall be communicated electronically in the form of a report in accordance with the guidelines referred to in Article 106(1).
898 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
Ta smernica je naslovljena na NCB držav članic, ki so uvedle enotno valuto v skladu s Pogodbo o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti.
This Guideline is addressed to the NCBs of the Member States that have adopted the single currency in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community.
899 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0001
Vsako pomoč, ki ne izpolnjuje navedenih pogojev, oceni Komisija skladno z ustreznimi okviri, smernicami, obvestili in sporočili.
Any aid which does not fulfil those conditions shall be assessed by the Commission in accordance with the relevant frameworks, guidelines, communications and notices.
900 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
Njihova struktura po možnosti upošteva skupno strukturo poročil o vrednotenju, določeno v smernicah, ki jih pripravi Komisija.
Their structure shall follow, as far as possible, a common structure for evaluation reports defined in guidelines drawn up by the Commission.
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